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Grave's Claim (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 5)

Page 7

by Erin Osborne

  Once they’re asleep, I pick my phone up and make my way to the living room. I need to do my walkthrough and make sure everything is still locked up tight and I want to call Grave. It’s hard not hearing from him. Even though I know he’ll know something is wrong, it’s time I start trusting in him and leaning on him when I can’t handle a situation by myself.

  Sitting on the couch, my finger hovers over his number on the phone as I try to talk myself into calling. He said to call whenever I need him, and I need him now.

  “’Lo?” he answers, his voice roughened with sleep.

  “Grave, I’m sorry to call so late,” I tell him, keeping my own voice low.

  “Nessa, it’s okay, babe. What’s goin’ on?” he asks, already sounding more alert.

  “I wanted to hear your voice,” I answer, not exactly telling a lie.

  “Why haven’t you answered anyone, babe?” he questions.

  “I got a note from Ray, my ex-husband,” I say.


  “A few days ago, when I went to get the mail,” I answer. “It said he knows where I am and he’s coming for us.”

  “And you locked yourself down?” he asks.

  “Yeah. I don’t know what to do, Grave,” I tell him.

  “I’m on my way home,” he says as I begin to hear movement in the background.

  “No. You’re on a run. Do your job and we’ll talk when you get home,” I tell him.

  “We’re already on our way back. I’m gonna call Renegade and give him a heads up. I want you to keep the kids and you locked up tight and I’ll be there soon,” he tells me.

  “Grave . . . ” I begin.

  “Don’t fight me on this, babe. I’m on my way. The guys know I may leave before them. So, let me call my Prez, and if you need me, call me. But, I want you to try to get some sleep before I get back. We need to talk about things when I get home,” he says.

  “I know we do. And I’m ready. Or as ready as I’ll ever be,” I return.

  “Nessa, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Grave hangs up the phone and I sit in silence for a few minutes. Knowing he’s right, I walk through the entire house and make sure all the doors and windows are locked. After taking a quick shower, with the door left open so I can listen for the kids, I get dressed in my pajamas and climb into bed.

  Thoughts of Grave fill my head as I lay next to my children. I close my eyes and a picture of the four of us together is the last thing I see before sleep claims me.

  Chapter Eleven


  GETTING VANESSA’S CALL is the only thing I need to tell me to get my ass on the road and get to her. I call Psycho and let him know I’m heading out. He barely responds because I woke his ass up. It doesn’t matter though, nothing is gonna stop me from leaving here and getting home. So, I let Bentley know I’m heading out before leaving.

  Making sure my Bluetooth is connected so I can call Renegade and in case Nessa needs me. Renegade picks up on the first ring.

  “What’s goin’ on Grave?” he asks.

  “Nessa called me. She got a note from her husband tellin’ her that he knows where she is and he’s comin’ for them. That’s why no one’s been able to get her to answer the door or anythin’,” I tell my Prez and friend.

  “Okay. Do we know a name?” he asks.

  “Nope. Just Ray. I’m not sure if she’s still got his last name or not,” I answer.

  “Where are you?” Renegade questions.

  “I just left the motel. Headin’ to her now,” I tell him.

  “On your own?”

  “Yeah. I’m not waitin’. She’s been goin’ out of her mind for days and finally broke down and called me,” I say.

  “Not likin’ the fact you’re on the road alone,” he says.

  “I know. And the rest of the guys weren’t happy either. But, my woman and kids need me and I’m gonna be there for them. You’d do the same damn thing if it was Natasha, Kora, or the babies,” I tell him.

  “I would. You get home. I’m gonna send the Prospect over there and make sure they’re both alert and keep an eye out until you get home. If she calls you back, let me know and I’ll round the guys up and head over there,” Renegade tells me.

  “Thank you,” I say, hanging up the phone.

  I speed off into the early morning. The roads are deserted and my thoughts are spinning as fast as the wheels of my bike. There’s a chill in the air as I speed through the dawn of the day. As the sun begins to rise, the sky turns several shades of pink and orange. There’s not even a cloud in sight.

  Other than the note Vanessa told me about, has he contacted her again? Is he in Shadowville? How long before he gets to Shadowville?

  Turning the throttle, I speed down the road and hope I don’t run into any cops along the way. The last thing I need right now is to be pulled over when my family needs me. I’ve been away from them for far too long as it is as she’s been going through this shit alone. I know Vanessa and she’s been lost in her own head since getting the note. I’m sure she’s been over every possible scenario she can as a quick getaway from Shadowville. From me.

  It’s going to take me a few hours to get home, and I only plan on stopping if I need to refuel. I won’t run out of gas and we all filled up last night before we crashed in another no tell motel. I’m surprised I slept at all with all the ruckus and noise surrounding us. I think a local pimp uses the motel as a stop for his harem because all around you could hear the sounds of sex.

  That only serves to remind me I haven’t had sex in months. Not since Vanessa showed up at the compound. She was beaten to hell and cowering behind her careful façade. Still, I saw the strength and fire hiding behind her carefully put together exterior. Even covered in bruises, Vanessa tried to pretend she was just out for the day with the kids. I’m sure it was all for them, but that just proved to me how strong she truly is.

  Hitting a button on my phone, the music begins to blare through my helmet. I need to take my mind off what’s going on at home and Vanessa until I’m closer. Or I’ll end up having an accident because I’m riding too fast. If that happens, I’ll be no good for my woman. So, I let the sounds of Scars by Papa Roach fill me and take my mind off everything except for the open road.

  I’m closer to home, but I had to stop for gas and a cup of coffee. My stomach is growling, but I don’t want to wait any longer than I absolutely have to. So, I figure I’ll eat once I get to the compound and Vanessa’s house. Depending on what I find, I’m going to have to build a house soon. I want the kids and Vanessa living with me. to have her in my arms every single night and watch the kids grow.

  While I’m drinking my coffee, I’ll call Renegade to find out what’s been going on back home. If he’s heard anything.

  “’Lo,” Renegade answers the phone.

  “Hey. You heard anythin’ from the compound?” I ask him.

  “Not yet. Bishop and the other Prospect are over there. Hawk and Tex are there too. No one’s seen anyone lurkin’ around or anythin’ like that. Cassidy is goin’ to get the mail in a little bit and they’re goin’ to go through it before anyone gets theirs. We wanna ensure he’s not tryin’ to get to her through the other women,” he tells me.

  “That sounds good. I didn’t even think of him tryin’ to do that,” I answer. “Thanks for doin’ this. I know the women won’t be happy about their mail bein’ gone through, but maybe if you guys explain what’s goin’ on, they’ll understand.”

  “Not tellin’ them a thing. They don’t need to know Vanessa’s business. I don’t want them treatin’ her different because of the shit her ex is doin’,” Renegade tells me.

  “Okay. So, how are the twins and Kora doin’?” I ask, needing to talk about something other than the situation at home.

  “They’re doin’ great. Kora is amazin’ with them,” he says, pride filling his voice.

  “Havin’ anymore anytime soon?” I ask, laughter in my voice.

  “I don
’t think Natasha is ready for all that,” he answers on a laugh of his own. “How long till you’re home?”

  “I’ve got about two more hours. Just stopped for gas and coffee so I can get back on the road. I’m hopin’ Nessa got some sleep after we talked,” I tell him.

  “Alright. I’ll head over there soon and we’ll figure things out. When you get back, I’ll give you two sometime alone before I head over to talk about this shit,” Renegade tells me.


  Hanging up the phone, I slide it back in my pocket before swallowing the last gulp of coffee and tossing the cup in the garbage can closest to me. Straddling my bike, I turn it on and rev the engine before leaving the small gas station. Back on the road, there’s more traffic and I have to pay more attention to the cars surrounding me on the highway. It’s just about rush hour traffic and I’m not about to get hit by someone not paying attention.

  This also means I can’t ride as fast as I was earlier. When I was alone on the road, I could go as fast as I wanted to. Now, I have to go with the flow of traffic. And they’re not going the speed limit. I’m looking for ways to get past cars, but I’ve got a convoy of tractor trailers coming up on my left. So, I stay in my lane and curse the cars in front of me.

  Once all the trucks are past me and there’s an opening, I pull out and follow them. I’m not close to them at all, so if another car wants to get in, they can. It’s something I always do because driver’s don’t necessarily see bikes on the road and I’m not about to get caught up in the ass end of a truck because a car didn’t see me.

  Suddenly, I realize I’m coming up on my exit. It’s time for me to get back over so I can get home. looking in my mirror, I see a break in traffic and pull over. At the same time, a car comes flying over into the same lane and almost clips my back tire. I rev the engine and speed up a little to avoid being hit while looking to make sure the car now sees me in front of them. Holding up my hand, I throw my middle finger up to let them know I’m pissed as fuck.

  The driver of the car honks their horn at me as if I’m in the wrong. Fuck them!

  I slow my bike as I come to the off ramp of the highway. The car follows me and I’m ready to pull over and give this asshole a piece of my mind. But, Vanessa trumps anything else going on around me. So, I keep my speed and make my way to my turn. Again, the car follows me. Now, I’m interested in what’s going on here. So, I make a few more turns and the car continues to follow me. Yeah, this isn’t happening.

  “’Lo?” Renegade asks.

  “Got a tail. Not sure what’s goin’ on, but I don’t want to bring this shit near the compound,” I tell my Pres.

  “Where are you?” he asks, and I hear chairs scraping in the background.

  “Headin’ into town now,” I answer.

  “On it.”

  Renegade hangs up as I continue to ride around town. The guys will meet up with me and a few of them will stall the car so I can get to the compound without them knowing where I’m at. This could be because I flipped them off, or it could be something bigger we’re not aware of yet. Or, it could be Vanessa’s ex and he’s trying to figure out where the compound is. We don’t know how much he knows about things and we’re sure as fuck not going to make this easy on him.

  Within five minutes, the guys are with me. They all surround me and begin to slow down. Renegade and Hawk keep up with me as we speed away through town. When we’re sure the car isn’t right behind us anymore, we slow down again and make our way to the compound. As soon as we pull into the driveway, Bishop has the gates open. I ride through and straight to Vanessa’s house.

  I immediately shut my bike off and barely put the kickstand down before getting off my bike. Running to the door, I pound on it and call out Vanessa’s name. Movement comes from behind the door and suddenly, I’m looking at my entire world. Vanessa and the kids are standing before me looking like everything I’ve ever wanted in the world.

  Vanessa starts crying before flinging herself in my arms. Tyler and Kayla wrap themselves around my legs while I wrap them all in my arms the best I can. It’s not easy, but I’ll do what I have to. Vanessa’s tears are soaking my shirt and I try to calm her as best as I can without knowing the entire story. Finally, I get her to let go just long enough to get through the door so I can close and lock it behind us. Once we’re inside, I’ll let her have some time before we get to our talk.

  Chapter Twelve


  WE HEAR THE rumble of pipes before anything else and I know it’s Grave. I’ve learned the sound of his bike and I know it’s him. He’s finally home. I jump up from the bed and run to the door, Tyler and Kayla follow me, trying to keep up with me.

  The pounding on the door comes before I can unlock the locks of the door. Tears fill my eyes as I take in the man standing before us. I fling myself in his arms as the kids wrap themselves around his legs. Grave holds us all the best he can for a minute as I cry into his chest. Before too long, he’s ushering us into the house. Now, it’s time for our talk and to show him the note from Ray.

  Sniffling, I take a seat on the couch as Grave sits down next to me. He pulls my body into his as he wraps his arms around me and just holds me as I begin to cry once again. The kids are talking a mile a minute to Grave. Yeah, they missed him. I can tell he’s trying to pay attention and not laugh at the kids because they’re so excited while I’m falling apart.

  After several minutes, I pull myself together and get the kids their lunch while Grave and I talk. Once everyone other than myself has something to eat, Grave and I sit back on the couch and I wait for him to start the interrogation. I know it’s coming and I’m not sure where to start with the story of my life of hell.

  “Baby, you know we need to talk,” he begins after swallowing his food. “I need to know it all. And Renegade will be by in a little bit to talk to you too.”

  “I know. How much do you need to know?” I ask, choking up again as I think of the past.

  “Everythin’, babe,” he answers.

  Taking a deep breath, I begin to tell him my sordid story of growing up and then meeting Ray.

  “When I was young, I didn’t have a warm and happy family. My parents are addicts and the only thing they cared about is their drugs and the parties they threw on a nightly basis. There wasn’t food in the house, running water, or power half the time, and no one stood up for me. Everything that went wrong was my fault according to my parents. My dad beat me with his hands and my mom used whatever was in reaching distance,” I tell him, getting lost in the memories of my childhood.

  “They would wake me up in the middle of the night to clean the house and cook if someone brought food over. I wouldn’t get to eat it though. That started when I was eight. The only time I got to eat was in school. And school was pure hell. Especially the older I got. I went from being the smelly, dirty kid to the kid of drug addicts. Everyone knew my story even if it’s not the life I wanted to lead. I wanted more, but no one would help me.”

  Grave takes my hands in his and rubs the backs gently as he waits for me to continue.

  “I actually met Ray through my parents. He was at one of their parties. The second he saw me, he decided he wanted me. If only to get to my parents stash. I guess he figured if we were together, he’d never have to pay for drugs again. So, that night he raped me and told me I was his no matter what I thought or wanted. I lost my virginity that night,” I say, pausing to take a deep breath. “Anyway, I found out I was pregnant a few months later and tried to hide out from Ray. He found me and I couldn’t hide anymore. That’s when the beatings started. For the smallest infractions I was beaten. Especially when I started showing and found out I was having twins. He didn’t want kids and made sure I knew it. Ray tried to beat me into losing the babies. Someone ended up helping me get out when he went after the kids. That’s how I’m here.”

  “And you’re married to Ray?” Grave asks, no condemnation in his voice.

  “Yeah. He forced me into
marrying him,” I tell him.

  “Are you ready to get a divorce?” he asks.

  “Yes. I don’t want to be tied to him at all,” I answer, looking in Grave’s eyes.

  “Then we’ll work on it. He won’t get in here to hurt you. Not anymore,” Grave vows to me. “Can I see the note?”

  I nod and stand from the couch. I’m exhausted from talking about the situation I was in growing up and until I got here. And that’s with me glossing over the story quite a bit. He doesn’t need to know all the dirty details.

  Grabbing the note off the top of the fridge, I hand it over to Grave and curl up in the corner of the couch. My eyes close as he reads the short note and before I know it, I’m asleep.

  I’m woken up sometime later to Grave and the kids laughing. The sound is music to my ears. Sitting up, I look around and see it’s gotten dark outside. I’ve been asleep almost all day it seems. Yet, it doesn’t feel like I’ve slept a wink at all. I’m still exhausted and ready for the day to be over with.

  “Hey, sleepy head,” Grave says, walking back into the living room. “The kids and I are makin’ dinner.”

  “I’m sorry I fell asleep,” I tell him.

  “Nothin’ to be sorry about. You were tired. Guessin’ you haven’t slept that great the last few days,” he says, placing a kiss on my forehead. “Renegade stopped over. He’ll be back later. Or if you just want to give me Ray’s last name, I can have Hawk get the information Renegade wants. I don’t want you to talk about this shit again.”

  “Um, yeah, can we do that please?” I ask, feeling unsure of what Grave thinks of me now. “His last name is Tomlin.”

  “None of that,” he states.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Don’t wonder if I’m about to leave you alone now. What you’ve been through— and yes, I know I don’t know all the details or even close to knowin’ what all you went through— hasn’t changed my mind about us. I want to be with you and we’ll get there. You have a lot to work out and we’ll get you the help you want when you’re ready for it,” Grave tells me.


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