Grave's Claim (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 5)

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Grave's Claim (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 5) Page 12

by Erin Osborne

  Hadliegh and Callie nod their heads at me as we all look at the kids. I know Foxy has been in the common room and probably overheard everything I’ve just told the women. I don’t really care though. There’s nothing she can do to hurt me. Other than find Ray and tell him where we’re at. If she does that, I’ll kill the bitch. No one is going to fuck with my children like that. I don’t care who it is.

  For the rest of the day, the three of us sit and watch the kids play. The only time we leave the common room is to lay our children down for naps. Then we use baby monitors to listen for them to wake up. Grave even bought one so I could have it during the day when the kids take naps. If I wanted to be in the common room or kitchen while he’s gone.

  I’m not sure where he is or what he’s doing, it’s not my business. He explained to me there’s going to be times he can’t tell me what’s going on because it’s club business and they don’t share that with the women. It’s not our business and the cops will never be able to use us against the club because we don’t know anything about what they do. We only know about the businesses they own and operate in town.

  Tomorrow or the next day, I’ll go back to the compound and do the cooking classes again. Everyone is going to be moving to the new compound today or tomorrow. So, Grave told me I’d be better off staying at the clubhouse instead of getting in the way at the compound. I’ll gladly take the time off and spend it with my kids.

  Too bad Foxy and the rest of the women who hate me are going to be around the clubhouse all day long. I can definitely do without them being around. But, they’re a part of the club and were here before me. There’s nothing I can say or do about them and I don’t want to. I’ll handle the situations as they come up and go from there.

  After the kids all took their naps, the girls and I went out behind the clubhouse. There’s a huge yard there for them to play in. We watched them and noticed a new house being built. Callie and Hadliegh took turns guessing who was building the next house here. I didn’t guess anyone because I don’t know them good enough to guess.

  They explained the house already standing there is Renegade and Natasha’s house. Hadliegh explained Renegade had it built for his daughter Kora and him, then he basically moved Natasha in without her having a say in the matter. I had to laugh because I don’t see Natasha doing anything she doesn’t want to. So, I’m sure she had already thought about it before he said a word to her about it. Or just did it himself.

  We’re sitting out back when Grave, Psycho, and another man come walking out. They all look tired, hungry, and ready for a shower. Grave is covered in grease from head to toe as Tyler notices him and comes running over to get him. Kayla follows a little slower because she’s not too sure of the other men.

  Kayla takes her cues from me around men and I don’t like it. I’m scared of most men so I tend to stay in the background and don’t say too much to the ones I don’t know. Even if I know they’re with someone else, I keep quiet and hold myself back.

  Tyler, he wants to be doing whatever the men around him are doing. It doesn’t matter what they’re doing, he wants to be up in the mix. Especially when it comes to Grave and the rest of the men he sees that belong to the Satan’s Anarchy MC.

  “How was your day?” Grave asks, sitting down next to me.

  “It was okay,” I answer.

  “Grave, your girl put Foxy in her damn place. It was a beautiful sight to witness,” Hadliegh answers.

  “What happened?” he asks, alert and ready to go hunt her down.

  I retell the story of what she said to me and how I gave it back to her. When I tried to downplay it, Hadliegh and Callie both spoke up and explained what I said to her. The three men sitting with us are sitting there laughing as they realize I’m not as timid as I appear to be most days. I know how to give it back as good as I get. Depending on the situation anyway.

  “Proud of you, baby,” Grave says. “I’ll deal with it.”

  “So, Bear, this is Vanessa. Vanessa, this is my husband, Bear,” Callie says, finally introducing us.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” I tell him honestly.

  “You too.”

  Bear seems to be a man of few words, but he’s always watching what’s going on around him. I’ve noticed Grave doing the same thing when he doesn’t think I’m watching him. They sit back and watch the world around them and only talk when they need to or when they’re spoken to. Other than that, they tend to stick to themselves and make sure everything is as it should be around them.

  “I’m gonna hit the shower. We’ll eat when I get out?” Grave asks.

  “Yeah. I’ll go in with you. The kids need to get cleaned up from playing outside all day,” I tell him.

  The four of us head inside after telling everyone else goodbye. I had a good day with Callie and Hadliegh. They’re the first people outside of Grave who I’ve told anything about my past too. It might be mainly the same details, but before, no one would’ve known a damn thing about it. It’s refreshing to open up a little bit and get what I’ve been carrying around off my shoulders.

  Chapter Nineteen


  WE GOT EVERYTHING moved to the new compound for domestic violence victims. There’s still work to be done, so the ol’ ladies are helping Cassidy set everything up so we can move the families over there. Natasha even took the twins and Kora over to make sure the kitchen gets set up the way she wants it. She’s not ready to come back just yet, but it’s only a matter of time.

  I’m on my way back to the clubhouse after finishing up the room for self-defense classes when my phone rings. Pulling it out, I see Bishop’s name on the screen.

  “What’s up?” I ask.

  “Vanessa’s ex is here. He’s demandin’ I let him in and wavin’ a gun in the air. Some of the women were out and they’re scared as hell. I made them run back inside the office building to hit the silent alarm, but I don’t think they know where it is,” he tells me. “Grave, he’s drunk as fuck. I can smell it on him from several feet away.”

  “I’m almost at the clubhouse now. I’ll get whoever’s here and be right there. You keep him there,” I tell him, running toward the clubhouse. “Are you okay right now?”

  “Yeah. He fired a round off, but it didn’t hit anythin’,” Bishop tells me.

  “Where’s Nessa and the kids?” I ask, knowing they’re there right now.

  “I’m not sure. She wasn’t one of the ones outside when he got here,” he tells me.

  I can hear yelling in the background at the same time I hear another gun shot being fired. This man is fucking nuts. Before I can ask anything of Bishop, the phone goes dead. Fuck!

  Running in the clubhouse, I see Psycho, Renegade, Hawk, Chains, and Bear all sitting at the bar. Quickly I tell them what’s going on at the compound and they run out behind me to get the fucker who’s threatening not only my family, but the rest of the women at the compound. This is complete bullshit!

  We jump on our bikes and head for the compound. I’m flying as fast as I dare to between the cops and the douche canoe standing at our gate with a loaded fucking weapon in his hand. And he’s drunk on top of it. If Vanessa or the kids see him, I’m going to flip my shit and kill him where he fucking stands.

  Slowing down, I pull up to the gate and roll to a stop. I’m not going to run up on him, but I’m not going to fucking backdown from him either. So, I stop next to his fancy ass car and climb off my bike. I don’t have to worry about taking my helmet off because in my haste to get here, I didn’t even put the thing on.

  Walking up to the man in a wrinkled business suit, holding a gun in one hand and a bottle in the other, I don’t stop until I’m in his face. Fear fills his face and I know it’s a matter of time before he says the wrong thing to me. He’s got little man syndrome as I call it. Ray’s all tough and macho when it comes to beating on women and children, but when faced with a man, a real man, he’s going to piss his pants in fear.

  “You got business here?” I a
sk him, letting my anger fill my voice as I lower it.

  “Yeah. My cunt of a wife is in here with my children. They’re coming home with me. Today,” he tells me, not knowing anything about our relationship.

  “If they’re here, they’re here for a reason, and she won’t be leavin’ with you,” I tell him. “And I know exactly who you’re talkin’ about because she’s my ol’ lady. You come near Vanessa, Tyler, or Kayla, and you’ll find out why they call me Grave.”

  For a minute, Ray does nothing but stand and stare at me with fear in his eyes. Then, he starts laughing a sinister laugh that sends chills up my spine and makes the hair on my arms stand on end. It’s nothing I’ve ever heard before and I’ve heard a lot of shit. We all have in the club.

  “My wife wouldn’t stoop as low as a biker scum bag like you,” he states. “She’ll come home to me or I’ll fuckin’ kill her and take my children.”

  “The children you tried to make her miscarry. The same children she got pregnant with because you fuckin’ raped her and stole her virginity from her? Those are my kids and you won’t ever set eyes on them again. Do you hear me mother fucker?” I ask him.

  “I see she’s been spewing her lies again. You can’t believe a damn word she says,” Ray tells me as the rest of the guys close in on him.

  His level of fear ratchets up as he realizes we outnumber him and he’s not going to get his way. We’re not afraid of him. Renegade has already called the Rossi family, a man named Sal, and told him what’s going on. He had no clue Ray is off his rocker and threatening his wife. Or that she’s filed a restraining order against him. Sal’s not happy with Ray right now and it’s only a matter of time before he gets his hands on him.

  “If she were lyin’, she wouldn’t have shown up here beaten to a bloody fuckin’ pulp,” Chains says. “My wife could barely understand her because her face was so swollen it was hard for her to talk. And she wouldn’t be scared of her own fuckin’ shadow if it weren’t for a piece of shit like you.”

  “You think you have the upper hand here?” Ray asks. “One phone call and your entire club vanishes.”

  “You mean to the Rossi family?” Renegade asks. “Yeah, Sal’s not too happy with you. Seems you’ve been lyin’ to a higher-up in the family and he’s ready to get his hands on you.”

  Ray’s face pales as he realizes we know all about him. He wasn’t smart enough to check us out before storming the compound. So, he has no clue what kind of hell we can rain down on him.

  “This is your one and only chance to leave here,” I tell him. “You have a restrainin’ order against you and the cops are well aware of who you are. They also know Vanessa is my ol’ lady and is bein’ protected by the club. So, I suggest you take your fuckin’ ass on out of here before I decide to show you how I got my name. You won’t be my first victim, that was my own father, and you sure as fuck won’t be my last one. Make your fuckin’ decision right the fuck now.”

  My voice is menacingly low with the words I’m saying. It’s taking everything in me not to kill this mother fucker where he stands right now. I know I’m making the right decision when I hear a gasp behind me. Turning my head slightly, I see Vanessa and the kids walking out of the office building with Cassidy hot on her heels. She’s trying to stop Nessa from seeing the asshole before me.

  “Go back inside baby,” I tell her. “We got this. Ray here was just about to leave.”

  Before I can react, Ray raises his gun and fires off a shot.

  “Vanessa!” I yell out, not sure where the bullet went as Chains and Psycho take the dead man to the ground.

  Turning around, I yell for Bishop to open the gate so I can get to my family. He opens the gate as I don’t take my eyes off Vanessa and the kids. She’s frozen to the spot while the kids cower in fear behind her. This is not what I wanted for my kids today. Or Vanessa.

  “Baby, are you and the kids okay?” I ask, my words coming out in a rush from fear.

  “Y-y-yeah. We’re okay. I’m not sure where the bullet went, but it didn’t hit us,” she tells me, wrapping her arms around me.

  “I’ve never been so scared in my fuckin’ life,” I tell her. “Head inside. We’ll take care of the fucker and I’ll be right in.”

  “Don’t hurt him, Grave. I don’t give a shit what happens to him, but I don’t want to lose you. We can’t lose you,” Vanessa pleads with me.

  “I won’t baby. We’re goin’ to send him on his way and call the cops. They’ll know he’s drivin’ drunk, he’s fired a gun at the compound, and broke a restrainin’ order. I’m not goin’ anywhere baby,” I tell her.

  I place a gentle kiss on her lips and turn my attention back toward the asshole on the ground in front of the gate. He’s swearing up a storm because the guys won’t let him up to get what he claims is his. Vanessa’s face is white as a ghost as she ushers the kids inside the building with Cassidy closing and locking the door behind them.

  Walking back over to Ray, I kneel down and rip his head back by his hair. Once he’s looking at me, I give him my final warning. It’s the last one he’ll ever get from me.

  “You ever come back here and I’ll gut you and hang you from a tree to let everyone knows what happens when you fuck with my property. Vanessa and the kids are mine. Leave fuckin’ Shadowville and head on back to your fuckin’ home. I don’t mean the one the next town over either. One of my guys will fuckin’ follow you and let me know you left town. If you don’t, I’ll break my promise to Vanessa about touchin’ you,” I tell him.

  Ray smirks because he thinks she’s protecting him. That’s not the case and I’m about to let him in on that news.

  “Newsflash asshole, she doesn’t give a fuck what happens to you. You’re a distant fuckin’ memory to her. One I plan on replacin’ with nothin’ but good memories and a life filled with love. She doesn’t want to lose me to prison because I fuckin’ kill you,” I tell him. “And you can count yourself lucky we’re lettin’ you leave here in one piece. If it were up to me, I’d kill you right now. Or take you back to our torture room and show you a new way of doin’ things.”

  Ray’s face fills with anger and barely suppressed rage. The guys haul Ray’s ass up and toss him in the car. My fist may find his gut a time or two before he gets in the car. But, that’s beside the point. Ray’s gasping for breath by the time he’s behind the wheel. Renegade has his phone to his ear as he calls the cops. We don’t want Ray to get too far from the compound.

  There’s always a patrol car close by for cases just like this. So, I’m not surprised when we hear sirens just after Ray leaves. He tears out of here and almost takes out our bikes and Bishop on his way to the road. The car is swerving all over the place as we watch him take off. At least we know he won’t have a chance to hurt anyone because the cops already have him. That’s the only bright spot of the day.

  Now, I need to get inside and check on my family. Vanessa is going to be out of her mind with worry and I know it’s not going to be easy on her. We’ll be at the clubhouse though. Well, the compound behind the clubhouse. Ray’s been to this one which means no one in town knows we have the new compound going up behind the clubhouse.

  Walking in the compound office building, to find my family in the office with Cassidy. They’re huddled together and I can tell all three have been crying. Picking Tyler up, I hold him close to me. He wraps his arms around me and I feel his little body trembling in fear.

  “It’s okay now. He’s gone. We heard the cops pullin’ him over before I came in here,” I tell them. “He’ll be goin’ to jail because of what he did here today. Not only did he break the order against you by showin’ up here, he was drinkin’ and firin’ a weapon.”

  “Are you sure they were after him?” Vanessa asks, a tremble to her voice.

  “Yeah. Renegade called before he even left the driveway. One is always close by in case somethin’ like this happens,” I answer. “He’ll be goin’ away for a while. Hopefully you won’t have to testify, but I’ll b
e sure to. Along with the rest of the guys who were outside with me today.”

  Vanessa nods her head as the rest of the guys file in. They have grim looks on their faces and I want to ask what’s wrong, but Renegade give a slight shake to his head and I know it’s not the time. So, I send Vanessa out to get in the SUV with the kids so I can get them back to the clubhouse. They’re going to crash early tonight with everything that’s happened.

  As soon as they’re out of ear shot with Cassidy, I turn to my President.

  “What’s goin’ on?” I ask him.

  “He pulled a runner. The cop took off in chase. Ray nailed a tree head on. He was goin’ fast enough there’s not much left of the car,” Renegade answers. “Never seen anythin’ like it.”

  “What? I mean, I’m not gonna complain about him gettin’ hurt. He doesn’t need to be on the road as drunk as he was,” I tell them.

  “Don’t think he’s makin’ it,” Chains tells me.

  My mind spins. This is something else Vanessa is gonna have to deal with. On the one hand, I’m glad to hear he’s not going to make it. It will make Vanessa’s life much easier because she won’t have to look over her shoulder constantly for him. But, on the other hand, she’ll have to deal with the aftermath of his decisions. The pain he’s already caused her is more than enough.

  “I’m gonna head out and get them back to the clubhouse. Don’t say anythin’ about him crashin’ his car to anyone. I want to find out what’s goin’ on with him first. Vanessa will have more than enough on her plate without all this shit. The kids are scared to death after seein’ him like this,” I tell them.

  “You got it. It’s your family and we’re not gonna step on your toes,” Renegade tells me.

  Heading out, I stop at the SUV and tell Vanessa to follow me. I don’t want her heading in the direction Ray took off in and see something she’s not prepared to see. I’m gonna take her around the other way so we can bypass it.


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