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Dirty, Filthy Fantasies- The First Collection

Page 9

by Sarah Hawke

  “Liam, be a dear and help me with my straps, would you?” she asked.

  He eagerly stepped up behind her and fiddled with the strings of her blouse. His hands were trembling like a teenager trying to unfasten a bra for the first time. On impulse, she curled her fingers around the shaft of his cock and idly stroked him while he worked.

  “Thanks, sweetheart,” she said, flashing him a sultry smile when he finished. She held onto his cock for another few seconds before she winked and tossed her blouse to the floor.

  His gorgeous teacher is tied up in front of him, and all he’s thinking about is how much he wants to fuck me. I can see it in his eyes.

  Sadira turned slowly enough to give the boys a good look before she stepped in front of Telanya. “I hope you didn’t fill up on Keldrys. There’s still more food on the table.”

  Sadira pressed her quim into Telanya’s face. Thanks to her heels, she was at the perfect height, and the instant the high elf opened her mouth Sadira lifted her left leg and draped it over the other woman’s shoulder.

  “Eat, slut.”

  Telanya plunged her tongue into Sadira’s slit with surprising force, and she quickly proved that she was, in fact, just as good at cunt-licking as she was at cock-sucking.

  Fuck, she’s even better than I’d hoped. But the best part is that I can feel the men watching me. Their hungry eyes, their rigid cocks…they want to fuck me almost as much as her now.

  A small climax shuddered through Sadira, and she grabbed the back of Telanya’s skull and held her firmly in place as she dragged her sopping slit back and forth across the high elf’s lips. Once her face was properly glistening, Sadira stepped away and caught her breath.

  “Not bad,” she breathed. “If I trusted the boys to hold back any longer, I’d keep you down there for a few hours. But I have something even more fun in mind.”

  Sadira squatted down and retrieved her phallus/gag from the floor. She attached it to the harness she’d brought along and created her own strap-on. Once it was securely in place, she curled her fingers around the shaft and glanced over to Keldrys.

  “You ready to fill her highborn cunt with drow seed?”

  “I’ve been ready for months,” he said, his glowing red eyes glinting with lust.

  “Good,” Sadira said. “Lie down on the floor for me and I’ll get her ready.”

  While he reclined on the floor, his gray cock sticking straight up into the air, Sadira cast a spell to manipulate the magical restraints. She unfastened Telanya’s wrists from her ankles but didn’t set them free; instead Sadira tucked them upwards along the other woman’s upper back. A human would have been in tremendous pain, but Telanya’s elven dexterity made her limbs more flexible. Still, the Headmistress had to thrust out her chest even farther to compensate, and the pose was clearly uncomfortable.

  “That’s better,” Sadira cooed approvingly. “You’re so much lovelier tied up, did you know that? If I were your husband, I’d have you bound and gagged the instant you came home every night.”

  “Get over here,” Keldrys beckoned. “It’s time to earn that crystal.”

  With her ankles finally freed, Telanya shuffled forward on her knees until she was straddling him. Keldrys nudged the tip of his cock into her slit, and his eyes rolled back into his head as she sank down onto him. Her hips started to buck, but before she could settle into a rhythm Sadira pushed her forward.

  “All the way down,” Sadira ordered. “I want your tits in his face.”

  Telanya did as she was told. Soon was parallel to the floor, and Keldrys reached up and squeezed her breasts while his tongue lashed her nipples. Sadira let him enjoy himself for about a minute before she took hold of her phallus and positioned herself behind Telanya. It was finally time to claim the prize she had been waiting for all day.

  “Brace yourself, highborn,” Sadira warned. “This is going to hurt.”

  While Keldrys’s cock remained stuffed inside Telanya’s quim, Sadira eased the phallus up to her nether entrance. If she weren’t concerned about reducing her friend’s enjoyment, she would have been tempted to take the elf’s ass raw. But instead she cast a simple grease spell upon the tip of the phallus before she slowly eased it inside.

  “Take it all, you slut!” Sadira taunted. She grabbed onto Telanya’s braid and tugged, jerking her head back even as her tits rubbed in Keldrys’s face. “You’re ours now!”

  She thrust with the phallus in unison with Keldrys as much as possible, stuffing Telanya’s bowels and cunt at the same time. She was tight but not impenetrable; she’d obviously had plenty of cocks up her ass before, probably including Boldruk’s. The thought made Sadira thrust even harder until the high elf’s whimpers transformed into pleading grunts.

  Liam stepped forward a few minutes later, eager to feed Telanya his cock so he could explode down her throat rather than on his own hand, but before he penetrated her lips, Sadira reached out and grabbed his arm.

  “She doesn’t deserve to taste you,” Sadira said, smiling seductively. “Get behind me.”

  He looked at her for a moment, confused, before he belatedly realized what she wanted. He skipped around behind her so quickly he almost tripped, but thankfully he regained his pose the instant he squatted down and nestled his cock up against her quim.

  Sadira glanced back over her shoulder and smiled. “Fuck me.”

  Liam’s cock slipped inside her easily and completely, and she closed her eyes and bit down on her lip as he synchronized his thrusting with hers. Every time his cock plunged into her quim, her phallus burrowed deeper into Telanya’s ass. And every time her phallus burrowed deeper into Telanya’s ass, Keldrys’s cock thrust deeper into the Headmistress’s cunt.

  It was harmony. It was bliss. It was the lesson Sadira had wanted to teach Telanya all day.


  Everything she’d been holding back—every moment of deprivation—came rushing to the surface in a single, full-body climax. Her toes curled in her shoes, her fingers dug into Telanya’s waist, and the walls of her quim squeezed Liam like a vise. The entire world seemed to vanish into a cloud of pure bliss, and she was only vaguely aware of Liam’s cries as he spilled deep inside her.

  When she finally recovered, she slumped into his lap and let the phallus slip out of Telanya. She leaned back over her shoulder and kissed him. He really was a lot better at this than she’d expected.

  “I see you still had plenty left for me,” Sadira said, glancing down to her quim as his seed began trickling out of her. She caught a glob on her fingers and placed it on the tip of her tongue, mostly for his benefit, before she swallowed and grinned. “Pretty good endurance for a rich kid.”

  He smiled back. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

  “I guess so.” She held her eyes on him for a few more seconds before she glanced back to Keldrys. “Looks like you had plenty to spare, too.”

  The dark elf grunted tiredly as he leaned up. “There’s still more where that came from. Who knows? Maybe she’ll acquire a taste for drow that she’s been filled up.”

  Sadira laughed and stood. Telanya still hadn’t moved; she remained flat on her back with her legs spread and Keldrys’s seed dripping down her quim and legs. She looked completely spent and defeated…but she wasn’t technically done just yet.

  “Well, here’s the thing,” Sadira said. “She promised you both two drains each, but Liam here still has one left. Think you can finish her off?”

  “That won’t be necessary,” Telanya said, her eyes fluttering open. “My husband will be more than happy with what he’s seen already.”

  Sadira shared a confused glance with the men. “What?”

  “He’ll have enough material to last for several weeks, I imagine,” the Headmistress replied calmly as she leaned back up onto her knees. “Especially once you provide him with the Boldruk recording.”

  “Wait,” Liam muttered, shaking his head. “What are you talking about?”

nya scoffed. “Silly child. You didn’t really think this was for my benefit, did you?”

  She breathed a word of power, and a surge of magical energy washed over the warehouse, unraveling Keldrys’s binding spell and liberating her from her restraints. She stood straight up for the first time since she arrived, an amused smile on her ruby lips.

  “Impossible,” Sadira gasped. “How could you—?”

  Her voice cut off when Telanya flicked her right hand and cast another spell. A pair of faintly glowing magical manacles materialized in the air and clasped around Sadira’s wrists before she could move. They jerked upwards a second later, pulling her arms over her head and hoisting her off her feet. She screeched in surprise when her toes were suddenly dangling six inches off the ground, but no matter how hard she struggled she couldn’t pull her hands free.

  “You honestly thought you could overpower me so easily?” Telanya asked. “I’ve been studying magic longer than you have been alive.”

  Liam and Keldrys were still stunned in place, and the Headmistress didn’t give them a chance to recover. Her hands crackled with magic and her lips whispered more incantations. Another set of bindings clamped around Keldrys’s ankles and launched up towards the ceiling until he was hanging upside down. When he tried to trace a spell in the air with his hands, she promptly immobilized them with another set of manacles.

  “So much for dark elf magic,” she scoffed. “It’s no wonder your females dominate you.”

  Liam, finally snapping out of his shock-induced stasis, leapt to his feet and conjured a glimmering mantle of energy to shield himself from her magic. In their abjuration classes, such spell armor could thwart all but the most powerful offensive spells.

  Telanya took one look at him and laughed before she whispered a word of power. Liam crumpled to the floor like an empty sack, trapped in a magically-induced slumber.

  “Pitiful,” she said. “And from such an influential family, too. Thankfully for him, he’s more physically adept than I would have expected. I’m sure I can find some use for him.”

  “Release us!” Sadira demanded.

  Telanya cocked a blonde eyebrow. “Or what? You’ll give my husband that memory crystal?” She snorted. “You silly half-breed cunt. I don’t care if he sees it—he already asks me to record every encounter with Boldruk. He’ll love watching me perform from a different angle.”

  Sadira’s mouth dropped open. She couldn’t believe it. She refused to believe it. The Archmage was a powerful and kindly man. How could he also be a cuckold?

  “Without magic, I’m afraid his cock is rather listless these days,” Telanya lamented. “Even with it, he often needs something extra special to help him out. He knows he’s too old to please me, but he enjoys watching me work.” She reached down and tapped the small gemstone on her navel ring. “That’s why I recorded everything here today, you see. He’ll absolutely love the way you treated me. I couldn’t have asked for a better performance.”

  Sadira shook her head and glanced down to Keldrys. He looked similarly speechless—and terrified.

  “You won’t be graduating from the Academy, I’m afraid,” Telanya said. “And when the city watch learns that you tried to blackmail me, they’ll want to toss you in the dungeon.” She sauntered forward in front of Sadira and squeezed the half-elf’s cheeks. “I doubt you’d last long in there, my dear. How many cocks do you think you could service in a day, hmm? Twenty? Thirty? A hundred?”

  Sadira swallowed heavily. “You can’t do this…”

  “I can…but I won’t,” Telanya said. “You may be terrible mages, but I suspect you’ll be amusing enough pets. With the proper charm spell, I’m sure I can convince the guards to release the three of you into my care while you serve your sentence. My husband will be absolutely thrilled to watch these virile young men ravage you over and over.”

  She snickered as she sauntered forward and dragged a pair of fingers across Sadira’s slit. She coated them in Liam’s seed, then flicked the glob across the half-elf’s cheek.

  “Don’t worry, my dears—just because you’re failing out of the Academy doesn’t mean you have to stop learning,” Telanya said, a dark smile tugging at her lips. “I promise: your Headmistress still has plenty left to teach you.”

  The Ranger-General’s Submission


  I sometimes have trouble remembering what my life was like before I became a cunt.

  The transformation hadn’t happened all at once, of course. It wasn’t as if one night I’d sank to my knees and thought “Serrane, you’re going to inhale as many thick, throbbing cocks as you can handle. They are going to dump their loads down your throat and on your face, and you are going to love every second of it.” My gradual descent into submission had just kind of happened bit by bit, day by day, delicious swollen member by delicious swollen member. And all those intermediate steps had led me inexorably towards the moment I found myself in right now.

  “Give it to me!” I begged, a heady mix of slobber and seed dangling from my chin. “Fuck my mouth like it’s just another cunt!”

  The tan, muscle-bound farm boy didn’t need any further encouragement. He rammed his thick member between my lips and down into my throat. I had no trouble taking him in all the way, thanks in no small part to the fact I was currently lying on my back with my head dangling off the table and my long, straight hair spilling out over the floor. A second farm boy, every bit as bronze and brawny as the first, had crawled between my splayed legs and started fucking my ass almost a minute ago. I doubted he would last much longer, given how hard he was panting and how frequently his cock was throbbing. He would be the third man to flood my bowels this evening, which was actually fewer than I’d anticipated. The other ten had decided to inject their seed straight into my quim or down my throat.

  Frankly, I didn’t have a preference. Only two things mattered to me on a night like this: one, that every man in the room left the party drained and contented; and two, that more of them saw fit to empty their balls on me than the woman splayed out on the table next to me.

  I couldn’t actually turn my head to look at her with the farm boy’s cock thrusting past my tonsils, but I knew that Aluriel was enjoying herself every bit as much as I was. The last time I’d seen her, she’d had so much seed splattered on her face and tits that she had almost been unrecognizable. Something about her taut, athletic wood elf body just screamed “spill all over me,” which had actually been the driving impetus for tonight’s special rules: every man who wanted to finish inside an elf whore had to choose me, while everyone who wanted to finish on one had to choose Aluriel.

  The men were allowed to spill more than once, of course, which so far had meant that most of them had deposited their first load on her before they had shifted over to fuck me. The arrangement suited me just fine. They lasted much longer on their second and third go-arounds, and I enjoyed the added benefit of knowing that it had been the heat of my body that had brought them over the edge. Besides, when all was said and done I would have the chance to lick Aluriel clean anyway. The men would pay double to see that.

  “Oh, fuck!” the farm boy buried in my ass cried out. He pumped his seed deep into my bowels, and my empty quim burned with another climax as his friend shot a simultaneous load straight into my gullet. When he pulled out, a single searing strand of seed dribbled across my nose and forehead.

  “Escar’s mercy!” the second kid gasped. “I should have moved to the city years ago. Are all elf girls sluts like this?”

  “I wish!” another of the men blurted out to a raucous round of chuckles. Most of them were long since spent at this point, but a few of the younger ones were still willing to go another round. I barely had time to catch my breath before yet another hard cock was dangling in front of my eyes.

  “More,” I begged, licking the last bit of seed from the tip of my nose. “Please!”

  By the time the new cockhead plunged into my throat, another filled my quim as well. I was
so wet and well-used at this point that he slid right in, and I clamped my thighs around his waist and squeezed to make certain he knew he was welcome.

  Tonight had vastly exceeded my expectations so far, and I could scarcely believe there had been a time in my life when the very idea of this “party” would have horrified me. For the last five years I had served as the Ranger-General of Highwind, the most populous city-state in the Northern Reaches. I was a proud warrior, a lethal archer, and the respected commander of over a thousand loyal scouts and rangers. I loved my work and took it very seriously.

  It just so happened that I also enjoyed being tied up and used like a disposable fuck-toy whenever possible.

  For many years I hadn’t been able to reconcile those two seemingly incompatible identities. After all, how anyone possibly be a fearsome elven ranger during the day and transform into a submissive, cock-hungry slut at night? It had seemed ludicrous. It had seemed downright impossible.

  Thank the gods I had finally found a way.

  “Open up, bitch! Here it comes…”

  As yet another man’s seed coated my tongue and drizzled over my lips, I realized just how much I owed Aluriel. Without her guidance, none of this would have been possible. She was the one who had first opened my mind—she was the one who had first shown me the existential joy of submission.

  “Hey, I think you missed a spot!”

  With my mouth finally free of cock, I tilted my head towards her and swallowed the last man’s bountiful offering. I could barely even see her face or tits through all the seed, but one last farm boy was currently jerking himself to climax over her belly. She was already looking at me, her lips spread wide and her green eyes sparkling with delight.

  Tomorrow morning we’d be back at work protecting the city of Highwind from gnolls and orcs and other monsters of the wildlands beyond the walls. We would be warriors. We would be rangers. We would be two of the deadliest women in the region, let alone the city.


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