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The Essential Jagged Ivory (Jagged Ivory Boxed Set)

Page 8

by Lashell Collins

  Mercy couldn't believe his request; he sounded so dire. “Dad, you sound like you think they're going to gang bang me or something,” she exclaimed, looking at him with shocked eyes.

  “Oh, see! How do you even know that expression?” he practically yelled.

  “Mike! I thought we just established the fact that I'm not twelve anymore,” she shouted with a roll of her eyes. “I know what sex is, okay! The nice kind and the deviant kind. I've even … ”

  “Okay, I don't want to hear this,” he protested, raising his hand to make her stop. “We're not having this conversation!”

  “Fine! I don't want to talk about sex either,” she wailed, still trying to figure him out. “But I do want to know what your hang up is where the guys are concerned. You keep acting like you expect them to … I don't know, rape me of my virtue or something. It feels like you don't trust them! Sometimes it almost feels as though you don't like them very much.”

  Mike was quiet as he stared at her for a long moment. Then he slowly nodded his head. “I suppose sometimes, I don't.”

  Mercy was shocked, and she stared at her dad in disbelief. “How can you say that? They're your clients. They've been your clients for four years. Hell, you've helped make them the huge success that they are. I don't understand.”

  “What's not to understand, Mercy?” he responded with a shrug of his shoulders. “Liking your client is not a requirement for being a good manager.”

  Mercy was dumbfounded. She had heard Mike gush about Jagged Ivory on many occasions. About how talented they all were and how excellent the music was. About what great guys they were. He even boasted when they took part in various charity events. Until embarking on this trip, she would never have guessed that her dad had the slightest problem with any one of them.

  “Why don't you like them?” she asked quietly.

  Mike just stared at her and shook his head. “I like them fine, Mercy. Individually, each one of them is a genuinely nice guy, although some of them have a bigger sense of self-importance than others. Collectively, they have their issues, just like any other group. But sweetheart, there is a reason why I have never allowed you to accompany me to any JI event in the past. Even though you made it perfectly clear to me over the last four years how much this band means to you, and how much you would've loved to go with me whenever I was in their orbit. But I didn't want you anywhere near them.”

  “But why?”

  “Because, honey … I know them too well. I know the scene too well. And I didn't want you anywhere near the partying, or the drugs, or the non-existent sexual morals.”

  Mercy rolled her eyes at him once more. “Mike, you do know that I used to hang out in the very same nightclubs and bars that Jagged Ivory did before they got their record deal. I've seen the partying and the drugs and the random sex. I've seen every one of those guys completely stoned, drunk off their asses, and still playing a freaking awesome show,” she told him loudly. “You are trying to protect me from something that I've already experienced!”

  “I know that, sweetheart. In fact, you and your friends' enthusiasm for this band is why I originally went to check them out in the first place – to see if they were really as good as you claimed, and if they were, to find out if they had representation. But, Mercy, it kills me that you and your friends hung out in those places,” he answered. “And knowing that you've already been exposed to that rock and roll lifestyle doesn't change a damn thing for me, honey. I still don't want you anywhere near it.”

  “Then why do you want me to come work for Holland Management?” she asked incredulously.

  “Because you are brilliant and I love you,” he shot back. “And the part of me that doesn't want you anywhere near that lifestyle is the same part of me that will always see you as that twelve-year-old little girl.”

  They stared at each other in silence for a long moment, and Mercy wasn't sure what to say.

  “And for the record … no. I don't believe you would be the victim of any gang bangs or rapes with Jagged Ivory. They're not criminals. But I have seen how hard these guys party, Mercy. And how they treat women – both the random fans and groupies they encounter on the road, and the girlfriends they leave behind at home. I don't want that for you.”

  She smiled sadly at him. He just wanted the best for his little girl, Mercy could see that. And it melted her heart as she reached out and took his hand. “Okay, Dad. No Jagged Ivory members in my hotel room. I promise.”

  They finished up their breakfast and got ready to start the day. And before she left the hotel room, Mercy made sure to grab her digital camera and slip it into her bag. She had no clue if she would be allowed to take pictures of the guys or not, but she certainly wanted to be prepared, just in case.

  Not having any special plans for the day until the concert, she decided to hang out with Mike as he went about his day, seeing to his clients' needs and making sure the band had everything they required for the opening show. He began by making several phone calls, checking in with the office back home, despite the time difference, and Mercy wondered if whomever he was talking to minded that he was calling so late. Then he sent a message to the video director with several possible dates and cities for the upcoming video shoot. He spoke with someone about tour merchandise that hadn't arrived at its specified time, and Mercy listened as the conversation became heated. Then he spoke with the concert promoter, making sure the band's rider, or list of requests, had been seen to carefully.

  As he went about his duties, Mercy wondered if she could be as on top of things as Mike seemed to be, and she tried to picture herself doing his job, juggling a million tiny details all at once. And she thought once more about their many conversations about law school and working with him at Holland Management, as opposed to working for him.

  Close to two hours later, she listened with great interest as he spoke with the road crew manager at length about the progress on erecting the elaborate stage for the show. And then they climbed into a chauffeur-driven car and made their way over to the venue to check on the progress for themselves. Mercy was astounded as she watched the process. She had been to many live concerts over the years to see many different bands, but she had never been this up close and personal with the show prep before. And while she watched in wonder, she reached into her bag to pull out her camera, and began snapping away.

  She watched, and photographed the action, as the lighting and sound technicians got to work. And once the stage was up and secured, she watched in fascination as the band technicians moved in, setting up the group's instruments and gear. She snapped more pictures as she listened to Mike speak at length with each one of them as he made sure that all systems were go. All of them were very welcoming to her and seemed to really enjoy mugging for the camera.

  “Having fun, sweetheart?”

  “Dad, this is so awesome! The best graduation gift ever! Thank you,” she gushed as she stood on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek, and he laughed at her.

  “I'm happy you're enjoying yourself.”

  “So what happens now? I mean, the show isn't for a few more hours but, things look mostly done here.”

  “Well, it may look that way, but they're not,” Mike answered. “The stage is up and the instruments are just about ready to go, but there's still a lot of backstage stuff that has to happen first. And the guys should be here any minute for a soundcheck,” he said glancing at his watch.

  “Did someone say soundcheck?” Cory asked jovially as he walked toward them, and Mercy could see the other guys trickling in behind him. And every muscle below her bellybutton clenched deliciously when her eyes rested on Noah. He was dressed in a tight pair of black denim jeans and a white muscle t-shirt that hugged his abs perfectly, and he looked good enough to eat. The tribal tattoo that covered the entire length of his left arm appeared to ripple and dance as his muscled arms moved.

  Their eyes locked and held for several fleeting seconds, and Noah was slightly shocked as he looked her over. Sh
e looked amazing, as usual. But what surprised him was the old promo t-shirt she was wearing.

  “Wow! You are rocking it old school tonight, darling,” Buzzy said to her. “I haven't seen one of those things in a long time!”

  “Oh, yeah,” she smiled as she looked down at her shirt. “I have a couple of these. You guys used to give these things away at The Hut.”

  “Yep,” Buz answered with a laugh. “Thought we'd do a little merchandising. We had those things printed up dirt cheap. Man, they looked it too!”

  “Oh, I don't know about that,” Otis smiled, looking her up and down. “That old t-shirt looks like a million bucks to me. But maybe it's just the model.”

  Mercy blushed right on cue and Noah felt his stomach knot up once again. He rolled his eyes at the scene and turned away, venturing over to Aaron under the pretext of seeing to his gear. Really, he just wanted to remove himself from the situation. He watched from a distance as Otis continued his full court press in pursuit of Mercy, and his bitterness seemed to grow by the second. Desperate to focus on something else, he called the guys together as soon as the instrument and sound technicians gave the all clear.

  “Alright, let's get on with this,” he said loudly, barking orders at them. “Let's run through the encore set of 'Rockin' You' and 'Pin-up Baby' for the soundcheck.”

  They didn't ask questions; they simply did as he instructed. And Mike was once again astounded, both at the ease with which Noah took command of the group and at Otis' willingness to fall in line. At times, Mike suspected that Otis actually liked the fact that his brother would step in and play warden. In fact, he believed Otis counted on it. He made a big show of pulling rank because he liked the power trip of being “the leader.” But when it suited him, Otis was more than happy to allow his brother's responsible streak to free him up to focus on more important things – like chasing women.

  Once the soundcheck was underway, Mercy pulled out her camera once more and began snapping a few shots of the band. Her camera wasn't one of those tiny things that you could slide into your back pocket, although she did have one of those. But photography had been a favorite hobby of hers for a few years. She'd even taken a few elective courses in it during college, so she preferred the larger camera with a big zoom lens that she used for her classes. It took really high-quality still shots, as well as amazing video. She captured several candid shots of the guys as they picked up their instruments and got into place. And when the music started, she recorded a video of the soundcheck. They were amazing! Even in rehearsal, and Mercy couldn't believe that she was actually here, being given the opportunity to sit back and observe, take it all in. She knew what a privilege she had been given!

  It was a surreal experience for Noah. Performing 'Pin-up Baby' with the woman who inspired it standing twenty feet away from him, looking gorgeous and taking pictures. He watched her as he sang, he and Otis sharing the lead vocal duties on this one. And again, he couldn't help but wonder if she ever suspected that the song was about her. That she was the “shapely doll with the sultry eyes” talked about in the song's repeated refrain. When his solo came at the end of the song, he poured his heart into it, directing all of his energy into the guitar in his hands and projecting it out toward her. As his fingers moved over the strings, he imagined them moving over her skin. Caressing her body, intimately exploring the sensitive flesh of her inner folds. In his mind, he could see it all so clearly, the images from that night flooding his brain as he played. Touching her. Kissing her. Fucking her. He was momentarily transported back to that night and he lost himself in it.

  When the song, and the soundcheck, came to an end, Noah felt spent. Panting softly as he removed his guitar and handed it off to Aaron, he tried desperately to clear his mind.

  “Damn little brother! I hope you saved some of that passion for later,” Otis called out, grinning at him, and Noah looked up with a surprised frown.

  “If that little run through was any indication, tonight's show is going be fucking crazy,” Buzzy smiled as he walked away from his drums.

  “That was awesome, man,” Cory chimed in. Then he stepped closer and lowered his voice so that only Noah could hear when he added, “It almost felt like you were trying to tell her something.”

  Noah looked at his friend with a defeated sigh, and Cory swiftly patted his arm as he turned away and discarded his own guitar.

  They went about the usual business of pre-show prep then, heading to the backstage area and then on to the Green Room where Noah and Otis sat down for a televised interview with a British entertainment program, and Cory, Benji and Buz were interviewed by a local news reporter.

  Mercy stayed right on Mike's heels as he ventured backstage, not wanting to miss a single thing. She watched in fascination as all the activity went on around her. And as their press obligations finished, the guys each made their way to the dressing room to relax before time to go on. They weren't big on flashy costume changes or special wardrobes. They were your basic, come-as-you-are, gritty rock and roll band, and they each intended to get onstage in exactly the clothes they were wearing right now. Sure, there were some cool looking jackets and comfortable flannel shirts and tees set aside for each of them in case they desired a change, but mostly their dressing room was simply a place to kick back before going onstage. More often than not, Noah and Otis would each do a quick session with their vocal coach before a show, and there was always a small hair and make-up crew on hand, even though the guys were all pretty low maintenance. There was food for anyone who wanted it, and always plenty to drink.

  Mercy sat at the end of a couch in the dressing room, looking around and pinching herself. She quietly reached into her bag and took out her camera once more. This was the perfect setting for getting some great candid shots. Looking to the corner of the large space, she focused on Cory as he sat in a chair with his cellphone to his ear, talking softly. The smile on his face was clearly meant for whomever he was talking to, and it was adorable. Must be his actress girlfriend, she thought. He looked right at her when he saw the flash, and for a moment Mercy wasn't sure if he was angry or not. Then he gave her that easy-going smile of his and she smiled back. Cory reminded her of a happy-go-lucky puppy, always excited and ready to play.

  She looked around then and spotted Benji and Otis deep in conversation about something. They looked as though they were having a terrific debate, both very animated as they talked. The flash of her camera interrupted them momentarily and they both looked at her with smiles. Otis winked at her and she gave him a slight roll of her eyes as she turned away. Buz was talking to Mike as he used the table in front of them as a makeshift drum, tapping out a constant rhythm with his drumsticks. He pointed the drumsticks at her when the camera's flash got their attention and she quickly snapped that shot as well.

  With a smile, she turned to find Noah staring directly at her, his expression unreadable. His beautiful blue-green eyes were intense and brooding, and his steady gaze unnerved her. For one fleeting second she felt intimidated and thought about lowering her camera. But then she raised it anyway, focusing on his handsome face, and took the shot. When she lowered the camera and looked at him, he simply blinked from the flash and looked away with a slight frown, and Mercy couldn't help but wonder what was up with him. He was so moody and distant all the time. She didn't remember him being that way four years ago. Back then, he seemed buoyant and carefree and passionate about everything. Just as intense, but in a different way. Now it was almost like watching another person. His passion seemed to be replaced by brooding.

  “Alright, sweet thing,” Otis said as he sat down beside her and draped his arm over her shoulder. “Show me all those pictures you been taking on that contraption.”

  She smiled at the distraction and settled into him as she scrolled through all the pictures she had taking that day. And she blushed when he raved about them, telling her what a great eye she had.

  “Mercy's always been great at photography,” Mike spoke up proudly
. “I took some of the shots she did for school assignments and had them blown up and framed. They're hanging in my study at home.”

  “Hey, let me see those,” Benji spoke up, leaning over the back of the couch. Soon, all the guys were clamoring around her, jockeying for position as they looked at her pictures. All of them except Noah, of course. He watched the scene from his chair, feeling his frustration rise. He felt like such a fucking idiot whenever she was in the room. Completely unable to engage. He couldn't think straight, couldn't focus on anything but her and thoughts of the night they'd spent together.

  Sighing heavily, he stood up, needing to get some distance. He ventured over to the side of the room where a table was set up, loaded with food and alcohol. Grabbing a bottle of his friend Jack, he took it to the back of the room, away from everyone else, and opened it up as he took a seat. He didn't usually drink before a show. Well, not on this tour anyway. Getting loaded before a show was something the whole band used to do on a regular basis back in the early days. But Noah had grown up a lot since then. At least, he hoped he had. He felt as though he had. Until his mystery girl suddenly stepped back into his life. Now he wasn't certain which way was up anymore. He shook his head disgustedly as he mulled it all over, bringing the bottle to his lips and taking a quick swig.

  He wasn't sure how long he sat there alone, lurking in the shadows. But it was long enough to be startled when he glanced up and suddenly realized there was no one in the dressing room but him and Mercy. She sat across the room tinkering with her camera, and Noah felt his stomach twist and tighten at the thought of being alone with her. Even for a moment. But he suddenly felt compelled to move toward her. He stood up, replacing the cap on the bottle of whiskey as he slowly made his way to the other side of the room. He placed the bottle back onto the table and looked over at her.

  Mercy looked up and felt an unmistakeable charge of electricity when their eyes locked. She wasn't exactly sure how they had ended up alone, but she couldn't say she was disappointed. He was so beautiful, those light, piercing eyes against his olive skin. She really wanted to kiss him. And she hated herself for it, remembering the pain of rejection she'd felt from him. But that was a long time ago and she had promised herself that she was moving on. She held his gaze for several seconds before finally looking away nervously.


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