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A Winter's Secret (A Winter's Tale Book 4)

Page 5

by Kristi Tailor



  Bending his head, Nicholas kissed her cheek. “Stop thinking about it,” he said, tightening his hold on her. “Thinking about women I’ve been with in the past is a waste of energy. Okay?”

  “Have you ever had a threesome?”

  Nicholas groaned. “Charlotte stop. Seriously, stop it.”

  “Shouldn’t I know everything there is to know about my husband’s past sex-capades? Back when we were just friends you shared bits and pieces of your past flings with me . . . and I know that over the years you’ve had your share of one- night stands and casual hook- ups. But I want to know more than just bits and pieces. I want to know everything.”

  “Sex-capades isn’t a real word,” he said, uninterested in the conversation she was forcing him to take part in.

  “I’m serious, Nicholas.”

  “So am I, Dimple.”


  “If I tell you about my past sex-capades you will fixate on them. You will dwell on everything that I tell you and you’ll ask for details that I honestly don’t want to provide until you drive both of us insane. So, let’s just end the conversation here and leave it alone.”

  “What if I promise, absolutely promise, not to bring any of it up again?”

  “You’ll break that promise before we even get into bed tonight,” he laughed, in spite of the annoying predicament he was being subjected to.

  “I promise that I will not bring any of this up again,” she said in her most sincere voice. “I promise.”

  Shaking his head knowingly, Nicholas sighed. “Fine,” he said, wavering. “You can ask me three questions and I promise to give you as much or as little detail as you want. God help me.”

  Charlotte laughed at him. “What are you a boot-leg genie, granting questions instead of wishes?”

  “Welp, if you’re gonna’ be an ass never mind−”

  “No! No,” she giggled. “I’m sorry. Mr. Genie. I’ll ask my three questions.”

  Nicholas’ mouth twitched with wry amusement. “Go ahead.”

  “So, the threesome question revisited. Have you ever had one?”


  “Two women?”



  “It’s nothing like that. A friend and I once tagged teamed a girl,” he clarified. “He. And. I. never touched,” Nicholas said, speaking each word slowly and clearly for emphasis.

  “I. Got. It,” Charlotte teased.

  “Just don’t want you imagining my balls playing Patty Cake with another dude’s.”

  “Uh, my mind never went there, but thanks for the visual,” she frowned.

  “Anyway, what’s your next question?”

  “I feel like you’re rushing this process.”


  “Yes, the process of me getting to know my husband better. You’re rushing it.”

  “Dimple, you know me better than anyone. What you’re doing is playing with fire and drudging up things from my past that are irrelevant.”

  “Next question,” she said, ignoring him. “When you make love to me . . . is it similar to how you’ve made love to other women?”

  Nicholas’ jaw clenched at the thoughtlessness of her words. “You are the only woman I’ve ever made love to,” he answered.

  “But . . . all the other women you’ve been with−”

  “I fucked them,” he said matter- of- factly, honestly.

  Oh. “Have you ever fucked me?” she mused aloud. “Does fucking feel the same as making love?”

  Nicholas was caught off guard by her query. It still amazed him how innocent she truly was. “Not really. The former is less about emotion and more about pleasure,” he explained. “And it’s not as slow . . . tends to be a little rougher.”

  “Why haven’t we done that?” she frowned.

  Nicholas laughed, the act causing his expression to soften. Relaxing against his wife, he asked, “Do you want me to fuck you?”

  “I want you to do everything you’d do with any other woman,” she admitted, suddenly feeling shy and unsure of herself. At that moment she was glad to be facing the ocean and not his beautiful silver eyes, silver eyes that she knew would be blazing at that very instant.

  “No, you don’t,” he said bluntly. “I’ve been known to be a bit of an ass. I have too much respect for you, to treat you like I’ve treated women from my past.”

  It was a sobering thought. “Is that why you wouldn’t have sex with me until we were married? Because you had respect for me?”

  “I wanted to do right by you.”

  Charlotte leaned into him, returning her head to his chest. “Thank you,” she murmured. “I know that I didn’t make it easy for you.”

  “No, you didn’t,” he sighed. “You have no idea how many times I had to restrain myself from tearing your clothes off.”

  “Full transparency . . . I’m glad that you didn’t give in . . . honestly, I wanted to wait until we were married, at least that is what my heart wanted. My mind on the other hand continuously reminded me of what happens when a woman makes a man wait . . . my thoughts kept circling back to Todd and how he got bored and cheated. I didn’t want history to repeat itself, so my fear of losing you pushed my libido into overdrive.”

  Nicholas grimaced. “You really thought you would lose me?”

  “Yes,” she said. “And when big boobs showed up to the magazine, I instantly felt insecure.”


  Charlotte pinched his leg. “Don’t feign innocence. You know exactly who I’m talking about . . . I’ve caught you looking at her boobs.”

  Laughing, Nicholas shook his head at the charge. “You’re mistaken.”

  “And you’re lying,” she giggled.

  “But Dimple, you know that I would never touch Penelope, don’t you?” he asked, suddenly serious.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Good because I’m more than satisfied with what I have,” he said sincerely, truly meaning it.

  “Still, I don’t want you to feel like you have to be super conservative with me sexually. I know that I am inexperienced and −”

  “Wait,” he interrupted. “You think I’m being conservative in the bedroom?”

  “Yes, but to no fault of your own. I think you’re just taking it easy because I’m new to all . . . of this . . . and you don’t want me to feel intimidated.”

  Nicholas’ boyish smile reached his bright grey eyes. “I’m taking it easy?” he mused. “I didn’t realize I wasn’t satisfying you.”

  “No!” Charlotte objected. “You do satisfy me. I love making love to you, but−”

  “But I am just conservative.”

  “For my sake. Conservative for my sake. And honestly, I feel like you’re going to get bored. You’ll get bored having sex with me and that will drive you to cheat.”

  “Where are all these thoughts coming from?” he frowned. “Dimple, I will never get bored with you.”

  “Never say never.”

  “I will never get bored with you,” he said with finality.

  Charlotte shook her head confirming her belief in his words. “Okay,” she said after a second’s silence.

  “Come on, lets head back to the villa. It’s starting to get chilly.”

  “Wait. You’re still obligated to answer one more question.”

  “Can we be done with this?” he asked, exasperated.

  “Keep your word, genie. You said three questions.”

  Sighing, he asked, “What’s your last question?”

  “Do you want to play a game?”

  “Is that your question?”


  Nicholas’ brows knitted together as he tried to figure out the sudden shift in her disposition. It amazed him how she could jump from one extreme to the next. “What does this game entail?”

  “Nicholas,” she groaned. “It’s a simple yes, or no.”

  “Yes,” h
e said hesitantly.

  “Truth or dare?”

  “Seriously?” he laughed. “Are we fourteen?”

  “Truth or dare,” she repeated, ignoring his teasing.

  Silently weighing his options, Nicholas thought, I’ve had enough truth for one day. “Dare,” he said after a short pause.

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” Charlotte confessed. “I dare you to give me full control of your hands until I say ‘enough.’”

  Nicholas laughed softly. “Are you going to make me hit myself?”

  Taking hold of his left hand, Charlotte placed it on her left knee. “Follow the path I create,” she said suggestively. Releasing his hand, she positioned her finger beside his palm and slowly inched her way up her thigh.

  Nicholas inhaled deeply. “Dimple, there are people around us,” he said, his voice, low, strained.

  “The path . . . you aren’t following it,” she whispered. “Follow it.” It was a command, an order meant to allure him, tempt him.

  Nicholas did as he was told, following the path of her finger as it traveled the span of her thigh, up her abdomen and toward her breasts. Stopping just short of her ribcage Nicholas breathed her name, a plea on his lips. She was pushing the limits− rattling the beast within him. His insides were on fire, liquid lava spreading through his body to a growing erection. She had no idea what she was doing to him, or did she? He wondered.

  Charlotte took hold of his hand once more. “You said dare. Now, be fair and play the game correctly,” she teased. Bringing his hand to her left breast, she gently stroked her nipple with his fingertips. “Mm,” she moaned. “We can do better than that, can’t we?” she asked, inching his hand under her bikini top.

  “Dimple,” he groaned. “I need you to stop.”

  Ignoring his words and all inhibition Charlotte took hold of his right hand and placed it at the apex of her thighs. One second. Two. Still, nothing. Charlotte giggled, sweetly, knowingly. “Are you going to make me cum, or am I going to have to do it myself?”

  Her words were his undoing. Moving the thin material aside, Nicholas slid his hand to the warmth of her sex. “You’re already so wet,” he whispered into her ear. Bringing his thumb to her clitoris, he skillfully stroked her most sensitive spot, gently caressing her pearl, her lips until she was grabbing at his hand. “M-nm,” he groaned through closed lips in protest. “You wanted this, now take it,” he said, his voice husky.

  Letting her hand fall to the sand, Charlotte relaxed into him. She relished at the feel of his touch, of his left hand lightly grazing her breast, tantalizing, teasing her areola, his fingers gently squeezing her nipple− all the while his right hand created a storm between her legs. Unhurriedly, he inserted one finger into her welcoming sheath. Two fingers. Three, before he started a slow, antagonizing movement circling his fingers deep inside her, easing out and then slamming into her again, each time deeper. It was ecstasy overload. Charlotte’s breathing escalated as she fought to stifle the moans threatening to spill past her quivering lips.

  Speaking softly into her ear, Nicholas said, “Go ahead and let it out. I’m pretty sure we’ve already been seen . . . why not let them know how good it feels?” he laughed, the sound provocative, teasing.

  Charlotte bit down hard on her lip. Exhaling, she grabbed his right hand once more, needing something to hold onto as her building orgasm caused a fervor pitch to violently ricochet through her body. Grinding her hips back and forth she pushed her sex upward meeting his hand thrust for thrust. Charlotte needed him deeper, deeper than his fingers would allow.

  “Let me hear you,” he said into her shoulder. Charlotte could feel the smile on his lips. He was goading her. “Or, should I stop . . .? Maybe, my hands touching your pussy like this doesn’t feel good.”

  “Don’t stop,” she cried, tightening her grip on his hand. “Please, don’t stop.”

  “Then let me hear you,” he said. Releasing her clitoris, Nicholas glided his thumb down her vagina and into her opening, finding her G- Spot with ease.

  “AH!” Charlotte moaned loudly, unable to hold back her cries as wave after wave of pleasure exploded through her every nerve- endings, the intensity of her orgasm rocking her very core. Closing her eyes, Charlotte evaded the shocked gaze of an older couple jogging past them, momentarily uncaring of the repercussions of their actions. Tiny shocks electrified her insides causing her to shudder against him.

  Nicholas waited until she was still before he withdrew his hand from her bikini bottoms. “Look at me,” he said, his voice heavy with arousal.

  Charlotte did as she was told, obediently turning around to face him. Her breath caught in her throat at the way he was staring down at her. His silver gaze dark and hooded, his mouth a sensuous line. “Now, what?” he asked, enticingly.

  Charlotte’s mouth went dry. She couldn’t think, let alone speak when he was looking at her with such intensity. When she didn’t respond, Nicholas brought his right hand to her mouth, his index finger tracing out the outline of her bottom lip. “Taste yourself,” he said, his molten gaze holding her captive.

  Her tongue swept across her full bottom lip. Raising an arched brow, Charlotte stared up at Nicholas with sudden curiosity. Taking his hand in hers, Charlotte brought his hand to her mouth, licking the sweet nectar that glazed his fingers.

  “Villa. Now,” he said, quickly standing and pulling her with him. Aroused wasn’t a strong enough word to describe what he was feeling at that instant. He needed to be buried deep inside her. He needed relief, relief only his wife could provide− and she would provide it, of that he was certain.

  Chapter Seven

  Costas On The Beach, an intimate upscale Mediterranean restaurant nestled on Maui’s North Shore was overly crowded. Communal tables were packed with hungry patrons patiently awaiting the eatery’s decadent cuisine. Charlotte looked up from her menu to gaze at the sparkling ocean, her dark brown eyes lighting up at the sight of a pod of dolphins swimming close to the shore. The ocean view from the restaurant was exquisite, romantic even, as it overlooked the smaller islands of Molokini and Lanai. The atmosphere was serene, the ambiance peaceful− though there was little to be said about personal space. There was simply no privacy at the shared tables and the conversation utmost on her mind was not meant for public consumption. The soft vibration of her Blackberry on the cloth covered table captured her attention, interrupting her thoughts.

  Nicholas: What are you thinking about?

  Charlotte: You.

  Nicholas: ??

  Charlotte: You . . . me . . . last night . . .

  Nicholas: lol, good thoughts, I hope?

  Charlotte: Amazing thoughts

  Nicholas: Like???

  Charlotte: Fucking and making love

  ARE DEFINITELY two different things


  Charlotte: lol stop laughing at me

  “Oh! You two are simply adorable,” cooed an older woman to the left of them. “I can’t handle your cuteness,” she giggled. “It’s too much to handle.”

  Charlotte and Nicholas simultaneously looked up from their phones to glance at their admirer. “Thank you,” Charlotte said, smiling sweetly at the heavyset stranger.

  “I saw the two of you yesterday,” the woman continued. “On the beach.”

  Charlotte blushed. “Oh?” she choked, turning her attention back to Nicholas. She needed a reprieve from the overwhelming embarrassment she was feeling.

  Nicholas met her gaze with a boyish grin, clearly amused at her mortification.

  Nicholas: Cheer up! She got a show. . . you got

  an orgasm. Both winners when you think about it.

  Opening his text message, Charlotte grimaced. Why are you such a jerk? She wondered. Sighing, she placed her Blackberry face down on the cloth covered table. How much did she see? Did she take pictures . . . record videos? Oh no, please don’t let us be on the internet!

  “I thought it was the sweetest thing watching you two snorkel. It was
very entertaining. And you, young man were very patient with her.”

  “Patience is one of my better qualities,” he said, smiling politely. “Us, snorkeling. . . is that the only form of entertainment we provided for you?” he asked, curious.

  “Nicholas!” Charlotte squealed, completely humiliated.

  Puckering her brows, the older woman answered, “Yes. Did you take part in any other water activities?”

  “Activities . . . no, but my beautiful wife did test the water yesterday and ended up drenched, extremely wet, dripping−”

  “I think she gets it, Nicholas,” Charlotte interjected, kicking him underneath the table. Her dark brown eyes flashed with exasperation at his antics. He proved to be the most childish when she was ill at ease, finding delight in her embarrassment.

  Nicholas’ grin was a wolfish one. “I was just answering her question.”

  “Personally, I’m too nervous to go out into the ocean,” the woman laughed, completely oblivious to the hidden meaning behind Nicholas’ playful words. “That’s why it was nice to see you two having such a blast in the water. Are you headed back to the beach today?” she asked.

  “Not today. Today we tour the island,” he answered.

  “Now, that sounds like fun. Are you going on the resort’s jeep island tour?”

  “No, we’re touring by helicopter.”


  “I want my wife to see the volcanos from the air.”

  Charlotte’s browns widened. Volcanos from the air, she mused over the possibility. It amazed her how much her life had changed, yet completely stayed the same since marrying Nicholas. “Helicopter?” she queried. “We’re taking a helicopter over Maui?”

  “That’s the plan,” Nicholas shrugged. “Unless, you have something else in mind for today?”

  “The waterfall. I want to take our hike to the waterfall, too.”

  “I’ll schedule the tour before we leave the resort.”

  It was that simple. With Nicholas, it had always been that simple. She asked, she received. How did I get so lucky? How? She thought, feeling grateful. “So,” she said after a minute of gathering her thoughts. “This is my life now. Extended escapes in paradise, excursions to exotic places, helicopter rides over volcanos?” Charlotte shook her head in awe. Just seconds ago, she felt completely embarrassed, and now she was thrilled. Her emotions were all over the place, had always been all over the place when it came to Nicholas. He was capable of altering her emotions without even trying . . . Charlotte knew the power he wielded over her and it was astounding.


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