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Dirty, Filthy Fantasies- The First Collection

Page 7

by Sarah Hawke

  The Headmistress scoffed. “You really expect me to trust you?”

  “I expect you’re smart enough to recognize you don’t have a choice,” Keldrys put in. “But don’t worry, we’re not ‘savage little mongrels’ despite what you think. Once we have our fun, this will all be over.”

  Telanya’s lips twisted, and her hands clenched at her side. But she knew she was beaten, and so she eventually swallowed and nodded. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”

  “Oh, there’s no reason to pout,” Sadira said. “Any elf woman depraved enough to fuck an orc is surely depraved enough to have some fun with her students.”

  “How dare you!” Telanya hissed. “You’re revolting!”

  “Not as revolting as that fat orc cock you were sucking down like it was your last meal,” Keldrys teased as he gently traced his fingers over her pointed ear. “If you have a fetish for green skin, I promise you’ll enjoy gray, too.”

  “Get away from me, you lowborn wretch!” Telanya growled.

  “Now, now, you’d better play nice or the deal is off,” Sadira warned. “You don’t want the poor old Archmage to have a heart attack when he sees his blonde beauty flat on her back screaming another man’s name, do you?”

  Telanya’s lip twisted again, but she remained silent.

  “Glare all you want, I know you like it,” Sadira said. “I bet you’re already soaked just thinking about what my friends are going to do to you. In fact, I’ll make you a deal: if you’re still dry by the time Liam here gets you out of that dress, I’ll give you both crystals and end this right here.”

  Keldrys turned. “Sadira—”

  She silenced him with a gesture. “If you’re as wet as I think, then we get a bonus: you’ll have to drain their cocks twice each. What do you think?”

  “I think you’re a despicable lowborn whore who doesn’t deserve to call herself a mage,” Telanya hissed.

  Sadira shrugged. “Then I guess I’m right. You are wet already, but you don’t want to admit it.”

  “No! The idea that I would ever be interested in something so…filthy…is absurd!”

  “So you’ll take my bet, then?”

  Telanya’s cheek twitched almost imperceptibly. “Yes.”

  “Perfect,” Sadira said. She stood in front of the taller woman for a second, snickering devilishly, before she glanced over to Keldrys. “Hold her in place. Liam…why don’t you unwrap our present?”

  Liam glanced between his friends for a moment, confused, before he finally grinned. “With pleasure.”

  While Keldrys stood in front of Telanya and held onto her wrists, Liam shuffled behind her and unfastened the lone halter strap around her neck. The white fabric fell from her shoulders and promptly sank all the way to the floor. To everyone’s surprise, she wasn’t wearing a bra or panties underneath. Liam and Keldrys both gasped, and Sadira could almost see their cocks twinging beneath their robes. Telanya’s body really was unspoiled perfection, from her long legs to her taught stomach to her perky breasts. The way her heels stretched her calves and arched her back was icing on the proverbial cake.

  “Time to settle our bargain,” Sadira said. She chuckled softly as she traced a single finger between the high elf’s breasts and then continued down her taught stomach. She only paused when her fingers approached Telanya’s quim.

  The men stopped breathing—they were terrified that they were about to lose everything—but Sadira knew better. Years in the brothel had taught her exactly what to look for in both men and women. This slut wanted to be here whether she could admit it to herself or not.

  “The moment of truth…” Sadira said. She slowly pushed her finger across Telanya’s clit and into her folds…and found a sopping wet paradise waiting for her. “Looks like I win.”

  She chuckled giddily and held her glistening finger up in the dim light. Once the boys had taken a good, long look, she sucked the tip into her mouth and cleaned it off with her tongue. High elves had a very distinctive taste, and Telanya was even sweeter than most.

  “I knew it,” Sadira taunted. “You can’t hide the truth from me. You’re not even here for the crystals, are you? You’re here because you want this.”

  “You lowborn cunt!” Telanya growled. “How dare you!”

  Sadira chuckled again. “It’s not as uncommon as you might think. The bored noblewomen of this city are always looking for ways to amuse themselves. They pay good money to fuck handsome gladiators and soldiers. No one should be the least bit surprised that their haughty Headmistress is obsessed with orc cock.”

  Telanya’s brow creased in impotent rage, but she didn’t reply. Her quim really was glistening even in the room’s dim light. Sadira was tempted to kneel down and feast right now, but somehow she managed to contain herself.

  “All right, boys, you heard the deal: two drains each,” she announced. “You can thank me later.”

  “I never should have doubted you, abbil,” Keldrys said, smacking his hand against Telanya’s naked ass. “You really do have the cunning of a drow matron.”

  “Any woman who’s wound that tightly in public is always a slut in private,” Sadira said. “But enough talk: it’s time we get her properly dressed and ready again. Kel?”

  The dark elf grinned and brushed the back of his hand across Telanya’s pale cheek. “I might have failed your class, but you’ll be pleased to know I’ve always been a natural with conjuration. Here, let me demonstrate…”

  He whispered the words to a spell, and an instant later a set of faintly-glowing manacles appeared in his hand. Telanya’s brow furrowed in surprise, but before she could move he clamped her wrists together behind her back. He pulled them so tight her shoulders reflexively rolled backwards, further puffing out her perky tits.

  “What is this?” Telanya hissed. “Who taught you such a spell?”

  “No one here in Highwind,” Keldrys said, “but I brought a few dark elf tomes with me before I escaped to the surface. I couldn’t make any sense of them at first, but thanks your help I’m now considerably more…literate.”

  “Honestly, he’s doing you a favor,” Sadira said, crossing her arms and admiring his spellcraft. “You won’t even need to get your hands dirty. Your lips, on the other hand…”

  Keldrys laughed and slapped Telanya’s ass again. She winced, but a trail of goosebumps rippled across her skin.

  She’s enjoying every moment of this. If only she knew what else I had planned.

  “Don’t forget the leash,” Sadira said. “And secure those ankles, too. Just in case.”

  Nodding, Keldrys conjured a glimmering magical collar that fit snugly around the high elf’s neck. Snickering at her discomfort, he knelt down and conjured a last set of restraints for her ankles. He latched them together so snugly that even an elf wouldn’t be able to walk without losing her balance, especially in her ludicrously high heels.

  “Perfect,” Sadira said, nodding. “We should have hired a painter to capture the moment. I bet Boldruk would love to see you like this. I doubt anything can get an orc’s cock hard faster than a bound, helpless elf woman. You’re just missing one last piece. Liam?”

  The kid was shuffling back and forth to try and hide his erection. When she spoke his name, he abruptly froze and frowned. “Uh….what?”

  “I need your help with something,” Sadira said. “Don’t you think those red lips of hers would look even better wrapped around something?”

  “Um,” he stuttered. “Yes, absolutely.”

  She giggled at his discomfort. Teasing him was just too much fun. “I don’t mean your cock,” Sadira told him. “At least, not yet. How about we start with a gag instead?”

  The kid nervously licked at his lips. “Yeah, good idea. But I, uh…I don’t know how to conjure one.”

  “You don’t need to—I brought one with me. I just need your help getting it out.”

  Smiling seductively, Sadira lifted her right leg and braced the heel of her shoe against one of the nearby stor
age crates. Liam watched her, mesmerized and confused, until she lifted her skirt and revealed that she wasn’t wearing any panties. Instead she had plugged her bald quim with an enormous black phallus.

  “Be a dear and take it out, would you?” she asked.

  For the first several seconds, Liam struggled to pull his eyes from her quim, and when he finally did he glanced up at her like he’d only just realized she was speaking to him. His knees wobbled, and his fingers were trembling the entire time they reached towards the thin metal ring dangling from the plug.

  “It’s all right,” she soothed, placing her hand on his shoulder. “Just pull gently.”

  He cleared his throat and nodded, then slowly pushed his finger through the ring and tugged. A shiver of delight cascaded through Sadira as the phallus slid out of her, and she gasped in delight when the thick head popped free. Liam stared at her glistening juices in disbelief.

  He’s so hard I bet it actually hurts. Just the way it should be.

  “It should fit nicely, don’t you think?” Sadira asked. “Here, I’ll make sure it goes in all the way.”

  She gingerly took the phallus from him, then turned back towards Telanya. The woman’s blue eyes gaped wide when she saw how long and thick it was.

  “This wasn’t part of our deal!” she protested.

  “Don’t worry, they’ll empty their cocks on you soon enough,” Sadira said. “Now open wide and make sure you relax that sensitive highborn throat of yours.”

  “You can’t be—mrph!” Telanya protested as the phallus slipped between her red lips. When she tried to wriggle away, Keldrys tugged on her ponytail and held her firmly in place.

  “Go on,” the dark elf said. “Make her choke on it!”

  Sadira didn’t need any extra encouragement. Her quim tingled every time she eased the phallus in another inch. “If you’re going to taste the boys, you might as well taste me, too,” she taunted. “You didn’t really think I’d let them have all the fun, did you?”

  Having seen Telanya gorge herself on Boldruk’s cock, Sadira knew the other woman could take the phallus in all the way…and she did. Her nostrils flared as she frantically sucked in air, and small beads of sweat had appeared on her forehead. Her quim, notably, was wetter than ever.

  “I think she’s finally ready, gentlemen,” Sadira said, nodding and placing her hands on her hips. “Let’s show her those cocks of yours.”

  Keldrys untied his breeches and freed his long, gray member. He was already hard and ready—the head was so swollen it looked like it might burst at any instant. He curled his fingers around the shaft and began slowly stroking himself in anticipation.

  Telanya eyes widened at the sight of him, and Keldrys snickered in amusement. “What’s wrong, highborn? We all know how much you like green cock. There’s nothing wrong with adding a little gray into your diet.”

  The Headmistress muttered something intelligible into her gag, which only made the dark elf chuckle louder. This role-reversal must have been immensely satisfying for him; in the underworld, he would have been the one tied up while cruel, capacious drow priestesses had their way with him. The way he told it, they rarely even allowed him to finish, and when they did it was usually on the floor or into his hand. “Drow women don’t swallow,” he’d said, “and unless they’re trying to conceive, they rarely give males the satisfaction of spilling inside them.”

  Sadira enjoyed the idea of being in power, but those women didn’t know what they were missing. On the rare occasion she fucked a man these days, she considered his climax her reward for a job well done. There was nothing quite like the feeling of a cock flooding your mouth with its searing hot gratitude. She had always enjoyed the taste, but more importantly she enjoyed knowing that it had been her tongue and lips and quim that had coaxed it out of her partner in the first place…

  She shook away the thought and glanced back towards Liam. “Your turn, honey. Let’s see what you have.”

  Liam nervously licked at his lips and fiddled with his own belt. She could tell that he remained flustered from her performance a few moments ago, and humans—especially rich ones—still had a great deal of taboos around nudity. Plus, he was also probably worried that he’d wilt and lose his only chance to impress her.

  Thankfully, that didn’t turn out to be a problem. His member was as hard and impressive as she’d hoped. Her first instinct was to dive onto her knees and examine it up close, but she managed to restrain herself.

  “Not bad,” she said, her smile widening. “Not bad at all.”

  He grinned awkwardly. “I, uh, I…”

  “Don’t ruin it, honey. Come here.”

  Liam shuffled forward even as his brow furrowed in confusion. “I don’t…oh!”

  He yelped when she reached out and curled her fingers around the shaft. She was afraid he might start spurting uncontrollably right then and there, but mercifully he wasn’t quite as much of a neophyte as she’d feared.

  “Just relax and enjoy,” she soothed before she turned to Keldrys and beckoned him over. He smiled and shuffled over so she could stroke his member with her other hand. “There we go. I want our Headmistress to get a nice, long look at the cocks that are about to paint her from head to toe.”

  With her throat completely filled, Telanya was breathing as hard as she could through her nostrils. Her eyes had fully dilated, and they flicked rapidly between the two throbbing members.

  “Before we go any further, I think it’s important to remind you of your place,” Sadira said. “That’s what you always tell us ‘lowborn,’ isn’t it? We need to be put in our place?” She scoffed. “I also don’t trust them not to explode in two seconds and ruin my fun. So we might as well get the first volley out of the way, hmm?”

  Sadira squatted down on her heels between the two men until their cocks were at eye level. Neither of them could believe what she was doing, but they didn’t protest. They just stared down at her expectantly, genuinely wondering what their friend was going to do next—and probably realizing for the first time that they didn’t know her as well as they’d thought.

  “I thought I should give you both a little warmup to tide you over,” she said. “You’ll have to wait a while for the main event.”

  Grinning impishly, Sadira leaned forward and licked Keldrys’s gray member. When his red eyes rolled back into his head, she took the tip into her mouth while her fingers continued stroking the shaft. She had sucked a lot of cocks during her years as a whore, and she’d learned that every man tasted a bit different. But she had never swallowed a dark elf’s seed before, and she was almost curious enough to coax him into spilling right here and now.

  Don’t get ahead of yourself and ruin this. Just be patient and stick with the original plan. Besides, you can always blow him later if you’re really desperate.

  She worked Keldrys until he was almost ready to spill before she abruptly pulled back and turned her attention on Liam. She hadn’t been stroking him hard, but his shaft was throbbing in her fingertips. She could have made him explode in five seconds flat if she wanted.

  “You better not cum and ruin my fun,” Sadira warned. “Just stay focused.”

  He continued nodding like an idiot even when she took him into her mouth. She closed her eyes, fully expecting him to flood her throat with his seed, but apparently he had more discipline than she thought. She was half tempted to cast an enchantment spell to read his mind—he was probably trying to imagine the least sexy thing in the world just to keep his cock from firing.

  She lathered him up for most of a minute before she finally leaned away and glanced back to Telanya. “I thought about giving you a lesson, but after seeing you work those lips last night you obviously know how to suck a cock already,” she teased. “A lesson in humility, on the other hand…well, my friends will be happy to give you one of those.”

  Sadira aimed both men’s cocks at the high elf’s face and began stroking more intently. Neither of them would last long; the only quest
ion was which one would pop first and how far he would shoot.

  “Go ahead and let loose,” she told them. “Don’t worry—before we’re done, I promise you’ll have your fill of her cunt. But she needs to be reminded why she’s here first. Tonight, she’s nothing more than target practice.”

  Sadira couldn’t wait to see how much they had saved up, and the thought of Telanya’s pretty face plastered with their seed was almost enough to make the half-elf climax right then and there. But what really had her hot was the power—not just over her friends, but also over such a powerful, elegant woman. Controlling men was easy, after all; a pair of tits and a sufficiently short skirt were all it took to wrap them around your finger. But the thought of dominating another woman—the thought of humiliating another woman…

  A wave of pleasure shuddered through Sadira. Her toes curled in her shoes, and she nearly lost her balance. Gritting her teeth, she started stroking the men as hard as she could and stared straight at Telanya. The high elf tried to flinch away, but thanks to the magical restraints she couldn’t actually move. Instead she just closed her eyes and waited for her searing hot bath…

  Keldrys exploded first. His opening salvo splattered diagonally across the bridge of Telanya’s nose, while his second struck her chin and neck. His third—still impressively strong—landed directly between her tits, and before he fired a fourth Liam erupted as well.

  Sadira actually gasped at the size volume of his first blast. It almost completely covered Telanya’s eyes and forehead on its own, and the second doused her nose and lips. By the time the two men finished, the Headmistress looked like she had been showered by half a dozen drunken sailors. The sight of the seed dripping from her lips, nose, and tits was too much for Sadira. She fell forward onto her knees as a climax shuddered through her.

  “That’s more like it,” Sadira whispered once she finally came down. The men were so weary they could barely stand. “Take a quick break. I’ll go ahead and clean her up so we can really get started.”


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