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I Think You're Right

Page 12

by M Boratus

  “Scoop the cum off your face and eat it,” he told her. “Leave the cum on your tits there. Just cover it up and wear it home.”

  “You want me to walk home covered in cum?” she asked, although her voice held anticipation, not a refusal.

  “That’s what sluts do,” he told her. She smiled and did what he said.

  Shaun pulled up his pants and sat back down in his chair. “I hope that’s enough for today. I have an assignment to finish.”

  Amanda picked herself up and straightened out. “I could go for more, but that’ll hold me for a while, Shaun. I mean, Sir. Are you going to the kegger tomorrow?”

  Shaun smiled. Before he met Amanda, he always went, hoping to score. Between her and her mother, getting laid wasn’t an issue now, and he knew Amanda would be going with her friends. “I may drop by.”

  “Please try,” she said. “I’d love to see you again, maybe spend the night after.” She made her voice enticing. “See how much endurance we have.”

  “I’ll see,” Shaun said. “But no promises.”

  “Okay. I hope you make it.” She grabbed her bag and started to leave but then turned, rushed over and kissed his cheek. “Thank you so much.”

  As she started to turn back to the door, she noticed her panties sitting on his desk. She started to reach for them, but then stopped herself. ‘Sluts walk home without panties,’ she thought to herself. She strolled out with an air of pride, knowing she was a cum covered, panty-less slut who’d just been well fucked. ‘Mom would be proud.’


  “Who are you looking for?” Abby asked as she and Jessica sat at the bar of Rodney’s Oyster Bar & Bistro.

  Most of the dinner crowd had left as the drinkers flowed through the doors. The main circular bar sat in the centre of the room, the pearl in the oyster. They had chosen a location facing the main entrance. As one would expect, the decor consisted of wood to convey the feeling of being inside a ship. Old ships’ wheels, fishing nets, and portholes decorated the ceiling and upper walls.

  The staff wore more traditional outfits; white tops with black pants or skirts. Although the backs of their shirts had clever sayings such as “Check out my pearl,” “Suck me off,” and “Clam up. I’m working.” Several of the staff moved about the crowd, taking orders and delivering drinks.

  “What?” Jessica asked back.

  “You keep glancing over to the entrance,” said Abby.

  “Sorry,” Jessica replied. “I have a friend coming that I want you to meet.”

  Abby smiled. “Trying to set me up already? Maybe you should wait until I get through the divorce.”

  Jessica brought her attention fully back to her friend. “So that’s happening then?”

  The redhead nodded. “Yep. By my second session with Dr. Maddow, I knew I had to do it. I even hired a P.I. who got pics of my cheating dirt bag husband fucking his business partner.”

  Jessica’s eyebrows raised. “I thought his business partner was a guy.”

  “He is,” Abby replied.

  “Ouch. Well, here’s to a quick divorce,” she said, raising her glass.” “I can see there are several men here that don’t want to wait long for you to be available.”

  Abby reflexively glanced around. Many men were checking the two ladies out. Abby was used to Jessica drawing the most attention, but tonight her friend had toned down her appearance. Her beautiful hair sat in a bun while her blue top did its best to hide the size of her breasts. And her full-length skirt hid the woman’s shapely legs. Despite all this, there was no way to truly hide Jessica’s natural beauty, which pulled in the attention of many patrons.

  In contrast, Abby’s fitting, low-cut green dress and four-inch green heels made her look a little like Poison Ivy from the Batman comics: sexy and a bit dangerous. Despite her feeling more confident as a result of Dr. Maddow’s sessions, her posture still made her look smaller than she was. However, accented makeup and her fiery hair tried to balance that out with an exotic look.

  Abby was about to ask about her friend’s attire when Jessica’s phone rang. Her face lit up when she read the caller ID.

  “Hi! Where–” She paused and frowned for just a second, then nodded. “Yes, Dr. Maddow. I’m out with Abby now. She was just singing your praises. She told me about the divorce proceedings. Yes, I’m happy for her. Now, if we can just get her a little more out of her shell and flirty.” Jessica looked over at Abby as she listened to the caller. “He said, ‘I think Abby will be less inhibited and flirtier since she’s out with a friend for support.’” She locked eyes with Abby. “What do you think?”

  Abby nodded. “I think he’s right. Now, that I think about it, I do feel better with you here.”

  “He told me, ‘I think Abby knows she can trust you and will go along with your plans for the evening.’ What do you think?”

  Butterflies flew in her stomach, but she agreed. “I think he’s right.”

  “Yes, doctor. I know the type of guys she likes, and I know the type of guys that would be good for her. They’re not usually the same.” Jessica stuck her tongue out at Abby. “Haha. Yeah. He said, ‘I think if Abby knows what’s good for her, she’ll be interested in the men you tell her to be interested in.’ What do you think?”

  Abby sighed. “Yeah. I think he’s right. I’ve always managed to pick the wrong men. I’ll follow your lead. But let’s not get too crazy tonight, okay? Remember, my divorce is just starting.”

  Jessica nodded. “Okay, thanks, Dr. Maddow. I’ll see you on Monday.” She hung up. “He just wanted to confirm if we were meeting at my place or his office.”

  “Oh. Okay,” Abby replied. “So, what plan of yours am I following tonight?”

  “Ladies,” a man said as he and his wingman sauntered up. “My friend said it looks like you’ve been stood up. I said no men in their right minds would stand up two ladies as beautiful as you two. We decided we had to find out which it is.”

  Abby lit up, immediately enamoured by the first man and also attracted to the other. “Whether we have or not–”

  “We aren’t interested,” Jessica interrupted. “Sorry, boys, but we’re both taken. Just enjoying some drinks.”

  Looking at the men again, Abby was surprised she had been attracted to them a moment ago. Jessica was right. She wasn’t interested.

  “How about we just keep you company for a few of those drinks?” the other man suggested.

  “We’ve given you a polite ‘No,’” Jessica said. “Do you want to see what a rude one feels like?”

  The man raised his hand in surrender. “Okay, we get it. Have a nice evening, ladies.” The men retreated to scout the other women there.

  A moment later, Jessica gestured to the front door. “See the young black guy coming in?” she asked Abby.

  “What about him?” she asked back.

  “That’s the type of guy you should be interested in.”

  Abby glared at her friend. “He’s got to be ten years younger than me!” Being nine years younger than Jessica, her guess was accurate. Even as she argued with her friend, however, Abby could see what Jessica was talking about. The boy was tall and fit. His shirt hugged his body, showing off broad shoulders, thick biceps, and a washboard stomach. His confident stroll had other women turning to look. Even though his jeans were loose-fitting, they outlined a muscular ass nicely. When he smiled their way, her heart fluttered.

  “Yes, he is,” Jessica said. “But don’t let that stop you. He’s mature beyond his years and tell me you don’t think that body would be fun to roll around with.”

  Abby slapped her friend’s leg. “Jess! Can we see if there’s any chemistry first before you have me fucking some young stud?”

  “Shaun!” Jessica said as he walked up. They hugged, and she kissed his cheek. “This is Abby. The one I was telling you about.”

  “The one that needs to come out of her shell?” Shaun said, sending Abby a playful smile.

  Abby blushed. “Does everyone
know about me?”

  “Not all the details,” Shaun said. “She said you were an amazing person in an awful marriage, and you needed to have fun again. Is that about right?”

  “Pretty much,” Abby replied.

  “So, do you think you might be able to have fun with us tonight?” Shaun asked.

  Abby smiled. “I may be coerced. Not too much fun, though.”

  Shaun put a hand on her arm. “Abby, there’s no such thing.”

  The redhead felt a tingle from his touch. She smiled as she slapped him lightly. “Don’t you go trying to get me into trouble.”

  “No promises,” Shaun replied. He turned to Jessica. “Do you mind if I steal her away for a dance?”

  “If I can dance with you later,” Jessica replied.

  “Why don’t you join us for a threesome for the next song?” Shaun said.

  Abby smacked Shaun playfully again. “Shaun! You’re terrible.”

  “Yes. Yes, I am,” Shaun said as he pulled her away to the dance floor. Abby was so focused on him that she didn’t notice the deep shade of red Jessica turned when she had heard the word “threesome.”

  They began dancing apart like everyone else, but Shaun soon put his hand on the small of her back to pull her closer. “You don’t seem so nervous to me,” he said, moving in so he could talk in her ear. “Jessica said I needed to help get you out of your shell.”

  “I’m not as nervous as usual,” she said. “I’ve been seeing someone about it.”

  “Dr. Maddow?” Shaun asked.

  Abby’s eyes went wide. Before she could respond, he continued. “I used to see him too.”

  “Really?” she said. “For what?”

  “I was self-destructive in school. My parents set up appointments with him for me. It was expensive but so worth it.”

  Abby nodded. “I’ve made great progress in just three sessions.”

  “I would’ve have liked to have seen you before to see how much you’ve changed. Your sexiness is drawing the attention of a lot of men here.”

  Abby immediately glanced around but didn’t see too many people looking at her.

  “That’s not true,” she said, but her arms came up to circle his neck, partially from the nervousness of being watched, partially to get closer to him.

  “Not now,” Shaun replied. “You’re with me. If I were to leave you alone on this dance floor, you’d be swarmed in seconds.”

  “You’re giving me too much credit,” she said.

  “Should I leave now then? To show you?”

  She tightened her grip on him. “No! I mean, let’s finish the dance.” She glanced around again.

  Shaun pulled her close until they began to grind lightly. “You know Dr. Maddow taught me some lessons that I know he wants all his clients to know. Stop me if he’s already given you these messages, okay?”


  “He said, ‘I think you’d be more at ease and more adventurous if you stopped caring what everyone else thought about how you look and what you’re doing. It’s not their business anyway, and the ones that react, typically do so out of jealousy. What do you think?’”

  Abby nodded. “Yes, I think you’re right. I never looked at it that way before. What else did he say?”

  Shaun loved that she was prompting him. “He said, ‘People repress themselves even in private because they’re worried that somehow other people might find out what they do, so they live by what they think others would approve of. I think you should explore your interests, your curiosities, and your fantasies because otherwise you’re not truly living. What do you think?’”

  She nodded again. “I think you’re right. There are so many things I’ve want to try but never have. Things I was afraid to ask my husband. Even things I’ve been afraid to say to Jess, and I tell her everything.”

  “Playful things?” asked Shaun. “Adventurous things? Sexy things?”

  She lightly slapped his shoulder. “Down boy. We’ve just met. Give me some time to get comfortable with you before we go there.”

  Shaun laughed. “That’s another thing Dr. Maddow talked about.”


  “He said, ‘People hold back on desires because of this false sense of waiting for the right time and opportunity. I think they should realize that every moment is an opportunity, that the right time and place is something you create yourself. What do you think?’”

  A devious little smile grew on Abby’s lips. “I think you’re right.” And with that, she kissed him. Their tongues played for a while before she pulled back. “Oh my god. I’ve never been that bold before.” She shot him a nervous glance. “Please don’t think I’m that easy.”

  “I think you're finally you,” Shaun replied. “And I like it.”

  She blushed.

  “One last thing Dr. Maddow told me. ‘I think when you start to be you truly, you should pick someone who’s gone through the process and trust only them to guide you. That way, you don’t get in trouble or involved with the wrong person who would take advantage of your transformation. What do you think?’”

  “I think you’re right. Absolutely. Some of the things I’d love to try, yes, some people less understanding would laugh at me, and others would try to take advantage of me.”

  “I know,” said Shaun. “I’ve been through the process, remember? Jessica’s going through it now, so I’m helping her.”

  “Would you?” Abby said hesitantly. “I mean I know you’re already helping Jess, but would you be open to helping me as well?”

  “Do you feel you can trust me?”

  “Jess trusts you, and I trust her, so…”

  “Then let’s start you flirting a little,” said Shaun.

  Abby chuckled. “I thought I was.”

  “True,” Shaun replied. “And I’m enjoying it, but the song is ending, Jessica’s going to join us, and I want you to see just how desirable you are.”

  “How?” she asked, nervous tingles already moving through her.

  “Dance by yourself. If someone comes up to you, dance with him for a while, flirt, but then move on to the next guy. I’ll be close by to bail you out if anyone gets too hands-y, but I’m betting men will surround you in no time. You’re just that beautiful.

  She blushed again. “Thank you, Shaun. But I’m–”

  He put a finger to her lips. “Take the compliment.”

  She nodded then glanced to her right to see Jessica moving toward them.

  “Ready?” Shaun asked.

  Abby nodded.

  Shaun let go and walked away like he was no longer interested. Abby kept dancing as he met up with Jessica, who had already acquired a few lurkers just behind her. They began to dance.

  “She kissed you,” Jessica said.

  “Jealous?” Shaun asked.

  “A little, but that’s just so unlike her. Dr. Maddow’s work is amazing.”

  “Yes, it is,” Shaun agreed. “And about that. I told her I used to go to him, so play along with that.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied.

  “And make sure you don’t call me that while we’re with her.”

  “It’ll be hard, Sir, but I will,” Jessica said. “I get a little dose of joy whenever you give me an order, and I say that.” She looked over to her friend. Abby moved from the first guy who’d approached her to the next, stayed with him long enough to think she was his and then moved on again. She’d run a finger along with their chests or arms. She’d let them pull her in but then slip away. Men were trying to calculate what the secret move was to keep her with them.

  “Look at her go,” Jessica said, amazed. “I’ve never seen her like this. She’s giving all those men major hard-ons.”

  “She certainly is,” said Shaun, but he noticed that with each new man she teased and escaped from, she looked over to him, her eyes enticing, her smile wicked.

  “But, Sir,” Jessica said. “I thought we were going to get her interested in me tonight.”

“Patience, slut,” Shaun said. “We have to get her flirt on first. Then we redirect it.”

  As expected, one man eventually tried to trap Abby to him. Shaun and Jessica separated. Jessica moved to the man’s left and cast him an alluring look as she danced. It was enough to distract him while Shaun moved in and freed her. The man gave Shaun an annoyed look but then shrugged and turned to Jessica, his new target. To his dismay, she’d melted into the crowd.

  Back at the bar, the three reunited for a toast.

  “To Abby,” Shaun said. “The world’s newest sex object.”

  “And the maker of blue balls,” Jessica added.

  “You two are horrible!” Abby said, laughing.

  “Was I right, though?” Shaun asked.

  Abby started to argue. “It was–”

  “Uh uh,” Shaun said. “Was I right?”

  Abby huffed and gave in. “You were right.”

  “So are you sexy?” he asked.

  “I guess.”

  He shook his head. “Say it.”

  “I’m sexy,” she said, but her voice and body language betrayed the declaration.

  “Say it and mean it,” Shaun urged.

  Her devious smile returned. “I’m fucking’ sexy!” she said, holding up her glass.

  “Yeah, you are!” said Shaun as he and Jessica clanked their glasses with hers.

  “Ooh,” Abby squealed. “That gave me shivers. So, what mischief are we up to next?”

  “Truth or dare,” said Shaun.

  “Here?” asked Abby, a little shocked.

  “It gives us lots to work with,” Shaun replied. “Jessica, truth or dare?”

  Jessica didn’t hesitate. “Dare.”

  “Go grab that bouncer’s butt.”

  “Too easy,” she said. She sauntered over to the big man and said, “Excuse me. I need to confirm something.” She grabbed him firmly. The surprise came over his face, but he barely moved. “Oh yeah. That’s what I thought. Thanks.” Winking at him, she casually walked back. He just shook his head and laughed.

  “My turn,” Jessica said. “Shaun, truth or dare?”



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