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The Essential Jagged Ivory (Jagged Ivory Boxed Set)

Page 74

by Lashell Collins

  She inhaled deeply as she took in her surroundings. It was sort of crazy to think about, but at this very moment she was surrounded by famous rock stars and a big name actress, sitting in the lap of luxury at a small mansion high in the hills. And this was about to become her life. Her new reality. Janie shook her head again at the thought as she looked down at the incredibly beautiful, five carat, pale blue stunner on her finger. Its beauty took her by surprise every time she looked at it, and she never failed to swoon as she thought about Robby's words before he slipped it onto her finger.

  They had been in Las Vegas, just two weeks ago, for one of the band's final tour stops on the last leg of the Thank Heaven tour, and Robby had somehow talked Fae and Benji into keeping an eye on Bobby for a few hours so that they could be alone for a while. He spent the time eating pizza and playing video games in their hotel suite while she and Robby had a romantic, candlelit dinner in theirs. She smiled at the memory because she should have known something was up when he suddenly grew extremely nervous after they finished their crème brûlée.


  “Look, Janie … I know that we've already done this,” he had said anxiously. “I've already asked the question, and you've already said yes, but … well, it … it's still not really official yet.”

  Janie had laughed slightly at him because he looked so cute as he fumbled over his words. “Robby, what are you talking about?”

  Without another awkward word, he had pulled out a small velvet box from his pocket, and Janie's giggle became a quiet gasp of surprise. He opened the box to reveal the most beautiful diamond she had ever seen. Pale blue, her favorite color, just like his eyes. Slowly, he moved from his chair to a kneeling position on the floor in front of her, and then he looked up into her eyes.

  “Janie … you are the only woman I have ever loved. And even though the music has taken me around the world and back again … my life was never the same without you in it. I feel like my world began again when you stepped back into my life. I want to share that life, and all that I have with you. Will you marry me, Janie?” he whispered.

  Janie could feel the tears hitting her cheeks before she nodded her head. “Yes! Yes, I'll marry you,” she answered.


  Janie nearly pinched herself as she smiled at the memory. She loved him so much. And she knew in her heart that this is where she and Bobby were supposed to be. As fantastic and improbable as it seemed, Robby was their home. Wherever he wanted to take them, she and their son would follow. She never wanted to be apart from him again. She would live in Los Angeles or Timbuktu if that was where he was.

  Robby's home was so beautiful, and Janie's jaw had just about dropped the first time she had stepped inside a few days ago. Nestled away in the Hollywood Hills, high above the city below, it overlooked Los Angeles and even the Pacific Ocean in the distance with breathtaking panoramic views. The house itself was stunning. Very sleek and modern, with entire walls made of glass to take advantage of the amazing vistas. It was an architect's dream. Elegantly furnished in rich, deep hues of gray, purple and blue, it was masculine and warm, and Janie had loved it right away. But the dark furnishings didn't overwhelm the space because the glass walls let in an abundance of light throughout. It wasn't a huge place – only four bedrooms – but it was easily ten times as large as the tiny home she and Bobby had been living in back in Ohio. The rooms were spacious, to say the least, and it did boast a very roomy home theater that could easily seat twenty people or so. Not to mention a lovely home office which Robby said he never used, and urged her to feel free to take it over as a space to write in. And he had stressed to her, over and over, that this was now her and Bobby's home and that he wanted them to get used to thinking of it that way.

  “Now if you don't like how it's decorated, don't worry about that, okay?” Robby had said as he took them from room to room and showed them the entire house, staring at her anxiously the whole time. “'Cause it's all just furniture and paint, you know. It can all be changed with no problem. And, Janie … you can change it however you want to, baby. In fact, it could probably use a feminine touch,” he had smiled. “This is your home now, and I want you and Bobby to feel at home here, okay?”

  Janie smiled as she thought about how sweet he was being, and she could tell how hard he was working to make their transition an easy one. Things had been excited and tense for the three of them since arriving in L.A. just a few days ago, and she knew that this impromptu pool party was his way of forcing them all to take a breather for a little while and have some fun. He had ordered a huge spread from a local barbecue place and invited 'their family' over to help them relax, and they had spent the afternoon just hanging out, chatting, swimming and playing. Janie could see that both of her guys were having a great time in the pool, and she had to admit that lounging in the sun with the incredible view before her and laughing with her new girlfriends was doing a lot to calm her nerves. This day of relaxation before all the craziness began tomorrow really was a terrific idea.

  Buzzy climbed out of the pool and ran his hands down the length of his long, black locks, wringing out the excess water. And he laughed as he watched Otis and Bobby splashing each other as they battled it out in the water.

  “Yeah, that's my boy,” Buz yelled, smiling at them. “Don't let him get you, Bobby!”

  Grabbing a towel, he began to dry himself off as he slowly walked over to Janie's lounger, letting his eyes roam over her bikini-clad figure. Damn, she was sexy! He leaned down to kiss her forehead as he sat, facing her, and she smiled at him.

  “Having a good time?” he asked softly.

  She said nothing as she nodded her head, and Buz mimicked her actions, nodding back at her.

  “The guys are starting to get hungry. You ready to eat?”

  Again, she said nothing and responded with a nod of her head.

  “Cat got your tongue?” he asked with a raised eyebrow, and Janie nodded once more, still smiling at him. And he frowned at her before proceeding to tickle her, loving the way she yelped and giggled as she squirmed. He leaned in and kissed her for a long moment, letting his hand glide slowly from her neck down over her breast and over her bare belly to her waist. Then he rested his forehead against hers.

  “I love you,” Janie whispered, caressing his face with her hand.

  “I love you,” he answered, looking into her eyes. “Are you ready for this? Just a couple more days, you know?”

  “I know,” Janie confirmed with a smile. “I can't wait.”

  He smiled at her again, feeling so much love for her. With the American leg of the tour finally over, the band had four whole weeks of rest and relaxation to contend with before the tour moved on to Australia. And he and Janie had made big plans for those four weeks of down time.

  They had been in perfect sync about everything. In fact, it was amazing to him how smoothly it had all fallen into place once she said yes. Just like it was all meant to be. He wasn't certain exactly how he had done it, but somehow Buzzy had gotten her to agree to stay with him for the rest of the summer leg of the tour, so she and Bobby had never gone back to Cleveland to stay. Instead, they had gone back to gather some of their things for the road. And while they were there, they had dined at her Uncle Hyo's restaurant and spent some time talking to him and explaining that they were getting married and that Janie wouldn't be coming back to work at the restaurant. She and Bobby had been on the tour bus ever since, and Buz and Janie spent a lot of time on the Internet together, looking at all the different schools in his neighborhood for Bobby. They weighed the merits and the pros and cons of each of them, but because Buzzy really wanted them to come to Australia, and then Asia, with him, they had decided to hire a teacher to travel with them to homeschool Bobby on the road. That way he wouldn't fall behind, and when the tour was over in December, they could enroll him in the private school they had chosen.

  He knew that it wouldn't always be this way. He understood that they wouldn't always be able to tra
vel with him whenever Jagged Ivory was on the road, especially once Bobby was enrolled at a traditional school and Janie started writing again. But since they had just gotten back together, and he and Bobby were still just getting to know each other, it was so important to Buz that he not be separated from them again so quickly. And thankfully, Janie had agreed with him.

  It was all working out perfectly. He had wanted for Janie and Bobby to come out and spend this month with him in L.A. before he had to jet off to the other side of the world. And instead, they were using this month to get married and to spend some quality time at home as a family before they all took that trip to the other side of the world together. It was the greatest scenario Buzzy could have imagined. Better than he ever dreamed. He was finally getting the girl of his dreams. The woman he had loved for so long was finally about to become his.

  The guys all filed out of the pool then, drying off as everyone made their way over to the long dining table that stood on the elegant patio, where Buzzy's housekeeper had set out their barbecue feast. They served themselves buffet style and sat at the table as they ate and talked and enjoyed each other's company.

  They were laughing at something Cory had just said when Mercy suddenly looked up with a slightly surprised expression.


  They all turned at once to see Mike Holland stepping out onto the patio with a smile. He was wearing a pair of gray suit pants and a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. The tie around his neck was loosened considerably and he looked like a man just ending a particularly long day. There was a chorus of, “Hey, Mike,” as they all greeted him warmly.

  “Hey,” he replied, looking around the table. “So this is where the party is, huh?”

  “Yeah, man. Grab yourself a plate and join us,” Buzzy offered.

  “Can I get you something to drink, Mr. Holland?” Janie asked, and he smiled at her.

  “Janie … I don't know why, but in two days you are going to marry this crazy loser,” Mike said, patting Buzzy on the shoulder.

  Buz laughed out loud. “Thanks, man!”

  “You're welcome,” Mike smiled at him, and then turned his attention back to Janie. “Then you will officially become part of this wacky clan here. So please call me Mike, like everyone else.”

  Janie giggled at him. “Would you like something to drink, Mike?” she tried again.

  “No, thank you, dear,” he smiled. “I'm on my way to Alison's for dinner.”

  “Mike, what's going on, man?” Noah asked, wiping the barbecue sauce from his hands. “Does this have something to do with Jagged Ivory?”

  “No, son, it doesn't. I didn't even know you guys were here,” Mike shrugged.

  “Well, are you looking for me, Dad?” Mercy asked.

  “Nope,” Mike answered, shaking his head. “Like I said, I had no clue that you all were here, and I'm actually very sorry that I've interrupted your dinner. I apologize. I just came to talk to Buz and Janie about something.”

  “What's this about, Mike?” Buz asked, frowning at him.

  “Well, as I was driving to Alison's, I got a call from Susie Bernard, my publisher friend in New York,” he said, turning to look at Buz and Janie once more. “The one I sent the copies of your children's books to. She flipped for them. She's very interested in publishing the entire series.”

  “Oh, my God,” Janie whispered, suddenly feeling extremely lightheaded. Did he really just say what she thought she'd heard? She looked over at Robby to find him smiling broadly at her, and a queasy feeling seized hold of her stomach. Was this for real?

  “She especially loved the crayon drawings that illustrate each book,” Mike continued, “and she wanted to know if either of you would have any issues with them staying, seeing as the artist is your very young son. She wants to meet with you, Janie, at your earliest convenience,” he said as he dug a card out of his shirt pocket and handed it over to her. “She's even willing to work around your wedding and tour schedules to make it happen. She's expecting you to call in a few days after the wedding hoopla dies down.”

  Buzzy reached over and grabbed Janie's hand, lightly squeezing it and getting her attention. “I am so proud of you, baby,” he smiled. “I told you those Bobby Books were incredible!”

  “Janie! That is amazing news,” Fae exclaimed.

  “Congratulations, girlfriend,” Donna said, giving her a quick hug.

  Janie was soon hugged and congratulated by everyone at the table, and Bobby frowned as he looked from her to Buz and back again.


  “Hmm?” Buz replied, looking down at him.

  “What's happening?”

  “Well, your mom is about to become a published author, buddy,” he answered. And Bobby continued to frown.

  “What does that mean?” Bobby asked.

  “That means that very soon, people everywhere are going to be able to read all those Bobby Books that your mom wrote for you,” he explained. “And they'll be able to buy them so that they can read them to their kids.”

  Bobby's eyes grew wide as he listened to his father's words, and he looked at him in surprise. “Really?”

  “Yep. Really,” Buz smiled. “How do you feel about that, Bobby? I mean … those books were written for you. Do you mind if the world gets to read them?”

  Janie suddenly turned to Bobby with great concern. “Sweetheart … your dad's right. I wrote those books for you. Do you mind if they get published?”

  All eyes were on Bobby for a moment as the child appeared to think about her question. “I think it's cool,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. “Congratulations, Mom.”

  “Thank you, sweetie,” Janie said, pulling him into her arms.

  Dinner became a celebration after that, and Janie melted when Robby took her hand once more and brought it to his lips.


  “No fucking way,” Cory laughed out loud.

  “Man, are you shitting me?” Benji asked, giving him a smile that said he just could not believe it.

  “Oh, come on! He's joking,” Noah said, rolling his eyes with a smile. “You know he is!”

  “No, I am totally serious right now. I swear, man,” Buzzy laughed as he turned toward the mirror and looked over his appearance one more time. “She just took one of those tests last night.”

  “You know, Buz, they came out with this new invention a few years back specifically designed to prevent this kind of thing from happening,” Otis chimed in. “They're called rubbers. You might know them as condoms!”

  Buzzy's laughter grew. He couldn't blame them for being surprised. Lord knew he was shocked as hell. Shocked and happy, he had to admit. And so fucking excited! “Yeah, I know all about 'em, man! In fact, Janie and I used to use them all the time and we still ended up with Bobby. What can I say, O, … I guess I'm just a potent motherfucker,” he smiled, and his bandmates laughed with him.

  “Well, congratulations, brother,” Otis grinned as he gave Buz a light hug.

  “Yeah, Buz. We're happy for you, man,” Noah spoke up, patting his friend's shoulder.

  “Now let's just get you hitched so that I won't be the only married one around here anymore,” Cory smiled, adjusting his tie in the mirror. “You nervous, man?” he asked.

  “No,” Buzzy answered without hesitation. “Anxious to make it official, but not nervous,” he said, and Cory smiled at him.

  “Hey, speaking of official,” Benji suddenly asked, “what about Bobby? Did that name change ever go through?”

  “Yep. He is now officially mini me,” Buzzy smiled. “Robert Andrew West Jr.”

  They all smiled at him as they gave themselves one last glance in the mirror, making sure their charcoal gray tuxedos and navy blue ties were perfect.

  “Hey, Buz,” Cory said with a frown as he looked out onto the backyard.

  “Yeah, man?”

  “Did you invite my dad today?”

  “Your dad?” Buz asked with raised eyebrows. “Um … I barely kno
w your dad, man. I'm sorry, should I have …”

  “No, no, no. You don't understand,” Cory said, waving a hand at his explanation and still looking out the back wall to the yard. “He's here.”

  “He is?”

  “Yeah. He and my mom just walked in. Together,” Cory said quietly.

  The guys all turned to him with concerned glances. “How do you feel about that, man?” Noah asked. “I mean, you knew they were talking more, but did you know that they were … dating?”

  “Yeah,” Cory sighed and nodded his head. “I mean, I knew that they'd had a couple dinners together. Not really dates. Or maybe I just didn't want to know. I don't know how I feel about it to be honest. I mean I've always known that she never got over him. And after talking to him, I know that he feels the same way.”

  “So what worries you?” Otis asked.

  “I don't know,” Cory shrugged. “I'm glad I've met Charlie; I'm grateful for the chance to get to know him. And I've enjoyed our talks. He's a good guy, you know? He just … his intentions are always good. He just has trouble pulling it together sometimes. And maybe all he needs is for his family to believe in him again. But I just don't want my mom to be hurt if he can't figure it out, you know?”

  They were all silent for a minute as they watched him. And then Buzzy spoke up, saying, “You know, Cory … I know the situations are completely different. I mean, I didn't have the gambling issues your dad did, and I wasn't forced to walk out on my wife and kids. But I have to tell you, man … I kind of … identify with Charlie. Recent experiences have made me feel for the man.” He paused for a moment as he looked his friend in the eye. “I didn't know that Bobby existed, so I can't speak on that part of it. But I do know what it's like to be so in love with someone, and to know that she's out there somewhere, but you can't be with her for whatever reason. I know the ache that that man must have carried around with him every single day for your entire life. I was lucky. For me, it was only eight years. But for him? Charlie Dutton's been in pain for twenty-eight years, man. Twenty-eight years he's been without the woman he loves. That's a long, long fucking time.”


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