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Gianni (Mafia Heat, #2)

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by Jade, Ella

  As much as I wanted to keep kissing her, exploring her mouth, I had to stop. I’d left her breathless. When she opened her eyes, I trailed my fingers down her neck and along her chest above her breasts. She had the softest skin. I wanted to touch all of her. All night...

  “What is it?” I asked when she gazed into my eyes, hers wide and unsure. “You can tell me anything.”

  “I believe that.” When she bit her bottom lip, my arousal spiked. “I’ve waited a long time for you to kiss me. I never thought...” She giggled, light, honest. “I’m being silly.”

  “You never thought what?” I wanted inside her head. I needed to know what she thought.

  “I didn’t think I’d get the chance.”

  “To kiss me?” I trailed my lips along hers. “I see plenty of kissing in our future.”

  “You do?” She rested her palm on my cheek, running it over my stubble.

  “You’re beautiful.” I moved her hand to my lips, gently kissing her fingers. “Will you have dinner with me tomorrow night?”

  “I’d like that.” She dropped her gaze to my lips, seemingly mesmerized by my mouth on her knuckles. Oh, the places I’d like to taste on her flawless body.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven.” I squeezed her hand. “We’ll go to the winery. Sal will be thrilled.”

  “If you’re picking me up that means I can drink wine and not worry about driving.”

  “I’ll have Michael drive us.” I kissed her again, wondering how I would let her go tonight. “Sal can set up a tasting.”

  “I heard it takes months to get into a tasting.”

  “Not when you’re a Marchelli.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “Neither can I.”


  “Erica!” I hurried down the staircase and into the foyer. “Erica!”

  “I’m coming.” She joined me by the oval mirror in the hall as I put in my earrings. “What is it?”

  “Could you zip me?” I turned my back to her. “Gianni will be here any second.”

  “This dress is fantastic.” She zipped it up. “Is it new?”

  “I bought it this afternoon.”

  “You’re spectacular.” She looked me over. “New dress, new shoes, and you got your hair and makeup done. Gianni must have left quite an impression on you last night.”

  “Maybe.” I fluffed my curls. “He’s not at all what I expected.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I thought he was this bad boy from a powerful family. It’s no secret who they are. When he was younger he came off as tough and fearless.”

  “Not anymore?”

  “No, he still has edge but there’s a softer side. He’s kind and caring. I don’t know.” I shrugged. “There’s more to him than he lets on. It’s kind of intriguing.”


  “What does that mean?”

  “You’ve been enamored with him for a long time.”

  “That was different. I was young and naive.”

  “You’re still young and naive.” She arched a brow. “Aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I’m still a twenty-three year old virgin, if that’s what you’re referring to.”

  Erica had been with us since I was very young. She was more than a mother figure. She was my friend. Sometimes my only friend. My father had been protective of me, that I didn’t socialize much. With his job, it was easier for me to keep to myself.

  “That’s none of my business but...” She gazed out the foyer window. “He’s here.”

  My stomach flipped as I peeked out the window to see him coming up the driveway. The nervous energy that had surrounded me all day was in full force. He wore tight fitting dress pants and a black shirt with no tie. His stubble was neat and his hair styled to perfection. He carried two large bouquets of roses. He was like the hero in one of those romantic movies. The one where the guy swept the woman right off her feet. He’d already swept me off mine. When I thought about how unforgettable his kisses were, I remembered what Erica was getting at.

  “There was a but,” I reminded her. “You said it was none of your business but.”

  “You’ll make the right decisions for you.” She hugged me. “You’re not a child. You’re a beautiful, bright, sophisticated woman. Trust your instincts and you’ll be fine.”

  “It’s only our first date.” Jeez!

  “A man like Gianni might not think anything of it being your first date. The world can move pretty fast. You’re not used to keeping up.”

  Maybe it was time I caught up with the rest of the world.

  When the doorbell chimed through the foyer, my anticipation took over. “I want you to meet him.” I set my hand on the door handle. “You have to.” I needed her to see why I was so taken. It wasn’t about a crush anymore.

  “I’d love to.”

  My excitement couldn’t be contained when I flung open the door to find Gianni standing on the porch steps, flashing me a smoldering glance.

  “Wow.” He shook his head when he gazed into my eyes. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  He kissed my cheek, lingering in my hair a moment before stepping back and smiling at Erica who stood right behind me.

  “Those are lovely.” I motioned toward the roses.

  “One for you.” He handed me the pink and purple bouquet. “And these are for you.”

  “How thoughtful of you.” Erica stepped forward and took the roses from him. “Gianni, I’m Erica. I’ve heard much about you.”

  “All good?” When he winked at me, I wanted to throw myself into his arms. “It’s nice to meet you. Angelique speaks very highly of you.”

  “You as well.” Erica sniffed the flowers before extending her hand to take my bouquet. “I’ll put these in water.”

  “Thanks.” I gave her the roses. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Michael’s waiting for us.” As he nodded toward the fancy black SUV, my father’s car came up the driveway.

  “I didn’t expect Dad to be home tonight.”

  “I thought he was staying in Washington until tomorrow,” Erica said. “I hope he doesn’t want dinner.”

  “I’m sure he will.” I waved to my dad. “You’ll whip something up.”

  “You could both join us at the winery.” Gianni’s thoughtful side pushed through. “Sal won’t mind.”

  My eyes widened as I looked to Erica for assistance. As much as I liked my dad, I didn’t want him on my first date with Gianni.

  “That’s very kind of you,” she said. “You two don’t need us old people around. Go and have fun.”

  “Dad,” I called as he came up the steps. “You’re home early.”

  “My meeting got canceled tonight so I thought I’d come home.” He kissed my cheek. “You look beautiful.”

  “Gianni and I are going to the winery.”

  “Are you?” He turned and extended his hand. “Gianni, what a surprise to see you here.”

  “Senator.” Gianni shook my dad’s hand. “Good to see you.”

  “You’re taking my daughter out?” My father seemed a little more shocked than I would have liked. “That’s an interesting turn of events.”

  “I’ll get your bag and wrap,” Erica said as she headed inside. “Then you can be on your way.”

  “I went to Gianni’s last night,” I told him. “It was a spectacular party.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  “Sal has set up a tasting for us tonight.” Gianni rested his hand on the small of my back. “We should probably get going.”

  Erica came outside and gave me my jacket and purse. “Have a wonderful time.” She hugged me. “Make smart choices,” she whispered into my ear. “He’s awfully handsome.”

  I nodded because I agreed with her assessment of him. Making smart decisions might not be easy once we were alone. Maybe it was time I cashed in that V card of mine. I couldn’t think of anyone better for the job than the man who had just taken my hand in hi

  Don’t wait up, Daddy!

  Chapter Five


  Pink Isn’t Your Color

  “It’s beautiful.” Angelique gazed around the main entrance of the Marchelli Winery. “Fall has always been my favorite time of year but after last night and seeing this place decorated.” She spun in a slow circle, taking in the hundreds of mums and pumpkins. “I’m in love.”

  As she glanced around the room, her long hair cascaded down her bare back. The black, silk dress clung to her body, accentuating all of her curves. The silver stilettos complimented her toned calves and smooth legs. She wasn’t the only one mesmerized.

  Reaching for her, I brought her to me. As I stared into her eyes, I took her face between my hands. She swallowed hard and I wondered if she would ever settle down when I touched her.

  “It’s really pretty here.” She licked her lips. “I can’t wait to—”

  Catching her off guard, I pressed my lips to hers. Savoring her lips, tasting her mouth, memorizing this moment. She melted into the kiss, making it difficult for me to stop. I wanted to ditch dinner and skip to the part where I took her home. My home... to be exact.

  “There you are.” When Sal interrupted us, I thought I might lose my shit. “It’s a good thing I set you up in a private room tonight.”

  “Shut up.” I glared at him as I reluctantly released Angelique from my hold. My brother was right. A private room would fit my needs. “Salvatore.” I shook his hand. “Sorry we’re late. Traffic was a nightmare.”

  “It’s fine.” He looked at his watch. “We’re busy this evening. I hope you don’t mind that we’re a bit backed up.” Sal smiled at Angelique. “It’s good to see you, Ms. Bruno.”

  “You as well, Mr. Marchelli.” She giggled when he kissed her hand.

  My chest tightened as my brother flirted with her. It was playful. She didn’t seem at all intimidated by Sal. Not like she was with me. What the hell?

  “Gianni,” my mother called as she approached us.

  “Mom’s here?” I asked.

  “We’re busy and she keeps things moving,” Sal replied. “It’s not a bad thing. I have a bachelorette party in the wine cellar and they’re driving me crazy. I unleashed Mom on them.”

  “Gianni, my love.” My mother kissed my cheek. “Sal told me you were coming.”

  “Hello, Mom.” By the time I greeted her she already had Angelique in an embrace.

  “Angelique, I’m thrilled you’re here.” My mom stepped back and looked her over. “You’re gorgeous. I love this dress.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Marchelli.” Angelique’s cheeks flushed. She was overwhelmed. Maybe I should have taken her someplace else for our first date.

  “Call me Jennie,” my mom said. “Is this your first time here?”

  “Yes, it’s incredible. I love the fall theme.”

  “I’m already planning the holiday decorations.” My mom took her hand. “I’ll take you on a tour.”

  “Mom,” I said. “We’re about to have dinner.”

  “We won’t be long.” My mother led Angelique away from me. “I’ll bring her to you when we’re done.”

  “Okay.” I shrugged.

  Angelique turned and waved at me before following my mother. I couldn’t stop staring at her. I loved my mother dearly but right now I wanted my date’s undivided attention. Actually, I wanted to give my date my undivided attention.

  “That was awkward.” Sal laughed. “Mom is in serious mode to get us all married now that Vincenzo has found Nadia. She thinks we should all follow in his footsteps.”

  “This is my first date with Angelique.”

  “You have some lipstick on your lips.” He motioned to my mouth. “Pink isn’t your color.”

  As I wiped my lips with my fingers, I remembered Sal interrupted my moment. I should have invited Angelique to my house and ordered dinner. Then we wouldn’t have had these distractions.

  “Come on,” he said. “I’ll take you downstairs and get you set up with some wine. That should make you feel better.”

  “I’d feel better if mom didn’t steal my date. Who knows what she’s telling her.”

  “She means well.”

  We took the back staircase to a hallway of the private tasting rooms. Sal had seen them in a winery in Italy and decided they would be a smart addition for this place. We had several high-profile clients who craved privacy. The rooms were the right move. They were often booked solid but he always kept one on reserve if one of us needed it. My parents used it once or twice a week. My father entertained associates here a few days a month. It would be the perfect setting for me to get to know Angelique. When my mother brought her back.

  “This place is thriving.” I entered the tasting room. “You’re doing a fantastic job.”

  “Thanks.” He dimmed the lights, leaving the room mostly lit by candles and the hearth of the fireplace. “I don’t have time to breathe but Dad’s happy, so...”

  “That’s all that matters.”

  “What’s up with you and Angelique?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You looked serious out there in the foyer. It’s not often I find you kissing in public.” He uncorked a bottle of wine, pouring a small amount into my glass.

  “I don’t need to taste it. I know it’s fine.”

  “You’re at a tasting,” he reminded me.

  “Fill my glass.” I shook my head. “I need a drink.”


  “You want sophisticated? Go find Vincenzo or Santino.”

  “What about Angelique?” He filled my glass with the Pinot Grigio.

  “I suppose she’s sophisticated. Her father sent her to all the expensive schools. She works at an exclusive private school. Mom’s trying to get Gia in there, so you know it’s the best.”

  “I’m sure she’s well-bred but I meant, what about the two of you? Is she a distraction?”

  “She distracts me but she’s not someone I can be casual with.” I didn’t know her that well, but I already knew she wasn’t the typical bang her and leave her kind of girl. Not that I wanted to leave her. “I need to get to know her. I’m not really sure what’s going to happen between us.”

  “Isn’t that the beauty of it?”

  Angelique appeared in the doorway, all legs and eloquence. No, she was definitely not casual.

  “There you are.” I met her at the door. “I thought my mother kidnapped you.”

  “She’s going to teach me how to make ravioli.” Her smile brightened her face. “Not the frozen kind in the bag.”

  “Heaven forbid.” Sal poured some wine into Angelique’s glass. “Our grandmother would drop dead.”

  “That’s what your mother said.” Angelique’s unique laughed filled the room. “She said I needed to learn to be a proper Italian cook.”

  Subtle, Mom, real subtle.

  “She must really like you if she’s going to show you how to make ravioli.” I took her hand and led her to the table. “It’s one of my favorite dishes.”

  “I made sure the kitchen put fresh lobster ravioli in that cream sauce you like on the menu tonight.” Sal gazed down the hall. “Oh hell.”

  “What is it?” I asked as I pulled a chair out for Angelique.

  “Two of the ladies, and I’m using that term loosely, from the bachelorette party have found me.” He rolled his eyes. “They’re rather determined.”

  “Maybe you should embrace it.” I grinned. “You could use a distraction or two.”

  “Hmm...” He straightened his tie. “Someone will be with you shortly. I’ll check in on you soon. Enjoy your dinner.”

  “Salvatore,” a soft, flirty voice called as my brother closed the door. “We miss you.”

  “They all swoon over Sal.” I took the seat across from Angelique.

  “All the Marchelli brothers are swoon-worthy.”

  “Are we?” I smirked. “I’m the most swoon-worthy, right?”


  “My family can be a bit forceful especially my mother. I hope she didn’t embarrass you.”

  “They’re fantastic.” She glanced around the room. “Your mom said you were a handful when you were a kid.”

  “I was the one who came up with all the bad ideas and my brothers followed. I kept her on her toes. My brothers would say I’m her favorite but I just required the most attention when we were younger.”

  “She’s so proud of you. I could hear it in her voice.”

  “She’s trying to hard sell you.” I poured more wine into my glass. “Now that Vincenzo has Nadia, my mom is trying to match us all.”

  “She’s sweet.” She sipped her drink. “Mmm, this is really smooth.”

  “Are you a wine drinker?”

  “Occasionally.” She set her glass down. “A few of the women from work like to go out once a month for happy hour but other than that I really don’t drink.”

  “Do you like your job?”

  “I do.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “The kids are cute. I work with the first graders. They’re precious.”

  “The school is top notch. My mother has applied to get Gia in there next year when she goes to kindergarten.”

  “Really? She could use me as a reference.”

  “That’s kind of you. I’ll let her know. I’m sure that and her sizable donation to the school will go a long way.”

  “Gia’s a smart little girl. The academy would be lucky to have her.”

  “They’re really lucky to have you.”

  “My father called in some favors to get me that job.” She took another sip of her wine. “I wanted to stay in Manhattan after grad school. I’d met some great friends and we were all going to get an apartment but...” She glanced down at her lap. “I’m sorry. I’m babbling. I do love my job.”

  “Your father wanted you to come back home.”

  Bruno was a control freak and I got the impression his daughter was on a short leash. No wonder he seemed annoyed when he learned we were going out tonight.


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