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Grave's Claim (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 5)

Page 20

by Erin Osborne

  “What’s up, babe?” Grave asks, answering the phone immediately.

  “I just finished at the store and I’m on my way home,” I begin. “My parents are in town. They’ve never left our small town before and if they’re here, they know I’m here somehow. What are we gonna do?”

  “You saw your parents in the store?” he asks, trying to catch up.

  “Yeah. They were standing in the middle of an aisle fighting. I could hear them all the way through the store. Grave, if they’re here, they have to know I’m here,” I tell him again.

  “How long before you’re home?” he questions.

  “I’ll be there in about ten minutes or so,” I answer.

  “Okay. We’ll talk more about that when you get here. For now, let’s talk about somethin’ else. Anythin’ you want,” he says, trying to take my mind off my parents being in town.

  “How are the kids? Did you send them to day care today?” I ask him.

  “No. We’ve been at the house and clubhouse all day,” he says.

  “I’m sure they had fun then. Were the ol’ ladies there?” I ask, wanting to know if it was just him and the Babes.

  “Yeah. Hadliegh and Natasha were there,” he says, a smile and laugh in his voice because he knows where my mind went.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll get better,” I murmur.

  “Nothin’ to be sorry about, Nessa,” he assures me. “I get it. And you’re a lot better than some of the women involved with brothers.”

  “Well that’s something I guess,” I say sarcastically.

  For the next few minutes, we talk about the day the kids and him had. I’m going to hear all about it again when I get home from the kids, but I don’t care. I’d love to hear it from their point of view because I’m sure it will vary from Grave’s— it always does.

  By the time I pull into our driveway, Grave and the kids are outside waiting for me. As soon as the SUV is shut off and my door is open, Tyler and Kayla come running at me. They’ve missed me and wrap themselves around my legs. I let them have a few minutes while Grave goes and gets the groceries from the back hatch. He grabs them all as the kids run ahead of us back in the house.

  I walk in behind them and let them talk constantly in front of me. One of these days they’re going to be so busy paying attention to who’s behind them that they’ll run into something like the door or a door frame. But, they won’t listen and they’re excitement gets the better of them sometimes. So, I pay attention and give them warnings when they need them. Grave follows behind us and I listen to his deep laugh as the kids try to talk over one another to let me in on their day.

  Since Grave was home today, he’s already got dinner going when we get inside. Actually, it’s almost done by the time we get the groceries put away and the kids washed up from the day. When we sit down, Grave starts his interrogation. He’s all business as he asks me about my parents.

  “So, they’re in town. Did they see you?” he asks, bringing our plates over to the table.

  “No. I saw them and then almost ran the rest of the way through the store to get what we need. And I checked myself out so I wouldn’t have to wait in line,” I answer.

  “Why do you think they’re here?”

  “Money. It’s the only thing they care about so they can get what they need to survive the day. I’m sure they heard about you-know-who by now and think I have a ton of extra money lying around now,” I reply.

  “Okay, so how are we goin’ to get rid of them?” he questions.

  “I’m not sure. I don’t want to see them or have anything to do with them. They’re the last people I want to know where I live, work, or where the kids are. He’s the only reason they even know about them. If I don’t give them what they want, I’m sure they’ll try something,” I tell him, not going into details because of the kids sitting here.

  Tyler and Kayla aren’t paying attention to us, they’re too focused on their food. If they don’t eat, they don’t get dessert and they know this. So, they always eat and pay attention to what’s on their plate. Especially if it’s pizza like tonight because it’s one of their favorites so far.

  “We’ll figure somethin’ out, Nessa. I won’t let anythin’ happen to anyone here,” Grave replies, keeping his own information as limited in details.

  I nod my head in response because there’s nothing I can say to this. But, I know it will consume him until he figures out something to help us out of this situation.

  “What are their names?” he asks after we’re done cleaning up from the easy dinner.

  “Paul and Emily Reardon,” I whisper to him.

  “Okay. I’ll have Hawk get on it. For now, try to calm down and don’t think about it. I mean it when I say I got you and the kids. They won’t touch either of you,” Grave once again assures me.

  “Thank you, Grave,” I tell him, wrapping my arms around his middle. “I love you.”

  “Love you too. Always,” he responds.

  The rest of the night we relax with the kids. Even though I play and laugh with them, my mind is a million miles away. Thankfully, Grave is the only one to realize it. He doesn’t say a word to me about it, just rests his hand on a part of my body when he feels it’s threatening to overcome me. Tyler and Kayla play and talk with us until it’s bath and bedtime.

  Once in bed, Grave makes sure to do his best to take my mind off my parents being in town. Three times in fact. He ravishes my body and does things I’ve only read about in books. This man, who I love to death, is slowly consuming me and teaching me it’s okay to feel the things I do when we’re having sex.

  He made me so tired, I feel asleep instantly and didn’t have any dreams or thoughts of my parents through the night. Between being in his arms and being completely sated, my mind is completely blank as I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  AFTER GETTING THE call from Vanessa, and then learning the names of her parents, I messaged Hawk and asked him to dig up shit on them. He’ll get back to me as soon as he’s done his job and found every little speck of dirt on them he can. Until then, I have to think about the best way to handle this situation.

  One thought has been running through my mind. Vanessa and me getting married now so her parents can’t touch a single thing she has coming to her. Because from the way she’s talking, they’ll have no ill feelings about taking her and the kids, killing them, and taking all the money they think she got from Ray dying. I won’t give them the chance to get close to her if I can help it.

  I’m also going to see Renegade after he gets back from the construction company in the morning. I want Prospects on Vanessa when she’s at work and anywhere I can’t be with her. For now at least. Until I run into her parents and figure out what they want, I won’t fucking rest. Not only with her, but with the kids too. They won’t be going to the day care or anywhere Vanessa and I’m not at with them. Including the clubhouse.

  At this point, I have to believe someone in the club is the one who let it slip where Vanessa and the kids are. They’re the only ones who know. And I know she’s not one of the Babes favorite people. If she’s gone, they probably think I’ll move right on with them. It won’t happen, but there’s nothing I can do until one of them make a move in the open. Then, they’ll realize what it means to cross the club. The only other person I can think of is Foxy. And she’s in the wind.

  Foxy was kicked out because of Vanessa and the way Foxy chose to behave around me. She didn’t understand the word no and it didn’t matter to her what Vanessa thought or did. Me either in the grand scheme of things. So, it’s possible Foxy got in touch with Vanessa’s parents and let them know where the three of them are. I’ll have to have Hawk check in with her too.

  For now, the marriage idea is sounding like the best option. It means she’ll have around the clock protection even though she already does, she’ll have my last name, and I’ll have more say when it comes to protecting my family. At least in the eyes of ci
vilians and the cops if it comes to that. So, I’m going to have to bring the subject up to her.

  I don’t even want to wait. Calling Renegade, I lay out my plan.

  “Ren, I need a favor. A big one,” I tell him when he answers the phone.

  “What’s up?” he asks.

  “Vanessa’s parents are in town. It’s got her jumpy as hell,” I begin to tell him. “I want to marry her today so I have more say in what’s goin’ on with her life to outsiders. And the ol’ ladies are already plannin’ on throwin’ a party for her, so we can just have a bigger reason to celebrate.”

  “Does she know this?” he asks me.

  “Not yet. I’m about to get the kids and head over there now to talk to her. I don’t want her or the kids out of my sight if I can help it,” I tell him. “Would you and Natasha want to come to the courthouse with us for our witnesses?”

  “Abso-fuckin-lutely,” Renegade says. “I’ll call Natasha now.”

  Renegade hangs up on me and I slide my phone back in my pocket. I’ll have to use the club’s SUV because Vanessa has ours. I’m going to have to seriously think about buying a truck or another SUV because of situations like this.

  As soon as I get the kids around, they’re all excited because we’re going to see mommy during the day at work, and head out, I see Natasha loading the kids in her own SUV. Kora is helping her along with Bishop. I wait for them so we can all head in the same direction together. Not knowing what’s going to happen with Vanessa’s parents, I won’t let an ol’ lady out alone or just with a Prospect. Especially if we’re going the same damn way.

  Once we pull up to Johnson Construction, I help the kids out while Natasha and her family remain in their vehicle. Running inside, the kids and I explode into her office and startle Vanessa as she concentrates on the paperwork in front of her littering the top of her desk. My woman has been busy as hell getting everything in order to help Renegade and Psycho.

  “Hey, guys!” she says, greeting us. “What are you doing here?”

  “Well, I think I came up with an idea of how to ensure your parents can’t do anythin’ you’ve been thinkin’ since seein’ them,” I start. “Renegade and Natasha are waitin’ for us. How about we go to the courthouse right now and get married? Once you carry my last name, they won’t be able to say shit to you. Or do anythin’ to try to get their hands on what they think you have.”

  Vanessa sits back in her chair for a few minutes and thinks over the bombshell I’ve just dropped in her lap. Finally, she looks up at me, shuts off her computer, and nods her head.

  “I don’t need a big fancy wedding to marry you, Grave. Going to the courthouse is fine by me,” she says, grabbing her things.

  “Are you sure? We can have a big weddin’ later on,” I ask her.

  “No. I don’t want a big wedding. Grave, all I need is you, the kids, and the family I now have surrounding us,” she answers, leaning up for a kiss.

  I kiss my woman and thank fuck I was the first one to see her. That I saw the fire and strength in her before any other cocksucker did. Now, I get to have her carry my last name, carry my children, and have her in my arms and bed for the rest of my life. Today is one of the best days of my life and if Vanessa’s happy with the way we exchange vows, I’ll be happy forever.

  “We’re goin’ now to get married. Later, we’ll go to the clubhouse and have a celebration with the club,” I tell Vanessa as we head outside.

  Instead of getting in the SUV I borrowed from the club, I get in ours with my family. Renegade is already in their SUV and Bishop is waiting to follow us on his bike. I’m not even pissed about not being on my bike right now as I start the engine and grab Vanessa’s hand in mine. This is what I want right here.

  We head to the courthouse in the middle of town and park in the parking lot. Bishop remains seated on his bike even though he’s shut the engine off. He’ll make sure no one messes with our vehicles while we’re inside. The last thing I need is for something to happen to my family or Renegade’s because we weren’t on our toes and didn’t prepare for someone being dumb enough to touch our vehicles.

  “So, you’re really doing this?” Natasha asks Vanessa.

  “Yeah. We’re already engaged. It’s just a little sooner than I thought we’d get married,” my woman answers, even though she knew we’d be married before she had my baby.

  “I’m so happy for you. And to be here to stand by your side,” Natasha tells her.

  “Thank you both for being here,” Vanessa says, looking at my President and his wife.

  “Wouldn’t be anywhere else,” Renegade answers, carrying the twins in their car seats.

  Our little party heads inside the courthouse and go through all the security checkpoints. I guess it’s a good thing I had the kids with me and don’t have to worry about having my gun on me today. There’s one in the SUV I was riding in, so I wasn’t worried about being able to protect my family. And I have one stashed in our own SUV. Vanessa doesn’t even know where it is and I want to keep it that way as long as possible. I hope she never has to find out where it is and use it.

  We sit down in the waiting area after checking in with the courtroom guard. He’s letting the judge know we’re here waiting to be married so we can get that done between his court cases. It seems he has a light caseload today so it shouldn’t be a problem to have us married as soon as the case he’s currently in is finished. And we’ve been told it’s just a traffic ticket so it shouldn’t be much longer.

  Natasha and Vanessa quietly talk amongst themselves. I’m not sure what they’re saying as I think of what we’re about to do. Vanessa deserves so much more than what I’m giving her today. She deserves the wedding of her dreams and I want to give it to her. Maybe we’re making a mistake by doing it this way, standing in front of a judge with just Renegade, Natasha, and the kids.

  “You let Hadliegh know?” Renegade asks, sitting down next to me.

  “Yeah. I messaged her before I went in to get Nessa,” I answer, distracted by my thoughts.

  “You havin’ second thoughts?” he asks.

  “Vanessa deserves so much more than this. She deserves to have the white dress, flowers, a weddin’ party, and everythin’ else for a weddin’,” I tell him low enough so no one else can overhear.

  “Is that what she wants?” he questions.

  “She said no. And I know we were gonna get to this point soon, but I’m not sure if this is what she truly wants. There’s reasons we’re doin’ this, but are they right?” I ask him.

  “Is this just about her parents bein’ in the area?”

  “No. There’s other things here, but we promised one another not to say anythin’ just yet,” I tell him.

  “Okay. Did she seem hesitant or anythin’ when you told her your plans?”

  “No. I don’t think so. She seems to be happy, but there’s still parts of her I don’t get. No one gets it from her because she’s still comin’ out of her shell and learnin’ to let people in,” I say.

  “I get it, but she’s doin’ amazin’ as far as I can tell,” Renegade says. “She’s doin’ better than we thought she would at the construction company. Not that we thought she’d do a bad job. I just think she wants this to happen as much as you and she doesn’t need the big, fancy weddin’ you think she deserves.”

  “But what if she regrets this?” I ask him.

  “She won’t. Vanessa knows what she wants and she’s not goin’ to let anyone talk her into doin’ things she doesn’t want to do anymore,” Renegade tells me, standing up to go take one of his children from Natasha.

  Before I can get lost in my head again, the court clerk calls our name and escorts us into the judge’s chambers. There’s no time to think or do much of anything except stand in our required spots and wait for him to marry us. The only thing we’re doing that’s not like a regular wedding before a judge is say our own vows. It’s the one thing I’m giving Vanessa today.

  “Nessa, from the very first se
cond I saw you, I knew my life was about to change. You have a fire and fightin’ spirit within you not many women have these days. You grow stronger and braver every single day and I want to be by your side as you continue to grow. I’ll be the strength you need when a bad day is here and the person you always know will be there for you no matter what you need.

  Until you, I never wanted a wife and children. I was content to be alone and only have to worry about my club, the only family I ever wanted. Vanessa, you and the kids have changed my life and become my entire world. I’ll do anythin’ for you guys and I’ll give my life to protect all of you. I love you. Always,” I say, knowing I’ll never be able to put into words the way I truly feel about my woman.

  “Grave, you are the one person in my life who’s never let me down. You’ve been there since the day I arrived in Shadowville and show me every single day that I’m worthy of love, forgiveness, and a man who doesn’t hit women and children. You want me to succeed in everything I do and want me to become as strong as I can with your help when I need it. There’s no expectations I can’t meet or ways I can let you down just by being in the same room as you. I’ve never known love until the day I met you. There was no way I could fight the feelings you evoke in me and the way you make my children and I feel safe, loved, and like we’re the most important people in your life. Grave, you are the man I was always supposed to marry, be a partner to, and grow old with. I love you. Always,” Vanessa says, a tear sliding down her cheek.

  I reach out and swipe the tear away and wipe it on my pants. The judge looks at us and I wait for him to continue.

  “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride,” the judge says.

  Leaning down, I place a hand on each side of Vanessa’s face. I gently brush my lips against hers as she kisses me back. In the distance I can hear clapping and laughter from the kids. Today is better than I ever thought possible.

  Breaking apart, I look at the judge as he stands behind his desk with the papers we need to sign waiting for us. After the five of us sign where we’re supposed to, the judge makes a copy of the paper for us to have for now until we get our copy in the mail. Renegade and Natasha, along with the kids, congratulate us. Before we leave, Vanessa stops us.


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