by Sasha Graham
1. Female Head (Empress)—What springs from my creativity?
2. Glowing Figure (High Priestess)—What deep secret needs to emerge?
3. Snake (Magician)—How powerful am I?
4. Castle (Tower)—What shall I destroy to be reborn?
5. Jewels (Wheel)—What good would I do with all the money in the world?
6. Wreath (World)—What is eternal?
7. Dragon (Sun)—What passion burns inside of me?
Eight of Cups “Moving On” Spread
There comes a time in everyone’s life when it is time to move away from a pattern, behavior, or person. These moments are different for each of us, yet we are well aware of them, whether they creep up on us or hit us like a lightning bolt.
Cast your cards in the direction of the figure who moves upward when you are actively ready to head for higher ground.
1. Eight Cups—What is the situation/state/thing I will leave behind?
2. Boots—What supports me?
3. Boulders—What stands in my way?
4. Walking Stick—What helps me navigate the path?
5. Eclipse—What secret magic works in my favor?
6. Water—How do I keep my emotions in check?
7. Path—What can I trust to guide me?
Nine of Cups “Wish Come True” Spread
An old saying reminds you to be careful what you wish for; you just might get it. The Nine of Cups lets you know you’ll indeed be getting your heart’s desire. What do you want more than anything?
Cast your cards in the shape of the magic genie’s cups to glean information about your deepest desire and highest thoughts.
1. Genie—What do I want more than anything?
2. Crossed Arms—What blocks me?
3. Cups—How will I feel when I get it?
4. Tablecloth—What is a hidden and unforeseen consequence?
5. Bench—What keeps me steady through it all?
Ten of Cups “Family Harmony” Spread
The Ten of Cups is often considered “the happily ever after” card. We know this fairytale ideal does not really exist. First, because we are always living in our present, and “ever after” implies the future. Second, because even well-adjusted, silly, and happy families, relationships, and situations will face challenging times. Good thing we can always look to the cards for solutions and suggestions.
Cast your cards in a rainbow shape to invoke familial harmony in any challenging situation.
1. Home—What is the current situation?
2. Stage Card—How can I face the obstacle/challenge?
3. Clasped Couple—What can I depend on?
4. Open Hands—How can I stay open to possibility?
5. Dancing Children—What small adjustment brings everyone together?
6. Rainbow—What is the silver lining and lesson of this challenge?
Page of Cups “Psychic Development” Spread
The Page of Cups is the most psychic card of the deck. Use her as inspiration when you want to improve your psychic and intuitive abilities. These abilities can be used to bring us closer to the life we desire.
Cast your cards in the shape of a receptive cup to hone your psychic skills.
1. Fish—How can I foster trust in my psychic and intuitive flashes?
2. Water—How can I keep my psychic channels open?
3. Youth—How can I look at the world through childlike eyes?
4. Stage Card—Should I share my gifts with others?
5. Cup—What helps me hone these skills and move deeper into personal alignment?
Knight of Cups “Romantic Seduction” Spread
The Knight of Cups is the gentle, poetic romancer of the deck. His appearance invokes sweet words, thoughtful gifts, and sensual notions.
Cast your cards in the shape of Hermes’ wings, found on the knight’s helmet, when you want a little help in seducing someone tasty.
1. Wings—How should I make my intentions known?
2. Horse’s Gait—What’s the best way to approach them?
3. Cup—What can I offer them?
4. Cliff—What do I risk?
5. Armor—What protects my heart?
6. Horse—What helps me become slow and steady?
7. River—Where is this taking me?
Queen of Cups “Cultivate Beauty” Spread
Cups are the suit of emotion, compassion, and love. Experiencing beauty is like falling in love. The beauty of a flower, a landscape, a person, or a poem offers an opportunity to transcend ourselves. Our heart beats a little bit faster, our ego slips away, and we open in appreciation for such a thing existing. The greatest gift we give ourselves is to expand and cultivate our sense of beauty, to let it unfold and recognize beauty in new forms.
Cast your cards in the shape of a shell with the help of the Queen of Cups. She is an expert at spying and cultivating compassion and beauty. She will help you to discover it in the most unlikely places.
1. Gown—How can I treat myself like the beautiful creature I am?
2. White Cliffs of Dover—What inspires my imagination to new heights?
3. Crown—How do I keep my crown chakra open?
4. Mermaids—How can I encourage magic to greet me?
5. Sand—How do I stay grounded when I’m flying?
6. Stone—What do earth elements teach me?
7. Surf—What messages are revealed in the waves?
8. Shell—What treasures await?
King of Cups “Emotional Strength” Spread
Emotions are like waves breaking upon the shore. They influence and form our behavior, attitudes, and lifestyle. Emotions can feel like tsunamis or gentle laps. The strength of the King of Cups lies in his ability to maintain an even course, no matter what emotion or feeling he encounters. This is why the King of Cups is the most successful artist of the deck and a visionary who is able to see his inspirations through to their finished product and completion.
Cast your cards like waves in the ocean to gain his wisdom.
1. Waves—How can I best sustain emotional highs and lows?
2. Ship—What message do I need to hear?
3. Sea Monster—How can I let what frightens me empower me?
4. Throne—How do I embrace my calling?
5. Fish—What should I bring to the surface after I dive deep?
6. Cup—How can I remain open and clear so I can be open to holding each new experience as it comes at me?
Ace of Wands “Embrace Your Passion” Spread
Everything existing in the world began with a spark: great love affairs, classic works of fiction, and everything containing consciousness. The Ace of Wands reflects a singular spark of passion. The spark contains the power to transform the individual; sometimes it can transform the world.
Cast your cards in the shape of an explosion with the Ace of Wands to embrace your passion. Discover where it might take you. Don’t worry if you don’t know what that passion is just yet. The more open and active you are, the quicker it will come.
1. Castle/Home—What is the state of my present situation?
2. Wand—What is the nature of my passion?
3. Angelic Hand—What divine influence works in my favor?
4. Clouds—What remains unseen?
5. River’s Water—What challenge extinguishes my flames?
6. River Path—Where will my passions take me if I follow up on them?
7. Green Leaves—What will emerge as I remain in tune to the stirrings within me?
Two of Wands “Plotting and Planning Expansion” Spread
The Two of Wands is the combination of divine inspiration meeting duality, and it is this energetic process that ensues. This happens when an idea or insight hits you, you see how it will
take form in the world, and you take action, sometimes before you even realize it.
Cast your cards in the shape of dual wands to help guide your inner sparks to fruition.
1. World—What do I envision?
2. Bay—What awaits my call?
3. Red Rose—How do I infuse beauty in my work?
4. White Lily—How do I infuse authenticity in my work?
5. Plowed Field—What is my next small step?
6. Distant Mountains—How do I remain open to divine inspiration?
Three of Wands “Patience” Spread
Wands rush us to action, feeling, and sensory overload. Waiting can feel excruciating when we want something with every fiber of our being. We must trust our action will bring us required results without rushing, pushing, or forcing things to happen just because we want them in the moment. The Three of Wands reflects following through on a passionate idea. You stand waiting for the response. During such times, turn your thoughts to other matters. Try your best to forget it altogether. A wise witch forgets about her spell as soon as she casts it. She clears her mind and allows the forces that be to take care of it for her. Her trust and faith is steadfast, as yours should be.
And for moments where, try as you might, you still find yourself obsessing, cast your cards in the shape of three wands and a wish to know that everything will be okay.
1. Wand One—What I felt.
2. Wand Two—What I did.
3. Wand Three—How results may appear.
4. Ships—What can I do to remain steady?
5. Sea—How can I foster support?
6. Distant Land—Who hears my intention?
7. Response—What response should I remain open to?
Four of Wands “Stability of Passion” Spread
Wands are explosive. Such is the nature of the suit of fire. Wands are exhausting when burning too brightly, yet they become elusive if blown out. The Four of Wands is an opportunity to stabilize passion in a steady, healthy, sustainable manner. It transforms into a self-infusing force in life.
Cast your cards in the shape of garland to access the wisdom of the Four of Wands. It will keep a steady keel for matters meaning the world to you.
1. Flowers—What is blooming?
2. Garland—What do I have the power to create?
3. Celebration—What reason do I have to celebrate?
4. Bridge—What challenge do I still need to confront?
5. Moat—What is my emotional state regarding the maintenance of my passion?
6. Walled Fortress—How do I protect my passion in a sustainable way?
Five of Wands “Settle Down Now” Spread
The Five of Wands reflects a passionate skirmish. While this often reflects an exciting conflict of creative ideas, it can also be a sticky place, especially for people who are uncomfortable with confrontation or when tensions run super high.
Cast your cards, one for each figure and a single card for a last piece of advice, to calm yourself if you find yourself at your wit’s end, at the mercy of another person’s crazy energy, or to give yourself a moment’s peace.
1. Anger—Why am I so worked up?
2. Wands—What is at stake?
3. Energy—How can I transform the energy into a healing force?
4. Solid Stance—How do I cultivate the strength I need to wrap this up?
5. Upward Face—What is the higher reason for all of it?
6. Horizon Line—Where should I aim my sights?
Six of Wands “Road to Success” Spread
We all dream of success while working toward the culmination of our heart’s desire. The journey toward fruition is what really counts. The Six of Wands allows us to luxuriate in our success, encourage us to receive praise and recognition, and step with pride for the work we have accomplished thus far.
Cast your cards like an unfolding path to continue paving the road to your success.
1. Wand—What keeps me focused on my long-term goal?
2. Wreath—How do I stay in the moment?
3. Marchers—Where can I cultivate allies?
4. Horse—What can I always rely on?
5. Horse Covering—What is hidden that I should see?
6. Horse Looking Back—What great lesson am I learning?
7. Rider’s Stance—What keeps me upright and steady through it all?
Seven of Wands “Perseverance” Spread
The Seven of Wands reflects a moment of extreme self-defense. Our attackers can come in the form of people, the begrudging or belittling voices in our head, or even patterns ingrained in the body.
Cast your cards in a fence of defense to find renewed strength and perseverance through moments like these.
1. Held Wand—What am I defending?
2. Six Wands—What am I up against?
3. High Ground—What is my advantage?
4. Unmatched Shoes—How can I hold two opposing thoughts confidently in my head?
5. Leaves—What will blossom if I stay the course and let no one, not even myself, dissuade me?
Eight of Wands “Ready, Aim, Fire” Spread
The Eight of Wands reflects pure energy moving across a field, as if an advancing army had catapulted it into the air. The card is intention in flight. To be sure all of your intentions hit their intended mark, cast your cards in this spread, one question for each wand.
1. Wand 1—What is the nature of my intention?
2. Wand 2—What helps me formulate it articulately?
3. Wand 3—How does my intention help others?
4. Wand 4—What does it add to the world?
5. Wand 5—Why is this important to me?
6. Wand 6—What obstacle stands in the way?
7. Wand 7—How can I steer clear and shoot over the obstacle?
8. Wand 8—What secret do I need to know?
Nine of Wands “Breaking Barriers” Spread
The fellow on the Nine of Wands is a true survivor. He’s been through the ringer, yet he pushes Ahead-top-of-pageXXpbb. The pulsing energy of fire can take its toll, but those who are persistent will find new and miraculous worlds appearing before them.
Cast your cards in the shape of a square to harness the energy of the Nine of Wands and break barriers as they appear to challenge you.
1. Bandage—What is the wound that lets in the light?
2. Fence—What stands before me?
3. Wand—What do I have at my disposal as I move forward?
4. Sideways Glance—What should I be wary of?
Ten of Wands “Regeneration” Spread
The Ten of Wands reflects the culmination of energy, passion, and tireless work. It is the end of a cycle, as all tens are. We all need to honor the cycles of our lives. We can’t move full speed Ahead-top-of-pageXXpbb all the time. Rest is as important as work; in fact, renewal makes for more effective work. The Ten of Wands reminds you to put down your wands—effort and extended energy—and rest.
Cast your cards with five cards in a row to remind you to regenerate your mind, body, and spirit.
1. Posture—What will help my body repair itself?
2. Load—How can I put down my burdens?
3. Manor—Where can I go to rest and rejuvenate?
4. Fields—What will appear as a result of my work?
5. Stage Card—How can I quiet my mental chatter and learn to focus on my inner self?
Page of Wands “Adventurous Soul” Spread
Where do you want to go? What adventures do you seek? Access the page’s energy. The Page of Wands is the intrepid traveler of the deck. She journeys far and wide. She lets her wild curiosity chart her course.
Cast your cards in the upward slope of the pyramids to discover where your adventurous soul is leading you.
> 1. Red Flame Feather—What stokes my passion?
2. Page’s Gaze—Where do I need to go?
3. Pyramids—What sacred knowledge is learned when I am adventuring?
4. Red Desert Sands—How do I stay grounded and centered while circumstances and places change around me?
Knight of Wands “Make Your Move” Spread
Is there something in your life—a project, a relationship, or a goal—that needs one final boost of energy to move it toward completion? Are you feeling shy and need the power of extroversion for a task? The Knight of Wands’ energy is explosive and combustible. Utilize the Knight of Wands’ fiery energy for anything you need to push over the finish line, from romance to work to family.
Cast your cards in the shape of distant pyramids and enjoy the Knight of Wands’ power boost.
1. Wand—How do I best harness my passion?
2. Armor—What protects the vulnerable parts of myself?
3. Flaming Elements—How does the energy affect my aura?
4. Horse—What aids me in my quest?
5. Distant Pyramids—What is my ultimate prize?
Queen of Wands “Own Your Passion” Spread
What do you love more than anything? What is the greatest passion of your life? Do you need soul clarification? Are you looking to stoke your internal fire? The Queen of Wands is the shining flame of the tarot deck because she knows what thrills her and saturates herself in it. Every moment of every day, she immerses herself in passion’s fire and garners personal evolution. She owns who she is and what she loves.
Activate the Queen of Wands inside you by casting your cards in the shape of her sunflower.
1. Throne—What is my birthright?
2. Lion—How am I fierce?