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The Essential Jagged Ivory (Jagged Ivory Boxed Set)

Page 80

by Lashell Collins

  “Because, brother, I am actually hoping that I lose this bet. And if I do … hopefully Otis will come out of it a better man. And I’m willing to give up the Hendrix Fender Strat for that,” he smiled.

  “So what? You’re hoping Otis will fall in love with this girl?” Benji asked.

  “Nah, man. I’m not expecting him to fall in love with her,” Noah answered. “I just want him to get a little taste of what it is he’s missing out on by always trying to avoid relationships, you know? The way you feel about Fae. The way I feel about Mercy. I just want Otis to have that. I want him to be open to finding that. And maybe this little exercise will help him get there.”


  Brooke sat thinking about the crash and what a crazy day it had been. And it had only gotten crazier after the crash. Her car had been towed to a local garage, and she had spent over half an hour trying to explain the situation to the mechanic.

  She had no idea what was wrong with it, other than the front end of it was completely banged up. She rolled her eyes at herself as she remembered the way the mechanic had looked at her like she was wasting his time as she tried to explain what happened. Why were men always so smug when it came to cars? Treating women like they were idiots when it came to all things motor related. It never failed to tick her off. They acted like cars were the greatest things on earth.

  “You have destroyed my car!”

  Brooke rolled her eyes once more as she remembered the way that pompous ass had yelled at her. Otis Ivory. Who the hell did he think he was? First berating her for her irresponsibility, and then bribing her for a dinner date! And she still couldn’t believe that she had actually agreed to go out with him. But she’d had no choice. It was either that or live without her license for six months.

  “He is the most arrogant, egotistical, self-important jerk I have ever met in my entire life,” she had practically screamed when her sister Michelle came to pick her up.

  Shelly was two years younger than Brooke, but much more put together. She had a really good job as a nurse working in a successful plastic surgery clinic, and a nice boyfriend who taught science at Beverly Hills high school. She and Shelly shared the rent on a small house in Baldwin Hills, a suburb that sat smack in the middle of Los Angeles. Both sisters had worked their way through college, splitting things like rent and grocery bills, and wardrobes, in order to save money.

  “Cut him a little slack, Brooke,” Michelle smiled. “He is a rock star. I think they’re supposed to be egotistical jerks, aren’t they?”

  Brooke said nothing as she rolled her eyes at her. Shelly was always so starry-eyed, seeing the good in everyone.

  “God, I can’t believe you’re actually going to dinner with him,” Shelly gushed, smiling like a star-struck teenager backstage at a boy band concert, and Brooke just stared at her. “What? Aren’t you excited? It’s Otis Ivory, Brooke! Otis Ivory … from Jagged Ivory!”

  “I don’t know who Jagged Ivory is, Shell,” Brooke sighed. “I only know the name Otis Ivory because of all the news clips about him lately. And I gotta tell you, I’m not too crazy about the idea of going out with someone like him!”

  “Someone like him?” Shelly repeated with a shocked tone of voice. “Brooke, I’m surprised at you! You know as well as I do that the crap you see on TV and on tabloids is usually just a crock of shit! You only get the info they want you get, and the poor celebrity is always made to look completely crazy or unstable.”

  “Those reports are not always wrong, Shelly,” Brooke countered.

  “They’re not always right either,” her sister shot back. “And you do know who Jagged Ivory is because I play their CDs around here all the time. I’ve even caught you humming along and pirouetting around to their music!”

  “I do not pirouette to rock music,” she sighed.

  “Why, I thought you didn’t know who Jagged Ivory was,” Shelly mused sarcastically. “How did you know they sing rock music?”

  “Whatever,” she sighed. “I just can’t believe that I agreed to go out with such an arrogant ass.”

  Shelly shook her head as she smiled at her. “What are you going to wear?”

  Brooke rolled her eyes once more in response.

  Chapter Three

  Brooke looked herself over in the mirror and let out a frustrated groan. She couldn’t wear this. With a huff, she reached behind her and began to struggle with her zipper. When she got it unzipped, she pulled her arms out of the sleeves and shimmied out of the red dress, tossing it aside. This was driving her crazy.

  The problem was that she had no freaking clue where she was going on this date from hell, so she had absolutely no idea how to dress. What do you wear to have dinner with an egotistical jerk who apparently likes having sex with minors on camera?

  “Well, I don’t think you can go like that,” Shelly said jokingly as she stepped into her room, taking in her sister’s pretty pale pink, strapless, lace bra and panties. “What happened to the blue one you had on just a minute ago?”

  “Oh, I didn’t like it, Shell, it made me look like a hooker,” she answered, combing through her closet. “What do you think of this?” she asked, pulling out a simple black cocktail dress. It was one she had bought at a thrift shop in Hollywood that she and Shelly liked to go to because they could usually find beautiful, designer things that the rich and privileged women in this town had worn maybe a couple of times and then cast off. And the prices were usually very reasonable, considering. This particular dress was a Tadashi Shoji with a one-shoulder neckline and a three quarter left sleeve that kept her right shoulder bare. It had a pencil skirt that hit her at the knee, and strips of mesh at the hem and the neckline that exposed her flesh in peek-a-boo fashion.

  “Oh, I’ve always liked that one. And you look fabulous in it,” Shelly said. “It’s a great choice! Especially since you’ve already tried just about every other dress in your closet, and you’re running out of time.”

  Brooke groaned once more as she quickly shimmied into the form-fitting dress and slipped her left arm into the sleeve. “Can you help me?” she muttered, turning around as Shelly stood to zip her up. “What time is it?”

  “Seven twenty-five,” she answered, checking the time on her phone.

  Brooke snorted softly as Shelly finished with her zipper and she stepped in front of the mirror again, smoothing her hands over the fabric of the dress at her hips. Shelly was right, she had to admit. She did look great in this dress. Although she had no idea why she cared how she looked.

  “I don’t even know why I’m going through all of this. Why should I care how I look tonight? It’s not like I’m trying to impress this jerk,” she mumbled as she stepped into her black pumps.

  “Maybe you care because you know that you’ve been protesting a little too much,” Shelly responded with a grin.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You know what it means,” she smiled. “I think you’re attracted to him. I think you’re even a little flattered that he asked you out.”

  “I am not attracted to that arrogant pig!” Her voice was haughty as she glared at her sister.

  “Mmm hmm,” Shelly replied as the corners of her mouth turned up.

  “You do realize that he basically bribed me for this date, right? He didn’t ask me out like a normal person. I mean, what kind of man does that?”

  “The kind who are rock stars?” Shelly offered with a smile.

  “Who’s side are you on?”

  “I am always on your side, Brooke,” Shelly sighed, rolling her eyes. “Stop being so dramatic. You know, if you’d relax and stop concentrating on hating him so much, you might just enjoy yourself tonight. I mean, I know we live in L.A., but how many times have you been out on a date with a real celebrity?”

  “Never,” Brooke practically shouted. “And I never aspired to!”

  Shelly opened her mouth to argue, but her eyes grew wide with excitement as they both saw the lights of a car pulling up into the
ir driveway.

  “Oh, my God! He’s here,” Shelly squealed, actually jumping around like a little girl and peeking out the curtains covering the window.

  “Why are you so excited about this?” Brooke asked as she watched her sister have a small meltdown.

  “I’m a fan, okay? So, sue me!” She rushed to the door of Brooke’s bedroom, turning back to say, “I’ll answer the door; you brush your hair!”

  When she dashed out of the room, Brooke rolled her eyes. She had never seen Shelly act this ridiculously before. And over some rock star, no less.

  Otis climbed out of his Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren feeling only slightly nervous. For a brief moment on his drive over, he wondered if perhaps Brooke had given him a fake address. He knew very well that she could have sent him on a wild goose chase tonight without ever having the slightest intention of keeping their date. And as he walked to the front door of the house, he knew that was still possible. It could be anyone behind this door he was about to knock on, and he was suddenly grateful that he had thought to bring Clyde along. The bodyguard was now parked in front of the house in a separate vehicle, and he would be shadowing them all evening.

  He took a deep breath as he reached out to knock. And he was surprised at the level of anxiety he felt as he waited. When the door swung open, he was greeted by the bright smile of a very attractive young woman. She looked a lot like Brooke, only with much shorter hair that was cut into a sexy bob that framed her face, and she had pretty, hazel eyes.

  “Oh, my God,” she smiled, and Otis felt immediate relief. This was obviously the right place and Brooke hadn’t tried to ditch him. “Please, come in!”

  He stepped inside and looked around at the modest living room as the girl continued to gush. “It is so nice to meet you, Mr. Ivory! I can’t believe you’re really standing in my living room. I just about died when Brooke told me the story of what happened. And I’m so sorry about your car! And I know that she is too, but this is just so exciting!”

  Her words were coming out in an exhilarated rush, and Otis couldn’t help but smile at her. She hadn’t let him get a single word in, but he knew immediately that he liked her.

  “You’ll have to excuse my sister,” Brooke said as she descended the stairs and entered the living room. “She’s a little star-struck at the moment. Apparently she’s a fan of … whatever it is that you do.”

  Otis took note of the snide comment about Jagged Ivory, but he didn’t acknowledge it. Partly because he didn’t want to give her the satisfaction. But mostly because he was rendered speechless at the sight of her. She was dressed in a form-fitting, black cocktail dress and heels, and she looked amazing.

  “Oh, my Gosh, she’s right! I am such a fan; I love your music, and it is such an honor to meet you! I’m Michelle, by the way. But you can call me Shelly.”

  Otis tore his gaze away from Brooke and turned his attention back to her sister. “It’s very nice to meet you, Shelly. I’m Otis,” he said, taking her hand.

  The girl giggled as he shook her hand, and Otis loved the way her eyes sparkled when she did. She was adorable in her own way, and if circumstances were different, he might be trying his best to work both sisters into his bed. Together. But he had a new agenda here, thanks to Noah’s challenge. Besides, the sister was cute, but she couldn’t hold a candle to the bombshell standing next to them. He turned and met her gaze, holding it for a moment before he said, “Shall we?”

  “Yep,” Brooke replied. “Let’s get this over with.”

  Otis couldn’t help smiling at her attitude, and he knew this was going to be an interesting evening.

  “Otis, please don’t let my sister scare you away,” Shelly said, smiling at him as they moved toward the door. “Underneath that hard exterior, is a truly incredible woman.”

  “Oh, I can see that,” Otis said with a quiet smile as he looked into Brooke’s eyes.

  Brooke could feel herself blushing and she looked away, unable to hold his gaze as she opened the door and stepped outside.

  He followed her out and lightly placed a hand on her back as they walked to his car. Another obscenely expensive-looking sports car, she noted. But she couldn’t deny that the thing looked sexy. And he opened the door for her and waited for her to get in, as if he were a perfect gentleman.

  He closed her door, and as she watched him walk around to the driver’s side, she couldn’t help but notice how good he looked in the suit and tie he was wearing. Not at all what she expected to see him in after she had Googled him last night and watched a bunch of Jagged Ivory’s videos on YouTube. She had to admit the music was catchy, and she may have even downloaded a few of the songs to her iPod. And she hadn’t been able to get “Slave For Your Love” or “Surrender” out of her head all day. But watching those videos also brought home the notion that Otis Ivory was not at all a difficult man to look at. And if she were being completely honest with herself, she would admit that he had looked pretty damn scrumptious the other day when their cars had collided. He had been wearing jeans and an Ozzy Osborne t-shirt, and she’d been able to see the ripples and bulges of his muscles. Those same ripples and bulges filled out the black suit he was wearing now quite nicely, she noticed.

  But she couldn’t let those kinds of thoughts cloud her judgment tonight. She refused to be taken in by whatever rock star charm he possessed. She had never been the type to get star-struck like her sister, and she wasn’t about to start now.

  Otis slid into the driver’s seat behind the wheel and fastened his seat belt as he started up the car.

  “So, how much did you pay for this one?” Brooke asked flippantly, remembering the ridiculous amount of money he mentioned the other day. And Otis smiled at her. His McLaren was worth about half a million dollars.

  “Not quite what I paid for the one that’s now sitting crumpled in the dealership’s garage,” he replied as he backed out of the driveway and onto the street. And Brooke felt herself blush again. She really did feel very guilty about what had happened, even though he was a jerk.

  “Um, so … where are we going?” she asked awkwardly, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear as she endeavored to change the subject.

  “Well, I promised you a nice meal in an elegant restaurant,” he smiled. “So, I’m taking you to one of my favorite places.”

  “Hmm. You promised me interesting company too as I recall,” she said softly.

  Otis smiled at her again. “Yes, I did. You don’t find me interesting, Ms. McKenna?”

  Brooke stared at him for a moment. “I find you puzzling, Mr. Ivory.”

  “Puzzling good? Or Puzzling bad?” he asked.

  “I haven’t actually decided that yet,” she answered quietly, and Otis’ smile grew bigger. The fact that she hadn’t yet decided meant he still had a shot at making a connection with her. Which meant he had a shot at proving his brother wrong and winning this bet.

  The rest of their drive was plagued with awkward silences and painful small talk about the weather, but luckily they didn’t have too far to go. He took her to The Little Door on Third St., and when they got out of the car and Otis handed the keys off to the valet, Brooke glanced around with an uncertain gaze.

  “You’ve never been here?” Otis asked, taking in her confusion.

  “Been where?” she asked, still looking around. “Where are we?” She saw no obvious entrance, no sign or anything. Only she did see a small crowd milling about a small door.

  “Come on,” he smiled, placing a hand on her lower back and leading her toward the crowd.

  They made their way to the door, and the minute they stepped inside, Brooke felt as though they had stepped into someone’s private, hidden garden. The foliage was lush and beautiful with abundant ferns and bougainvillea everywhere, and as they were taken to their reserved table, she saw a large tiled fountain and a Koi pond. There were wrought iron candelabras everywhere that gave the place a soft, romantic glow, and it was almost like stepping out of Los Angeles and into a Euro
pean courtyard.

  As they sat looking over their menus Brooke couldn’t help glancing around and taking it all in. The place was beautiful. It was easily the nicest place she had ever been to, and it was obviously an incredibly romantic spot. Otis ordered them each a glass of champagne, and she looked at him in surprise.

  “Are we celebrating something, Mr. Ivory?”

  “Yes,” he smiled. “We’re celebrating getting to know one another. And addressing each other by our first names. I’ll try it if you will.”

  Brooke shook her head, giving him a reluctant smile. “Okay … Otis.”

  “There. That wasn’t so hard, was it?” he asked.

  She said nothing as she shook her head again.

  “We’re also celebrating the fact that neither one of us was hurt the other day when our cars collided. How about that?” he added.

  Brooke frowned slightly. “I really am sorry about that,” she began. “I don’t have an excuse except that I was rushing to get to work on time. I had been late for my first class the day before and I was determined that it wasn’t going to happen again. Only it did happen again, because I hit you, and I ended up having to miss the entire day of classes dealing with my car.”

  “Well, I’m sorry I made you miss a day of class,” Otis offered as the waiter brought them their champagne. “To neither of us being hurt,” he said, raising his glass to her.

  She picked up her glass and lightly clinked it with his, and then took a sip. They placed their orders, and as the waiter left them, they suddenly heard a friendly voice beside their table.

  “Otis Ivory, you dirty dog.”

  They both looked up, and Brooke stared wide-eyed as Jeffery Fremont smiled at them. She tried to pinch herself as the wildly popular actor stood trading barbs with her date. What was she thinking on the ride here about not getting star-struck?

  “What are you doing here, man?” Otis smiled as the two shook hands.

  “Leaving actually. I just had dinner with my sister and my dad. Sara’s production company has a script she and Dad want the three of us to think about doing together,” the actor explained, pointing toward the door where his very famous sibling and father stood waiting. And Brooke couldn’t believe she was actually seeing the family of actors in person. Not that she had never seen a celebrity before. This was L.A. after all. But it wasn’t like it was an everyday occurrence for her either. Otis waved to them and they smiled and returned his greeting.


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