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Mission to Sector ZZ1219

Page 21

by Jerry D. Young

  “Several have put themselves at risk doing the things I have asked of them, but have always done so. I believe they will this time, as well, even with some additional risks that will be involved.”

  Johnny paused, to touch his medication dispenser, and drink two large tubes of water he asked Willi to get for him.

  Willi released herself from the seat and floated to one of the cabinets she was sure contained water, at least, and probably some rations. She was right on both counts. She flipped water tubes to Sydney, Clyde, and Grant, but took those for Johnny to him, not wanting him to have to strain himself in any way in case her trajectory was off. Not that it ever was, but she was not chancing it.

  A touch of her toe to the cabinet and Willi glided back to join the others. Sydney, Clyde, and Johnny were accustomed to her grace and ability in free fall, which they were in now after Cherokee had stopped the acceleration and they were in coasting mode until they reached the point in space for which Johnny had given coordinates.

  Grant, on the other hand, had not been in a free fall situation with his niece for years. He was amazed when her movement took her right to her seat, which she touched and guided herself into all in one coordinated series of movements.

  “You, young lady,” Grant said, rather in awe, “have developed amazing free fall skills. I do believe you are better than I ever was.”

  “Uncle Grant! That is so nice of you to say!” Willi exclaimed.

  She looked over at Johnny when he added his compliment to her uncle’s. “She is the best in free fall I have ever seen. I have had a great deal of experience in free fall, and your niece outshines everyone else I have ever seen operate outside the influence of gravity, in or out of a life suit.”

  Willi, as pleased as she was at Johnny’s compliment had to say something. “Uncle Grant. Yes, I am good in free fall, but Johnny… He is amazing. I mean truly. I have seen him do…”

  “Please Willi? I probably should get back to the plan…” He lifted an eyebrow, and Willi closed her mouth and nodded. Though she did give Grant a look that said she would fill him in later.

  “With the items and support we will be getting from or through my contacts and arrangements, I believe we can bring this situation to a head, expose those involved, and resolve everything to the desired conclusion. That of making the Confederation the government all that favored it hoped it to be, and planned and worked toward accordingly.

  “Every newly installed government goes through growing pains. Hopefully this situation is just one of those, and things will get back on track for the Confederation to be a major part of the greatest civilization humans have ever seen.”

  Rather moved by his words, the others listened intently as Johnny laid out his plan.

  They were still very much moved by the plan Johnny had, but more stunned than anything, when he stopped talking.

  “You can really do that?” Sydney asked. “But how? They will not let you get by with that…” He flinched a bit, thinking Clyde might chastise him for his comment.

  But Clyde and Grant both were looking at him with that very same question showing in their eyes.

  Willi was silent, but she was also watching Johnny with more than a little doubt in her eyes.

  “Well,” Johnny said, his sardonic grin back fully, once again annoying Willi no end, but she said nothing as he continued, “It is rather nice to not have rumors advanced implying I can do far more than any person possibly could, without question.”

  Johnny actually winced a bit when the awe she was feeling became apparent when Willi almost whispered, “You can do it, can’t you? You really do have the abilities and the contacts to carry out this plan! You never would have said what you did, the way you did, if you couldn’t.”

  Her wide-open eyes went to her uncle Grant. “Uncle Grant… What… Will Mother go along with this?”

  “Oh, Willi,” Grant said, sympathy in his eyes. “Arabella would have it no other way. She fought long and hard, along with most of the other families to bring about the Confederation. She will see this through to the end. I have no doubt, when she learns the full story and the plan, that she will endorse it wholeheartedly.”

  Grant looked from Willi to Johnny, and then back at Willi. “Except, probably, one part of it.” He did not have to say anything else. Willi, Clyde, and Sydney knew just exactly what he meant. And so did Johnny.

  “We shall see,” Johnny said softly. He looked over at Sydney and Clyde. “I did not get into all the details, of course. It was just an overview. I would ask that you talk it over with Lady McKindrick, both of you, and anyone else from whom you normally seek counsel.

  “Whether you would be willing to allow me and my fiancée, Miss Marilyn Monroe, to assist you in locating your sister, who disappeared and has not been seen since the last sighting of her months ago, at the Sol’s Transport Center.

  “I willingly offer the services of myself, and my resources as Guy Richardson to the quest. Whether my fiancée accompanies us is at her sole discretion.”

  Clyde, Sydney, and Willi were looking at Johnny with amazed looks on their faces. Johnny’s quick cut of his eyes to Grant took in his growing smile.

  “But I’m Marilyn!” Willi said. Then she looked stunned, glared at Johnny, and then the glare softened into a smile. “That is tricky. I am going to have to watch you,” she added, tempted to give him a quick kiss. But decided not to give Sydney any ammunition.

  “I don’t get it.” Sydney was shaking his head. “She is Marilyn Monroe, but that is just a stage name. How can we be looking for her as Willi when she is right here?”

  Clyde punched Sydney on the upper arm, lightly, and looked at him for a moment. Suddenly Sydney’s eyes widened. “Oh. I get it!”

  He looked over at Johnny in admiration. “Wow. I never would have thought of that.”

  “Well,” said Johnny, back in explanation mode. “I tried to make sure there were not any connections between Willi as Marilyn, and Willi as Willi, heir to the McKindrick Trading Family fortune, in addition to the precautions she was taking.

  “I do not believe there is anyone left on the planet or space base that has any idea of who Marilyn really is. And I have no intention of not having her around as my fiancée, even if she would let me. We set the stage when she accompanied me to the Governor’s so called inaugural ball.

  “I was Sir Guy, and she was Marilyn Monroe. Anyone and everyone would certainly believe that I succumbed to her beauty and intelligence, and asked her to be my wife after only a few short dates.”

  Willi laughed. “You are so full of it! But, it will probably be the other way around. People will think I snagged you for your money.”

  “Wait,” Sydney said. “Johnny Oneshot has money? Big money? For real?” He was looking at Johnny again, much more than hero worship in his eyes. Now it seemed that Sydney believed Johnny was some kind of extremely wealthy tycoon, as well.

  “Remember… Do not believe everything you see or hear about me.”

  “Yeah. Yeah.” Sydney was studying him as if Johnny might start spilling credit crystals out of his ears.

  “Huh…” interrupted Clyde. “We are in the Navy… They won’t let us just go off…”

  Grant looked at Johnny. “Family Hardship Leave? To look for the sister, with the best friends help and moral support?”

  Johnny smiled broadly. “Nicely put, Commander.” Johnny looked at the two men again. “But this is entirely up to you. If you prefer to stay in the service, and do your duty from inside, I understand completely.”

  “You have others working inside?” Sydney asked, his shrewdness surprising even him. When Johnny nodded, Sydney leaned back in the seat and gave his answer. “Then I am in. All in. With you. And…” He could not keep the grin off his face. “Marilyn. Wait until Willi hears about this. I think she might have had a crush on him from the shu… OW!”

  Willi’s expertly flipped almost empty water bottle hit Sydney right between the eyes. And bounced back just
enough for Willi to snatch it before Sydney could.

  Clyde was shaking his head. “You never learn, do you?” Then he looked over at Johnny. “I’m in. For the duration. I would be glad to work with you to find Miss McKindrick. She is like a sister to me, you know.” Clyde gave a shy wink at Willi.

  “That is sweet, Clyde. Thank you. And you really are like another brother to me.” She glared at Sydney. “A rather less annoying brother than my other one.”

  Johnny was looking at Grant, and recognized the bit of agony he was in. He so wanted to join them. To protect his niece and nephew and Clyde. Even Johnny.

  Johnny shook his head slightly at him. “As much as I would like you to be aboard my ship on this quest, I know how seriously you take your duties to the family, Commander McKindrick. I would like to have your assistance with this, working from the Trinity Home. You will be of invaluable help working together with Lady McKindrick. As much, if not more, than your expertise would be helpful aboard my ship.”

  Grant nodded. That was all he could do. Johnny had given him the perfect out so he did not have to express the conflict he was feeling. “You will have anything I can provide…” He grinned. “Sir Guy, and Miss Monroe.”

  Willi tried to glare at her uncle, but her eyes were tearing up and it was a bit of a watery, ineffective glare, to say the best.

  “But how exactly are we going to do this? It sounds like it could take a while. And we would need a ship. Something pretty decent,” Willi asked.

  “Yes,” Clyde added, “and it would need to be armed like our shuttles. Or better. We would not have fared all that well during the pirate attack, had it not been for Johnny, in his Dominator.”

  Willi bristled just a bit, but she knew Clyde spoke the truth, so she calmed right back down. Then she frowned for a moment, and Grant had a feeling he knew what she was going to suggest. And he was right.

  “Mother’s yacht…” Willi said tentatively. “It is big enough. Fast, and decent armament. Pirates would think it an easy target…”

  Clyde and Sydney both gasped. “The Lavender Rose?” asked Sydney. “I don’t know if Mother would…”

  “If I ask her… Nicely… I think she would at least consider it,” Willi cut her brother off. But her words had changed from the positive to a more questioning one as she spoke.

  Johnny was shaking his head. “It would be too recognizable without a major refit. Besides not wanting to risk Lady McKendrick’s yacht, and not bringing attention to the family, I have already made arrangements for a ship. As well as several things, actually. We will be picking them all up after we drop off the shuttle.”

  “Wait a minute,” Sydney said, again showing his awe. “You were already planning this? Way before?”

  Johnny smiled, and, hoping to lower the hero worship several notches, replied, “No. Of course not. This is simply something I had in the works for something else. It just happens that it will work out nicely for what I have in mind.”

  “Oh,” Sydney said, actually looking rather disappointed in Johnny.

  Grant spoke next. “And the Letters Of Marque? You are sure that the Confederation will grant them? I don’t think anything like that has been done since the early twentieth century. And I am not sure about that.”

  “You mentioned that, Johnny,” Clyde said. “I am not one-hundred-percent sure just what they are.”

  Johnny nodded. “They simply grant the holder the right to seek out enemies of the government, defeat them, and take as prizes whatever might be in their possession, including their ship, stores, and cargo.

  “Most often granted in wartime for private vessels capable of taking a fight to the enemy on the high seas, they were used at times to battle pirates, as we will be doing.” Johnny made no mention of the Ecronians. He hoped to force the actions necessary to get the Ecronians to rethink their plan without having to engage them directly.

  When he had learned that the Ecronian government was actively cultivating, equipping, supplying, and paying for whatever the pirates could capture, he had already decided to do something.

  The situation the Ecronians had created by asking for his head, basically, gave even more incentive to go pirate hunting, and made it easier to do it without the objections that would come from far too many people if he went off on his own.

  Suddenly Sydney’s eyes got huge. “Hey, Sis! You remember the old library that someone created back before the Dark Times? The one each of the families received anonymously not long after things started getting bad?”

  Even Johnny was curious about what Sydney would bring up. He wished he had stopped him somehow when he heard the rest.

  When Willi nodded, so did Clyde. “Yeah, so?” asked Clyde.

  “Remember those vids you liked so much when you were a kid, Willli? The ‘Bond, James Bond’ ones?” Sydney had attempted an accent, and deepened his voice. But it did not matter too much that he was not successful emulating the twentieth century actor. The words were enough.

  Johnny groaned when Willi colored just slightly. And stared at Johnny. Just like Clyde and Sydney were. Grant just looked confused.

  “It is like he is a super spy! A double oh seven. Licensed to kill… Pirates.”

  “And he does seem…” Clyde started to say, but an almost pleading look from Johnny stopped him.

  It did not stop Willi. “Oh, my goodness! You’re right! And he is so much more handsome. And…” Willi blushed and closed her mouth.

  “I know I am missing something,” Grant said, with a chuckle, “but with Johnny’s reaction, I think perhaps we should move on. What else do you need to tell us, Johnny?”

  “Not much, Sir,” Johnny replied. “At least not at the moment. I would prefer that you not know some of the details that the others will be getting soon. For everyone’s safety.

  “We will be reaching a way station soon, where Cherokee, Willi, Clyde, Syd, and I will disembark with our gear. From there the Naval ratings will deliver you to the nearest base that can get you to the Trinity Home.

  “We will be picked up not long after you depart, and be taken to our intermediate destination, where we will get started on effecting the plan.

  “For right now, I suggest everyone get a bit of rest. Cherokee is rested and can take the shuttle the rest of the way. Everyone else has had some long, stressful hours. I think sleep would do us all some good.”

  With that, Johnny set the example, as much to ward off any more conversation as to needing sleep. Though he did. And a good shot of pain medication.

  Some four hours later, Cherokee docked the shuttle with a temporary way station ship. The ships were not equipped with gravity wheels so everything was done in free fall, and for safety, space suits were worn for all docking and transfer activities. The way station ships went from point to point, under hire, whenever a way point was needed for a while in areas without other suitable facilities.

  Willi, Sydney, and Clyde all said their good-byes to Grant before suiting up. Johnny suited up except for his gloves and helmet. When Willi went to don her suit after saying good-bye, Johnny had a private word with Grant. They shook hands as Willi came back into the passenger compartment.

  A few moments later the five that were staying were off the shuttle, and it was headed away from the way station ship. Johnny had asked the ratings to keep the rear sensor suite off for at least twenty minutes after the left the way station ship.

  The five did not even go through the airlock, remaining inside until the ship that would be picking them up docked only a few minutes later. It had been on the far side of the way station, and cloaked, so those in the shuttle had not been able to see it.

  When the craft uncloaked before docking, Sydney let out an exclamation. “That’s a Sandusky Speed Demon III! One of the fastest class of ships in the Galaxy!”

  “We are in kind of a hurry,” Johnny replied calmly.

  “Well, that will sure get us where we are going in a hurry,” Clyde said, shaking his head.

nny could tell that Willi was a bit awed by the craft, too. Even Cherokee, Johnny noticed, had widened his eyes at the sight of the fast ship.

  The Sandusky Family Enterprises Speed Demon III class ships were high-speed couriers for valuable cargos and passengers that needed to get between two points in space as quickly as possible.

  Using a constant one gravity acceleration for a little over half way to the destination, it would reverse, and use a bit over one gravity deceleration for the remainder of the trip. It used quite a bit of energy traveling that way. But it was about the fastest way to get anywhere safely, and reasonably comfortably.

  The ship was designed so that during the trip, except for the rotation phase near the middle, the one-gee and slightly higher gee-force of deceleration, created an artificial gravity of sorts, so passengers could move around freely without needing to have much skill in free fall. Plus, it made several other activities much easier.

  Though not large, with those advantages, travelling on a Speed Demon III was a very nice way to travel.

  Once the transfer was made, Willi’s eyes immediately went to a rather tall, really slim, but curvy redhead that was looking at Johnny with a look on her face that Willi suddenly was not liking very much at all.

  As soon as her helmet was off, Sydney whispered to her, “Your green eyes are showing, Sis.” Which nearly cost him a space suit gloved fist to his nose. The only reason she did not punch him was she did not want to make a scene, since both would have gone flying in free fall.

  Stripping out of the space suit quickly, so she could move better, she was just a bit too slow to intercede when the woman rushed Johnny as soon as he had his suit off.

  “Don’t…” Willi was calling to the woman when she launched herself toward Johnny, with the obvious intention of hugging him, saying, in a voice that Willi liked even less than the woman’s looks, “Johnny! Sweetie! I finally get to see you again!”

  She had to admit that Johnny did some rather fancy maneuvering in free fall to avoid the woman slamming into him. Especially considering that he was looking at Willi, she noticed, not the woman.


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