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Lost Omega

Page 4

by Noah Harris

  In the second trimester, however, any shifter who passed by could smell it.

  As such, walking through the castle now gained him a lot of unwanted attention.

  He and Blake were well-known in the Shadow Pack. Their history carried through the ranks as gossip often does, from each of their separate, original missions here, to them becoming actual mates, to helping Arulean find Rajiah and slay Lyphnia. They were hailed as heroes and important, well-respected members of the pack. It had been years, and it still felt odd that they had gone from being nobody to being revered inside the castle and within Arulean’s inner circle.

  As he and Lily walked around the castle, not only did every shifter give him a smile and a nod of greeting and recognition, but he also watched as every single one of them caught his scent, as their smiles widened, as they felt the need to stop and offer him their congratulations. In short, he was the center of attention.

  He didn’t like it. He liked it even less when he hadn’t yet fully come to terms with the situation himself. He’d been so wrapped up in his mission. His team hadn’t said much about it, and he had firmly ignored the changes happening to his body. Now that he was home with his family, he was going to have to come to terms with it. He wasn’t quite as elated about it as he assumed he should be.

  He certainly wasn’t as happy about it as Blake was. He could see the sparkle in his mate’s eye whenever he laid a hand on Dylan’s belly, the happy sigh he gave whenever he breathed in Dylan’s scent. Dylan always smiled politely, never one for many words anyway, and Blake never questioned it. The guilt burned hot and churned in his gut, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth, but he just…hadn’t had time to talk to his mate about it.

  Besides, he wasn’t sure what he’d even say to Blake. He hadn’t had time to figure out how he felt about it, let alone how to tell Blake how he felt.

  Every wide smile and uttered congratulations the Shadow Pack sent him made the ball of unease in his stomach grow, causing his skin to crawl with guilt and uncertainty, and making it harder to pretend that he was an overjoyed, expectant omega when he really wasn’t sure what he was feeling at the moment.

  With Lily, he had been ecstatic. Overwhelmed, yes, but…happy. Maybe not at first, but certainly in the end. It was understandable that he had been conflicted at the start of his first pregnancy, but he had quickly come to love his daughter all the same. He had assumed his second pregnancy would be easier, and that he’d be happy about it right from the start.

  He hadn’t realized how wrong he’d been, and he hadn’t realized it would be so much worse than the first time.

  He didn’t know what to do when people approached him besides smile awkwardly and excuse himself as soon as possible. Thankfully, Lily was too engrossed with their tour of the castle to pay much attention. He supposed they would need to have a conversation with her sooner rather than later. Even she would notice something eventually. It seemed like he was avoiding everyone in his family about it too. Not even his parents knew he was pregnant again. He would have to face it sooner or later, but to his mind, later seemed to be the most preferable choice at the moment.

  “I wanna see the gardens,” Lily said, taking his hand and pulling him away from yet another shifter who had stopped him to offer his congratulations.

  “Alright, alright,” He said, giving the shifter an apologetic smile and gladly using Lily as his excuse to escape.

  He let Lily guide him, surprised and proud that she could find her way without getting them lost. She had always been captivated by the Shadow Pack’s castle home. Ever since she could crawl, she had been exploring the hallways. She took her first steps in these halls. She learned to run out on the castle grounds. He couldn’t blame her for her awe. He, too, was captivated by it in his own more reserved way. It was nothing like anything they had back home. It was old, steeped in history, and rustic with some modern touches that couldn’t quite erase the fact that it was a stone castle.

  Her favorite activity when they visited was to explore it. Her curiosity knew no bounds, and her adventurous spirit revealed itself whenever they were here. No matter how many times she had walked up and down the same halls, she always found something new to fascinate her. She was always quiet, staring at everything with silent awe, taking in the smallest details with the wheels inside her head turning her inquisitive gaze this way and that.

  What he wouldn’t give to see it through her eyes.

  He imagined life would be so much simpler.

  He hadn’t expected her to remember her way around the castle. Yet, she did. She would stop at the intersections of hallways, face scrunched up in thought before tugging him decisively in the right direction. She was smart, very smart. And he was proud, but there was an edge to his pride. A tingling of familiar guilt. When had she gotten old enough to walk around like she did? With all the confidence in the world, she directed them around the castle.

  He couldn’t remember her being this grown up and self-assured when he left for his last mission. He was only gone for several months, but it seemed like years had passed by the time he returned. There were vast gaps of lost time and memories he couldn’t get back between himself, Blake, and his daughter.

  She led him out one of the side doors, and they headed across the grounds. It was a nice, bright day. The sun was warm and the sky was mostly clear. A few shifters were outside, chatting, running, and playing. There were some children, too, but Lily barely spared them a second glance.

  Arulean and Rajiah’s son, Remulin Amber, was her main friend here in the Shadow Pack. They were as close as kids their age could be, and Dylan dreaded having to tell Lily that he wasn’t sure when she’d get to see him again.

  Lily’s favorite place in the castle was the gardens. The flowers and plants were well-tended to by the pack. The flower beds were purposefully designed so that something was in bloom all year round. He had been reluctant to leave their room, not wanting to deal with the gazes from other shifters, or face their congratulations and their smiles. Lily had insisted though, and it would have been unfair to her to keep them cooped up, particularly on a beautiful day like today. Now here, out in the open air without an audience, he felt infinitely better.

  He breathed in deeply, clearing his mind and letting the tension bleed from his shoulders.

  Together, they walked through the gardens in companionable silence.

  They never spoke much when it was just the two of them. Or rather, he didn’t hold conversations with her like Blake did. Yet, she tolerated the silence. She never seemed too put off by it, no matter how guilty he felt. He only hoped she didn’t hold it against him for not being like her other father.

  Lily pulled him along, examining flower after flower, plant after plant. She made a few verbal observations, likely more for her own sake than his. He simply followed along behind her, an easy smile on his face as he watched her explore. His free hand went to his belly, resting on the bump beneath his baggy clothes out of habit more than anything.

  He caught sight of Lucy across the lawn and when he met her gaze, he waved her over. She excused herself from the couple she had been talking to and made her way over to greet them. Lucy was the mate of Marcus, the head of security at the Shadow Pack. Dylan had gotten to know them both during their first stay here, and their friendship had only grown over the years.

  “Dylan! I thought it would be a few months before we saw you again,” she said when she came within earshot.

  He smiled wryly. “Yes, well…something came up.”

  Her smile turned to a look of concern. “Does this have to do with Rajiah?”

  He frowned, brows furrowing. “Is that…common knowledge?”

  She shrugged, her smile thin and unamused. “You know how gossip spreads in a pack like this. Rajiah has been gone awhile, and Arulean is getting restless. People are starting to notice. Plus, he’s been calling his inner circle back from their travels, which he only does when he feels threatened.” Her smile turned a little more
genuine. “I’m glad to see you, though. It’s been a while.”

  “It’s good to be back,” he said, and he meant it as they pulled each other in for a friendly hug.

  He was surprised when their stomachs bumped, and it was only then that he paid attention to her scent. It took a moment to notice it beneath her perfume, and it smelled different on a female omega than a male omega, but it was still there.

  “Oh,” He pulled back and glanced down. Now that he was paying attention, he could see the evidence beneath her loose sweater. “I suppose congratulations are in order,” he said, lifting his eyes to her face, a small smile on his lips.

  She laughed, grinning widely. “And I suppose to you, too. Does Lily know?” She asked, glancing across the garden path to where his daughter was crawling along the lip of a stone fountain, poking at a frog.

  He followed her gaze and shook his head. “Not yet. I just returned home two days ago, and then we flew straight out here. Arulean’s already commandeered Blake, so we haven’t had the chance. We’ll be telling her soon.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be excited.”

  He forced a small smile. “She’s been asking for a little brother for years, so I hope so.”

  Lucy laid a comforting hand on his arm, her expression going soft. “I’m glad you two were able to conceive again,” she said quietly.

  He put his hand on hers and squeezed. “Yeah, you too.”

  There was a lot left unsaid between them. Lucy knew of Dylan and Blake’s struggles to get pregnant again. They’d talked about it in depth over the years whenever they visited. Likewise, he knew of her own struggles. She had been pregnant a little over a year ago with her and Marcus’s first child, but she had miscarried late in the pregnancy. It had impacted them both heavily, and she and Dylan had taken solace in comforting each other.

  He didn’t have the heart to tell her now about his reservations, not when her own pregnancy brought a glow to her features and a sparkle to her eyes.

  “Daddy,” Lily said in an urgent whisper. He looked down as she hurried to his side and grabbed at his pants. Her head was turned away from him though, finger pointing out to the distance. “Daddy, look.”

  He followed her gaze. The castle and pack compound were nestled in the center of a massive field, surrounded on all sides by forest. The gardens were close to the castle, off to one side. As he looked, figures emerged from the shadows where the gravel drive disappeared into a canopy of trees.

  They didn’t come by car as most visitors did. Nor did they come by horseback. They walked, stepping slowly into the sunlight. He counted seven of them. All of them were dressed in dark clothing that hid their shape, and cloaks with the hoods pulled up to obscure their faces.

  Dylan tensed, one hand going to his stomach and the other hand falling to Lily’s shoulder. She clearly felt his tension, looking up at him curiously before turning back to the strangers across the field. “Daddy, who are they?” she whispered, as if they might overhear.

  “I don’t know…”

  “I’ve never seen them before,” Lucy said softly, wariness creeping into her voice. Then she shook herself, hand landing on Dylan’s shoulder, squeezing reassuringly. “I doubt they’re a threat,” she said it earnestly, enough so that Dylan felt himself relax. “We’re an open pack to all shifters who want a peaceful life outside of the influence of humans so we get strays and runaways all the time. They come to us in all sorts of states. We shouldn’t judge this group so quickly.”

  The group stopped as they stepped out from the trees, pausing as they looked around. There was a hesitancy there, wariness as they eyed the shifters scattered around the property. Then the one in front stepped forward, visibly squaring their shoulders and pulling their hood down. They lifted their chin and started forward again, and slowly the others followed suit. They were still too far away for Dylan to make out any details of their clothes or faces.

  “Look,” Lucy said, nodding toward the castle. “A security detail is heading out to meet them.”

  Sure enough, a group of shifters dressed in the security uniform of the Shadow Pack strode out to greet the newcomers. They looked about as welcoming as possible given the uniforms. Dylan itched to follow, to join with the team and find out who these people were and why they made his hackles rise instinctively. He couldn’t, though, not with Lily at his side, as much his instincts urged him to be a part of what was going on.

  “Come on,” Lucy said, tugging at his arm. “Let’s get a closer look.”

  She walked toward the castle, intent on being near when the newcomers passed. Lily sprinted after her, grabbing Lucy’s hand, head still turned toward the far end of the field. Dylan sighed, a small frown on his lips as he followed them. He didn’t have a good feeling about this.


  “Daddy, who are they?” Lily tugged at the hem of Dylan’s shirt, her gaze locked on the door down the hall and her face scrunched up in confusion.

  “I don’t know,” Dylan said. He turned to Lucy, who was also warily watching the door. “Can you figure out their scents?”

  Her lips pursed into a small frown. “I’m afraid not. They smell…”


  She nodded. “Exactly.”

  The scent they left trailed down the hallway. It was faint, but recent enough for them to pick up on it. It was mostly human, but there was an edge to it that spoke of power. Unfortunately, it was a power that Dylan was unfamiliar with. He knew it wasn’t shifter, nor was it vampire or any other paranormal creature he recognized. It made him uneasy, his hair prickling at the back of his neck and he didn’t like not knowing.

  The strangers were intercepted by Marcus, the head of Shadow Pack security and Lucy’s mate. He and a few others spoke with the strangers and led them straight into the castle, escorting them to one of the formal sitting rooms while Marcus went to update Arulean. Two guards stood on either side of the door, and while they had noticed Dylan, Lucy, and Lily hovering down the hall, they hadn’t urged them to move on. No doubt it was because Dylan was a well known member of Arulean’s inner circle. Had he been alone, he might have marched up to them and simply asked for more information. As it was, however, he felt uneasy doing that with a pregnant woman and a child in tow.

  Luckily, he knew he wouldn’t have to wait long for answers.

  He sensed Blake long before he saw him.

  The bond they shared swelled with recognition as he came closer and he felt the tingling warmth in his chest as his mate drew near, the bond making him feel more at ease. On missions with his team, he had no time to think about the distance between them; being distracted could mean the death of him or his teammates. Now that he was home, back with Blake, he could rely more on that comfort. He could welcome the feeling of being whole again.

  Phantom shivers ran over his skin, a firing of nerves crackled with anticipation. He knew it came from Blake, but he could feel his own body reacting, buzzing with need. His eyes were drawn to the opposite end of the corridor, away from the guarded door. His breath caught in his throat as he found himself waiting.

  Blake rounded the corner and Dylan felt like he could breathe again. The air left his lungs in a rush, his body relaxing as he locked eyes with his mate. Blake smiled broadly as their gazes met, but it quickly melted into something softer and more private. He walked with Marcus and Arulean, but stepped away from them both as he reached where Dylan stood with Lucy and Lily. Dylan stepped forward to meet him, his body tugged forward by an invisible force.

  Dylan eased into Blake’s waiting arms, wrapping his own around Blake’s waist and tilting his head back to accept the soft, lingering kiss Blake pressed to his lips.

  “Hey, babe,” Blake murmured as he pulled back slightly, their faces close and their eyes dark as they spent a moment simply breathing the same air.

  “Hey.” A small, private smile tugged at Dylan’s lips.

  Their quiet moment was interrupted by Lily tugging at their shirts, all but wedging
herself between them until they were forced to step apart. Dylan’s smile faded, but Blake’s did not. Blake turned, resting a hand atop Lily’s head to ruffle her hair. “Hey, pumpkin. What’re you two doing here?”

  “We were on a walk,” she announced, then pointed toward the guarded door. “Then we followed the strangers here.”

  Blake lifted his gaze to Dylan’s, a small smile on his lips, eyes crinkling slightly at the corners. “I should have known I’d find you sniffing out trouble.”

  Dylan’s brow pinched, lips pursing. “Are they trouble?”

  Blake shrugged, his gaze shifting past Dylan to the door down the hall. “We’re not sure yet. They don’t look hostile, but appearances can be deceptive.” At that, he gave Dylan a small wink, and Dylan snorted his amusement.

  “We should be cautious, but we need to hear them out,” Arulean said, drawing their attention away from each other. He stood close, eyes on the guarded door down the hall. Behind him, Marcus had stepped up to Lucy, and they stood together, his arm slung loosely around her shoulders. “It’s been a long time since we’ve seen witches, and with Rajiah and Remi missing, the timing seems too good to be just coincidence.”

  “Witches?” Dylan turned back to Blake, one eyebrow raised.

  “You didn’t catch it on their scent?”

  Dylan shrugged. “I’ve never met a witch before. At least not one like this. I couldn’t place the scent.”

  Blake simply nodded. “Fair enough.” He tilted his head, nostrils flaring as he breathed in deeply. “Not sure I would’ve been able to place it either. But Marcus told us what they were when he came to get us.”


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