Broken Wing (Arthur Academy Book 1)

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Broken Wing (Arthur Academy Book 1) Page 14

by Kathleen Mareé

  And I couldn’t let someone like Paxton Reed keep letting me forget that.

  Not anymore.

  After tidying Lucys place, I made my way to my room where I managed to dress in some clean boyfriend jeans, my docs and an oversized tee that I tied in a knot at the waist, grabbing my bag and books on the way out. When I got outside the dorms, I was shocked to see Austin leaning against the wall, one leg across the other. His wavy brown hair was styled to perfection, and his Academy blazer showed off the broadness of his chest. When he notices me staring at him in confusion, he straightens from the wall, and a full-teeth, commercial-smile fills his gorgeous face.

  “New girl, I’ve been waiting for you,” he smirked, a kind of knowing twinkle in his green eyes.

  I glance behind me, curious if he’s actually talking to me or someone else, but when I hear his warm chuckle - I turn back toward him.


  He meets me on the top step, and since he easily towers over me, much like Paxton – he hooks his elbow around my neck and helps guide me to the bottom. He doesn’t stop there either, as we continue our way across the campus.

  “I’m on new girl duty this morning, so you’re stuck with me.”

  I was still confused.

  “I’m not following. Umm Austin, can you drop your arm – I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea.” I try and shrug out from under him, noticing the side-glances I was starting to get from people we passed. Again, he laughed, and only seem to tug me closer.

  “You must be the only chick on campus who wouldn’t want people to get the wrong idea, unless you’re talking about a certain pack leader of course.”

  “I don’t know who you’re talking about,” I mutter, causing him to laugh yet again.

  “Sure, you don’t.”

  We make it all the way to my Financial Management class, causing thoughts to rise about how he would even know my schedule, but when I assume Austin will let me go, he basically strolls into my class like he owns the place instead. He manoeuvres through the rows and all but deposits me in a seat at the back. I’m about to say something along the lines of him leaving now, when he falls into the open desk beside me, kicking out his long, muscular legs beneath the desk. My mouth is literally hanging open when I hiss, “What are you doing? You’re not even in this class.”

  He shrugs. “I told you, I’m on new girl duty.”

  “On whose orders?” I bite, knowing full well who would be responsible – but no idea why.

  Austin only glances at me, a knowing grin on his handsome face.

  “Ugh, I’m going to kill him. Isn’t he done with these stupid games…?”

  Austin chuckles adding, “I can see why he likes you.”

  Likes me? Paxton likes me?

  I don’t even have time to run those words through my head more than once, before a cough in front of me causes me to startle.

  “Ah, what is Austin doing in my seat?” Tucker asks me, clearly annoyed.

  “I’m right here Tucker.”

  “Like I said, you’re in my seat.”

  “I don’t see your name on it. Besides, I was just in a very interesting discussion with new girl here, which I really don’t want you interrupting.” Austin wiggles his brows suggestively, but it’s more in jest than seedy. I roll my eyes.

  When the professor walks in, and asks Tucker to take a seat, he begrudgingly finds a spare seat two rows over, not hiding the grind of his jaw or daggered gaze that shoots knowingly at Austin beside me.

  As confusing as it is having Austin in this class, I mean he’s a junior and at least two years ahead of me, it didn’t take long for me to forget he was even here. He didn’t hold the same intensity behind his presence like someone else, and without Tucker beside me eyeing me like I hung the moon – I was surprising quite productive. And just like that, the entire class zoomed by. Just as Austin stands before me, I glance at professor – realising he didn’t even question what Austin was even doing in this class. Which I asked him as I packed up my things.

  “Why would he? No one questions us in this place,” Austin states like it’s the stupidest question ever.

  I still didn’t understand how students seem to hold so much power over the actual faculty, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t nice having Austin next to me today instead of Tucker. As Austin just let me work and didn’t want my attention like Tucker usually did. I actually walked out feeling content, which only lasted about half a second before I was about to enter the cafeteria to meet Lucy for lunch, and Austin slung his arm around my neck again. I mean, the last thing I wanted was to walk in here next to him. But when we approached my table, I felt like the whole place fell quiet, and when I looked at my friends, they only further confused me. Mercedes looked ready to rip into us, Gabe looked upset as he glanced at Mercedes, Lucy looked uncomfortable and Tuckers gaze mirrored that of Mercedes. Bloody murder.

  “Hi guys,” I mumbled, giving an awkward wave. When I went to sit down, Austin finally dropped his arm, before strolling away to his own table without muttering a damn word. Great, he rattles my group of friends and then leaves me to deal with the mess. Something I’d definitely thank him for when I see him next. Whenever that may be anyway…

  “So…. That was weird,” I mutter, trying to relieve the tension. “Thanks for letting me crash last night too Luce.”

  She smiles awkwardly, like she too, was uncomfortable now.

  “You forget I also helped drag your ass to bed last night too,” Mercedes bit, way more blunt than usual.

  “Yeah, thanks Mercedes. I really appreciate it.”

  She wouldn’t look at me, and now I felt like the one group of friends I made here didn’t want me here anymore. I couldn’t take it. But before I could gain the nerve to ask what I’d done, Mercedes folds her elbows on the table and leans toward me.

  “So, are you two, like hanging out now or something?” she adds frostily.

  I shake my head instantly. “No, no, no. Definitely not. I know it looks weird Austin walking in here with me today, but I swear guys I have no idea why! I’ve barely said two words to him before today. He said he’s on new girl duty, whatever that means…”

  With that comment, Lucy perks up, a thought seeming to run through her head. She smiles, and glances at their table far behind us before mumbling, “I knew it.”

  “Knew what?” I ask, forcing myself not to look at them.

  She just smiles knowingly, shaking her head. “I think they are making sure Amber leaves you alone. I know she’s been pretty harmless but who knows when the snake is about to strike. They like to reign her in sometimes and don’t like her going rogue.”

  Mercedes glares at Lucy. “You think this has to do with Amber?”

  “Uh huh. You know how Pax likes to keep her on a short leash. He won’t have her risking ruining his reputation if she’s going to be in this for the long haul.”

  “In what for the long haul?” I ask, before I can stop myself.

  Lucy pauses like she shouldn’t have said something, causing Tucker to chuckle sinisterly. “Oh, you know, there’s rumours that the king and queen of Arthur are engaged.”

  “Tucker!” Lucy snaps angrily, while Mercedes and Gabe look surprised.

  “What? Like I said, it’s just what I’ve heard.”

  Lucy seems to be saying something to Tucker with her eyes, before Mercedes and Gabe start gossiping about the information he just shared with them. But I barely hear it. Again, I picture Paxton in Lucys room this morning looking out for me, and telling me that photo of the two of them wasn’t what it looked like - when all I hear is that he is building a future with the same girl. And it does nothing now but make me angry. He is so not who I thought he was, that’s for damn sure. And I need to remember that next time he decides to grace me with his presence.

  Because if he thinks I’m going to fall for his games again – he honestly doesn’t know me I thought he might have.

  Chapter Twenty


  “So, how did it go this morning?” I whisper to Austin as soon as he sits beside me, careful not to talk too-loud so Banks and River don’t overhear.

  Austin chuckles softly. “I can see why you like her, she’s stubborn as all hell.”

  I barely hear the second part of his sentence, because my fists ball on my knee, after hearing only the first bit.

  “Calm down brother. I have no intention of going there if that’s why you’re snarling at me right now.”

  I take a peek at her between River and Banks shoulders who sit opposite us, only spotting the back of Hendrix who hunches over the table uneasily, causing something equally uneasy to stir in my gut. I lean toward Austin adding, “Just promise you will do what I ask okay? I need time to sort everything out.”

  “I’m not sure that’s going to work out for you bro’….” I lean back to see his grim expression, as he quietly recaps the things I told him this morning. He knows everything. About the deal between Amber and our fathers, to her being knocked up (which was most definitely not by me), to my father reneging on the freedom deal we had and about how a certain new girl has wiggled her way so far under my skin I’m close to letting everything hit the fan just to have her. I barely know her, which is the truest and fucking strangest part, but no one has managed to get anything real out of me for three years. Longer, if I’m being totally honest. But back then I was a young, naive kid who didn’t know any better. A kid, who just wanted to see the world the way his mother did with love and trust and all that other bullshit that I’ve learned is fucking poison. The image of my mother then, to what she has become now… the proof that that kind of belief can truly ruin you.

  But Hendrix….?

  The way she doesn’t give a shit about any of this, and how she’s so determined to build herself her own damn life – it’s not only sexy, but it’s hot as all hell too. It’s fucking real. And the way those hazel eyes of hers seem to crack me open every time I’m near her is something I am fucking terrified of - but want to run full speed toward at the same time. But my mother…. I have to make sure I can get her help because I know without a doubt that my father will use my love for her against me if I show any sign of disobeying him. I’m just not sure how the fuck I’m supposed to do that yet.

  “What are you two bitches gossiping about?” Banks smirks as he stuffs his face with his burger.

  I shrug my shoulders and don the mask I always have showing indifference and not the intensity of the conversation Austin and I have been having instead. “You doing a burger run without us instead of eating this shitty food,” I reply, shoving away my tray full of todays special.

  “It was a last-minute, decision boys, besides, I had company on my run and it wasn’t company you would want to have been a third wheel to. Our group doesn’t run like that. Unless you’ve changed your mind and want it to ofcourse.” Banks wiggles his brows just as River gets up and stalks out.

  “What’s up with him?” Austin asks, glancing at Banks.

  “Fuck if I know. He’s been acting more broody than ever today, but you know what he’s like – he deals with shit differently to us.”

  “He’s not back on them is he?” I grind, narrowing my eyes at Banks who simply raises his hands in surrender.

  “Don’t look at me that way Pax. I’ve been keeping an eye on him. He’s clean.”

  I wasn’t sure, but I’d have to keep an eye on him too. Fuck, everything was starting to pile up, and I had no idea how I was going to process it all.

  “Austin, could you be a dear and slide down so I can sit with my babe?”

  Great, all I fucking need.

  I glance at Austin and give him a single nod, making him slide down a spot to allow Amber to fall in next to me. If he didn’t, she’d only try and sit on my lap, which will cause me to want to push her off, and I can’t cause that kind of attention right now. After her threat, I needed to get the information about Hendrix off her, and then start working out how I can make sure Hendrix is safe here.

  “Paxy, how’s your day been? Miss me?” she asks, as she snakes her arms around my neck. Whilst everything in my body tenses, I show the indifference on my face like I’ve done a thousand times and shrug.

  “We still on after classes right?” I ask, giving her a look so she knows what I’m talking about.

  She either totally misinterprets it, or wants to make it a big deal because she giggles obnoxiously probably alerting the entire room.

  “Baby if you’re so keen, why wait till after? I’m sure there’s somewhere more private we can go.”

  I narrow my eyes so close to showing everyone what I really think of her. But the time will come. It’s not day – but it can’t come soon enough…

  “You giving it up to my boy again Amber? You must be pretty good to be getting a second go with my man,” Banks teases, causing Amber to run her long fingernails down my forearm. The involuntary shiver that comes isn’t from being turned on either, but more from the shitstorm of my life that was piling up and the lies I’ve been forced to not even share with two of my bestfriends.

  “Don’t be jealous Banksy. You know it’s always been Paxy.”

  I let her kiss my cheek, but abruptly stand before she can make a show of much more. Because as I stalk across the floor with her right behind me, I dare a look at the dark-haired beauty who has me so confused, and can’t help the intense burn I feel as her eyes turn over her shoulder to look at me. And I might be dreaming it, but the hurt that crosses her face is something much worse than what I feel. And I know in that moment, that I’m going to do anything I can to make sure I don’t see that look on her face again. No matter what, a girl like her deserves to get her dream. Even when this is all over – if I’m not a part of that.

  “Paxy slow down,” Amber whines before crashing into my chest when I immediately stop – turning to face her.

  “I’m going along with this shit for now Amber, but stop with the Paxy shit or we are going to have bigger problems.”

  “Oh baby…” she starts, as she tries to wind her fingers through my fair. I grab her wrists and tug them downwards.

  “I may have said I’ll go along with this for our fathers, but don’t think for a second that I’m here willingly. You keep pushing me and I’ll drop the façade as fast you got on your back. We clear?”

  “Paxton, you’ll see, I know we will be happy.”

  “Are you that delusional? Our fathers have used us like pawns on a chess board. I may be here right now, but don’t think this is real for me. It’s a business deal nothing more.”

  Her eyes narrow. “So, you wouldn’t care if I were to fuck someone else then?”

  I laugh. “I would go so far as to encourage it. Now, you and I have a date this afternoon, and I don’t want to be kept waiting. You promised to show me proof, and now you’re up to bat.”

  I stalk out of the building, not bothering to see if she were following me, because I couldn’t be certain that I wouldn’t turn back around and see the girl I actually wanted to fight for.

  Because I knew that the longer this shit went on, the less chance I would have at getting her to believe anything at all when it comes to me.

  And that alone, was something I wasn’t sure I was willing to risk.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  After me trying (and failing) to ignore Paxton and Amber at lunch, as well as the gossip that Tucker shared about them being engaged, I was more than happy that my afternoon went much faster than it had started. Austin joined me in my Accounts class, but considering there was no Tucker to antagonize, I really just ignored the fact that he was even there and got busy working. It was kind of nice having the ‘company’ of Austin, without it being more complicated. It was even comfortable and quiet – which is more of what I’m used to being alone.

  “So where are we headed now new girl?” Austin asks, as we head out of the main building. I lift my head and revel in the sun beaming down on my face,
taking a deep breath and letting myself feel a little proud of how much I nailed the last class. It was so nice here this time of year, a thought which made me feel motivated to go to the beach – seeing as I never lived this close to it before. I wondered if Luce and the gang would be up for a beach hang this afternoon….?

  “Are we still doing this Austin?” I ask, suddenly noticing he was still walking beside me. “I figured once classes were over, you had better things to do.”

  He pockets his phone, shrugging his shoulders casually. “Well, I have practice in a bit, so I’m your personal chauffeur until I drop you at Lucy’s dorm.”

  I stopped suddenly, causing Austin to pause a step away and turn to face me. He looked confused, whilst my expression was definitely verging on annoyed.

  “Lucy’s? You mean she’s a part of this… Whatever this thing is too?”

  He held his hands up in surrender, smiling. “No, but I’m not leaving you alone and she’s the closest thing to a friend you have here so…..”

  I folded my arms. “What about Gabe or Mercedes? Or what about Tucker? Maybe I want to go see him.”

  He smiled. “Now the gay I could work with, but Mercedes – isn’t my biggest fan right now,” he sighs, running his hand through his styled hair. “And as for Tucker…. I like my face just fine thank you, so that isn’t an option.”

  “And why would your face be at risk taking me to see Tucker? Given your size, I’m pretty sure you can take anything he threw at you.”

  “I appreciate you noticing my size,” he waggles his brows suggestively, causing me to roll my eyes at him in return. “But do me a favour and don’t say anything like that in front of Pax. I don’t need another reason for him to punch me.”


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