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Mission to Sector ZZ1219

Page 26

by Jerry D. Young

  And Arabella and Johnny had no doubts that they would speak of it the first chance they had. There were four Confederation officials aboard the Trinity Home.

  With one day of rest and preparation, the wedding between Johnny/Sir Guy and Willi/Marilyn took place.

  As they were waiting, in separate compartments, Willi and Arabella both were surprised when Johnny sent Syd to ask Malcom to come to the room the men were using. Malcom was Arabella’s family’s minister. One of several that were on the ship, for those of the varying faiths. He had been brought into the circle of those that knew what was happening.

  Once there, Johnny took Malcolm aside and talked to him with his back to the room while blocking others’ view of Malcom.

  As short as Malcom was, and tall and broad as Johnny was, no one saw the two men’s hands touch, or the quick nod that Malcolm gave Johnny as they did.

  Everyone did see, Johnny made sure, the two men shake hands before he joined the others, ready for the wedding. They all went to one of the small chapels not too far from Arabella’s quarters.

  Syd stood with Sir Guy, and Evie stood with Marilyn, Cherokee gave away the bride, with the Majors, Clyde, and an ambassador of another sector, two high ranking administrators, and a retiring colonel that Arabella had granted permission to travel with them to their intended transfer point, since it was on the way to the Trinity Home’s next trading destination, also in attendance.

  Willi, Grant, and Major Butler were a bit worried that Malcom might stumble with the names, which would raise some questions about the wedding, but he went through the simple ceremony without a hitch.

  Sir Guy kissed Marilyn, Syd threw some rice, and those that would be leaving in Lady Paladin made themselves scarce quickly, to avoid the government people.

  Willi and Johnny, Syd, and Clyde joined Arabella and Grant in the compartment from which they had watched the proceedings. Arabella gave Willi a long hug, and then a gentler, but just as long of a hug to Johnny. There were handshakes all around.

  Only once did Willi want to maim Syd, when he loudly asked their mother if he could give Willi away at the real wedding. “I have been looking forward to that event for years!” He laughed, and Johnny held Willi’s hand tightly to keep her by his side.

  The Lady Paladin had been restocked to replace the few things they used after leaving the Scanlon facility, so there was no delay in their leaving after they had changed clothing and said good-bye to those few people that were in on the plan. Though the private good-byes did take a while, and were a bit teary at times.

  Those in front of the government officials were heavily laden with Arabella’s pleas to find Wilhelmina, and for Sydney and Clyde to be careful, and assurances from Johnny that they would do their best.

  But it was not long before Evie was drifting the Lady Paladin further away from her parking position near the Trinity Home in preparation to leaving to start the journey. She had just a little way on the Lady Paladin when she looked around at Johnny in the command chair.

  “Course, Sir?”

  “Lay course for these coordinates.” Johnny manipulated his communicator and the coordinates appeared in the helm display.

  Evie showed no emotion, Willi started slightly and looked back at Johnny, but put her eyes back on her co-pilot station. Janet and Bill exchanged a long look, and then glanced at Johnny. Cherokee had not even blinked an eye.

  It was Sydney that asked, “I’m not sure where those coordinates are. I know it is out past Sector YY-1028, but I didn’t think there was anything out there.”

  “We shall see,” Johnny said cryptically.

  With the Lady Paladin already up to the one-eighth gee acceleration rate, they went to their light duty flight status. Johnny turned the con over to Janet, and with Evie at the pilot station, everyone else left the bridge.

  And Johnny and Willi headed to their new, shared quarters.

  Chapter Nine


  For almost a month Lady Paladin was kept headed for the same coordinates. Johnny did deviate the actual course a few times, however. This was to approach areas of space with enough debris in various asteroid swarms, and other lone objects to allow effective practice with the various weapons systems the Lady Paladin carried.

  Also, to allow Willi and Syd, along with two of the Trinity Home crew members that were pilots, to become familiar with the flight path clearing railguns. And with the other flight capabilities of the Lady Paladin that would not be obvious, even expected, in a gravity wheel ship.

  Along with the weapons training aboard the Lady Paladin, the Dominator IIs were checked out by all that would be flying them, or would need to know how in an emergency. And that included the additional weapons systems that were included that were not on the original Dominator. Even the special version that Captain Butler had taken to Sector ZZ-1219, or the two that Johnny had taken.

  These were greatly enhanced versions of the fighter and attack craft, though in a nearly identical framework. The first time Major Butler took one out for a serious test, along with Major Echart in a second one, they both returned with huge grins on their faces.

  The others that flew them each returned likewise. Even the test flights of the shuttles brought, at the very least, pleased smiles, and accolades for Johnny on the design elements he had incorporated in them, as well.

  What Johnny did not say, and only Major Butler and Cherokee realized, was that Johnny was also checking for indications that anyone might be following or tracking them.

  Because the sensors also were tested thoroughly, on all the craft, including the Lady Paladin. With Evie getting a bit annoyed with her brother for the additional tests run with the Lady Paladin’s sensors, since she had already thoroughly updated him on the entire testing phase of the ship that she had performed before his arrival at the Scanlon base.

  “Just being thorough, sister mine,” Johnny explained. “It gives the others some time using them under less than ideal circumstances.”

  Which, Evie had to admit, as did Willi, who had wondered about it as well, was a valid concern, as Johnny did have them doing various maneuvers and trials and tests that she had not even thought to run, or even attempt. Many of them involving being near, in, or close to various obstacles, many of which they had just turned into various size small particles with various weapons systems, compared to what they had been.

  More than once Major Butler and Cherokee took note of the Lady Paladin’s orientation in space, relative to the galactic plane, and the location of the center of the galaxy.

  Many of the times the Lady Paladin was using sensors aimed along their back track, the line of their original course, and directions from which attacks might be likely to come, based on known information. Well, known to Johnny, apparently, as he often took special note of some of them.

  After twenty-six days the new crew members were well integrated with those that had started out from the Scanlon production facility. And everyone was very well trained, and cross-trained in multiple duties.

  Johnny was in the command chair, with Evie at the helm, and Willi in the co-pilot’s position late on that twenty-sixth day. As they were doing some additional tests, that everyone except Johnny considered unnecessary, as they had all been performed multiple times before, Clyde was at the sensors and weapons main console.

  Cherokee was on the communications console. Communications, other than in-ship and those with daughter craft in flight, was usually handled by the person on the Sensors & Weapons primary console. And during most of the journey Godiva had been monitoring the systems, without once annunciating a signal received.

  Major Butler was manning the flight deck bay control console and Dominator II ready rack monitors. Two of the other eleven crew were also on duty, with Syd and Major Echart both off-rotation, as were the other nine additional crew members.

  Everyone on the bridge, except Cherokee, turned to look at Johnny when he quietly gave an instruction to Cherokee. “Ensign, if you please. Steer
an antenna to bounce a signal off that last object we went past thirty-four hours ago. Do your best to angle the reflected signal toward Earth.”

  Willi had her mouth open to question the order, but Evie beat her to it, and Willi was glad she did. Because Ship’s Captain Sir Guy Richardson was who answered Evie, not her brother Johnny Richardson.

  “Belay that, Pilot. Maintain course and speed, if you please.” His voice was quiet, almost soft, and bore no anger or reprimand. Just the fact that he said it was enough to have Evie turning back around, pink rising up her neck quickly.

  “Aye, Sir,” she responded, in much the same soft but business-like voice.

  “Ready Captain,” Cherokee said, only moments later.

  “Send… No encryption… Send, ‘Pirates’ presence confirmed. Closing rapidly. Expect to engage minus twenty-four hours. CSFS Enterprise out.’”

  Only a fraction over two seconds and Cherokee spoke again. “Message sent, Captain. Standing by.”

  “Very good, Ensign. Transfer comms to Sensors. Ready six sets of Ship EVA gear, with weapons, and six sets of Atmospheric Assault gear. Load the Assault gear in Shuttle Five. Then you are off duty. Expect a wakeup call in approximately seven hours. Dismissed Ensign.”

  Cherokee was up out of his seat, dropping toward the hatch into the Rotating Control Structure in just a few seconds, where he would head for one of the Lady Paladin’s personal weapons compartments to carry out Johnny’s orders.

  Once the airlock hatch was closed, Johnny spoke again. “I assume everyone would like an explanation…”

  Willi did not even hesitate, even seeing that Evie did. “Yes, my new husband, I sure would.”

  Johnny was pleased to note that even though she would look at him, more glare than look, he supposed, she kept a very good watch on her co-pilot console. Though Clyde, on Sensors & Weapons, and Evie in the Pilot’s seat, were more than capable of watching and dealing with navigational obstacles, when someone was at the co-pilot console, that was their primary duty.

  “Confederation Space Force Ship Enterprise?” she asked with a bit of sarcasm evident.

  Major Butler kept his grin to himself. He was not immune from Willi’s sharp tongue.

  Johnny only glanced at her before turning his eyes back to the command chair displays. “I thought it a suitable pseudonym for Lady Paladin and Godiva. To at least delay the discovery of their names. And our purpose.”

  “Oh,” Willi said thoughtfully, her eyes checking her console, and then cutting back to Johnny. “But why even transmit? We haven’t seen, or sensors picked up, anything out here that was not simply normal materials found all over open space areas.

  “Much less pirates that we could engage in less than twenty-four hours. We can’t even see that far ahead to reach somewhere in twenty-four hours. And Assault suits?” Willi shook her head, glanced at the console. But quickly turned her head back toward Johnny.

  “Oh. This is another unannounced drill?” she asked then.

  There was that sardonic smile Willi had not seen for a while.

  “Afraid not, Willi. Afraid not. And, to be accurate, we can actually see the distance we can travel in twenty-four hours travelling at the velocity we have reached. Speaking of which, Pilot, I would like you to disengage the drives. Announce that we are going to coasting flight with maneuvering possible. Standard timed warnings.”

  “Aye, Captain,” Evie responded, before Willi could say anything else. The first warning went out, and then Evie was listening to Johnny and Willi carefully again. Without letting on that she was. She thought, anyway.

  But then it hit her what Johnny had said about the sensors. She managed to not let her mouth drop open in surprise, nor turn to look at Clyde for confirmation.

  Which would not have helped, because Clyde was already well into his search in the console software looking for signs of that capability.

  As Willi sputtered for a moment, Johnny said, his eyes still on her, “Lieutenant Quintain, you will not find it. I will explain later.”

  Willi was able to speak again. “Okay. Just tell me, would you?” She shook her head. “I don’t know why I let myself be surprised. Every stinking time.”

  This time Clyde, Major Butler, and Evie all made sure Willi did not see their grins. Because, like Major Butler, Clyde and Evie were also not immune to Willi’s barbs. She just seemed to go just a bit easier on them than most. Especially Syd and Johnny. But they still stung.

  All listened intently, yet quietly, even Willi, when Johnny began to explain his most recent actions. Well, mostly.

  “My latest information from my sources…” Johnny held up the communicator.

  But before he could continue, Willi did interrupt. “Are you telling me that your communicator can receive all the way out here? From where?”

  Though Evie heard the growl from Willi, she did not comment when Johnny’s sardonic grin appeared. She did not have to see her brother’s face to know the grin was there. That particular growl from Willi was indication enough.

  “Actually, just from the third back up communications system in Lady Paladin’s extended hull. It contains a repeater that transmits to my communicator. Information it picks up from a variety of sensors and communications devices it contains that are not part of Lady Paladin’s systems.”

  Although Johnny was not surprised, and Evie only slightly, when Godiva announced in what could only be termed an annoyed tone of voice,

  Godiva: Nor do I have access to them.

  Willi, Major Butler, and Clyde, on the other hand were quite surprised.

  Godiva had not made her presence known in quite some time, though her active status had been displayed the entire trip.

  Before Willi could say anything else, Johnny continued his explanation, confident that once he was a bit more into it, Willi would not interrupt. Probably.

  “My information is that a fleet… more a convoy, I think I would describe it, is going to be passing through the sector ahead of us as we continue this course.

  “It is my strong belief that this convoy is heading for another sector, much like ZZ-1219, in that their defenses are relatively weak, with enough unrest and unease with the Confederation, especially after their announcement of my intended arrest and execution, to make them vulnerable.

  “I have some friends and acquaintances, as well as some business interests in the sector. I have no wish for any danger to come to them from my recent activities. Especially the need to make some kind of choice between the Confederation and me, with the threats appearing out of deep space to complicate matters.

  “So, I want that convoy to know that someone is out here, knows about them, or at least thinks they do, and will take action to avoid any confrontation with a Confederation Naval ship.”

  “What good will that do?” Willi asked, truly curious. “If they change course, how will we do anything about them.”

  This time the smile was feral, which Willi easily recognized from past exposure to it, causing her to shiver just a bit internally. “Someone is going to regret the day they were born,” Willi thought to herself.

  “Oh, the course change will bring them right to us. Just as we reach a very long orbit, very large swarm of asteroids, and probably a few other things, as well.

  “In trying to avoid the non-existent CSFS Enterprise, they will be putting themselves right into our sights, with, I believe, no thought that we will be there.”

  “Thus the bounced signal?” Clyde asked when Johnny paused to check his monitors.

  Johnny nodded, without looking up immediately. When he did, he looked over at Clyde and nodded again. “The transmission path should put the signal, at least scattered parts of it since that rock was very irregular, on enough paths that I believe one of the craft, bases, moons, or planets with one or more of the Pirates’ spies will receive the message, and pass it on to those that can get a message this far out in time for the convoy to receive it and change their course.”

  “That’ll tak
e days,” protested Evie. “Unless that spy or those spies are fairly close, and can get the message to someone already pretty far out here. You indicated we would meet up with them in a few hours.”

  Johnny smiled, and Evie winced slightly, realizing she had spoken up, when she meant to be having the conversation with herself.

  “Normally true, Evie. With conventional equipment. However, the Ecronians have provided the Pirates with a communications system that is extremely fast and extremely private.

  “And while the Confederation R&D has a couple of operating prototypes, with the Scanlon, Sandusky, Bastion, Quintain, and Richardson families having a few working systems, the Ecronian system is in full use in their home areas, and at least one system is based near Earth.

  “I have very few doubts that the convoy will not have the message within four to five hours. That will be time enough for them to change course and accelerate, in order to be well clear of the area where they would have been, without my slight-of-hand communication.

  “Which leads me to the next part of what I need to explain.” Johnny paused, to check his monitors, make a few keystrokes, and watch the monitors for another moment before he continued.

  “When we reach a certain point, which will be recalculated and updated by Godiva on a steady basis, we will lock the gravity wheel, and go to what would amount to Battle Stations, I suppose, on a military craft. Just a heightened awareness of possible risks, for us, more accurately.

  “I will have the assignments for staff and crew I want them doing at that time ready for all of you shortly, so you may make the assignments for those in your area of responsibility.

  “In the meantime, Pilot Richardson and Captain Richardson, you are relieved for the rest of the current rotation. Your orders are to get some rest, and nourishment in time to be fully ready for the situation that will be occurring in a few hours. Godiva will see that you do not oversleep, though I have doubts that would happen, anyway.”

  Both women looked at him, obviously ready to protest. But the look on his face, his body language, and the look in his eyes totally silenced both of them. They both meekly rose and kicked off toward the Control Structure Ring airlock.


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