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Dirty, Filthy Fantasies- The First Collection

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by Sarah Hawke

  Dirty, Filthy Fantasies Collection

  The Priestess’s Gratitude

  The Headmistress’s Punishment

  The Ranger-General’s Submission

  The Ranger-General’s Submission: Knightfall

  Published by Jade Fantasy

  Copyright © 2017-2018 Sarah Hawke

  Cover Art by Reinbach

  This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this novel are either fictitious or used fictitiously.

  All rights reserved.


  I want to offer a special thanks to all my wonderful supporters on Patreon, especially Andreas, Jimmie, Timothy, David, Kallnar, Kevin, Haethos, Griffon, Michael M., Alan, Jonathan, Douglas, Michael B., John, Sam, and Brandon. Thanks to your support, all of my books will finally have unique covers!

  A Note to my Readers

  As some of you have undoubtedly realized, many of my fantasy books take place in the same shared “Highwind Universe.” I generally try to keep the storylines independent from one another so that folks can enjoy them on their own, but some characters obviously cross over between them.

  Because of that, I have included a brief timeline in this book (and all future Highwind Universe books) that shows the order in which the stories take place and offers my opinion on whether or not they are “essential” reading, kind of like my own curated Marvel movies list. I hope you find it useful!



  The Highwind Universe Timeline

  The Dragon Bride: The series in the same universe but on a different continent. The story does not impact any other books aside from a few minor cultural references.

  The Spider Queen Series: The plot is self-contained, but one of the many characters returns in The Amazon’s Pledge. In a way, this series acts like her “origin story”

  Huntress: Origins: the prequel to The Amazon’s Pledge, this is an “origin story” for the relationship between Valuri and Jorem.

  Dirty, Filthy Fantasies #1: The Priestess’s Gratitude: The plot is self-contained and only has minor references in other books. However, Khalina will probably get another story in the near future.

  Dirty, Filthy Fantasies #2: The Headmistress’s Punishment: The plot is self-contained, though Headmistress Telanya is an important player in The Amazon’s Pledge series.

  The Ranger-General’s Submission #1: The plot is self-contained, but Ranger-General Serrane appears a few times in The Amazon’s Pledge

  The Amazon’s Pledge: This entire series is vital and carries the main plot of the universe.

  The Amazon’s Pledge #2: Mark of the Huntress

  The Amazon’s Pledge #3: The Black Mistress

  The Amazon’s Pledge #4: Daughter of Destiny

  The Amazon’s Pledge #5: Legacy of Winter

  The Ranger-General’s Submission: Knightfall: The plot relates to the first Ranger-General installment (obviously) and deals with the aftermath of the big battle in Legacy of Winter.

  The Amazon’s Pledge #6: Wrath of the Inquisitrix


  Content Warning

  This erotic novella contains explicit sexual content. If you are offended by adult language, rough sex, or copious bodily fluids sprayed over sexy females you probably shouldn’t be reading this! Consider yourself warned!

  And perhaps intrigued…

  The Northern Reaches

  The Priestess’s Gratitude

  Act One: The Rescue

  As usual, the orcish war band provided little challenge for a Knight of the Silver Fist. Sir Tirian Dravis hadn’t even bothered calling in backup from the garrison in Riverbend. He’d followed the trail north from the broken caravan and carved his way through the monsters’ entire lair by himself.

  “Do you think there are any more of them, sir?” Corwin blubbered as he peered into another section of the dark cave.

  Dravis sighed in disgust. Well, he hadn’t done this all by himself—his idiot squire was technically here with him. But frankly, the feckless idiot was more of a danger to himself than any orc.

  “Orcs don’t hide, fool. If they were here, they would have already tried to kill us.” Dravis rolled his eyes and wiped the blood from his blade. The magical jewel in the hilt was bright enough to illuminate the entire cavern—and temporarily blind all the orcs who’d been stupid enough to challenge him head-on. “Every orc in the bloody mountains probably heard your girlish screams.”

  “I…I never screamed, sir,” he protested. “You told me to wait in the back so I—”

  “Cowered like a woman? Believe me, I know.” Dravis shook his head in annoyance. All his triumphs, all his achievements, and the Highlord had still saddled him with a simpering idiot who could barely lift his own sword. “Look around. The prisoners must be around here somewhere.”

  “W-what if the orcs already ate them, sir?”

  “Those tracks were barely an hour old,” Dravis said, repressing an impatient sigh. “There’s no way in the abyss they managed to…”

  He trailed off when he aimed the light from his sword into another passage. He spotted several empty cages along the far wall, though they didn’t look like they had seen use in some time. But next to them, her brilliant green eyes reflecting in the light, was a young human woman.

  “Never mind, Corwin,” Dravis said, smiling. “I found what we’re looking for.”

  Her mouth was gagged by a thick strip of leather, and her wrists and ankles were shackled together behind her. Miraculously, she didn’t appear wounded at all—her pale skin was clean and unblemished, and other than a bit of dirt her thick mane of red hair was similarly undisturbed. She was, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful women Dravis had ever seen…but it wasn’t until he got close enough to examine her clothing that he realized why the monsters had left her alone.

  “An Eternal Priestess,” he whispered. “You must be from one of those monasteries in the hills.”

  Her green eyes fastened upon him, but she didn’t try to speak. She didn’t struggle, either, which probably meant she was so scared she couldn’t think straight.

  “It’s all right, I’m here to rescue you,” Dravis said, setting his sword down on the ground in front of him and raising his hands. “I won’t hurt you, I promise.”

  He waited a moment to make certain she was calm before he leaned forward to unfasten her restraints. He had only seen an Eternal Priestess once, but plenty of the older knights had told him stories about their bizarre, cultish religion. They worshipped some kind of ancient fertility goddess, and they dressed like they held their services at a whorehouse. In addition to her leather thong and the thigh-high boots encasing her long, slender legs, the woman wore a tight, cropped bodice that squeezed her ample breasts and left her taught stomach bare. Her “robe” was made of the same dark leather, though it hung open wide more like a jacket or cloak.

  The orcs must have recognized the silver holy symbol dangling between her breasts. It was difficult to miss, and they had probably feared the wraith of her goddess enough to leave her alone. Dravis didn’t know if the Eternal Priestesses wielded any real magic or not, but right now he was far more interested in finding out if all the other rumors about their “religion” were accurate.

  Specifically, the part where their goddess commanded them to mate with as many strong males as possible.

  “There you go,” he said as he cut loose her gag. “Are you all right, sweetheart?”

  “Yes, thank you,” she replied. He couldn’t decide what was more alluring—her thick accent or her dark, husky voice.

  “My name is Sir Tirian Dravis. I’m a Knight of t
he Silver Fist.” He smiled. “You’re lucky I stumbled by your caravan when I did.”

  “The Goddess herself must have sent you,” she said, smiling. Her teeth were so clean and perfect she must have possessed some real magic. “My name is Khalina.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you, Priestess,” Dravis said with a half bow. “Here, let me free your hands…”

  He leaned in closer and fiddled with the shackles behind her back. It was genuinely difficult to concentrate while he was this close to her; his eyes couldn’t help flicking down to her glistening breasts, and his nose couldn’t help breathing in her intoxicating perfume. Dravis had rescued plenty of lovely women from mortal danger over the years, but his cock had never stiffened so quickly in anticipation of their gratitude.

  One way or another, he thought to himself, I am going to fuck the living hell out of this slut tonight.

  “The shackles require a key,” Khalina told him. “I saw one of the green monsters carry it away.”

  “That shouldn’t be necessary,” Dravis told her as he leaned back and retrieved his sword. “My blade can cut through almost anything.”

  Her eyes studied the glowing steel. “It is quite impressive—and large. I doubt I could even lift it.”

  Dravis grinned. “Don’t worry. A revered priestess like yourself shouldn’t have to defend herself anyway. I’m surprised you didn’t bring a retinue of guards with you.”

  “My sisters and I are forbidden from traveling with males. Unless we are actively mating with them, of course.”

  “Of course,” Dravis whispered. “Do you, uh…do you mate with males often?”

  She shook her head. “I have never mated with a male before. I had hoped to find a worthy companion in Riverbend, but sadly none of the men I encountered were sufficiently virile.”

  His cock pressed so hard again his codpiece he had to adjust his stance. Gods, she’s a virgin, too. Could this possibly be any better?

  Dravis lifted his blade above the chains and prepared to chop. He almost didn’t want to—she looked so beautiful tied up that freeing her seemed like a waste. He consoled himself with the mental image of his cock thrusting between her magnificent tits later this evening.

  “Just hold still one moment, sweetheart,” he said.

  His blade easily sliced through the crude iron, and it only took him a few moments to unbind her wrists and ankles. Once again, he marveled at how the restraints hadn’t left a single blemish on her skin. It seemed impossible.

  “I didn’t find any other prisoners, sir,” Corwin said from the doorway. “I didn’t find any stolen supplies, either.”

  “Then you obviously didn’t look hard enough,” Dravis grumbled. “Khalina here is an Eternal Priestess. She must have brought—”

  “I was not traveling with any supplies,” she interrupted. “I already sold my goods in the nearby village, and I was heading back home to my sisters.”

  “Ah, of course,” Dravis said. “Here, let me help you up…”

  Her eyes sized up Corwin as she stood. “I did not realize you were accompanied by another strong male.”

  “That’s my squire—and trust me, he’s not that strong,” Dravis said. “In fact, he was just about to leave and tend to the horses, isn’t that right?”

  “Erm,” the young man blubbered as he stared at Khalina. “Y-yes, of course, sir.”

  Dravis sighed. Of all the missions to get saddled with a useless assistant… “He means well, but he’s not particularly bright.”

  “I am not interested in his intellect.”

  “That’s good because—”

  “I am only curious about his virility.”

  Dravis blinked. At first, he’d wondered if he was simply misunderstanding her strange accent, but she looked completely serious. “He’s, uh, he’s not particularly virile, either.”

  “A pity,” Khalina said, shifting her green eyes back to him. “I suppose you will have to suffice.”

  He cocked a curious eyebrow. “Meaning what?”

  “You are obviously a powerful warrior, Sir Knight. I have been attempting to acquire the seed of a worthy male for some time.”

  Dravis blinked again, trying to decide whether or not she was being serious. He’d bedded plenty of foreign women before, of course—just last week he’d spent the better part of two days on top of a brunette from Thaniskar—but even they weren’t usually so direct. Or so…strange.

  “Well, I guess you’re in luck,” he said, forcing another smile. “Why don’t we get out of here and head back to the horses? Riverbend is just up the road, and they have a nice—”

  “There’s no need to leave until I have tested your seed,” Khalina said matter-of-factly. “If it is as fertile as I assume, I can escort you back to our monastery in the mountains. My sisters will be eager for you to inseminate them.”

  Dravis paused. Is she really this insane or am I just the luckiest son of a bitch in the world at the moment? “Your sisters will want to play too, huh?”

  Her eyebrows lifted in confusion. “I would never dream of keeping a hearty male to myself.”

  Of course you wouldn’t, you slut. “Well, then,” Dravis said, clearing his throat. “I, uh, I really thought you’d at least make me buy you some wine first.”

  Khalina’s red eyebrows lifted quizzically. “You do not need to buy me anything, Sir Knight. I merely wish to test your seed.”

  He smiled despite himself. “What exactly is this ‘test’ you’re talking about?”

  “I need to taste your semen,” Khalina said. She glanced down at his waist and cupped her hand over his codpiece. “Please, remove your armor so I can begin extraction.”

  “Wait, here?” he asked. “We should at least go outside.”

  Her eyes narrowed curiously. “Will you spill faster in the sunlight?”

  “I, uh…” Dravis grunted and glanced around the cave. “I mean, it’s a little dank in here, don’t you think?”

  “If the setting will delay your ejaculation, we can move,” she said. “Come.”

  She strode out of the room as if nothing strange had happened, and it took Dravis a moment to gather his wits. So yeah, she’s definitely crazy—but so what? She’s practically begging to suck my cock, and from the sound of it her sisters will want a piece of the action, too. Who cares if she’s a few arrows short of a quiver?

  Grinning, Dravis quickly dashed out of the room and followed Khalina through the cave. Watching her casually stroll past a bunch of dead orcs was one of the most surreal things he had ever witnessed—her swaying hips and confident stride were more than enough to pull his eyes from the carnage. Every time her robe swooshed, he caught a glimpse of her bare upper thighs and buttocks, and all he could think about was how good it was going to feel to fuck that tight little ass of hers…

  By the time they saw sunlight, Dravis’s cock was bulging against his armor so hard he was having trouble walking straight. He spotted Corwin down at the bottom of the knoll with their horses, far enough away that he wouldn’t be able to hear them but close enough that he would get a good show.

  “You know, I think you’re right,” Dravis said as they stepped outside. “Maybe waiting until Riverbend is a bad idea…”

  Khalina turned around and smiled pleasantly. “Will this area suffice?”

  “It’s fine with me, sweetheart, but I figured you’d want to…”

  He trailed off when she abruptly sank down to her knees and pushed her long hair back over her shoulders. “There is no need for further delay. I am ready to taste your seed now, Sir Knight.”

  Dravis grunted as he quickly worked at the straps of his armor. Women had been throwing themselves at him ever since he’d joined the Silver Fist, but never like this. The sluttiest, most desperate tavern girls in Riverbend would still butter him up with wine or a meal before they spread their legs for him. Hells, even the priestesses of the love goddess back in Highwind expected a kiss or two before they choked on his cock.

; Don’t complain, you idiot. She’s obviously not a nymph or succubus. She probably just grew up without a father and joined a cult instead of getting a job at the local brothel. What’s the big deal?

  His cock practically sprouted out of his trousers the instant he cast aside his codpiece. Khalina’s smile widened as she shuffled forward on her knees.

  “Like what you see, honey?” Dravis asked.

  “Yes. Your stem is quite impressive.”

  “Well, he’s all yours if you treat him right.”

  She scuttled forward until her lips were less than an inch from the cockhead. He could feel the heat from her breath on his shaft, and he was half-tempted to just grab the base of her skull and force himself down her throat. He had bedded plenty of women who would have wanted him to do exactly that…but then again, he was reasonably certain he had never met anyone else like her before.

  She studied his cock like it was some kind of rare, priceless sculpture on display at the Highwind Museum. He could only assume that she had never seen an eight-inch member before. Still, the delay gave him another chance to appreciate her body up close and in the light. Her taught stomach, her perky tits, her long, shapely legs…

  Finding a woman with one of those features was easy enough. But all three at once? Well, that was something special.

  “I’m not sure what you’re waiting for, sweetheart,” he said eventually, “but all that seed you want to test isn’t going to come out by itself.”

  “I am thankful,” Khalina said. “I have always enjoyed the extraction process.”

  Before he could frown and process that strange sentiment, she wrapped her delicate fingers around the shaft and began stroking him. Dravis’s knees weakened, and he suddenly wished he had a wall to lean against.


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