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Mission to Sector ZZ1219

Page 31

by Jerry D. Young

  Fortunately, Willi was rampaging at him, which kept her distracted enough for Johnny to be able to let Cherokee know to get the holes repaired before Willi had a chance to see them later.

  Cherokee chuckled, but nodded. He lagged behind as Willi more or less dragged Johnny somewhere she could yell at him a bit more privately. Then Cherokee went and took care of the repairs himself.

  Johnny let her rave. He knew how she felt. He had gone through it, with both his mother and father. The fear. The anguish. The worry. Everything Willi was feeling about him, he had felt about his parents.

  It was only when they swam into their quarters in the extended hull did Johnny pull Willi to him and kiss her. Long, deep, and hard. When he eased her away from him, they were drifting toward what would soon be a floor, as Evie brought Lady Paladin up to a one-gee constant acceleration.

  Willi’s breathing was just as fast as it had been on the way to their quarters, but for a very different reason. As Johnny made sure they were balanced on their feet when they touched the floor, he held Willi’s shoulders and looked deep into her eyes.

  “Willi… My love… I am sorry. But this was something that I felt had to be done. Something that only I could do. And it had to be right then, in those particular circumstances. I honestly wanted to explain first. But I did not believe there was time to convince you of the need, nor talk you out of going when you did perceive the need.

  “I have promised to keep you informed… to discuss things with you… and I will keep that promise, Willi. But this time… hopefully the only time it will ever be necessary… I had to do it afterward. Explain the what, why, and wherefores afterward, rather than before.”

  Willi’s eyes had been on Johnny’s, looking into them as deeply as he had been looking into hers. Her tears slowly tapered off. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. And then released it as she leaned into Johnny, wrapping her arms around him tightly, and pressed her cheek against his chest.

  “I understand, Johnny. I do. But I cannot help myself at times… I never really thought I would find someone… someone I could love the way my parents loved one another. That I could feel that deeply.”

  Johnny was holding Willi just as tightly as she was him. He could feel her head, even through the flight suit, as she shook it minutely. “But I found I could. I could love you that much. So much it was like my very soul was torn from me when you left, and I was not with you.”

  “I’m sorry…” Johnny whispered. “So sorry…”

  Johnny released Willi when her tight grip loosened. However, when she leaned back slightly, her hands still on Johnny’s waist, he held her hips, never letting go, since she did not pull all the way back.

  Slowly she lifted her eyes to meet his again. “Don’t be sorry,” she whispered. “Never be sorry. I will not do that to you. I realized, just now, that you truly are, and always will be, Johnny Oneshot, as much legend as real. And I would never take that away from you… or me… or the rest of the universe. I love you. All of you. In all your guises. With all your quirks. I love…”

  Her words faded, and she once again laid her head on Johnny’s chest and gripped him tightly. But only for a moment. Then she stepped back, stood on tiptoes, and kissed him. And then kissed him again.

  Willi suddenly grinned when Godiva/Lady Paladin spoke.

  Godiva/Lady Paladin: “Captain Anderson to the bridge.”

  Sidney and Clyde were not the only two people that shared a look, with one whispering, “Who is Captain Anderson?”

  Evie heard the murmurs from those on the bridge behind her. She simply grinned. Her brother still had some secrets from the others on board. She frowned then. And, apparently, from her, she suddenly suspected.

  Since Godiva/Lady Paladin had not indicated an emergency, Johnny took the time to change out of his flight suit into ship’s clothing. Not without some interference from Willi. She seemed determined to annoy him in the most pleasant way. Finally, he stepped back, took both of her hands in his, and looked at her face. “You. Will. Stop… Correct?”

  Johnny winced just a bit when he realized the last had come out as a question, and not the command he had intended.

  Willi stood there, tilted her head slightly, and looked at him. She finally grinned. “Well… Since you put it so nicely. I suppose I will have to. I will meet you on the bridge.” With that, and a tug of her hands, she pulled away and left Johnny to his task.

  The questions began immediately when Willi entered the bridge. “Who is this Captain Anderson?” Sydney asked. “Did Oneshot bring someone on board from those Ecronian ships?”

  “What?” Willi asked. Looking rather confused.

  “Godiva just requested a Captain Anderson to come to the bridge,” replied Major Echart.

  “But that’s…”

  Before Willi could finish, Johnny entered the bridge. “You requested my presence, Godiva?” Johnny asked.

  “Wait…” Syd and Clyde exchanged another glance, and then looked at Johnny again. “You’re Captain Anderson?” Syd asked. He looked at Willi for confirmation, rather than Johnny.

  Willi grinned. “He sure is. Oscar John Anderson.” When the others looked a bit shocked, she added, watching Sydney closely. “Yes. THOSE Andersons.”

  Sydney’s eyes got wide. He stared at Johnny.

  “Willi…” said Johnny, rather hurriedly.

  But Willi was on a roll. She needed to make up some time with the teasing she had not been able to get in lately. “Yes, sir. Those Andersons. Of the Quincannon family.” When she cut a look at Johnny, she quickly looked away, ignoring the look he was giving her.

  “Your sister, brother Sydney, is married to Sir Dunigan Quincannon. AKA, Johnny Oneshot.”

  As Johnny tried to calm Sydney and Clyde down, and keep Cherokee from exploding, while Evie looked on with a grin, Janet leaned over slightly toward Bill, who was still in the Command Chair. “Kind of blows Telstar, Protector of the Sector right out of the competition, huh?”

  Bill frowned at Janet, but she just laughed and turned back to her console.

  “I will deal with you later,” Johnny said, shooting a look at Willi that made her blush. She quickly took the co-pilot’s chair and activated the console.

  Johnny took the Command Chair when Bill stood up and handed over the con. Bill stayed, taking up a seat at one of the other, currently not needed, consoles.

  “Yes, Godiva. You requested my presence?”

  Godiva/Lady Paladin: Yes, Sir, Captain Anderson. We are still on a course toward Zero, Zero, Zero and accelerating.

  “Yes,” Johnny replied. The communicator had appeared in his hand. Willi frowned. She still had not discovered where he kept the thing. He looked up again. “That is correct. You have concerns, Godiva?” he asked.

  There was a pause, most unusual with the AI.

  Godiva/Lady Paladin: I do, Captain. I have been accessing my historical memory banks. There are statements within them… Many statements, Captain, that Zero, Zero, Zero should not be approached under any circumstances.

  “I am aware, Godiva. What is our current position, distance to Zero, Zero, Zero, and ETA at current acceleration?”

  The AI immediately replied:

  Godiva/Lady Paladin: In thirty seconds we will be at negative thirty-eight decimal nine nine three, negative three hundred twenty-one decimal four seven six, zero decimal eight three one. Distance is seven decimal six three nine light years. ETA is four years, five months, twenty-seven days… Correction.

  There was silence for a few moments, and then the AI spoke again. The voice sounded strained.

  Godiva/Lady Paladin: Correction… Correction… This… This is not possible… I cannot calculate an ETA. Not a correct one. It continues to change… keeps getting sooner and sooner. This is not possible…

  “Cease calculation, Godiva. You have confirmed what I needed to know. Pilot, change course to rendezvous with Trinity Home, based on her last known course and speed.”

  Johnny gl
anced at Sydney, Clyde, and then Willi. “Since it seems we have found Miss McKendrick, I believe her brother and her friend would like to get her home so her mother and the rest of the family does not worry.”

  Laughter erupted. Everyone was relieved they were through pirate hunting, and heading for home.

  But, not unexpectedly for Johnny, a short time later, when Cherokee had a few minutes to talk to Johnny privately, Cherokee said, “Hey, Boss. Ship is all patched up. Good as new. It would take a magnifying glass to see the repairs. If I do say so myself.”

  Cherokee started to remind Johnny about the flight recorder in his Dominator II. Cherokee did not have access to it, and if Johnny intended to prevent the automatic transfer of the recordings from it to Lady Godiva’s systems he would need to do it right away. Without a qualm, Cherokee decided to not bring up the subject.

  Johnny waited a moment, but Cherokee did not speak. Though he did look like he wanted to do so. “Yes, Cherokee?” Johnny asked.

  “Well… I was wondering…” He looked over to meet Johnny’s eyes. “Are we truly calling off the hunt for pirates? They are more out there, you know… Many more… And other… dangers to the Confederation.”

  The sardonic smile appeared on Johnny’s face and Cherokee almost grinned. But managed to maintain his stoic demeanor. Even after Johnny said, “Why, you are probably right, Cherokee. It would be a shame to let this craft sit idle. Or plow around the galaxy on pleasure cruises. Wouldn’t it?” And Johnny winked.

  At least Cherokee thought he did. But he had to turn away quickly to keep Johnny from seeing the huge grin Cherokee could no longer keep from forming.

  Johnny shook his head and headed toward the gravity wheel air lock to join Willi. He was stopped again. This time by Major Butler. “Johnny… Captain… Sir…” Bill shook his head. “Too many names, kid. Anyway, I wanted to double-check about what our status might be upon our return.”

  “I see,” Johnny said. “And by the way, you can refer to me as Johnny, when circumstances do not indicate otherwise.” Johnny looked at Major Butler’s earnest face for a moment.

  “That would be up to you, would it not?” Johnny asked, but continued immediately. “I am not sure what your plans with the Space Navy are currently. Or, more accurately, when we get to a point where you and Major Eckhart can transfer to a Naval vessel.”

  Bill basically sighed. Though he did straighten up quickly and look at Johnny. “I have not decided. And I do not think Janet has either…”

  Just then Janet joined them in the corridor. “Janet has not what either?”

  Bill started slightly. “Um… Decided what to do when we get back to Space Navy territory.”

  Janet looked at Bill for a long time. At least it seemed like a long time to Bill. She looked at Johnny then. “I am not sure, honestly. I expected the search for ‘Willi’ to take a great deal more time. I thought we would be aboard for quite a while.”

  She glanced at Bill, but immediately turned back toward Johnny.

  “Hm…” Johnny said, trying to look thoughtful. He had already made a decision after the first long talk with Willi after they headed for Trinity Home. “I seem to remember that you both were on what could be an open-ended leave. I’m not sure how either of you would feel about staying a while longer as temporary crew aboard Lady Paladin…”

  Another quick look between the two majors, and both looked at Johnny again, and both nodded.

  “I could do that,” Bill said.

  “Sure,” added Janet. “Nothing really better to do. Could take a break from the Navy for a while…”

  “That’s settled then,” Johnny said. Without further conversation, he drifted into the airlock and headed up to join Willi.

  “You were right, Willi,” Johnny said when he entered their one-gee cabin in the gravity wheel. They both want to stay.” He grinned. “Not sure if it is stay with the ship, or with each other.”

  Willi grinned back. “I am sure. Now. What can we do about Clyde… and Sydney, I guess?” she asked, trying to look dismayed at asking her brother to stay with the ship, too.

  “I have no doubts that their commanding officers would be more than willing to let them stay on extended special assignment. One Miss Goodkind can be very persuasive.” Johnny grinned.

  “You?” Willi asked, finding herself a bit surprised. Which surprised her even more.

  “Oh, no. There is only one Miss Goodkind. The real one. I am sure you will run across her one day.” Johnny did not add that he was sure that one or the other of the women, or more likely both, would make sure of it.

  Now sure that they would have the crew they wanted, when they headed back out to fight for the security of the Confederation, in their own way, they began to plan their ‘real’ wedding.

  “Are we really going to have to have a royal wedding…” Willi was not sure how she felt about that. She smiled. “As long as it is to him…” Her eyes went to Johnny Oneshot, man of many names, and even more talents.

  It was not until almost twenty-four hours later that Johnny remembered the flight recorder in his Dominator II. And it was way too late to do anything about it. Since Willi, and the others most likely, had seen it, from the thunderous expression on Willi’s face, and the looks the others gave him, when she came onto the bridge…


  Jerry D Young was born at home, in Senath, Missouri July 3, 1953. At age 5 the family rented a small farm house on an active farm 40 miles southwest of St. Louis. While the family weren't farmers, they lived something of a homestead type life, raising a milk cow, sometimes two, and calves, a pig or two, chickens, and the occasional goat. Along with the stock, a large garden helped to feed Jerry's three brothers and two sisters for several years. Fishing and hunting contributed to the pantry, as did foraging the wild edibles on the property.

  At the age of 14, the family, minus a brother and two sisters that were now adults and on their own, moved back to Senath. Having been encouraged from an early age to read, Jerry was a regular patron of the Senath Branch Library. A love of a good story was born within him, and shortly before graduating high school, for a lack of stories that he liked at the library, he began to write short vignettes, and started taking notes for stories that he wanted to tell. Jerry eventually began to write in earnest and now has more than 100 titles to his credit including Prep/PAW stories, Action/Adventure, and a few of the romance type stories that first got him started.




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