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Page 14

by Nicole Fox

  Keir‘s feet took measured stapes as he began to circle Tatum. “I’ve watched you… been so patient. My heart felt compassion for you except you’re sarcastic and rude. You might be beautiful.”

  “Oh wow, you think I’m beautiful.”

  “Oh, yes, you’re quite lovey with that long silky hair and those deep brown eyes flecked with gold… nice squeezable breasts, and those firm thighs. You’re smart, so much potential until you open that mouth!”

  Keir stepped behind her; his hot breath made the hair on her neck stand erect. Her body tensed as she anticipated his touch. Shivering, Keir brushed his lips over her shoulder blade, heat flicked along her nerves forcing her eyelids to grow heavy.

  His large hands cupped her buttocks, squeezing slightly as her legs parted wider. His teeth tugged on her earlobes as her tongue dancing along the edge of his jaw.

  “Are you enjoying your nightmare, Tatum?”

  “Nothing to rock my world yet.”

  “I will have to change that, won’t I?”

  A rough grasp poured from her mouth when Keir snuck his fingers along her Mons. The hot sensitive flesh of her pussy like trembled a bit when he swirled his finger along her clit. His flicking tongue travelled down her spine, sliding across my buttocks as moans burst from her lips. Hot molten blood coursed in her veins as she stood licking her lips, trembling in anticipation. His fingers slowly snaked through wet moist flesh until he shoved his fingers deeply into her womb. A sharp flicker of pain skimmed along her thigh as nails scraped her flesh. His fingers twisted and plunged as she struggled to remaining standing.

  “Cup your breasts,” he ordered harshly as he worked his fingers inside of her. She couldn’t focus because he felt so good, it was just his fingers. Damn...

  “Tatum, your breasts,” he demanded harshly.

  Reaching up she cupped her breasts, her fingers pulled on swollen, erect nipples as Keir pushed her to a dark brink. Tatum grasped suddenly when he withdrew his fingers; her head whipped around to question Keir when his hands reached to grab her damp arms to draw her to the ground into his waiting embrace. Brushing his lips over her mouth, he softly coaxed Tatum’s lips to part. Sinking her fingers in his dark hair, she accepted his seeking tongue; tentatively his tongue slipped past her lips to tangle with hers. His bare chest pressed against her swollen breasts as she whimpered in pleasure. Tatum’s greedy hands roamed along his hard shoulders to keep a physical contact with his flesh. His left hand rested on her face his thumbs stroking her eyebrow as he kissed her passionately. Keir reached down and parted her legs. Quickly, he settled between her thighs, her center hot, moist, and needy. Tatum’s hands traveled down Keir’s slick back as his head touched her pussy, lifting her legs to engulf his waist. Keir’s hands gripped her thighs as he plunged deeply inside her tight soaking flesh. Tatum’s mouth opened in a soft groan as Keir’s cock plunged and withdrew rapidly; her body arched into his rhythmic thrusts, sweat dripped from their bodies.

  “That’s what you need,” Keir grunted in Tatum’s ear. “I wanted to solve your problems. We need to be primitive.”

  “Don’t stop,” Tatum ordered as she strained to take him deeper. She gripped his waist tighter with her legs as he set a blistering rhythm. She just hung on as Keir loved her deliciously hard. Her mind couldn't focus on anything as his cock moved in her, electric bolts of pleasure zapping. Keir rose on his hands above her as he pounded roughly into her.

  “Nothing like this before,” Tatum panted. “Please give me release.” She swore he smirked as his dick tunneled into her heat. Tatum’s legs tightened as her climax shook her convulsing body. She couldn’t think of anything as her body whacked on the soft grass; his thrust continued until Keir screamed in the air, and his essence invaded her womb. His hot body dropped on her trembling form; his lips kissed her forehead as she drifted to sleep.

  “Finally, you did something that interested me, Keir.”

  “Hush, sleep for now.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Tatum’s eyes scrutinized a sundial hanging on their bedroom wall as Keir’s fingers traced her spine. Shifting her eyes to the window, she noticed the sun was still ablaze brightly in the sky.

  “Keir, it’s almost eight in the evening, yet Chan hasn’t lowered the sun.”

  Grumbling, Keir lifted his hand to stare at the sundial as he rubbed his dark hair.

  “That’s strange. Why hasn’t Father ordered the rising of the moon? He is the creator of all things.”

  “Maybe, he’s the creator of this mess. He’s upset Ruby and created chaos in Cormac’s marriage. He’s upset Silke. She’s pale and trembling. He revealed to Luna that Chan accepted Serena's life force from him. Yet, he’s not here to deal with the fallout of the chaos.”

  Keir snuggled back into his pillows; he realized that he needed to go confront Chan and Luna.

  “Actually, I’m supposed to stay in bed…wait for people to worm their way to the temple begging for help. I’m the bad guy. This really isn’t my problem. You’re changing me too much. I can’t let people… know that I’ve a heart. And, I don’t like being grumpy and dark.”

  Tatum’s traced her fingers down his nose until they rested on his lips. Keir kissed her fingers softly.

  “I’m not saying not to be mayhem, destruction, and reckless confusion any other time. It’s our family and friends. Besides, if the sun doesn’t go down, it will be mad chaos. I‘ve come to realize that you’re an old softie.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “You needed a little love.”

  Keir rolled from their warm bed to land on is feet. Hurriedly, he shoved his legs into a pair of pants, reaching for his discarded tunic.

  “Yeah, I’ll go have that conversation with Chan. We’ll chat later.”

  Smugly, Tatum watched her fumbling husband scurrying out of a wooden door.

  “I knew the word love would rumple your feathers. I do love you.”


  Keir’s head throbbed after arguing with Chan about his refusal to lower the sun to signal the end of the day. Chan claimed in an obnoxiously loud voice that he was able to lower the sun until Luna perched on the edge of a cliff, and she refused to leave a resting Ruby. Even though Cormac railed Ruby wasn’t a child and that her parents needed to back off. Luna was just adding to their conflict in their lives. Luna merely stood there with her arms folded with a pure look of defiance marring her beautiful face. Frustrated, Keir stomped away to grab his wife, and retreat to his mother’s home. He would deal with the fallout later. His father was the Lord of the Gods and the world, Murale could deal with his world. He washed his hands of the mess. After he informed Tatum to prepare to leave, he planned to visit Langston and ask for a remedy for his pounding head.

  Keir’s mood instantly brightened when Tatum appeared in the hallway. Her long dark hair gleamed in the early evening unnatural sunlight. A soft silk chiffon dress swished around her feet as she raised a hand to greet him. A deep smile crossed her beautiful face; happiness shone in her eyes. Keir forgot about his pounding head as he increased his pace to join his mate. His heart tattooed a beat as his boots thumped in the empty corridor.

  Over Tatum’s shoulder, Maya walked slowly behind her. Keir cringed inwardly; he had forgotten to send her to another temple. A sense of dread coursed over him when she raised a bowl. He could see something bubbling over the sides as she flung the contents over Tatum’s head. Rage flowed in his veins as he flung Maya into a cool stone wall. Her limp body dropped to the ground.

  His chest heaved as lowered himself next to Tatum’s still body. The mixture dissolved her silk gown, baring her flesh to his eyes. Tenderly, he caressed her hair. Tears dropped from his eyes.

  “I should have told you… this morning,” he gulped. “I love you so much. More than I’ve loved anyone or anything including Mother, Silke, and Baby.”

  Tatum’s hand crept from under him to touch his palm. Kier jumped from her unexpected touch.

  “I’m deeply
touched that you love me more than your mother and Silke. You’d better love me more than that oversized spider. I love you too.”

  “You’re not dead.”

  “I did drink that stuff.”

  “I thought you faked.”

  “I do listen.”

  “Let’s get you back to the chamber.”

  “No, carry me like I’m seriously injured, close to death. Something is going on here. Where did your crazy ex-lover get that fizzing stuff? She ruined my hair and favorite dress.”

  “I’ll get another dress, and I don’t know.”

  “Be mournful, and don’t let anyone into our room.”

  “You’re getting bossy… mean.”

  “You know you love it.”

  “You’re supposed to be the voice of light, reason.”

  “I’m reasoning that we have a traitor… spy in our midst.”


  Keir ordered Langston to stand guard outside of his chamber as he left to meet with his guests patiently waiting in the Great Room. Upon his arrival, he noticed a red-eyed Ruby crying profusely in Cormac’s lap, a great purple bruise on her forehead. He made a mental note never to distress Tatum to violence. Silke was pale, but glowing, as she wiped her eyes as tears dropped. Blane caressed her fingers as he held her hand tightly in his clasp. Chan sat lonely in a chair wearing a worried expression across his face; his eyes shifted over to view his wife, Luna. She stood in a corner, brushing her nails along the front of her cream dress, her lips smirking as she viewed the others like a cat.

  Ruby jumped from Cormac’s lap to rush over to clasp his hands.

  “What’s happening? Will she live?” Ruby asked sadly, her dark eyes shimmering. Cormac moved behind his wife, his hands resting protectively on her shoulders. Keir noticed a flicker of disgust flutter across Luna’s features.

  “I don’t know. I need to travel to the outside of Oceanus to gather Aloe to treat her burns. Blane, Chan, Cormac, will you join me? I will leave guards to protect the goddess.”

  The men murmured their agreement. None of them wish to ever deal with the loss of their goddess.

  Luna moved out of her corner, “What of Maya?”

  “I fed her to Baby.”

  A look of satisfaction crossed Luna’s face, “Did you question her actions, or was it just a lover’s jealousy?”

  “In my rage, I killed her. I gave her remains to Baby. She didn’t deserve a death service. She can feed off her dead body from months.”

  Ruby shuddered at Keir's heartless words.

  “When can we see her?”

  “It’s a difficult sight. Hopefully after I apply the aloe. Now, I must leave you to prepare. I suggest you all get some rest.”


  Tatum sat on their bed rubbing her head briskly as Keir paced around the chamber.

  “Where’s Maya?”

  “She’s off to another temple. She’s going to stay with another god. She claims Silke wanted her to attack you. I find that high unlikely.”

  “Maybe, the baby inclines Silke to act differently.”

  “No, I checked with her attendants. Silke was deeply asleep those other times when she was cruel to us.”

  “Someone is impersonating Silke.”

  “How do we know who is faking and who is real?”

  “The bruise on Ruby eliminates her. Silke is demonstrating classical signs of pregnancy.”

  “So, everyone could be a fake.”

  “But why?”

  “The answer to that riddle eludes us.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Keir shook his head after stumbling out of an unstable transportation portal. It had shimmered and shook as they traveled to Azael’s prison, and numerous brightly blazing lights made his eyes ache. He rubbed his dark head absentmindedly. His dark eyes scanned a leafy area next to a sandy path that led to Azael’s home. Carefully, Keir took a few steps. Dropping to his feet, he noticed fresh footprints. His eyes searched for a peek of life on the island. He vaguely heard Cormac yelling not to touch anything. Quickly, Keir waved his hand to silence Cormac’s shots. He walked slowly in the direction of a dark cave opening. Poking his head into a vague darkness, he spotted a large blue reflecting pool; he signaled his friends to join him. Stepping over to a still pool, Keir dipped his finger into the inviting liquid. It felt familiar under his fingertips as flashes of his childhood rose and disappeared in his mind.

  "It gives you memories," he whispered. He sunk his fingers deeper into the pool until he could see his mother smiling at him with love in her eyes. He eyes shut tightly as powerful sensations began to vibrate through his body, energy flowed into his brain. His eyes popped open as his soul began to mesh together with it. His chest heaved as he began to understand his purpose on Oceanus.

  Grasping, he fell back on jagged sand as his heart thumped wildly. He felt invigorated; he rose to his feet and brushed dust from his clothing. A dark smile covered his handsome face as the image changed to his temple. He waved a hand in front of the pool, an eyebrow arched when he watched Tatum, Ruby, Silke, Langston, and Luna eating breakfast. "Somebody has spied on us,” Keir muttered. His mouth curved under as he watched his father join the table.

  “Of course, when I’m away, Father joins them for breakfast. Hopefully Tatum has a mouthful for him.”

  Cormac leaned against a wall; his eyes scanned a messy perimeter. “Somebody has been here. These marks are fresh, and I can smell old smoke from torches.”

  He flicked his head to signal to Chan to move deeper into Azael’s cave. His eyes watched Chan hurry, walking deeper into a cool dark tunnel, his hand alit with orange flames. Pausing, Chan breathed deeply. “I smell moonflowers. Only one entity on Oceanus smells of moonflowers. It can’t be. I left her.”

  Cormac watched in amazement as Chan rushed deeper into a creepy darkness. Cormac frowned in concerned as Chan’s boot clamped on stone hurriedly. His large foot kicked the wooden door open that appeared in front of them.

  "Cormac, here!" Chan hollered in panic. “I need help!”

  "Luna," Cormac muttered when he spotted Chan removing rope from her hands, "If you are here…"

  Cormac backed out of the room. "Keir," he shouted, "We have a problem!"

  Keir ignored his friends’ shouts as he spotted shards of broken glass. Drawing his sword, Keir followed a glittering path of shimmery glass until he stood before an empty cell.

  "Azael is at my temple with our wives," he screamed loudly as we raced back to join his friends. Fear and guilt mingled together to curl as his fear. His eyes widened when Cormac and Chan came rushing towards him, "We need to leave."

  “What’s Luna doing here?”

  “Imposters,” Luna croaked wearily in Chan’s embrace, her fingers closing on Chan’s bicep. “Eris,” she muttered before closing her eyes.

  A worried look passed between Keir and Cormac. Chan interpreted, “She’s sleepy. We have to get back!”

  Keir waved his hand and opened a portal. He could feel Cormac’s fear as his heart pumped wildly, his chest heaving as sweat damped his tunic. Keir watched his friends enter a glowing portal. His eyes glowed amber as he sent a fireball into the center of Azael’s cave.

  “This time you die, Azael,” Keir promised before he joined his friends.


  Ruby pushed fruit around on her plate with a frown and scowling at her mother. She took a bite and pushed her plate away from her.

  "Mother, I don’t eat passion fruit."

  Luna rolled her eyes at her daughter, "Out of strawberries and blueberries. Blame your father. Stop being picky and eat your meal. Perhaps, you need a bit of passion fruit in your life. Nobody wants to hear you whine."

  Ruby frowned, "We don't eat passion fruit, ever. Father loathes it."

  "Once again, didn’t I say that we were out of another fruit?” Luna snapped.

  Ruby folded her arms in dismay, "Why are you so mean?”

  Luna blew a kiss at her daughter, “So very spoiled an
d ripe for the picking. He will enjoy so.”

  “Mother, people are around. So, not appropriate.”

  "Ruby, she's cranky like Keir and Father lately,” Silke muttered under her breath.

  ''Perhaps you can eat something else Ruby," Tatum replied from the doorway, "Keir delivered a basket of berries to our chamber before he left."

  Ruby’s face brightened up when Langston walked in carrying a tray with fresh ambrosia and berries. Tatum followed him with a large smile as she slid into a chair next to her friends. Tightly, Ruby wrapped her arms around Tatum’s, raining kisses on her face.

  “I was so worried. How are you? Okay? I thought you didn’t drink enough Ambrosia.”

  “It’s okay,” Tatum muttered into you,” Silke gushed. “I thought you were lost to Keir and us.”

  Shrugging, Tatum smiled at her former mistress. “I just needed a hot lavender bath to rub away the sticky skin,” she lied smoothly.

  “Yes, Tatum we are excited to see you here.”

  Tatum nodded respectfully at Ruby’s mother. “Perhaps, you will lower the moon tonight. I’m a bit tired and sore. I need a good nap.”

  Luna smiled brightly, “Perhaps, I will, darling.”

  Tatum munched on a few berries as she watched Silke turning her face in revulsion when food was passed around her.

  “Your stomach is queasy,” Tatum questioned. “What about tea and crackers again,” Tatum offered.

  “That would be lovely,” Silke said softly.

  Tatum turned to speak with Langston when Luna stopped her.

  “No, Silke drink red wine. It will calm your nerves.”

  Tatum’s head flung around to glare at Luna. “You said wine was deadly to her infant. She should only drink tea, water, and ambrosia.”

  “Tatum, each pregnancy is different. Silke and Keir’s mother drank wine during her pregnancy. It might help Silke,” Murale interpreted from the doorway. His eyes fixed on Silke as he walked into the dining room and sat by his daughter. Silke scuffed her chair away from her father.

  “I think I would like a cup of tea.”


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