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Grave's Claim (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 5)

Page 10

by Erin Osborne

  “They’re hungry,” she says.

  “You got them?” Renegade asks looking at his son and daughter.

  “Yeah, we’ll be fine.”

  “Okay. I’m gonna go out with Grave so he can pick out his land before church. We gotta go over the plans I have already and make any changes so we can get this goin’,” he explains.

  “You’re good. Kora will help me,” Natasha says, leaning up for a kiss before we head out.

  Renegade and I are quiet as we walk outside and take in the land before us. There’s more than enough room for us to all have a home built out here. I stand and take in the land surrounding us. Renegade’s house is almost directly in the middle. So, I look to the left and there’s a large plot marked out just off the side of his. That’s where I want our home to be.

  It’s large, so I can build a large home. There’s trees off to the left of where I imagine the house sitting so we can have some shade. And someone can build behind us. So, I point to the section and tell Renegade that’s the one I want to use.

  “You sure?” he asks.

  “Yep. I know you’re buildin’ the compound and it’s almost done, but I want my family moved here as soon as possible,” I answer.

  “Okay. You’re next on the books. But, I can have a crew start on it now. They’re just puttin’ the finishin’ touches on the new compound. So it won’t be a big deal,” he tells me.

  “You sure?” I ask, needing to know.

  “Yeah. The compound should be finished in a week or less. Sendin’ a crew to start your house won’t interfere with it. Let’s take a look at the plans I came up with so far,” he says, walking to his SUV.

  I watch as he pulls out several blueprints and lays them out on the hood for us to look over. There’s three different versions of the house. Carefully looking over them all, I choose the largest house with the most bedrooms. I want to add to the family any way Vanessa will want to so we’ll need the room.

  “That’s the one, right there,” I say, pointing at the house.

  “Okay. We’ll get it taken care of for you. Let’s head to church so I can get home to my family. And you can get back to the compound,” he says, putting the blueprints away and walking over to the clubhouse with me.

  As soon as we walk into the clubhouse, I see Foxy making her way over to me. I’m already ready for her shit as she steps into me and I wait for her to make a move.

  “Grave, where you been hiding?” she asks.

  “None of your business. You ain’t my ol’ lady and I don’t fuckin’ answer to you,” I growl out.

  “You could change that, ya know,” she says.

  “Not gonna happen. Already got an ol’ lady,” I tell her.

  “The fuck?” she asks.

  “Again, not your business. You’re nothin’ more than a babe and we’ve had this conversation more than once now. Not gonna tell you to leave me alone again,” I say, walking away from her and toward the room we have church in.

  “You’re gonna regret this,” she hollers out.

  “Bitch, you wanna threaten me, I’ll make one call and you’ll disappear. For good. Don’t fuckin’ start your shit because you didn’t get what you want,” I say, handing over my stuff and leaving her standing there.

  Foxy is gonna learn I’m not fucking around with her. She’ll start acting right, or she’ll be done. If it gets to the point, I’ll make the call to have her dealt with. I don’t want it to come to that, but I will. Instead, I’ll be happy if she just leaves the damn club. She’s getting itchy to put her claws in a brother and it’s not going to end good. If she doesn’t watch herself, she’ll find herself with nothing. And no protection from us anymore.

  “Church called to order,” Renegade says, slamming the gavel on the scarred, wooden table. “Hawk, tell me where you’re at with Vanessa’s ex.”

  “Well, other than findin’ out he’s in bed with the wrong fuckin’ men, he plays his cards right. He’s got a perfect record for makin’ himself look good. Includin’ makin’ sure any abuse charges disappear. I can’t find him anywhere in town. Or the surroundin’ area. He’s not usin’ cards, he has to be payin’ with cash only. Or usin’ someone else’s cards,” Hawk informs us.

  “Who’s he in bed with?” I ask.

  “The Rossi family,” Hawk answers.

  “Fuck!” I say. “That’s the last thing we need.”

  “You’re not kiddin’ me,” Renegade says. “Keep diggin’ and see what else you can find. I want to know about everythin’ the fucker does. For now, I want everyone to keep your eyes open and look for anyone you don’t know in town. Hawk, you find a picture of the asshat?”

  “Yep. Here you all go,” he answers.

  Hawk pulls out several copies of the picture and shows hands them out to everyone in the room. Renegade tells him to make sure the Prospects get a copy and Cassidy too. He wants Cass to have one so she can make sure any man resembling Ray doesn’t get near the compound. And if he does, she’ll know to alert us immediately.

  After going over regular business, Renegade calls church and is the first man out of the room. He wants to get home to his family and help Natasha and Kora with Bo and Tabby. I can’t blame him. It’s not like I waste time having a drink or talking with the guys before heading out myself. I want to get back to the compound and the little family I’ve made mine.

  Chapter Sixteen


  IT’S BEEN A week and I’ve not heard anything about the divorce or restraining order. I’ve been busy with the class and helping Natasha out by taking it over until she’s back. The women are fine with the decision and help me out as much as possible. In fact, other than when Grave isn’t around, I attend all the classes offered at the compound.

  We’ve also been told we’re gonna be moving. The club has built a compound on the back side of their clubhouse. We’ll be closer to them and it’s supposed to be harder to get to from anyone who’s not a member. So, I’m happy about that. It also means packing up everything we have in our home right now to get it ready to take with us.

  The kids and I have been working hard when I’m not out at class. We’ve gotten most of the house packed up and Grave is impressed with the amount of work we’ve gotten done so far. The only things we really have left to pack are the toys the kids play with daily, some clothes, and a few dishes. Otherwise, the boxes are stacked in one of the rooms so the kids don’t play near them and get hurt if they fall.

  Cassidy has been in constant touch with me in case I need anything for the class. We go over everything for a few minutes after each one. She wants to make sure I’m okay with teaching the class and I’m not having any issues with anyone or the other classes I’m taking myself.

  I’ve even been going to the self-defense classes when Grave isn’t there. The only one I go to is when Chains is teaching because I know he’s with Cassidy. I’m not sure if it’s that knowledge, or the fact that he’s completely professional when he’s teaching us moves we need to know.

  Cassidy and I have talked about it and she assures me Chains knows what he’s doing. He taught her moves in the privacy of her own home. Yes, Cassidy has told me her story and I know I can go to her if I want to talk about things. But, I’m not there just yet. I’m going to counselling and that’s enough for now.

  I see the same counselor every week. Right now I go three times a week, every other day. My weekends are the time I recharge from reliving the past every week. It may only be a week, but it’s been an exhausting week so far. The counselor I see, Patty, is amazing and keeps me talking. Even when she can tell I want to stop and hide back in my shell. We’re working on that too.

  In all my time, I never knew talking to someone about what I’ve been through could help so much. Each session I have makes me feel as if some of the load I’ve been carrying around with me from a young age is disappearing. It’s not fast, but I’ll get where I want to be sooner than I ever thought possible. Honestly, it’s the best feeling in the wo
rld to know I’m starting to overcome my past so I can move forward with my life.

  Grave has been completely supportive of my classes too. Patty has encouraged me to start talking to him more about the past and things I’ve been through without glossing over it. So, we’ve gotten a routine in place. Every night after the kids go to bed, Grave and I sit in the living room and talk for an hour before watching TV for another hour. Then I go to bed and he hangs out on the couch until he goes to bed.

  When the kids and I get up in the morning, Grave is always up and ready to go. If he’s not going to do something for the club, we have breakfast and then he has the kids while I’m at class or counselling. It’s a routine that works for us and I’m comfortable with it. If he’s not here, the kids go to the daycare and they love going there too.

  As I walk into the kitchen to make lunch for the kids since Grave is teaching a class right now, my phone begins to ring. Grave and the lawyer are the only ones who have my number to my knowledge. So, I pick it up without looking at the caller ID to see who it is. I’m going to have to get used to it ringing, I guess, but it’s still not something I’m used to hearing because I’ve never been allowed to have my own phone before.

  “Hello,” I say.

  “Miss Tomlin, it’s Mr. Ripley,” he says. “I’m calling to let you know the restraining order went through with no problems. It’s been delivered to your ex already and you’ll get a copy as soon as I get to the compound.”

  “Thank you so much, Mr. Ripley. That’s great news,” I say.

  “You’re welcome. The judge was very concerned that nothing has been done to stop this from happening to you in the past. That’s why he allowed me to take it in front of him without you being with me. Now, he’s going to go over your divorce and I should have news on that soon. I’ll be at the compound within the hour or so,” he tells me.

  “Can I ask where it was delivered to my husband?” I question hesitantly.

  “Um, it was delivered in the next town over. I didn’t know you originally lived so close to Shadowville,” he answers.

  “We didn’t.”

  “Oh. Well, the house is in his name. And he owns it, it’s not a rental or anything like that,” Mr. Ripley says.

  The hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge as I realize Ray’s closer than I thought. I’ll have to let Grave know so the club can know. Instantly, I want to flee from here. I don’t want the women or the club hurt before they get a chance to move on to the new compound. It’s bad enough he’ll go after the club when he realizes they’re the ones who run this place and have been helping me.

  “I’ll see you soon,” I say, hanging up the phone finally.

  I continue making our lunch and try to figure out what I should do now. Grave should be home soon and this is something we’ll need to talk about as soon as he’s here. Hopefully he can wait to take a shower because if I wait too long, I’ll chicken out of telling him.

  Grave has just gotten back. I spent the last hour playing with the kids and packing away a few more things since we’re supposed to be moving in the next day or two. If I can just get through this, I’ll feel a lot better. Especially with Ray this close to us now. It’s unnerving to know he’s as close as the next town over. Before, it was just a thought I had because of his note. Now, it’s my reality.

  “Grave, I need to talk to you,” I say as soon as he enters the house.

  “What’s goin’ on?” he asks, knowing something is wrong.

  “I talked to Mr. Ripley today. The restraining order went through and he’s now working on the divorce. But, when I asked where the order was delivered to Ray, he told me he’s in the next town over. In a house he owns. We’ve never had a house this close to Shadowville before. It’s the first time I’ve heard of him being this close,” I tell him.

  “Okay. Well, I’m glad the order went through. I’ll get Hawk on it. And we’ll make sure you’re protected. All of you. You’re not runnin’,” he tells me, already knowing where my head’s at.

  “It’s just a piece of paper, I know this. But it means he can’t come near the kids or me. In fact, I believe it’s a no contact order so he can’t even send me anymore notes to get in my head,” I tell him. “I have to go pick up my copy. Mr. Ripley should be here any minute now and I’ll have to go to his office to get it.”

  “Okay. Let me jump in the shower real quick and then you head over there,” he says, kissing me on the forehead.

  For a second, I sink into him. His body heat and strength seep into me as I soak it all up. But, he stinks and need to get in the damn shower.

  While Grave is in the shower, I take a minute to compose myself. I’m not going to run, not again. Ray will always hold all the power over me if I let him control my life be forcing me to run away every time I know he’s close. I’m going to have to put my faith in the police department here and hope he can’t get to them.

  As soon as Grave is out of the shower, I head over to the office building so I can talk to Mr. Ripley. I want to voice my concern over him buying off the cops if he does come here to get us. Before, no one would do anything to help me. I don’t want it to be the case here. One wrong move and I will leave. My kids are too important to me to risk Ray getting his hands on them.

  Knocking on the door, I wait until I’m called in.

  “Mr. Ripley, it’s good to see you again,” I say as I enter the small room and take a seat. “I have a question for you.”

  “What’s that?” he asks, pulling paperwork out of his briefcase.

  “How am I going to be reassured he hasn’t bought the cops off here? That’s why nothing was ever done about this back home and I don’t want it to happen again. I’ll run again if it does,” I tell him honestly.

  “Well, I can’t be sure about it. But, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I know we’re all being moved soon and Ray won’t be able to get to you at the new compound. There’s no back entrance. He’ll literally have to go through the club to get to you,” he answers. “As far as the cops go, I don’t think you have to worry here. See, they’re a different breed in Shadowville. No one can buy them off. If anyone has, you can rest assured, the club already has them in their pocket. They won’t be doing Ray’s bidding here.”

  “Okay. Thank you so much for your hard work,” I tell him, taking the order he’s handing me.

  “You’re welcome. And as soon as I hear anything about your divorce, I’ll let you know,” he says, turning his attention to the next case he’s going to be working on here.

  Heading back home, my steps feel a slightly lighter as I hold the piece of paper in my hands. Mr. Ripley’s words are stuck in my head and I realize he’s right. Ray doesn’t hold any power over me any longer. He’s just a mistake in my past, a lesson I’ve learned from. I’ll never go back to him and I’m stronger now than I ever was in the past. He can’t hurt me unless I let him continue to hold that power over me.

  I walk in the house to find Grave and the kids sitting on the couch. They’re watching some show about motorcycles. Grave said he was going to start dinner while I was gone. I wonder what changed in the amount of time I was gone.

  “Everything okay here?” I ask, stopping and looking at them.

  “Yeah. I decided tonight is a night for celebration. We’re gonna go out for dinner,” he announces.

  My head spins. I haven’t ever taken the kids out to dinner before. Not even when I was with Ray. He didn’t want the kids and refused to take them out for anything. Ever. I know they’ll behave and won’t cause a scene or anything. What I’m not sure about is if I’m ready to go out in public. But, I just told myself Ray doesn’t get to win anymore. So, I nod my head in response.

  Grave’s face lights up with a smile. It fills his entire face and eyes as he looks at me. There’s a look of pride and happiness I haven’t seen in his eyes before. I put that look there. It’s because I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and allowing him to take us out away from the compound and
the safety it represents. This is a big deal for me and he notices it.

  “Come on kids, let’s get ready to go out to dinner,” I tell the kids as they look at me.

  Tyler and Kayla get off the couch and run to grab their shoes. My son is actually getting better about wearing his sneakers and I know it’s because of Grave. He wants to be just like him so he’s going to wear them because Grave wears his. It’s only a matter of time before he asks for matching boots.

  “Proud of you, Nessa,” Grave tells me, kissing me on the forehead as the kids run back into us.

  Grave grabs my rag off the back of the chair where I keep it and helps me slide it on. It gives me a confidence I’ve never felt in my life before when I have it on. Not that I wear it a lot because I don’t leave the compound and I just feel weird wearing it around the women here to heal and get back on their feet. I don’t want them to feel some type of way about me being with a member of the club protecting us. So, it usually sits on the back of the chair because I know how important it is to keep off the floor and show it the respect it deserves.

  Once the kids are ready, we head out and I see an SUV sitting here waiting. Grave leads us over to it and I see car seats for the kids already in the backseat. The man thinks of absolutely everything. Looking at him, he smiles again and I offer one in return.

  Chapter Seventeen


  WHEN VANESSA TOLD me about getting the restraining order against her ex, I knew it was a night to celebrate. It’s a huge step for her and I’m so happy she’s taken it. And she’s finally utilizing all the resources here at the compound. She’s becoming free and light and doesn’t even realize how much happier she is.

  Most of the time when I come in the house she’s humming or singing under her breath now. I’ve never heard her do this before but I want to everyday for the rest of my life. The kids are happier too. They take their cues from Vanessa and with her being happy, they’re even better than normal. It’s amazing to witness Vanessa realize how strong she truly is.


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