Book Read Free

I Think You're Right

Page 20

by M Boratus

  “Hi Abby,” Gloria replied. “What brings you here?”

  “I’m here for my appointment,” Abby told her.

  “Um, you don’t have an appointment,” Gloria said.

  “Dr. Maddow asked me to join him for Jessica’s session,” Abby explained.

  “Oh!” said Gloria. “Jessica does her sessions at her home now.”

  “Oh really?” asked Abby. “I could have sworn the doc told me to meet him here. This is Shaun by the way.”

  “Hi Shaun,” said Gloria.

  “Let me just give him a call,” said Abby. “I’m still early. They probably haven’t started yet.”

  Abby pretended to dial on her phone, which was actually Shaun’s, then spoke. “Hey doctor Maddow, it’s Abby. It’s a bit hard to hear you. You in a bad zone? Yeah, I’m at the office. Oh. Crap. Okay, I can rush over. What? Oh, she’s right here. Let me put you on speaker.”

  Abby pulled the phone away from her ear and hit play on the recording Shaun had made.

  “Can you hear me?” Dr. Maddow’s voice said.

  “Yes,” both girls said. They smiled at each other.

  “Anthropological chickens,” the doctor’s voice said.

  As Shaun had hoped, both girls slumped. He quickly caught Abby’s hand before she dropped his phone and told her to wake.

  The recording continued to play, made from the audio tracks of the videos Shaun had taken and layered over with static in the right places to hide clipped words and phrases.

  “You can trust… Shaun. You will do what Shaun tell… you to do. Whenever you hear Shaun… say, “I think,” you will believe or obey whatever Shaun say… immediately after. Obeying… Shaun will make you feel good. Do you understand?”

  “I understand,” Gloria replied.

  “Good,” Shaun said. “Now, give me access to your computer.”

  “Of course, Shaun,” Gloria said as she slid back and got up.

  “I think you’ll guide me to find the files the doctor wants,” Shaun told her.

  “I think you’re right,” said Gloria.

  “Where are the files for his hypnotic app?” asked Shaun.

  “The doctor does not keep those files here,” said Gloria.

  “Damn,” Shaun muttered. “Does the doctor use a cloud drive?”

  “Yes,” said Gloria. “One Drive.”

  “Log me in,” Shaun ordered.

  Gloria leaned in and accessed the account. Her tits rubbed against Shaun as she did and when he turned to her he noticed the ample but firm ass sticking out as she bent over.

  “Fuck her later,” Shaun said quietly to himself.

  When Gloria stood up, Shaun poured through the files until he found a folder called “App Source.” He plugged in a USB drive and copied the files. He found another called “App Data” and copied those as well.

  “I think that’s it,” he said a while later as he finished up. “Gloria, I think once we leave, you’ll forget we were even here, but you’ll still obey me if we ever meet again. What do you think?”

  “I think you’re right, Shaun,” she replied.

  “I think that if you ever meet me again, you’ll be very sexually attracted to me,” Shaun added with a mischievous grin. “What do you think?”

  “I think you’re right, Shaun,” she replied again.

  “Shaun!” Abby exclaimed.

  “Aw. Come on, Abby,” Shaun said. “I think you should let me have my fun. What do you think?”

  Abby’s demeanour immediately changed. “I think you’re right,” she replied happily.

  With that they exited the office and Gloria returned to her desk.


  Shaun spent the next few days trying to figure out the code through talks with Gerry and many, many YouTube tutorials. He eventually learned that the app displayed text along with hypnotic patterns while also playing audio tracks that contained multiple layers of commands with different phrases coming through the left and right speakers to confused and then subdue the brain. The data folder contained several versions of both text and audio files for different occasions and different personalities types. He even found an attempt to send a video through email. The doctor seemed to have abandoned that method.

  The good news was that Shaun didn’t have to change the code. He only had to replace the audio and text files with ones he made that were the same length as the existing ones, and use his voice instead of the doctor’s. It was easy enough if he just said exactly what was in the files but used his own name. Then he could compile the code and he’d have his own version of the app.

  As he poured through the files, he found just how they worked on the subject. The doctor had recorded many sessions with various patients. He realized how careful and thorough the doctor had been in his testing, keeping the tests away from sexual commands until he was sure the programming was firmly implanted, then exploring the subject’s sexual fantasies to see what he could use and where he could push things.

  “Amazing,” thought Shaun. “This guy knows his shit. But now it’s my shit and I’m going to beat him at his own game.”


  Chapter 17

  Shaun thought about how far he’d come. A couple months ago he was a typical college student with a girlfriend, Amanda, that he wasn’t sexually satisfied with because she was so inhibited. Now, he owned her mother, Jessica, who was the perfect slave for him in every way he could think of. He had transformed his girlfriend into a slut that would fuck him –and just about anyone else– any way he liked. And as a bonus, he now controlled his slave’s friend, Abby, a spunky redhead who was enjoying taking her own sexuality to new limits.

  He could stop there and be happy except for a couple things. First, the doctor, who had enabled all of this, had his sights set on Jessica, not only for her stunning looks, but because she was worth one hundred million dollars through the businesses she owned. Shaun had to remind himself that his slave was a brilliant, cunning businesswoman, not just a slut, hungry for, and devoted to, his cock. Getting the doctor to leave Jessica and Shaun’s other women would probably prove difficult if not impossible. While Shaun had stolen the code for the doctor’s hypnotic app, the doctor probably had other resources to draw on. Seeing the business deals the man had been making, Shaun had no doubt the doctor had some powerful connections. Those connections could come for him.

  The second issue was power. Shaun had already come up with audio clips he could use to grant him the same control of the doctor’s victims as the doctor himself. In truth, he didn’t need the doctor’s app to free Jessica’s friends from the doctor’s control. His girls hadn’t picked up on that yet. He’d successfully taken control of the three girls without the app. He could easily repeat the process on all of Jessica’s friends.

  Shaun had the app, however, and the only real reason he had for using it was to make more slaves for himself that weren’t originally slaves of Dr. Maddow. That’s what was eating at him. Could he be becoming as bad as the doctor? The idea of a harem of women happily following his every command was incredibly addictive. Of course, getting them to use the app would be far more difficult for him than the doctor. He couldn’t just walk up to a potential slave and say, “Watch this.”

  If he was cunning enough, however, he could make it work. But should he take that step? Until now, despite some of his actions, he’d considered himself the hero in this little adventure. Could it be that this was just the origin story of the villain?

  The thought nagged at him as he sat in his dorm room, distracting him from studying for his next exam. The knock at the door brought him back to the room. He rose and opened the door, expecting to see one of his dorm mates. The sight of two men –one tall, slim and black, the other a shorter stocky Italian– holding up police badges stopped his heart for a moment. Shaun broke into a cold sweat as they said his name.

  “Detectives Butters and Getz. We have a warrant to search your room,” Butters, the taller one, told him as he pul
led out the document.

  “What’s this all about?” asked Shaun.

  “Please stand aside,” Butters said as he shoved the document into Shaun’s chest while Getz entered the room and began to search.

  “I have a right to know what I’m being charged with,” Shaun said.

  Several people stood in the hallway watching the event unfold. Shaun nodded to Gerry.

  “Got it,” Getz announced as he produced a clear bag with a white powder in it.

  “What the–” Shaun gasped. “That’s not mine!”

  “That’s what they all say,” Butters told him as he grabbed Shaun’s arms. “Shaun Barber, you are under the arrest for the possession and trafficking of crack cocaine. You have the right to remain silent.”

  As Butters read him his rights, Shaun knew that Dr. Maddow had made his move. He’d discovered what Shaun was doing and was removing him from the game. Getz grabbed his laptop and phone as evidence then followed Butters and Shaun out of the building.

  Shaun soon found himself in the back of an unmarked police car. His biggest fear was that the detectives weren’t taking him to jail but to be disposed of. When they arrived at a large home, bordering on being called a mansion, Shaun felt a bit of relief. He already knew who must live in that house.

  “This doesn’t look like the police station,” Shaun said as they dragged him out of the car and toward the front door.

  “Shut up,” Getz told him.

  Shaun’s eyes bulged when Sally opened the door in her French maid outfit. Her gravity-defying tits made his cock twitch, despite his dire circumstance. The detectives led him into an office to where Dr. Maddow sat behind a large dark wood desk, a devilish smile on his face.

  Shaun glanced around the room. Bookshelves lined the wall to his left with an entertainment system in the centre. Pictures of Maddow with various famous people hung on the opposite wall between two large bay windows.

  Two large electric sconces (currently off because the light from the windows was sufficient) behind Dr. Maddow framed him and a large portrait of, Shaun guessed, Maddow’s parents and him as a child.

  ‘I can’t believe this guy was innocent once,’ Shaun thought.

  A large oval rug of Persian design lay beneath the desk, the chairs in front of it, and much of the floor leading up to Maddow. Shaun enjoyed its plush feeling as he walked up to the desk.

  “Welcome, Mr. Barber,” he said. “We have much to discuss.”

  “We do,” asked Shaun. “Such as your illegal hypnosis practices.”

  The doctor smiled. “That should be the least of your concerns right now. Whether you live to see tomorrow is what you should be worried about.”

  “If you were going to kill me I wouldn’t be standing here,” Shaun told him.

  Butters sat down at a small table and opened the laptop.

  “Password?” he said.

  “Not happening,” Shaun replied.

  Getz, still standing behind Shaun, grabbed his baby finger and broke it. Shaun screamed.

  “Password?” Butters said, his tone unchanged.

  “Are you fucking insane?” Shaun exclaimed.

  Getz broke the next finger. Shaun screamed again.

  “Password?” Butters repeated.

  “Jessica69,” Shaun replied. “Small ‘J’, the ‘E’ is a three, capital ‘S’s, the ‘I’ is a one.”

  “I’m in,” said Butters.

  Shaun felt his thumb being pressed against something. A moment later, Getz said, “I’m in his phone.” The man sat down in one of the chairs in front of the desk as he thumbed through the contents of the phone.

  “What are they looking for?” asked Shaun, his breath ragged.

  “You know what,” said the doctor. “For whatever you used to take control of Jessica, Amanda, and Abby.”

  “That’s easy,” said Shaun. “My charm.”

  “Would you like Getz to break another finger?” asked Maddow?

  “Not my first choice, no,” Shaun replied.

  “Then tell me,” he demanded. “How did you find out I was controlling them and how did you take control?”

  “I was fucking Jessica and Amanda before you came into the picture,” Shaun lied.

  “Lies,” the doctor said. “Jessica would have told me.”

  “Did you ever ask her if she was fucking anyone on the side?” asked Shaun. “Or was your focus just on getting her over her husband and under you?”

  The doctor thought about it. He’d never actually asked Jessica about any extramarital affairs on her part because she’d been so distraught about her husband cheating.

  Shaun saw the look in his eyes and continued, “Yeah, I didn’t think so. Kinda sloppy, doc, but it’s easy to get distracted where Jessica’s concerned. When she started acting a bit weird I decided to stay at her place and listen in on one of your sessions. After that, it was easy.”

  “Easy?” said the doctor. “How? They only respond to my voice.”

  “And your messages,” Shaun added. “You specifically told them ‘Whenever I send you a message, such as on email or text, that contains “I think,” you will believe or obey whatever comes next in the message.’

  Maddow’s eyebrows raised as Shaun quoted him.

  “You told them “such as on email or text” which left other ways of getting them to obey me. I just started telling them I had messages from you. Everything they do for me, they think they’re doing because you told them to.”

  “Exploited a loophole,” the doctor said, nodding with respect. “That’s all it took?”

  “What’s your maid’s name?” asked Shaun.

  The doctor raised an eyebrow, wondering where this was going, but saw no way the kid could cause any real harm. “Sally,” he replied.

  “Call her,” said Shaun.

  “Sally!” Maddow called out. “Can you come in here please?”

  Sally soon appeared at the door. “Yes?”

  “Sally,” Shaun said. “Dr. Maddow told me to tell you something.”

  “Yes?” Sally repeated.

  Shaun glance back at the doctor who gave a cautious nod. “He said, ‘I think you should undress for us. What do you think?”

  Sally nodded. “I think you’re right.” She began to remove her clothes.

  “Holy…” Getz said as he and Butters stopped what they were doing to stare at Sally.

  The doctor leaned back in his chair, shaking his head, but doing nothing to stop the maid. “I didn’t realize it could be that easy. I’ll have to fix that. Now, what to do with you?”

  “Let me go,” said Shaun.

  “Not when you can have me thrown in jail.”

  “Pay me off,” Shaun suggested.

  “And how much would it take to pay you off?” asked the doctor.

  “Nothing really,” Shaun replied. “Just Jessica and Amanda. Oh, and Jessica’s friend Abby, if you control her. She’s hot.” He did his best to imply he had no control over the redhead yet.

  The doctor thought about it. Three women for his security. Admittedly, one was the woman he’d wanted most, but his network of rich women was still growing and he could probably find another in time. The questions were, could Shaun really be trusted, and should he even bother keeping this kid alive?

  “Look,” Shaun said as if reading his mind. “I can’t have you arrested. All your files would get confiscated and they’d bring in a hypnotherapist to undo everything you’ve done and that means they’d find out what I’ve done and I’d go to jail too.” Shaun waited for Maddow to nod before continuing. “You can’t have me arrested because I squeal and same thing, we both end up in jail. The smart play is we go our separate ways both winners. You get the rest of your harem and get to close your loophole, and as compensation I get three out of what I’m guessing is many.”

  Glancing to the side, Maddow noticed the two cops mesmerized by the naked bombshell in front of them. “Have you two found anything of value yet?” he snapped.

he men quickly looked back at their respective devices before replying.

  “Nothing yet,” said Butters.

  “I think I got something,” said Getz.

  He played a recording on Shaun’s phone.

  “Anthropological chickens,” the doctor’s voice said.

  The doctor’s gaze shot over to the recording. He was so surprised to hear his voice coming from Shaun’s phone that he didn’t notice Sally’s head roll to the side as she heard the words.

  “You can trust… Shaun. You will do what Shaun… tell… you to do. Whenever you hear… Shaun… say, “I think,” you will believe or obey whatever Shaun say… immediately after.”

  “Shut that off,” the doctor ordered. He turned to Shaun as Getz stopped the recording. “Just gave them messages from me, huh?”

  Shaun smiled and shrugged. “You didn’t think I was going to give you all my secrets, did you? Would you have?”

  “No,” replied Maddow. “But that recording just took away any chance of me paying you off.” He turned to the cops. “Just destroy the laptop and the phone and then take this guy somewhere he won’t be found.”

  “Just two things before they do that?” Shaun said quickly.

  “What’s that?” asked Maddow curious about what excuse this kid had for not being killed.

  “One. Everyone just ignore anything Dr. Maddow tells you from now on.”

  Butters laughed. “And why would we do that?”

  Shaun was hoping Maddow controlled all three of the other people in the room hypnotically, but it turned out to be just Sally.

  “And two,” Shaun continued. “Quickly, kill the cops.”

  Before the others realized what was happening a naked Sally launched herself at Butters and Getz.

  “What the fuck?” Butters exclaimed just before Sally kicked him in the balls. He bent over only to see her knee coming up to smash his nose. As she turned to Getz, he drew his gun.


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