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Controlled (Gretel Koch Jewel Thief Book 2)

Page 12

by Samantha Price

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  As soon as Gretel got home, she called Kent.

  “It’s okay, you’re in the clear, kind of. Emails between Jack and the officer show that the man said you’re not the one he saw in Monica’s apartment. Then he went on to say that he needs glasses for long distance, but he was sure it wasn’t you. The woman had red hair and was larger and taller.”

  “That’s weird. I was sitting down in Jack’s office when he saw me.”

  “Ah well, he’s probably seen you around the building.”


  “That’s good."

  "That’s a relief. Thanks, Kent.”

  “And for the record, I agree with Marty. You shouldn’t have gone back.”

  Gretel grimaced. “I agree with him, too, now. I need to go and get into the zone.”

  “Catch you later.”

  “Not so fast. You were going to tell me something about Monica a few days ago. You said you had something on her.”

  “Yes. That’s right. She grew up in the same small town as Ryan Castle.”

  A chill ran through her body at the horrifying sound of Ryan’s name. Odd that there was a connection between two people who were out to get her.

  Kent must’ve ended the call because now the phone was beeping.

  She tossed the phone down.

  Gretel was just starting on her honey chicken and fried rice Chinese take-out when the cell phone sounded. It wasn't the tone of her cell phone. It was the one that the crooks had given her. She dove into her handbag and picked up the phone, hitting the answer button as quick as she could. “Yes.”

  “If you breathe a word to anybody about this, your sister is going to get a bullet through her pretty little head.”

  “I haven't. I haven't said anything.” She remembered she had to keep them talking. The FBI was tracking the calls. “When and how are we going to arrange the swap?” She’d remembered she wasn’t supposed to talk about the ‘where’ until after she had the diamond. Hopefully, the ball would be in her court then.

  “Ah good. You're finally admitting you are able to steal it.”

  “I can and I will. I need to speak to Hazel.”

  “We’ll tell you on the day where to meet us. As soon as you’ve got the diamond, we’ll call you and tell you what to do next.”

  She gulped. On the day? This wasn't good. She knew the FBI would have wanted to have everything planned out and they wouldn't do well with things happening at the last minute. “I want to talk to my sister.” In the background she heard Hazel. She sounded really upset. “Stop it! What are you doing to her? If you've hurt one hair of her head I’ll …”

  He laughed. “Just keep your mouth shut.”

  And then the call ended. She glanced up to see that all her curtains were closed and no one could see in. She picked up her regular cell phone and called Jack. She was out of breath with nervousness. “They just called me.”

  “What did they say?”

  “It was awful. I heard Hazel screaming. And he said to keep my mouth shut or she’d get a bullet in the head.”

  Gretel’s head throbbed. She felt that she was going to be sick.

  “I'm sorry, Gretel, but you've got to trust us to handle this. I’ll make a call and see if you had them on the phone long enough for a trace.”

  “I am trusting you, that's why I told you. I have been trusting you.”

  “Getting rattled won't do you any good. Keep calm.”

  She took a deep breath. “I'm trying.”

  “I'll see if we've got a location. I'll give you a call back in a minute.”

  “I don't think he was on the phone long enough.”

  “I'll soon find out.”

  She sat down again looking at the food and pushed it all to one side. Her appetite was well and truly gone. She wasn't even sure if they were feeding her sister anything or giving her water. They could've been giving her the bare minimum just to keep her alive for the trade.

  But she guessed they were going to not go through with the trade. They wouldn't take the chance that Hazel might have overheard something about them and be able to help the FBI identify them. They intended to kill Hazel as soon as they got their hands on the diamond and that was something Gretel knew in her heart. Jack knew it too.

  It was all her fault. Their parents were right. If Hazel died she’d never forgive herself.

  If only she’d been content to have what everybody else had—a normal life. No, marriage and kids, and a house with a picket fence wasn't her; she could never do that. But she could've been a career woman, even a business owner and if she'd gone down that path, her sister wouldn't have her life hanging in the balance right now.

  When the phone sounded, she jumped and then grabbed it. It was Jack calling her back.

  “What did you find out?” she asked.

  “We've got the vicinity narrowed down to the docks area but we don't have the exact location.”

  “Good, that's a help though, right?”

  “It certainly is.”

  “I'm glad.”

  “Just keep that phone beside you at all times, okay?” Jack asked.

  “I will. It won’t leave my side.”

  “And Gretel…”


  “Keep calm the best you can.”

  “It's not easy.”

  “Just remember you're a professional and the show must go on. You've got to overcome your emotions.”

  “Thanks for the pep talk. I'll try.”

  “You’ll have to do more than try if we're going to pull this off.”

  She inhaled deeply. “I know. Okay.”

  “Do you have anyone who can come and stay with you?”

  “No because I’d have to tell them what’s wrong.”

  “I can send a female officer out.”

  “No. I don’t feel like entertaining anyone. I’d really rather be alone.”

  “You wouldn’t be entertaining anyone. I give up. As you wish.”

  She rubbed her weary head. “Call me back if you learn anything?”

  “I will.”

  Gretel ended the call and then lay back on the couch thinking about Hazel.

  How had they grabbed her so easily? Then Gretel recalled how they’d just plucked her off the street and there had been nothing she could do about it ... but something still nagged at her.

  Hazel had said something about a boyfriend, a new one.

  She sat bolt upright. In her experience, tiny small voices in her head were ones she had to listen to.

  Gretel grabbed one of her phones and called Kent.

  “Kent, can you find out about Hazel’s boyfriend? I forget his name. He’s someone from my parents’ church.”

  “Hey, I was just picking up the phone to call you. I’ve been checking her phone records like you asked.”

  “I don’t even remember asking you.”

  “You didn’t, but you meant to.”

  She frowned. “Go on.”

  “Most of the calls incoming and outgoing have been a different number from the previous month.”

  “What do you mean?” Gretel asked.

  “A number appears here a lot and it wasn’t on her last month’s statement.”

  “Whose number is it?”

  “His name’s Tony Alfretti. That’s what name the phone’s registered under.”

  “And, did you look into him?”

  “I've done some background checking.”

  “Go on.”

  “He’s got a criminal record.”

  Gretel knew she was right. “For what?”

  “Where do I start? A range of crimes starting from when he was fourteen.”

  “How old is he now?”

  “Twenty-nine. Extortion, blackmail, physical violence, assault. Assault with a deadly weapon—”

  “Stop, stop. How did you even find out? I didn't even mention that she had a new boyfriend.”

  “The phone records.”

>   “Ah, of course. I didn't even think about this days ago.”

  “That's why you pay me.”

  “I'm glad you're thinking about it.”

  Kent asked, “So, you think he's involved with the people who kidnapped her?”

  “I think it would be a pretty sure bet. Maybe I need to have a word with him,” Gretel said. “Do you know where I can find him?”

  “Do I know? Gretel, who do you think you're speaking with?”

  Gretel laughed. “All right, all right. I already gave you one compliment today, isn't that enough? You don't need to push for more.”

  He chuckled. “I could give you his last name, and home address, but he’s most often found working out at a gym in Harlem. Easiest to find him there.”

  “Interesting. Give me the name.” Gretel grabbed a pen and wrote down the address Kent gave her.

  “It's frequented mainly by boxers,” Kent added.

  “What are you saying?”

  “Boxers, men who box.”

  “Oh, he might be a boxer?”

  “All I’m saying is don’t get into an argument with him unless you can outrun him.”

  “Thanks. I’ll remember that hot tip. When’s he likely to go to the gym next?”

  “He’s there at eight every evening, leaves around ten.”

  “Oh, in the dark.”

  “Just say you want to ask him some questions about your sister. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?” Kent asked.

  “Won’t he think it's odd that I just suddenly appear at his gym, and odd that I know about him?”

  “Do you have any other ideas?”

  “I could say that my mother told me he'd be there. Maybe my mother wouldn't know that information, but it’d distract him long enough for me to ask my questions.”

  “That's right, and long enough for Marty to put the tracker on his car.”

  “Do you think he’ll lead us to Hazel?”

  “I’m hoping. I've already given the details of his car to Marty and he’s waiting on your call now.”

  She looked up at the clock. "Hopefully we’ll be able to do that tonight."

  As she called Marty to make the arrangements, she forced down the Chinese food. She needed something to keep up her strength.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Gretel had made the arrangements with Marty and he wasted no time getting there.

  Now Marty was two streets away. Gretel had to slip away without being followed either by the FBI or the men in the SUV who were often seen outside her apartment building.

  Gretel slipped out the back door of the building and walked to where Marty was waiting. As soon as she saw it, she rolled her eyes. He brought the bright canary-yellow Lamborghini, the worst car in the world if they wanted to be inconspicuous. She opened the door and slipped in the passenger seat beside him. “Why did you bring this car?”

  “Don't I even get a hello? A kiss on both cheeks?”

  She knew Marty wasn't going to move anywhere until she kissed him on both cheeks. It was really a kiss in the air as he didn’t like to touch cheeks. He was insufferable sometimes.

  “We are trying to lay low, not get followed, and this stands out like a sore thumb.”

  “Why don't we leave it here and get a cab if it bothers you so much?”

  “Perfect. Did you bring the tracking device?”

  “Got it in my fanny pack on the backseat.”

  “You wear a fanny pack?”

  “Only when I'm installing tracking devices on cars.”

  “Fair enough.”

  After he grabbed his bag off the back seat, they both got out of the car. A minute later, they were in a taxi heading to the boxers gym in Harlem.

  “Haven't been to a gym in years.”

  “Me neither, unless you count the one in prison.”

  They kept the conversation off the job while they were in the taxi. They had the driver let them out a block up the road from the gym, and then they walked back.

  “I've been thinking of going to the gym. I should check it out,” Marty said.

  Gretel frowned at him. “Too far away from your home, why would you bother?”

  “I wouldn't want to go to one near my home.”

  “Why not? Wouldn’t it be more convenient?”

  “I don't want to be seen getting fit.”

  Gretel laughed. “You're so funny. You could get a personal trainer to come to your house.” She pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and looked at the picture of her sister's new boyfriend. “This is Tony Alfretti.” Gretel showed him the photo.

  “I know. Kent sent me the same pic. Sorry about your sister. I didn’t like to mention her, but I thought I should today. I am sorry.”

  “There's nothing to be sorry about. She'll be fine, it’s fine.”

  Marty nodded. “We can only hope so.”

  “I can't wait to see what this guy knows.”

  “That's his car; he’s here.”

  Gretel was pleased about that. This was the only chance they had. Time was running out. “I can't see any CCTV cameras. Quick, go and put the device on his car now while there's no one about.”

  “Will do.”

  Gretel stood at the doorway of the gym and looked in. From there, she could see nothing. She realized she could have a long wait, and then she had an idea. Why not call his cell phone and ask to meet him?

  Marty bounded over. “All done.”

  “Thank you.” She grabbed his arm and moved well away from the doorway and told him her idea.

  “Then why did I even need to come?” he asked.

  “To plant the thing on the car.”

  He drawled in a fake Texas accent, “Now, Ma'am, I'm sure you could've done that.”

  “And to drive me here.” Gretel smiled at him.

  “You could've come by taxi.”

  “It's not nice that I have to do everything by myself. Sometimes I just need a little help and support.”

  Two men coming out of the gym interrupted them. One of them was Tony Alfretti.

  “Is that him?” Marty asked.

  “I'm sure it's him. Although these muscle-bound men all start to look the same after a while, with their hunched shoulders and muscles making them look like they’re missing a neck.”

  “Yes it's true. That's why I avoided the gym for so long. I like to look unique and naturally fit.”

  She ignored what Marty was prattling on about. “He should've come out alone.”

  “Maybe he didn't get the memo,” Marty whispered.

  “Stay here.” She strode over toward him. “Excuse me, are you Tony Alfretti?”

  He looked her up and down. “Depends who's asking.”

  “I'm Gretel, Hazel’s sister.”

  He frowned and then said to the other man, “Catch up with you later.”

  The man nodded and walked away.

  “How’s Hazel?” he asked.

  “She's missing. Didn't you know that?”

  “I saw her the other day. She’s not missing. I think she got upset when we broke up.”

  “Oh, is that what you think?” She reminded herself not to be so sarcastic. She had to play along with him. “So you broke up and she was upset with you?”

  “That's right.”

  “Is that all you know?”

  He scratched the back of his neck. “Is there anything more to know?”

  “You don't think she's been abducted?”

  His eyes grew wide. “Hey, I told the police everything I know. I've got nothing to do with it. I just broke up with her, she disappeared and that was it. I think she needs some time and some space. She's not the suicidal type.”

  “No, I know that. No one said that she was.”

  “How did you know I was here?” he asked taking a step toward her.

  Gretel was tempted to move away from him, but she stood her ground. “My mother told me.”

  “Your mother?”

  “That's right.”

He didn't look like the kind of man that her mother would approve of for her daughter. Obviously, her mother also didn't know about all his convictions, if she knew about him at all. She certainly didn't remember him from the church. Could it be possible for her mother to be lying? And if she was, then why? There was something funny going on.

  “Did you grow up in my parents’ church?”

  He frowned at her. “Nah. I never step foot in churches. I’d be struck down.”

  Then it hit Gretel. There were two boyfriends. One Hazel pretended she was with for the sake of her parents, and this man. That was the only thing Gretel could think of that made sense.

  “Well thank you. If she contacts you, would you ask her to call me?”


  “Thanks.” She walked away. Marty was gone. Obviously hiding somewhere, scared of Tony. He did look kind of threatening.

  As soon as Tony drove off, Gretel called her mother.

  “Hello, Gretel?”

  “Yes. Mom, it's me, surprise, surprise. Has Hazel returned?”

  “No. She hasn’t.” Her mother’s voice was shaky. She was only barely holding it together.

  “What’s the name of Hazel’s boyfriend?”


  “Just tell me his name please.”

  “Slade Houlihan.”

  “Oh yes I remember the Houlihans from church. Not so much Slade, but I guess he’d be younger than I am.”

  “What’s this about?”

  “I’m just trying to help. Speak soon… or not.” Gretel ended the call and then promptly called Kent from her other phone while she caught sight of Marty. He was lurking near the fence looking decidedly cross.

  “Kent, it seems Hazel has two boyfriends. Or one might have been a smokescreen for our parents’ benefit. There is another man called Slade Houlihan.”

  “Well, she didn’t call him very much.”

  “Just have a look, would you?”

  “I'll have a look and call you back.”

  Marty walked up. “Falling down on his job is he?”

  “No, it's just a complicated situation.”

  “Two-timing is not complicated, it's been around for centuries. “

  “I can't say for sure that she was two-timing. The church man might’ve been a fake boyfriend so she could date whomever she liked outside the church. What I can’t understand is why didn’t she tell me. She tells me everything. At least, I thought she did.”


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