by Sasha Graham
4. Lemniscate—What remains constant, no matter my choice?
5. Dance—What can I get excited about?
6. Stage Card—What am I being overly dramatic about?
7. Ship Moving Down Wave—What works in my favor?
8. Ship Moving Up Wave—What challenge must I face, no matter what?
9. Card’s Advice—Which choice should I make?
Three of Pentacles “Long-Term Project/Goal” Spread
Long-term goals and projects require dedication, collaboration, and effort. They echo the figures seen on the Three of Pentacles who work together to create a beautiful sacred space.
Support yourself and your big idea by casting your cards in the symbol of creative trinity, a triangle.
1. Church—How does my sense of spirituality support my work?
2. Bench—What continues to give me a leg up?
3. Apron—How can I best protect myself during the process?
4. Covered Head—What to I need to keep close to the vest?
5. Mason—What helps me work with clarity?
6. Two Figures—Who can I consult for help along the way?
7. Triad—What image or symbol should I focus on that encourages the final outcome?
Four of Pentacles “Release Fear” Spread
Holding tightly to things, be they ideas, objects, people, or behavior, is a sure way to lose or suffocate them. Trusting the present moment is a sublime life tool. It allows you to release emotions and old habits. The knowledge that you will always be okay, that you’ll always have what you need at your fingertips, is truly sacred knowledge.
The Four of Pentacles reflects stability through its number, but the figure looks to be holding on for dear life. Cast your cards to foster trust in letting go by making a square and a triangle.
1. Dark Cloak—What am I hiding from the world?
2. Stage Card—Who am I doing this for other than myself?
3. Grasping—What am I holding too tightly to that must be let go?
4. City—What have I built that I can be proud of?
5. Block—What security can I depend on, no matter what?
6. Eyes—How can I best stay in the present moment?
7. Crown—What is my highest ideal and greatest gift that occurs when I release fear?
Five of Pentacles “Through Thick and Thin” Spread
The Five of Pentacles often reflects the ups and downs and highs and lows of any relationship or marriage. The ability to survive tough times reveals the strength between people. Challenges often show us what we are made of. Tough times offer depth to any relationship. Cast your cards to help see yourself through tough times so when the snow stops falling, you’ll be sitting pretty.
Cast your cards in the shape of two figures and the glimmer of hope above them.
1. Storm—What is our challenge?
2. Snow—How is my ego getting in the way?
3. Couple—What draws us together?
4. Crutches—What supports me?
5. Posture—What wounds me?
6. Stained Glass—How can I let more light into the relationship?
7. Church/Sanctuary—What action will save us?
Six of Pentacles “How to Open and Give More to Others” Spread
Each of us is a universe unto ourselves. When we open our hearts and perceptions, we find we can give more of ourselves to the world around us and to others. This engages a symbiotic relationship of energy, flow, and beauty. Our energy flows to others and reciprocal energy returns.
Cast your cards to engage in this heart-opening spread inspired by the Six of Pentacle’s scales.
1. Scales—How am I too judgmental of myself and others?
2. Coins—What can I offer?
3. Beggars—What or who needs my attention?
4. Merchant—How can I give the best of myself?
5. Fortress—What single action helps me to become more successful?
6. Secret Red Tab—What is the secret to getting out of my own way?
Seven of Pentacles “What Now?” Spread
The Seven of Pentacles reflects a moment where you’ve been working really hard and garnered results but are wondering what you should do next.
Cast your cards in the shape of the pentacles on the card.
1. Pastoral Landscape—What is the state of my current situation?
2. Vegetation —What gifts have I already manifested?
3. Tendrils—What is developing?
4. Hoe—What tool is at my disposal?
5. Boots—What supports me?
6. Figure’s Gaze—What do I need to focus on?
7. Posture—What should I do next?
Eight of Pentacles “Work You Love” Spread
It is said that when you do work that you love, it ceases to feel like work and more like play or flow. Passionate individuals who love their work say they’d continue whether they are paid or not. Cast your cards to bring you closer to the work you were meant to do (unless you are already doing it—then good for you!).
Cast the cards in the shape of the five-pointed star.
1. Bench—How do I rise above the noise and distraction to find my inner purpose?
2. Apron—What is my advantage?
3. Tool—What tool do I need to get to work?
4. Distant City—Who desires what I offer?
5. Displayed Pentacles—How can I believe in myself in a deeper way?
Nine of Pentacles “Luxurious Life” Spread
True luxury is a state of mind. It has nothing to do with the objects surrounding you or the dollar amount they cost. Luxury isn’t bought; it’s experienced. Appreciation of anything comes from within you. Sunlight sliding over the body is a luxury. Buttered toast is a luxury. Hugging a child is a luxury. Cast your cards to engage and enjoy simple things. They contain the secret key of intense pleasure.
Cast your cards in the receptive shape of the Nine of Pentacles’ neckline.
1. Dress—What makes me feel wonderful?
2. Falcon—What can I always depend on?
3. Grapes—What brings me immense sensual pleasure?
4. Vineyard—What beauty surrounds me?
5. Tree—What grounds me in the intricacies of life so I can reach higher?
6. Snail—How can I slow down to appreciate what is right in front of me?
7. Tendril—What will develop when I stay focused on the moment?
Ten of Pentacles “Threshold of Treasure” Spread
A specific magic occurs when tarot pentacles reveal the true nature of the material world. Pentacles are the only visible suit of tarot—the only suit we can hold, taste, and feel. All other suits are invisible. This knowledge allows us to interact and understand the interplay between the visible and invisible in new and evocative ways. The material world becomes an unfolding treasure responding to our thoughts, desires, actions, and imaginings. Cast your cards to pass through a threshold of magic and into unfolding possibility.
Cast your cards in the Ten of Pentacles’ “secret in plain sight” shape of the Tree of Life.
1. Family—Who supports me?
2. Generations—What have I inherited?
3. Dogs—How can I connect with animal energies?
4. Tree of Life—How can I move toward divinity?
5. Old Man—How do I best cultivate wisdom?
6. Married Couple—What bonds me to others?
7. Child—What can I play with?
8. Threshold—How do I move through the profane and into the sacred every day?
9. Scale Tapestry—How do I integrate balance in all things?
10. Castle Tapestry—What is possible?
Page of Pentacles “Sharpen Focus” Spread
gift of the Page of Pentacles lies in her ability to apply laser focus to any situation, task, or challenge. Cast your cards in this spread when you need to sharpen your focus and hone your powers of discipline to any task.
Cast your cards in a circle like the pentacle in the page’s hand.
1. Gaze—What will keep my thoughts focused?
2. Pentacle—What happens when I focus on the task at hand?
3. Grove of Trees—What unseen troves of magic support me?
4. Mountain—How high is it possible to rise?
5. Pointed Foot—What step should I take in the near future?
6. Plowed Field—What is possible if I am disciplined?
Knight of Pentacles “Vow of Silence” Spread
Expression is always a healthy activity; however, sometimes we are asked to keep a sacred secret. Sometimes a secret is so delicious it can be excruciating to harbor. Alternatively, it is possible to weaken the sacred nature of a thing if we are quick to share it. Often, keeping things to ourselves will give it and ourselves power, especially if we share because we seek the approval of other people. If you have a habit of hanging everything out for the world to see, cast your cards in this spread to cultivate the power of silence and subtlety, just like the Knight of Pentacles.
Cast your cards in the shape of the five-pointed star on the knight’s pentacle.
1. Pentacle—What is the nature of the silence needing to be held?
2. Armor—How am I protected?
3. Closed Lips—How do I keep my secret?
4. Horse—What power do I gain?
5. Plowed Field—What develops if I hold on to this energy?
Queen of Pentacles “Self-Care” Spread
The Queen of Pentacles cares for everyone around her with love, tenderness, and an eye for material comfort and sensuality. We can take care of others better when we take good care of ourselves.
Cast your cards in the shape of the queen’s crown to consider how you can treat yourself like royalty.
1. Pentacle—What splurge should I indulge in?
2. Royal Clothing—How can I improve my wardrobe?
3. Roses—How can I exercise self-love?
4. Bunny—How can I change my inner dialogue and speak to myself as kindly as I’d speak to a child?
5. Goat—What gives me more energy?
6. Pan—How can I have a wickedly good time?
7. Abundance—What happens when I am kinder to myself?
King of Pentacles “Financial Growth” Spread
The King of Pentacles, king of the material world, is a wealthy man whose money works for him in a multitude of ways.
Cast your cards in the shape of the king’s kingdom to concentrate on financial growth and increase material stability.
1. Pentacle—How can I track my spending?
2. Garden—How can I reward myself for changing my habits?
3. Bull Horns—How can I change my mindset?
4. Armor—What helps me to protect my assets?
5. King’s Head—How can I set realistic financial goals?
6. Castle—What will happen if I take proactive steps now?
Ace of Cups “Emotional Flow” Spread
The Ace of Cups reflects an open channel of love, emotion, and creativity. Allowing emotions to flow rather than stifling them to please others leads to personal happiness and expression.
Cast your cards in the shape of Waite’s W initial seen on the card to discover what magic lies in cultivating emotional flow.
1. Clouds—What is my general situation?
2. Angelic Hand—What opportunity is being offered to me?
3. Cup—What is the true nature of my heart?
4. Dove—When I allow vulnerability, what gifts do I receive?
5. Sacramental Bread/Wafer—What do I need to accept?
6. Fountain—What happens when I give the love I crave?
7. Lotus Flower—What makes rebirth possible?
8. Pool of Water—What can I focus on to stay open?
Two of Cups “Ideal Partner” Spread
An ideal partner may be an actual person, a romantic entanglement, or something more abstract, like work that suits you or a house and home that feels like it was constructed just for you. Ultimately, we want to parter with the people and things that suit us best. But do we know and attract what is best for ourselves? This spread will help you. Often just stating your desire for an ideal possibility and releasing attachment to its form will bring it to you.
Cast your cards in the triangle shape of the card to discover and encourage a willing parter to reveal themselves and appear by your side.
1. Lion—What fierce action can I take to attract my ideal partner?
2. Wings—How can I encourage divine intervention?
3. Cups—How can I cultivate a sense of openness toward what is best for me?
4. Dual Snakes—How can I integrate what and who I love while maintaining autonomy?
5. Hand Gesture—What single, small action brings my partner closer to me?
Three of Cups “Lighten Up” Spread
We all go through grouchy, intense periods of time when it feels like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. During these stretches, it is often hard to see the forest for the trees. This expression means we are too close to heaviness, sadness, or our personal blinders to see the big picture. During moments like these, it’s helpful to take a breath, step back, and lighten up. Seeing friends and venting is often just the trick to release pent-up frustrations.
Cast your cards in the shape of the cup on the card to find ease and space for the present moment and allow stress and heaviness to float away.
1. Left Maiden/Air/Kether—What is a new way of understanding my life?
2, Center Maiden/Fire/Chokmah—How can I make my passions a reality?
3. Right Maiden/Water/Binah—How can I soften my resistance and become pliable to possibility?
4. Three Figures—Who supports me?
5. Grapes/Intoxication—How can I release stress permanently and sink into bliss?
6. Celebration—What can I celebrate in this moment?
7. Harvest—What will result if I lighten up?
Four of Cups “Embrace New Possibilities” Spread
The Four of Cups reflects a figure who is offered an opportunity in the form of a cup. Does he see it? Will he acknowledge it? Life is fast and confusing sometimes. We can’t possibly see all opportunities and possibilities as they fly at us. We can make an effort to keep our awareness open to important and potentially life-changing opportunities when they come our way.
Cast your cards in the shape of the tree trunk to find the support you need and recognize a new possibility.
1. Hand with Cup—What small adjustment can I make to see new possibilities?
2. Three Cups—What excellent possibilities are already in my grasp?
3. Tree—What support can I count on through thick and thin?
4. Closed-Off Posture—What helps me loosen up?
5. Cloud—What magical attribute is working in my favor?
Five of Cups “Replace Bad Habits with Good Ones” Spread
Humans are habitual creatures. Our tendencies can be a help or a hindrance. Good habits support success, health, and happiness. Old habits stifle us and become obtrusive as we grow and evolve if we don’t let them go.
Cast your cards in the shape of the bridge on the Five of Cups card. It will help you cross over and figure out how to swap a negative, destructive, or disruptive habit for an empowering one.
1.Black Cloak—Why does my habit need discarding?
2. Three Spilled Cups—What price do I pay for my bad habit?
3. Two Standing Cups—What positive habit can I replace it with?
sp; 4. Water—What is my challenge to dropping the habit?
5. Bridge—How can I cross once and for all?
6. Distant Castle—What is the result of my bravery?
Six of Cups “Memory Lane” Spread
The Six of Cups is often described as the “walk down memory lane” card. It is fun to wander down memory lane when time and imagination afford it. Looking back on the past offers an opportunity to revisit old narratives through a fresh set of eyes. We are free to add, amend, or replace old stories with new insights. It is important, however, to not let the stories of your life define you. Instead, write your story fresh each day with actions, intentions, and energy that reflect the essence of who you truly are.
Cast your cards in the shape of the Six of Cups’ three figures to discover new wisdom and heartfelt messages by taking a saunter down old familiar roads.
1. Town Square—Where have I felt most protected?
2. Flowering Cups—What is the great gift of past experience?
3. Boy—What great gift have I received from another?
4. Girl—How can I learn to accept love, tenderness, and kindness when it is offered?
5. Gloved Hand—How did I learn to protect myself?
6. Figure Walking Away—What old narrative can I release?
Seven of Cups “Castles in the Air” Spread
The Seven of Cups is often called the “castles floating in the air” card. This expresses the idea that dreams are illusions and nothing more, yet each invention, medicine, literature, theory, and breakthrough existing in the world was once an idea, a floating castle in the air, in the form of someone’s imagination. Knowing this, you can work with the Seven of Cups to bring your flights of fancy, daydreams, and thoughtful meanderings to fruition.
Cast your cards in the shape of seven floating cups to dream far and wide—and then make those dreams a reality.