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Prossers Bay Series

Page 17

by Cheryl Phipps

  “Did you miss me, babe? I sure as anything missed you. I was so bored and our house seemed so lonely. Never mind, I’m here now. I was desperate for a holiday.”

  Jordan breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, a holiday. That’s good. I thought for a moment you’d come to… Never mind. I left the house to you, Amanda. It’s not ours anymore. You know that.”

  As if he hadn’t spoken, she untangled herself and held his hand. “It will always be ours, babe. Now, where’s your place? I’d like to freshen up and get settled in.”

  “I’ll find a spare room for you in the complex. Are you on your own?”

  “Don’t be silly. I can share with you. And who would I bring? What do you mean, am I on my own? You know you’re the only man for me.”

  She swung around and pressed herself against him at the same moment Megan came through the resort gates. Their eyes locked for a moment, and even as he tried to pry Amanda off him, he knew it looked bad. Getting out of the car, she tried to sidestep them, but Jordan couldn’t let her go thinking the worst of him. As if this would make him appear any worse in her eyes, but he had to try.

  “Good morning, Megan. I’d like you to meet Amanda Merton.”

  “Pleased to meet you, but I can’t stop to chat. We have a full capacity today and it’s all hands on deck.”

  “Hello, sweetie. Don’t let us keep you from your work. Anyway, Jordan and I need a bit of alone time to get reacquainted.”

  “Just a minute.” Jordan finally shook Amanda off his arm and ran after Megan. Grabbing her arm, he turned her around. “Megan, this is not how it looks.”

  “It’s none of my business how it looks, boss. You two go right ahead and enjoy yourselves. I’ve got plenty to keep me occupied.”

  Her eyes narrowed, and Jordan knew this was going to take a bit of talking to get her to see it for what it was. Not that it should matter, since they weren’t an item, but perversely it did matter. Clearly, they wouldn’t be discussing anything right now, as she was heading down the path at a very fast pace, her back ramrod straight, her hands balled into fists.

  When she entered the main office, he decided against putting his dirty laundry on display; besides, taking Amanda anywhere near Megan would not help at this point, so he turned back to the woman who had taken him for every cent she could when they split up. On top of that, he couldn’t even remember why he’d been with her for so long, or at all.

  “Come up to my place while I get you sorted with a room of your own. It’s a busy time at the resort, but I need my own space.”

  She took a step closer and ran a hand up his arm, making a small pout. “But I came all this way to be with you.”

  He turned and began the ascent to his house. It wasn’t in him to be cruel, but Amanda was testing his self-control. “I don’t know why you thought that was a good idea. I seem to remember that you called it quits, not me, remember?”

  She followed at a slower pace, her heels impractical on the steps.

  “I was angry that you chose this resort over me, but I’ve thought about it and I think I was wrong.”

  “It wasn’t like that. This was my dream for a long time. You knew that, and you didn’t have anything to give up.”

  She sniffed. “Maybe I didn’t have a job, but I had my friends. My life was in New York.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  “Because I think I could make it work here, if I have you.”

  She tried to grab his hand but he moved faster, causing her to break in to a trot. “You should have called me. I could have saved you the trip.”

  “Don’t be silly. What we had was so good.”

  They’d reached his deck and now he turned to her. Next to Megan she looked and sounded plastic, and he thought what a lucky escape he’d had from ending up with a woman like this.

  “No, it wasn’t good. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I left. We’re over. You coming here doesn’t change that.”

  Her eyes widened. “Are you telling me to leave?”

  “I’m saying, have a vacation if that’s what you want, but that’s the extent of things with us.”

  A glint came to her eyes and she looked him up and down as if she was trying to work out what was different in him. “Is there someone else?”

  “Whether there is or not wouldn’t change anything.”

  Amanda looked shocked. Then her face crumpled and fat tears ran down her cheeks. She would have made a good actress. Her ability to turn her tears on and off was what had kept him from leaving her many times before, but he’d been over it for a long time, and he didn’t buy her sudden show of sadness. Still, he wasn’t a total jerk. He took her arm and led her inside to a couch.

  He’d let her get herself back together before he took her down to her room. He picked up the phone and called his receptionist. Chelsea was a little brisk with him, but then she knew Amanda as well as he did.

  Chapter 9

  Megan watched as Jordan went up to his place with that tall streak of amazing-looking woman. So much for not hurting her. The two of them were obviously close, and yet Jordan had made her think he was a free agent. Bloody men and their libidos. She was probably nothing more than a challenge to a man who didn’t have his girlfriend on tap.

  Chelsea sat at the reception desk, scowling up at Jordan’s house.

  “I can’t believe he’s letting her stay here. She’s got to be the nastiest woman I’ve ever met.”

  Megan was surprised at the only slip of professionalism she’d witnessed from Chelsea since she’d been working here. “Really? I thought you got along with everyone.”

  “I do my best, but some women don’t want or need to be liked by other women, and Amanda bloody Merton is one of them.” She put her hand to her mouth as she looked around her. “Shit, I shouldn’t be saying things like that.”

  The look on Chelsea’s face made Megan smile despite her own anger. “I’m hardly going to repeat it. Besides, it’s just you and me here.”

  Chelsea gave a quick repeat check around her, then leaned forward a little, her voice much quieter. “I’ve been with Jordan for a very long time, and I’ve put up with a lot because he’s generous, a truly nice person, and a great boss, but from the first day she arrived on the scene I had to field Amanda’s calls, and heaven help me if he was busy. That woman has a vocabulary suitable for prison, and a nasty streak a mile high. I never got what he saw in her.”

  “You have to admit, she’d pretty damn gorgeous.”

  “If you like that plastic look. You’re far more attractive and much nicer. Don’t you let her get her claws back into him.”

  Megan stiffened. “I think you’re confused. Jordan and I are not an item, and I have no say over who he sees.”

  “Don’t give me that.” Chelsea waved her hand dismissively. “You two can’t stop looking at each other.”

  “You’re imagining it.”

  “Sure I am. You can pretend all you want that you don’t like him, but he’s not pretending at all, not when he’s asking about you twenty times a day, and doing all the improvements around here based on your suggestions.”

  “Perhaps it’s because my suggestions are right?”

  “I’m not implying that they’re not, but the way he follows you with his eyes and has to be in, or near, your office twenty times a day, says as much as the way he’s been trying to date you for weeks, and apparently has, if my friend at Louis’s is correct?”

  Megan blushed. Damn small towns. “If you’re right, and I’m not for a minute saying you are, then what the heck is she doing here?”

  Chelsea scowled. “I’m willing to bet her money’s drying up without Jordan around. She hasn’t worked a day since they hooked up and she needs a rich man to maintain her status. She’s all about the look and what she can get out of him, nothing to do with loving him.”

  “You can’t know that.”

  “I know how she treated him, and you don’t do that to someone you love. Besides, he’s ju
st asked me to find her a room. He wouldn’t be doing that if he was going to take her back, would he?”

  Megan wasn’t convinced. She’d seen the way Amanda had been all over Jordan, and she felt flustered again. “I really have a lot to do today. Can you give him these files for me?” She hurried outside, not acknowledging the look of frustration in Chelsea’s eyes.

  It didn’t matter what Chelsea said; Jordan had a longtime partner who apparently wanted to be back in his life, and Megan wasn’t about to fight over him with Amanda. For goodness’ sake, she wasn’t his girlfriend – there was nothing to do battle for.

  Fortunately, she hadn’t lied; she was kept busy all day, even eating her packed lunch at her desk instead of down at the beach, which always reminded her of lunch with the girls, and where Jordan might find her.

  There had been no sign of Jordan, and she climbed into her car that afternoon feeling increasingly like an idiot. A man who looked like Jordan, and had the money he did, was going to be a catch. Why would he want to hang around with a single mom who had no idea of the lifestyle he was used to, and challenged him at every turn, whether he deserved it or not?

  There was only one answer, and it wasn’t flattering. Some women liked the idea of a bit of fun – no strings and certainly no love, but that wasn’t Megan. She’d had enough fun to last her a lifetime and she wasn’t about to go through that humiliation again.

  When she got home, Abby called to say that the girls wanted a sleepover and was that okay? Oh hell yes, she thought. As much as she missed her munchkins when she was at work, to have time by herself occasionally was a luxury. She ran a rare bath, and took the book that she’d been wanting to read for a year and a large glass of wine into the bathroom. For tonight she wasn’t going to worry about anything or anyone. Tonight it was all about her and a certain fictional heroine who was going to get exactly what she deserved – Megan fervently hoped.

  The next day Jordan found Megan in the storeroom surrounded by a pile of linen. She was very flushed from the heat and was giving a backhanded swipe at a stray lock of hair that dared to cover her eyes. Even disheveled she made his blood run hot. He would have loved to pick her up and take her up the hill to his place to cool her down so that he could heat her up again. He already knew that she was a passionate woman; he knew about her independence, her kids and her friends, but he’d be willing to bet that her passion took other forms, and damned if that thought didn’t make him groan aloud.

  Megan turned. “Are you all right? I know it’s hot in here, but you don’t look well.”

  If this was unwell, he’d welcome more of it any day. “No, I’m fine. What are you doing?”

  “I noticed that some of the linen coming out of here is a substandard quality, so I was checking to see if it’s an anomaly or the norm.”


  “And, as I suspected, most of what we have isn’t good enough for the resort. Your last manager brought cheap stuff that isn’t wearing well, and some of it already looks bad enough that I don’t want it used. At this rate we could run short anytime.”

  “Damn that woman. Will her inadequacies never end? I saw and approved her budget and let me tell you, there was nothing cheap on her lists. No doubt she was pocketing the difference on that and a lot more besides.”

  “No wonder you were fit to be tied when you saw me taking cleaning stuff home.”

  Jordan felt embarrassed once more by his hasty conclusion. “Please. You explained that and I have no trust issues with you. In fact, I’d still like to make that up to you.”

  “Let’s not go there again. Getting back to the linen. I thought I’d look at some old invoices to see who she’s used in the past and then find a more reputable source.”

  “Great. It needs to be figured out if my client list is about to expand the way I intend. Actually, I wanted to ask you to help me with that. I’m organizing an event and I’d like your help hosting it if you’re free on Friday night.”

  “It sounds interesting, but you know evenings are difficult for me, with the girls to organize.”

  “I know and I wouldn’t ask normally, but it is work-related and you’d have all week to get a babysitter.”

  She looked like she was going to refuse, but she surprised him yet again.

  “What sort of an event?”

  “I’m entertaining a CEO from a renowned company, Global Plastics. He’s looking at using the resort for seminars and training. If we get the booking it could turn into something ongoing, and if that happens, it would be very lucrative.”

  “Why don’t you ask Amanda? She looks more the part of a hostess than I ever could.”

  He hid his surprise, but the thought that Megan was jealous did give him a buzz. “Amanda will never host anything for me. She’s not the sort of woman who can talk about anything remotely interesting to businessmen, if you get my point. Mr. Sainsbury is bringing his wife and a few top executives. Not too many people, but it’ll be upmarket. I know you’ve had the experience, and I’d appreciate it if you can help me out. Naturally, I would reimburse you for your time.”

  Megan hesitated. He couldn’t gauge exactly what she was going on in that prickly mind, and was relieved by her answer.

  “You pay me well enough. I’ll see what I can do.”

  He had to be satisfied with that. At least it wasn’t a ‘no’.

  “Could we sit down and work out a few ideas?’

  “Sure. I have a few salespeople coming in to discuss linen later this morning, but after that would work for me.”

  Jordan smiled. “Perfect. Come over to the restaurant for a light lunch. There’ll be more room, and it’ll be cooler than your office.”

  Megan nodded and went to walk away, then turned back to surprise him with a random comment.

  “You know, you have some great staff here. They think a lot of you.”

  “I hope they know I feel the same about them.”

  “I imagine they do. Certainly, the turnover of staff is virtually non-existent. That’s a good achievement.”

  She left him to wonder where that whole topic had come from. And unfortunately, to reignite the feelings he had when he was around her. Even with his best intentions of not thinking about her, she was always on his mind. Her intentional sparring, which had initially grated, was something he’d come to enjoy. Looked forward to, he realized.

  When Megan found Jordan in the restaurant, he was seated in his private alcove where he could see the room but was partly obscured. His head was bent over a laptop, but he noticed her as soon as she came near. He quickly jumped up and pulled out her seat. His manners were impeccable, something else she liked about him.

  Penny, the waitress, was there in a flash, ready to take their orders.

  “Order what you like and then we’ll get started while we wait.”

  Megan ordered a salad, then produced a notepad and pen from her bag. “What’s the main brief?”

  “I don’t want it to be too formal, but it should be elegant. There’ll be about twenty in the party, including the CEO and his wife. If you could pay close attention to her, that would be nice. She’ll be used to having things organized for her, so she might be kind of needy, but I’m sure she’ll be a picnic next to her husband. Sainsbury’s a ‘party hard’ kind of guy who’s used to a life of excess, and people jumping at his every command.”

  “Sounds like a nice guy.”

  Jordan snorted. “He’s a piece of work, and I wish I didn’t have to deal with him, but that’s the price of getting his business. Chelsea’s going to look after the food and drinks with the help of the chef and Penny. If you can deal with the flow of it all, look after the wife and mingle with the other guests, I think we can do this.”

  Megan felt a tingle at the use of the word ‘we’. She felt like she was part of the team at the resort already, but thinking about the two of them as an item, which he surely hadn’t intended, made her face heat.

  “There you are.”

very annoyed Amanda appeared in the alcove, wearing a bikini top and a sarong. Her unnaturally large breasts seemed about to burst from the skimpy fabric and the other diners were watching her, the men in particular, most assiduously.

  “I’ve been searching for you everywhere. I want to talk to you about the house.”

  There was no acknowledgement that Megan was there as Amanda slid into the chair next to Jordan.

  “This is a working lunch, so I’ll catch up with you later,” Jordan said firmly.

  “I could have lunch too.”

  Megan tried not to flinch at her wheedling tone, which Jordan also wasn’t buying.

  “Not here and not now. The policy at Haven is no swimwear in the dining room. Please put a top on before you come back. Now, where were we?”

  Jordan began to make notes on his page and Amanda finally looked at Megan with narrowed eyes.

  “I see. Actually, I’m not all that hungry. I might visit the spa instead.”

  This got no reaction from Jordan, so she stalked off.

  Jordan sighed. “I’m so sorry about that. What the hell am I going to do with her?”

  Megan felt sorry for him on one level, but he was the owner of a huge resort. He really needed to man up. “You have to tell her how you feel.”

  “Feelings don’t come into it with Amanda – unless they’re hers.”

  “Then you must be brutally honest, otherwise she’s going to assume that you’ll change your mind.”

  “You mean she’ll wear me down? Don’t even suggest it. If there’s one thing I know for certain, it’s that I couldn’t bear to live with her again. I’ve loved every minute of being on my own. No smothering or attention seeking. It’s been bliss.”

  Megan felt her whole body stiffen. “I get the message. You don’t need a woman in your life. No need to spell it out.”

  “That’s not what I mean at all. Don’t put words in my mouth. It’s taken me longer than it should, but I’ve begun to realize that Amanda isn’t as typical as I once thought.”


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