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by Rachel Angel


  Year 3

  Fallen Fae Academy #6


  Rachel Angel

  Rachel Angel

  Succession: Fallen Fae Academy #6

  Published by Sparklesoup Inc.

  Copyright © 2020 Rachel Angel

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  All characters and storyline is an invention from Rachel Angel.

  Any resemblance to people alive or dead is purely coincidence.

  For information, please contact:

  1st Edition.


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) DEDICATION

  This is dedicated to all girls and women who are bold enough to be true to themselves.


  Rachel Angel


  This is for the Amazing Angels in Rachel Angel’s Royal Readers Group who are great with their enthusiasm, passion, and support for me, my books, and projects. Thank You!


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) Note

  Fallen Fae Academy is a Reverse Harem New Adult Bully Romance Academy Series.

  What does it mean to be Reverse Harem? It means there will be three or more love interests for the Female Main Character, she will end up with three or more. This takes place at a college Academy, and the characters are 18+

  and there are consensual sex, some language, and mature situations.


  Rachel Angel

  My name is Harley, as in Harlequin. Plucked from my home from Las Vegas, NV, and placed into a University on an arts scholarship. Suddenly I am the girl the four hottest and most popular boys have decided to


  This is no ordinary "hazing" ritual, and these boys are no ordinary boys.

  This mysterious University looks like any ivy league campus, but it isn't. Step in and you are transported beyond your wildest imagination. I should be ecstatic being here.

  Except surviving "Initiation" is going to take everything I've got.

  Don't let the beauty of the four fae boys fool you. They are as dangerous as they are beautiful. And underneath everything, runs a deep secret. One I need to find out before Initiation kills me.


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) They think a human is weak. They think I shouldn't be at this university. I'm about to prove them wrong.


  Rachel Angel



  Harley stared into the face of the stranger before her. But the more she stared at him, the more she thought of the sweet man… her other father, the human father… who had raised her.

  She remembered all those happy times together when she was so young and impressionable.

  John Jenkins had been a loving and doting father, and always a hard-working man. The memories were vague at first, but were now clear and vivid in her mind. Always handsome, he’d been particularly attractive in his youth and he had all the charm in the world. His smile lit up the room and it had always lit up her day.

  As a toddler, she giggled gleefully as he chased her around the small cordoned off portion of 8

  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) the yard that she was permitted to play in. He would let her get just far enough away, far enough to think that she had actually outrun him and then he would swoop down, pick her up and throw her in that air.

  Again and again, the game made her laugh, and it never got dull.

  When the entirety of the grounds were opened up to her, her father would take her on long walks on starry nights. Without the moon to light their way, they would walk down the faint path of white rocks that were just barely visible.

  Gasping with awe, she’d look up at the stars.

  She never tired of the spectacle. On so many nights they tried to count them all, but it was endless. She would count to ten and start over again, then maybe make it to twenty-five before losing count once again.

  “There are just too many, Daddy,” she would tell him.

  “Try again,” he would tell her. “Take your time.”

  The following night she was able to count a hundred stars and she had cheered her 9

  Rachel Angel

  accomplishment. That same night, closing in on midnight, the moon had finally made its appearance over the distant mountains. How glorious it all was.

  They were suddenly bathed in the ghostly pale light that threw interesting shadows on everything around them.

  She loved those moments most of all. More captivating than a sunrise, she was forever awestruck by the rise of the moon. And was forever enamored with her handsome and charming human father who made everything, especially her imagination seemed magical.

  At barely five years old, as her education began to take up more and more of her time, her father would sit with her whenever she had a problem she could not solve. While she would have liked nothing more than to have him give her the answer outright, he consistently refused. Instead, he showed her the way, explained the path she needed to take in order to find the answers herself. It infuriated her, but she now realized just how right he was.

  He was always right.


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) He was human, a mere mortal, yet he filled her world with a sense of magic. His bondless imagination fed hers and turned the most mundane activities into magical wonders.

  With a bag filled with paints and inks, he trotted her out to the desert and set up an easel.

  When she pointed out that she had no idea how to paint, he handed her a brush.

  “Dip the brush into a bit of that paint, smear in some oil, and… paint.”

  Doing as she’d been told, she’d brought the brush, dripping with green paint, to the large canvas he’d placed on the easel.

  “There,” he said as she covered the bottom of the canvas in green. “You’re painting.”

  Grinning, she’d thrown on a splash of blue to paint a sky, then threw in some reds and blacks, making for a seriously dramatic sky over her simple green pasture.

  Her interest in the arts had begun that day.

  She was fascinated by the powers of the brush on canvas.


  Rachel Angel

  “I love you, Daddy,” she’d told him as he’d later displayed her first painting in the dining room.

  They were not rich by any means. Their home was humble, but warm. Their table was filled with simple foods, but nutrition and hot. And while she never wore satins and silks, her clothes were always clean and comfortable.

  Through it all, he always found a way to make her feel like a princess.

  As she thought back to those long ago days, she looked fondly on those Daddy and Daughter times. Whether they were having milkshakes at the corner diner, going fishing out on the lake or hiking out in the desert to find fossils and arrowheads, her times with him were always special.

  All those wondrous memories made looking at Stephen now all the harder. How could he be her real biological father, and the man her mother, the Queen of Spring, had loved so wholeheartedly?

  She had so many questions to ask him, yet she feared speaking at all. He was now a dark and foreboding figure. While handsome to the eye, there was something sinister behind the charming 12

  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) gaze. His eyes quickly grew dark whenever contradicted.

  A dark fae lord. A Dark Fae Wizard.

  And to think that my mother went against fae tradition in order to marry you… a mere human too, but also a dark fae, Harley wanted to say. She would have been better off marrying one of her own.

  But there was no point questioning her mother’s decision now.

  Now Harley had to face and question her own decision. She’d agreed to go to the dark fae side.

  She’d agreed to join her father in order to help him rule both the Fae Kingdoms and the Human Realms.

  And all this, in order to save Kingsley and Oakley, whom she loved so dearly. She’d bargained with her father who had promised to have Kingsley and Oakley released from their prison cell.

  But now she wondered; with her father’s evil intentions towards both worlds, would Kingsley and Oakley be saved in the end, or would they, too, succumb to the evils her father had in mind?


  Rachel Angel

  Chapter 1


  “I’m happy to see you dressed like a proper student,” Stephen said as Harley walked out of the bathroom and into the large living room of her father’s campus apartment, where he had an extra room he insisted she have. Ever since she agreed to join the Dark Fae and join him, he had insisted on her joining him as family, too. And acting like his long-lost daughter who would help set an example for all the students at Fallen Fae Academy to follow.

  Wearing a knee length pleated deep green skirt with a crisp white button down shirt properly tucked in, she felt like she’d gone back in time. He 14

  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) had insisted on her wearing a school uniform, too.

  This was not at all what she expected when she said she was joining him as a Dark Fae.

  She brushed her hair out, and it ran flat down her back in long luxurious waves. On her feet she wore comfortable loafers with knee high white socks.

  “Well, truth be told, I feel a little silly.”

  Stephen winked at her. “I’m sure the college staff will get a kick out of it. I’m thinking of implementing a school uniform policy. I’ve always favored green.”

  Harley dreaded the notion.

  “Come now,” Stephen said as he headed to the door and gestured for her to follow. “The staff has waited long enough.”

  He opened the door and Harley dutifully followed him out into the corridor.

  “I can’t tell you how proud I am of you, Harley dear,” he said softly. “I truly never thought this day would come.” He beamed at her. “My own daughter has finally come home to me.”


  Rachel Angel

  Harley gazed sidelong at him but didn’t have the courage to look directly into his eyes. Since agreeing to his conditions for sparing Kingsley and Oak’s lives, she’d fully expected to find herself in the darkened reaches of the Dark Fae Realm where Kingsley and Oak were being held. Instead, they had spent the day chatting about nothing of any significance and having a light snack in his apartment.

  Stephen seemed completely adjusted to human college life and had taken the new role of dean of the Academy quite seriously… at least at first glance. He’d replaced many of the professors and had spent a lot of time looking over the curriculum.

  But as Harley walked at his side as they exited his apartment complex and made their way to the administrative building, she couldn’t help but wonder what he was really up to. Why have her meet the school staff? She had no part in the running of the Academy, and she certainly had no interest in doing so.


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) They reached the large and airy conference room where everyone stood as Stephen entered the room. There was something strange and unexpected about the way everyone seemed so intent on showing their respect and reverence for the new dean.

  But, then again, there were many single women who openly fawned over the devilishly handsome dean. Still youthful-looking at his age, Stephen was movie star handsome, which would make him stunning in his youth when he met the Spring Queen. No wonder she fell head-over-heels for Stephen.

  No wonder many fae and humans alike fell for his handsome looks and charm.

  And then there were those who just wanted to cover up the fear they truly felt for him and the dark fae.

  It was hard to tell what the people really felt, but Harley could easily imagine how her father could intimidate just about anyone.

  “Should I stay here?” Harley asked as she hesitated at the back of the room.


  Rachel Angel

  “No, my dear,” Stephen said with a firm hold of her elbow. “I want you to sit right next to me.”

  They reached the head of the table where one larger chair was left vacant.

  Stephen looked to the older man seated to the right. “Please be so kind as to leave your chair for my daughter.”

  The old man looked at Stephen and, reluctant to give up his seat, seemed prepared to argue with him.

  Stephen simply cocked an insistent brow to convince the old man to relinquish his seat without ado. As the older man found a seat at the far end of the long, oval conference table, Stephen pulled the vacated chair beside him but remained standing.

  “I would like to introduce to you all my daughter, Harley,” Stephen said with a distinctive note of pride. “It’s been years since we’ve seen each other, so you can very well imagine my surprise when I learned that my long lost daughter was attending the very establishment that I intended to take over. Destiny does have its way of righting the wrongs of the past, does it not?”


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) The startled staff looked at him and nodded dumbly.

  “Having re-established a strong and mutually respectable relationship with Harley, I’ve enlisted her to aid me in all the tasks that are required of me here as the dean to this Academy. I do hope that you will all agree with my decision and make Harley feel welcomed on the school committee.”

  At the far left side of the room, the high ranking directors of the faculty seemed reluctant to accept Stephen’s proposal.

  “Do you have a problem with that, Ms.

  Crenshaw?” Stephen said, noting her look of disdain.

  Muttering unintelligibly, she shook her head of bright red curls.

  “And you, Mrs. Laurence?” Stephen went on, looking at the heavyset women with the extra tight bun.

  Shaking her head, she looked down to the pages before her and idly shuffled the sheets of paper around.


  Rachel Angel

  “Good,” Stephen said. “I would hate to have to prove to you just how worthy my daughter is. I want her at my side for all meetings. I want her to be a part of any meetings you might hold, and I want you all to discuss any matters of importance with her. She will be my eyes and ears, because, quite frankly, I don’t think I can stomach having to spend any considerable amount of time having to consult with any of you people.”

  Stunned silent, the entire staff gaped at Stephen, as did Harley.

  “Well, don’t just sit there staring at me as if I were a madman,” Stephen said with a flick of his wrists. “Get out of here and get to work.”

  The sound of urgently scraping chairs against the tiled floor filled the room as the staff scrambled to get out as quickly as they could. Harley could just barely make out a few quiet grumblings as they walked out. Even the women who had seemed initially charmed by his good looks were quick to leave.

  Grinning, Stephen looked to Harley. “I do love to play with the teachers’ sensibilities. They 20

  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) are just too easy to play with and mold their thoughts into anything I want them to be. I think that I could tell them that the sky was green and they wouldn’t argue.”

  Harley just looked silently at him wondering what he was up to.

  “Come,” he said, getting to his feet. “Let’s go have a look at what the crappy cafeteria here has to offer.”

  “The food at the cafeteria really isn’t all that bad,” Harle
y argued. “In fact, I had a hand in redesigning





  improvements to the cafeteria and modernizing the kitchens. Real chefs were brought in to improve the menu. There’s a wide variety of healthy food and they offer dishes from everywhere in the world.”

  Stephen stopped walking and turned to look at her. “You redesigned the entire campus?”

  “Yes,” Harley said with pride. “It was destroyed, and I… well… I rebuilt it.”

  He grinned. “I knew there was a good reason why I liked you.” He put his hand around her 21

  Rachel Angel

  shoulder and gave her an affectionate squeeze before guiding her to the cafeteria.

  He immediately made his way to the front of the line and looked at the choices before him.

  “What do you recommend, dear?” he said to Harley.

  “The shepherd’s pie is nice, but then again, the meatloaf really makes you feel like you’re back home. If you want something a little more daring, I would suggest you try the sushi, enchilada or the dumplings.”

  “I do love a good meatloaf,” Stephen said to the woman behind the counter. “And load up the mashed potatoes.”

  “I’ll have the same,” Harley said. “And with extra peas, please.”

  With their loaded trays, they found a table by the bay of windows that overlooked the greenery of the campus grounds.


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