Grave's Claim (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 5)

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Grave's Claim (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 5) Page 18

by Erin Osborne

  By the time we get home, I’m ready for bed. I want to be wrapped in my man’s arms as I fall asleep. It’s the best time of my night once the kids are put to bed. Even if we don’t have sex, just being with Grave and surrounded by him is a feeling I’m not every going to want to give up.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  WE’RE IN AN emergency church Renegade called after getting a call from Jose. None of us know what the hell is going on as we wait for him to enter the room we have our meeting’s in. There’s low talking from everyone as we wait on our President and Vice President to enter the room.

  Finally, they enter church and as soon as Renegade sits down, he slams the gavel on the scarred, wooden table and calls church to order.

  “As you all know, Jose let us handle things our way and take out a man in his organization. All he asked for in return was a few runs from us, which we’ve done. Now, he’s called in one last favor from us,” Renegade says, looking around the table. “This isn’t a run for a shipment that needs protectin’. It’s to protect his niece. She’s gotten a target put on her back because of her dad and needs to get out of town quick. We’re meetin’ up with them a few hours away and then meetin’ up with Stitch a few hours after that. We’ll be back home tonight.”

  Renegade gives us a few minutes to process the information he’s just given us. I’m the first one to speak up.

  “I’ll go. As long as I’m home tonight, I don’t see it bein’ a problem for me to go,” I tell the table.

  “I’m goin’ too,” Renegade says. “I want Doc, Hawk, Smokey, and Tex with us. We’ll take Bishop. Who’s ridin’ in the van with him?”

  I may have volunteered to go on the run, but there’s no way in hell I’m riding in the damn van. Those of us going on the trip look at one another. Renegade will never ride in the van, not unless he drops his bike or is forced to for some other reason. It’s just not done. Finally, Tex says he’ll ride in the van with Bishop. He’s not happy about it, but he’ll do it because he still thinks he has something to prove to the club in a way since he’s somewhat of a newer member.

  Tex has been here for years. He’s done his Prospecting and been a fully patched member for a few years now. Still, he thinks he has to prove something to the club because he feels he fucked up somehow. I’m not sure how that is, but he’ll share when he’s ready to. We all have our demons and skeletons and some of us choose to hide ours until they become too much to deal with on our own.

  “Thanks, Tex. Now, we’re leavin’ in a half hour. Do what you gotta do to get ready and meet me at the bikes. Bishop knows he’s leavin’ with us already and I’m sure he’s off gettin’ ready. We need to think about him patchin’ the fuck in. Bishop has more than proven himself.”

  We all murmur our agreement. Bishop is a good guy. He works at Bear’s garage, has pulled so many shifts at the compound, and does anything we need him to do without question. When Ray was in town, he was the first Prospect to stand up and volunteer his time at the compound. Bishop even talked to Bear about letting him go from the garage so he could pull as many shifts watching over the women as he could.

  “We’ll table that conversation until we get back from this run. For now, everyone let their women know they’re goin’ if you got ‘em. Everyone get ready to go,” Renegade says, slamming the gavel on the table and dismissing us all.

  I head in search of Vanessa and the kids. She’s not at the construction company today. Renegade got a call first thing this morning and told her not to go in. I’m not sure what’s going on there, but I’ll ask while we’re on the road. Hopefully it’s not something major going on and will only be a day or two before she can go back to work.

  After looking in the house and not finding the kids or Vanessa home, I head to the compound. This is eating up all the time I have to get ready, but it’s not like I have to pack a million clothes. And my bag is usually already packed and ready to go for trips that just seem to pop up like this.

  I walk into the office building at the compound and hear Cassidy talking to someone. We all know she was getting new girls in so I don’t want to interrupt if it’s one of them. Walking past her office, I head to the end of the hall so I can get to the main building all the classrooms are in. She’ll probably be in there with some of the other women. I wouldn’t bother them either, but I have to let her know I’m leaving.

  As I walk past the day care, I see Vanessa in there with a crying Kayla on her knee. Immediately I walk in the room to find out why my princess is crying. None of these other kids better have laid a hand on her.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, kneeling down next to my family.

  “She doesn’t feel good. I was going to meet with some of the new women, but I think I better just take the kids home. If she’s not feeling good, it’s only a matter of time before Tyler gets sick,” Vanessa tells me.

  As if on cue, Tyler runs up to us. Instead of stopping where we are, he runs for the bathroom holding his hand over his mouth. This isn’t going to be good. I walk in the bathroom and see him getting sick in the toilet. Tears are streaming down his face as I run my hand up and down his back to try to comfort him.

  Once he’s done, I help Tyler wash his face off and carry him out to Vanessa. She’s already got the kids things in her arms with Kayla clinging to her neck. Her hands are full and I’m not sure how she manages when I’m not here and both kids need her like this. Vanessa is definitely one strong woman and I’m proud as hell to call her mine.

  “Let’s get them home. Once they’re settled in, I have to leave, Nessa,” I tell her as we leave the room.

  “Where are you going?” she asks, looking at me.

  “On a run. I’ll be gone a few hours. Renegade said we’ll be back tonight. I’m just not sure what time. It’s a few hours one way, then a few more hours to meet up with our other club. I’m not sure how far from here that will put us. Will you be okay?” I ask her.

  “We’ll be fine. This isn’t my first rodeo,” she tells me with a small smile on her face.

  “I know it’s not. If I didn’t have to leave, I’d be right there with you,” I assure her.

  “I know you’d be here if you could,” she answers. “Don’t worry about us.”

  As soon as we’re in the house, we lay the kids on the floor. I get some blankets and make them a makeshift bed on the floor so they’re comfortable. Once the kids are settled in, I grab my bag and head out. Not before giving the kids and Vanessa a kiss goodbye. I’m hoping we’re back quick as hell because I don’t want to be away from the kids if they get worse than a stomach bug and have to go to the hospital.

  Walking up to my bike, I see all the guys waiting on me. Pyro, Tex, and Bishop are smiling because they think I’m about to get my ass reamed by Renegade for being late. If anyone understands where I’m coming from, he will.

  “Said a half hour, Grave,” Renegade says as I stash my bag and straddle the only other love in my life.

  “I know. Had to help Vanessa get the kids home from the compound. They’re both sick as hell. She’s gonna have a rough time while I’m gone,” I respond, grabbing my helmet so I can make sure the Bluetooth is on and connected to my phone.

  “They okay?” he asks, turning to look at me.

  “I hope so. They’re both gettin’ sick and she’s not lookin’ too good herself,” I answer. “Let’s head out so I can get the fuck back to my family.”

  “I’ll send some of the women over to help her,” Renegade tells me, sending a message out on his phone before shoving his phone back in his pocket and turning his bike on.

  We’ve met up with Jose and gotten his niece settled in the van with Tex and Bishop. Now, we’re almost to our meet with Stitch. I’ve checked on Vanessa and the kids more than once. She’s still all alone with them and she sounds tired as hell. Most of our calls end with her hanging up on me because one of the kids is getting sick and she needs to rush off.

  Renegade is watching me like a da
mn hawk because he knows my mind isn’t here right now. It’s at home with Vanessa and the kids. I’m paying attention to our surroundings and making sure no one’s following us, but I should really switch with Tex and let him ride my bike. If it comes to Renegade asking me to do this, I will without a fight. And no one ever rides my bike but me.

  As we pull into a gas station to fill up, I pull out my phone once again. Vanessa messaged me while we were riding.

  Vanessa: Gonna head to bed. It’s early, but I’m tired as hell. Love you, Grave. Be safe and I’ll see you tomorrow.

  Well, there goes the thought of calling her to check on the kids again. I’m not going to wake her or the kids up. If I know my woman, Tyler and Kayla will be in our bed with her. She won’t let them out of her sight for the night because they’re sick and throwing up. It’s just not in her to leave them in their own room. And I’m not gonna complain one single fucking bit. I’d be the same way. They’re too little and I don’t want anything to happen.

  “You good?” Smokey asks, walking up to me.

  “Nope. I should be there with her. But, they’re in bed now,” I answer him as I finish filling my tank.

  “Why you here then?” he asks.

  “Because I said I’d go. Didn’t think it’d be this hard to be away from them though,” I tell him, handing him the nozzle so he can fill his bike.

  “I’m never havin’ a damn family,” he vows.

  I start laughing my ass off. Smokey will be the one of us to fall the fucking hardest. He’s vowed for so long not to have an ol’ lady and I know he longs for the connection we all have. I was the same damn way and now I can’t imagine my life without my family by my side.

  “You’re gonna be a goner man. I can’t wait to watch you fuckin’ fall,” I tell him, still laughing.

  “Fuck you, Grave. I said I don’t want an ol’ lady and I mean it. I want a variety of pussy and I can get that all I want. Won’t ever give myself the chance to cheat on someone because I’m not goin’ there,” he vows once again.

  Renegade walks back over to us after paying for the shit he got inside. He hands us each a bottle of water after dropping snacks and drinks off at the van.

  “Stitch and his guys are meetin’ us just over an hour from here. Told them about the kids and he’s more than happy to get away for a while longer. Some shit’s goin’ down with a bitch there and he wants far away from the clubhouse right now,” he tells us. “Grave, you’ll be home in less than two hours.”

  I nod my head and roll my bike away from the pumps. Smokey is the last one to fill up and we can head the fuck out again. Once we’re on the road, I send a message to Vanessa just to let her know I’ll be home soon. She’ll be up with the kids before then I’m sure and she can respond or not. For now, I need to focus on this next hour or so and get through this run. Once Jose’s niece is dropped off I can race home and help Vanessa so she doesn’t get the shit the kids have.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I HAVEN’T BEEN feeling the best over the last few days. I’ve been going to work at the construction company, but avoiding the compound because I don’t want to get any of the women or kids there sick. At the construction company I’m basically alone all day so I don’t have to worry as much about getting anyone else sick.

  Grave doesn’t know I’m not feeling well either. He knows I’m tired, but that’s about it. Tyler and Kayla were only sick for a day so I don’t understand why I’m still feeling like crap and it’s been a few days.

  As I sit down at the desk to work on the computer, I look at the calendar and realize I haven’t gotten my period. I’m almost two weeks late. This can’t be happening!

  I pull my phone out and call the doctor’s office. I’ll be a new patient there, but I’m thinking I need to go have a pregnancy test done. Thankfully they can get me in within a few hours. One of the doctors has an opening and no one has scheduled an appointment so I take it.

  After letting Renegade know I have an appointment in a few hours, I call Grave to let him know.

  “What’s goin’ on baby?” he asks, answering the phone.

  “I have a doctor’s appointment today. It’s in a few hours. Can you watch the kids for me?” I ask him.

  “Of course. Everythin’ okay with you?” he asks me.

  “Yeah. I just feel run down and don’t want to get the kids or anyone else sick if I have something,” I tell him, thinking in the back of my mind no one else will be catching what I have.

  “Okay. We’ll be at the house. If you need me, let me know,” he says.

  “I will. Love you, Grave,” I say.

  “Love you always,” he returns.

  Hanging up the phone, I hang my head and think about what’s going on. If I’m pregnant, I’ll be happy as hell. Grave is going to make an amazing father. He already shows it on a daily basis with Tyler and Kayla. I know we’ve talked about having kids and he wants to start as soon as possible. But, it’s a different story altogether when it becomes a reality and is staring you in the face.

  I hope Grave is happy about this if I’m pregnant. Otherwise, the kids and I will move back into the compound as long as Cassidy will let us. As soon as I have enough money saved up, I’ll find us an apartment in town. Grave will be able to see his child as much, or little, as he wants to. I’m just not sure if he’s ready to take on a third child when we’re still getting used to living together.

  Pushing my thoughts aside, I get back to work. All the filing is done and my bosses are really impressed with the way I’ve filed everything. One cabinet is for all the completed job while the second one is filled with paperwork from current jobs and jobs they’ve put bids on but are waiting to hear back from. If they need something to look over it takes me a matter of seconds to find it instead of having to paw through years of paperwork.

  Now, I’m working on incorporating an accounting program. There’s boxes and boxes of receipts and other paperwork that needs to go in the program. It’s tedious and boring as hell, but in the end it will make everything run smoothly. Renegade will be able to print out a few sheets of paper to file taxes for the company instead of taking box after box to his accountant. At least that’s the goal.

  We’ll still have to keep the paperwork for a period of time, but at least I can store it when I’m done putting it in the computer. I’ll just have to figure out where Renegade and Psycho want me to store all these boxes. I’ve never seen so many in my life. Not filled with receipts and crap.

  Before I know it, it’s time to leave work and head to the doctor. Bishop meets me outside at the SUV. He’s apparently going to be following me there. I’m not sure why I have to be followed since we know there’s nothing Ray can do to me. And, my parent’s never cared enough to bother about where I’m hiding out. Well, living now. I don’t have to hide anymore— the kids and I are finally free.

  Bishop gives me quick directions to the office because I’m not sure where I’m going. He lets me know to look in the mirror if I’m not sure of the turn and he’ll let me know. So, we take off and it only takes a few minutes to get there.

  The parking lot is empty as I pull in and park close to the building. Bishop remains on his bike as I head in and give the receptionist my name. After handing me a stack of paperwork to fill out, she tells me I can sit down and fill them out before I’m called back. I’m glad I got here early so I can have this done before the nurse comes to get me.

  By the time I’m done filling everything out, a nurse is opening the door leading in back and calling my name. I take the clipboard and my purse with me as I follow her.

  “I’m Mary and I’ll be your nurse today. First, I have to get your weight and vitals,” she tells me as I set everything in the chair beside me.

  Once she has my weight and checks my vitals, Mary leads me into a small exam room.

  “What brings you in today?” she asks.

  “I’ve been feeling rundown lately and I looked at the calendar and
realized my period is two weeks late. I’m never late,” I tell her.

  “Okay. Well, let’s have you give a urine sample then,” she says, opening up a drawer and handing me a cup to go to the bathroom with.

  After taking care of my business, I head back to the exam room and wait for the doctor to come in. I’m not even sure if it’s a man or woman. At this point, I don’t really care, but I’m sure Grave will have something to say about it if it’s a man. Oh well. Too late to think about that now. He’ll just have to deal with it.

  As I take in the pale blue walls and the posters hanging on the wall, I realize this is the first time in a doctor’s office without having bruises on my body or the possibility of broken bones. I’m here simply because I’m not feeling good and want to know why. Relief fills me as I realize this is a first for me. The rest of my life is going to be filled with firsts for me now as I don’t have to worry about a man, or anyone else, laying their hands on me ever again. My children will never know the fear you live with on a daily basis because someone wants to put their hands on you simply because they can.

  There’s a knock on the door before I can think any more on being here for my own reasons. It’s a dark road to go down and I’m not going to go there. Thoughts of the past belong there— in the past. They aren’t my future and I’ve been working on keeping them in my mind so I recognize the patterns and behavior, but not letting them bog me down.

  “Mrs. Tomlin, I’m Doctor Wilt,” an older woman says.

  “It’s nice to meet you. Could you please call me Vanessa?” I ask the woman standing before me. “I just don’t like being associated with my now deceased husband.”

  “Absolutely, dear. I’m sorry,” she says, opening my new file and looking over the paperwork. “It looks as if your pregnancy test did come back positive.”

  “That’s what I thought,” I tell her.


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