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Grave's Claim (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 5)

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by Erin Osborne

  Grave’s Claim

  Satan’s Anarchy MC

  Book 5

  Erin Osborne & JC Belanger

  Copyright 2020© Erin Osborne and JC Belanger

  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in book reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Photo: DepositPhoto

  Cover Designer: Erin Osborne

  Formatter: Erin Osborne

  Editor: Full Bloom Editorial: Courtney Lynn Rose & Rebecca Ernst Vazquez

  Grave’s Claim Blurb

  Vanessa London

  My entire life is one disaster after another one. Until the day I make a change to protect my children. I find us under the protection of an MC, one man in particular. But, I can’t let anyone in. No one can get close to us in case we have to pick up and run again. I won’t let anyone get hurt because of my situation.

  Christian ‘Grave’ Hardison

  The club is my entire life. I don’t want kids or an ol’ lady because women have never appealed to me for more than to find my release. That changes when I meet a woman so broken and defeated she doesn’t know what’s right and wrong. I do everything in my power to make sure her family is safe, protected, and shown the love a woman and children are supposed to have in their lives.

  Character List


  President: John ‘Renegade’ Jackson

  V. President: Brad ‘Ink’ White

  Secretary/IT: Paul ‘Hawk’ Carter

  Treasurer: Tommy ‘Chains’ Sampson

  Enforcer: Remington ‘Psycho’ Jackson

  Sgt. At Arms: Christian ‘Grave’ Hardison

  Road Captain: Gabe ‘Smokey’ Burns








  Damon ‘Bear’ Jones

  Chris Hayward

  Bentley Pearson

  Bishop Williams

  Ol’ Ladies:

  Callie Patton

  Hadliegh Jensen

  Cassidy Brown

  Natasha Marks

  Vanessa London

  Satan’s Babes:








  Tattoo Parlor: Anarchy Ink

  Bar: Satan’s Den

  Construction Company: Jackson Construction


  This book is dedicated to anyone who has ever been in an abusive relationship and thought they couldn’t get out. There is help out there and ways to get out. If you need help, reach out to someone you trust and know will help you.

  ~ Erin

  This book is dedicated to the readers who have stuck with us from the beginning. The end of the series is near, and I hope you love it as much as I do.

  Thank you to my family for standing with me as I continue this journey.

  ~ JC

  Table of Contents

  Grave’s Claim

  Copyright 2020© Erin Osborne and JC Belanger

  Grave’s Claim Blurb

  Character List


  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  Grave’s Claim Playlist

  About the Author


  Other Books



  GROWING UP, I didn’t have the best childhood. In fact, I’d say it was one of the worst. At least in my small town. I’m an only child and my parents didn’t even want to have kids. The only reason I’m here is because my parents got a little too messed up on drugs and alcohol and forgot to use a condom. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t have gone through the hell I’ve been through in my short twenty-seven years.

  My parents, Paul and Emily, met in high school. They were some of the most selfish people in the world. I say this because all they cared about was getting their next fix, partying with their friends, and acting as if I don’t exist. Well, until they wanted something and then I was good enough to yell at until I got them what they wanted.

  There was never food in the house, clean clothes for me, and half the time we didn’t have power or running water. By the time I was ten years old, I knew all the stores in our rundown neighborhood I could steal from so I could eat and I figured out how to wash clothes by hand at school if we didn’t have water in the house.

  Any and all money my parents ever got their hands on went to buying weed, crack, and a bottle or two. At ten, I knew more about crack and any other drugs brought into our home than anyone else my age. Hell, I was running out to get it for them so they didn’t have to leave the house.

  No one in town said a word to Child Protection Services or anything because my dad is a terrifying bastard. He has no problem using his fists to solve any problem he comes across and he’s a mean drunk. So, no one in town will say a word against him or my mom. I’m stuck alone in a house where I’m abused, treated as a slave, and used for cleaning and drug runs.

  If anything is messed up in the house, I’m automatically blamed for it. I get beat by my dad’s fists if he’s the one doing the punishing. If it’s my mom, she uses whatever she can reach. It doesn’t matter if it’s a belt, a random object she found on a table or the floor, or once in a while by her hand. I go to school daily with bruises because they always mess up the house and break things when their friends are over doing drugs with them.

  I’ve even been woken up in the middle of the night to clean up after them and make them food. They don’t care if I have to go to school or that I want to stay away from their slimy, drug-addicted friends. I’m supposed to do what they want, when they want, and my own wants and needs don’t matter into the equation at all.

  When I was younger, I used to go to the park and watch other kids with their families. I was envious of the kids being pushed on the swings by their mom or dad. Or when a kid fell and their parents were right there to kiss the boo-boo and m
ake sure they were okay. The worst times for me were when there was a parent thing at school. Every kid in my class would have a parent there with them and I’d be sitting alone in the back of the room.

  Kids at school used to tease me because I was always dirty, my hair was a mess, and I never did anything with my parents. The older we got, the worse it got. They were told my parents were drug addicts and alcoholics. School was horrendous. I just did my work so I could get the hell out of there.

  I graduated early. My counselor knew of my home situation. Instead of involving the proper authorities, she made sure I could get out of the house sooner. Not that it’s the way things worked out for me, but she tried to help.

  I met Ray in what ended up being my senior year of high school. He was friends with my dad and started coming around the house to party. The first time he saw me, he decided he had to have me. It didn’t matter that I didn’t want anything to do with a drug addict or anyone my parents associated with— Ray took what he wanted.

  So, just after getting out of school, I found myself pregnant by Ray. He took my virginity by forcing his way inside me and caused tearing and ripping. I was so sore. For the next few months, I avoided him at all costs. I even avoided going home when I could. I may not have had any friends, but I found places to hide out and get some sleep.

  Ray found me wandering around one day and snapped. It was the first time he hit me. I tried to protect my baby, but as soon as he found out, Ray became a different person altogether. He tried to beat me into losing my baby, but it never happened. I came close to losing it a time or two, but I learned to be quick and get out of his way. Ray’s balance and motor skills were usually affected by whatever drug he was on at the time.

  I moved out of my parents’ house. Emily, a woman at one of the shelters, got me the help I desperately needed to get away from my parents and Ray. She got me into my own place, found me a job, and made sure I had food in my belly for the baby. I was sent to a doctor and went to my appointments monthly. It was only a month before I was told I was having twins. I was over the moon with happiness.

  On my way home from work one night, I was followed by Ray. He moved into my home and made my life miserable. Especially once I had the twins, Tyler and Kayla. I was beaten on a daily basis, he was cheating on me, and my money was stolen for his drugs and whores. Yeah, he was out fucking every whore who would look in his direction.

  Ray wasn’t a bad looking man. He was tall and slender from the drug use. His dark hair was kept short while he had a beard on his face. His blue eyes were dull and lifeless with a constant red haze. He dressed like he’s got a ton of money to blow on clothes while the kids and I practically wore rags.

  Just after the kids were born, Ray made me marry him. He threatened to take away my children if I didn’t. So, I had no choice except to tie myself to the man I hated more than my parents. The only thing he ever did good in his life was give me my amazing children. This monster will never get his hands on my children to take them away from me. I’ll protect them with my dying breath to ensure he doesn’t put his hands on them at all.

  Yes, I know I need to get away from the man, but every single time I try to escape, I get dragged back. The beatings get worse each time. I kept going back until the day he went after my kids for an innocent mistake. We were eating lunch and they spilled something. Ray lost his shit and tried to lay his hands on my kids. I put myself in his path and took their beating. When he left, I knew I had to get away.

  Even though I could barely move, I packed the kids belongings up in a bag and grabbed a handful of clothes for myself. The only other things I grabbed were pictures of my babies and any important paperwork I’d need to start a new life. I went to the shelter I first met Emily at. She took one look at me and realized how bad the situation with Ray was. She got me the medical help I needed without getting the cops involved. Then she sent me on my way with a friend of hers.

  Emily heard about a motorcycle club who helped victims of domestic violence. They make sure the women and kids have a safe place to go and ensure each person gets the help they need. So, it’s where I was sent— to Shadowville and Satan's Anarchy MC. Her reasoning is that it’s away from our small town and Ray will have a harder time locating me this time. And the MC vows to protect the families in their compound. So, I trusted her and made my way there with Tyler and Kayla, praying for a better life for them.

  Now, I’m in a home for my children and me. We got everything brand new and the kids have more toys than I ever dreamed I’d be able to buy them. There’s a safe roof over our head, food in the kitchen, and bedding. I have a washer and dryer in our home and all the furniture I’ve never had before. For the first time in my life, I feel safe and like I’m able to breath. I’m not sure how long it will last, but I’m going to hold onto it with both hands.

  Other than Cassidy, I don’t really see anyone since I don’t go outside the house much. Once or twice a day I take the kids out to play outside, but our house is on the back side of the property. So, I don’t really see anyone else living here. I know there’s classes the women can take, but I don’t want to leave my children with just anyone.

  The only other person I see is a member of Satan’s Anarchy, Grave. He comes by on a daily basis for some reason. I’m not sure what he wants from me, but it’s nice to have a man in the house to fix something or help with the kids. He’s patient, kind, and has the warmest eyes I’ve ever seen on a man. Yes, I know he’s got a dark side, I catch glimpses of it every now and then when the kids or I jump or apologize for the smallest mistake. He doesn’t like that too much. But, he’s never once raised his voice to us or acted like he’d lay a hand on any of us. So, I’m going to let him do his thing. Maybe it’s something the compound does to help make the women feel more comfortable in their move. Even though they’ve more than likely been beaten by a man. Grave’s presence is welcome, I just wish I knew what to do with the feelings he stirs in me.

  Chapter One


  IT’S MY TURN to head out on a run. I don’t want to leave Vanessa and the kids, but I really don’t have a choice. Renegade and the guys have been really good about letting me skip out on the last few and I’m not going to push my luck about going on this one.

  The run isn’t long this time. We’ll be back in a day if everything goes to plan. Rationally, I know Vanessa and the kids will be just fine while I’m gone, but I still don’t want to take any chances of her ex doing something or finding her while I’m not around. So, I’m going to talk to the guys staying behind about making sure they’re okay and no one strange gets on the compound. Not that we let that happen.

  We still have a few hours to go before we head out, so I’m heading out to get Vanessa a phone. I’ll make sure she has my number and the guys in the club. Along with Cassidy and the rest of the ol’ ladies. I want to make sure she can get a hold of someone if something happens to her, Tyler, or Kayla when I’m not here. The last thing I want on my mind is one of them getting sick or injured while I’m out of town and they can’t get to the doctor or hospital.

  Other than me being protective of the small family, no one knows what my interest is in Vanessa. Renegade has asked me about it, but I’m not giving anything away. It’s my business as far as I’m concerned and no one else needs to know about it.

  Vanessa has access to a few numbers Cassidy leaves all the women at the compound, but I want her to know she can call anyone in the club if she needs to. I’m not dumb to think she’ll use their numbers, but at least she’ll have them. Even though Vanessa is still so scared of most things, she’s very independent. I’m lucky she lets me help her at all when I’m there with the kids and her.

  It takes forever to get in and out of the phone store. But, I walk out with a new smartphone for her. I make sure to program her new number in my phone so I have it and can message or call her while I’m out of town. Before heading to the compound, I stop by the clubhouse and find Hawk.

your help,” I say, finding him in the common room with a house bunny on his lap.

  “What’s up?” he asks.

  “I need you to put a tracker on this phone,” I say, handing Vanessa’s phone over.

  “Who’s it for?” he questions, taking the phone from me.

  “Don’t worry about it. Can you do it or not?” I ask, frustrated he wants to ask questions.

  “You know I will.”

  Hawk stands from his chair and I follow him to his room. It takes him a matter of minutes to put a tracking device on the phone where Vanessa won’t find it. Taking the phone back, I let Psycho know I’ll be back before we have to leave and head out. I can see the questions in his eyes as I leave the clubhouse. While I’d love to tell him about Vanessa, I’m not ready just yet.

  I make the short journey to the compound and Bishop lets me through the gate. Renegade and Chains are standing out front of the first building where Cassidy’s office is. I throw them a two-finger salute and continue back to Vanessa’s house. Once there, I park in front and shut my bike off.

  The trio are sitting outside on the steps of the house, blowing bubbles in the slight breeze. Tyler and Kayla run to me after Vanessa nods her head to them. They don’t go anywhere unless she tells them they can. Honestly, I’ve never seen three-year-olds so well behaved. I can only imagine it’s been ingrained in them from birth because of whatever hell they were living in.

  “Gave!” Kayla yells, wrapping her small arms around my legs.

  “Hey peanut,” I say, bending down to pick her up. “You bein’ good for mommy?”

  “Yes,” she answers as Tyler wraps an arm around my legs.

  His eyes are on my bike as usual. He loves looking at my bike and I know it’s only a matter of time before he’s wanting to go for a ride. I look forward to sharing my love of bikes with him and I can’t wait. Hopefully Vanessa lets me take him out once he’s a little older. Tyler will make a good addition to the club when he’s old enough. Yeah, I plan on being with Vanessa as the kids grow into adults and we add more to our family.


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