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The Essential Jagged Ivory (Jagged Ivory Boxed Set)

Page 94

by Lashell Collins

  Cleo nodded. “Beautiful dress, by the way! They also said you would neither confirm nor deny,” the woman smiled.

  “Oh, Cleo, I don’t know what to do! How do I handle this? I’ve never dated a famous person before; I have no idea how to deal with things like sex scandals and paparazzi and tabloids! Which, I understand, I was on the cover of apparently,” she said with a roll of her eyes.

  “The girls mentioned that,” Cleo smiled, pulling out a chair and sitting down as Brooke followed suit.

  “Yeah. That’s what has me worried,” she admitted.

  “I figured as much.”

  “Cleo … I don’t know what to do. This has the potential to get ugly for me. And for you and this studio. If someone recognizes me from Sparkles it could completely destroy my credibility as a dance teacher here. Not to mention this studio’s reputation.”

  “Well, no offense, sweetie … but I think my reputation is what this place was built on. It’ll take more than a little moonlighting at Sparkles Gentleman’s Club to bring it down,” Cleo stated. “Besides, you know I don’t cower easily.”

  “Cleo, you are too much,” Brooke sighed. “How can you be so supportive of me in this?”

  “Because I know that you’re a fantastic dancer,” Cleo answered without hesitation. “And more importantly, you’re an even better teacher. And you’re as passionate about this place as I am. Which is why, scandal or no scandal … I still want you to consider my offer.”


  “Alright, buddy,” Otis said, hanging up his cellphone and turning to Bobby. “I’m sorry that I have to cut this visit short, but I’ve got to go handle some business apparently. But I’ll come back tomorrow and we’ll finish that game, okay?”

  “You promise?” Bobby asked, looking up at him.

  “Come on,” Otis smirked at him. “Have I ever lied to you?”

  “Nope,” Bobby smiled, shaking his head.

  “Okay then. So, I’ll see you tomorrow, alright? And you’d better be prepared to lose,” he said, smiling at the child.

  “Ooh! Bobby, you gonna let him trash talk you like that?” Benji smiled.

  The little boy shook his head with a bashful smile. “You’re going down Uncle Otis!”

  “I’m going down, huh? We’ll see about that,” Otis replied, grabbing the child and tickling him mercilessly for a moment. And he couldn’t help laughing himself at the sound of the child’s giggles. “Alright, buddy. I’ve gotta go.”

  “Any idea what this is about?” Benji asked as he walked him to the door.

  “No. Mike wouldn’t say over the phone. But I’m guessing it’s about the whole Kinky Kiki thing,” he answered.

  “Yeah, but the news is saying there won’t be any statutory rape charges, so … what else could it be?”

  Otis snorted softly. “Yeah, well … you and I both know the entertainment news hounds don’t always get it right.”

  “You think there could be more charges somehow?” Benji asked.

  “I don’t know what to think, brother,” Otis sighed, feeling tired all of a sudden. “And there’s only way to find out. I’ll call you later.”

  “Alright, man. Keep your head up.”

  He strode to his Mercedes-Benz McLaren and slipped behind the wheel. And his mind raced with all the unpleasant possibilities as he left Benji’s and drove straight to Mike Holland’s office. He was still preoccupied as he entered the building and walked past the receptionist’s desk, not stopping to check in.

  “Mr. Ivory!”

  He stopped and looked back to the attractive, middle-aged woman behind the desk. “I’m sorry, Jenny,” he smiled. “I think Mike’s expecting me.”

  “He is. I just didn’t like being ignored,” she smiled.

  He smiled at her. “Hello, Jenny. You’re looking lovely today,” he said, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips.

  “That’s more like it,” she smiled.

  He turned and walked toward Mike’s office, lightly knocking on the open door. And he was surprised to see Noah and Mercy already in there.

  “What’s going on?” he frowned when they all looked up at him. Mike was standing behind his desk while Noah and Mercy stood smiling.

  “Hey, lover boy,” Mercy exclaimed. “So, tell me … how did Donna and I do? Was the red dress a hit?”

  “She looked beautiful,” Otis smiled, kissing her on the cheek. “Thank you so much for your help.”

  “Mmm, all we did was help choose a dress and shoes. You did everything else,” she smiled. “And I want to hear all about it!”

  “Yeah, and you’re not supposed to be using my woman to help you win a bet,” Noah spoke up, smiling at him.

  “We had no rules against that,” Otis stated. “What are you both doing here, anyway?”

  “I’m working,” Mercy stated. “But I forgot my tablet this morning so …”

  “So, I dropped it off,” Noah finished. Then he frowned. “What are you doing here?”

  Otis looked at Mike with raised eyebrows.

  “I called him,” Mike stated, suddenly adopting his this-is-serious-business expression. “We have some things to talk about. Would you both mind?” he asked, looking at Noah and Mercy.

  “Wait. What is this about?” Noah asked, looking from Mike to Otis. “Is this about the Kiki Hall thing?”

  Mike hesitated. Jagged Ivory, as a whole, was his client. But this matter didn’t really involve the entire group, and Otis deserved his lawyer-client privilege.

  “It’s alright, Mike,” Otis shrugged. “Whatever this is, we can talk in front of Noah.”

  “Alright,” Mike nodded. Then he turned to Mercy. “Honey, would you give us some privacy, please?”

  “Sure,” she replied, easily feeling the tension in the room begin to rise. She turned to Noah. “I’ll see you at home.”

  “Alright, baby,” he said, leaning down to lightly kiss her lips.

  They waited until she’d closed the door and then Mike sighed. “Sit down, gentlemen.”

  “What’s going on, Mike?” Otis asked impatiently as they all sat down. “When you called me this morning, you said there wouldn’t be any statutory rape charges. I thought this was done.”

  “And so did I,” he replied. “But shortly after we got word from the Cleveland District Attorney’s office with that news, I got a call from Ms. Hall’s attorney. She is now claiming to be pregnant with your child.”

  “What?” Noah said loudly.

  Otis sat in a stunned, mute silence as Mike’s words set in. Then he took a deep, labored breath as he looked to the ceiling, and let it out slowly. The hits just kept coming.

  “I don’t believe this shit,” he finally mumbled.

  “Yeah, well, I don’t believe it either,” Mike stated. “Although Ms. Hall is being very insistent. So my question to you is, is there any chance that there is truth to her story?”

  Otis stared at him with indignant glare. “Well, I’m not a fucking doctor, Mike! But, yeah … I suppose there could be a possibility.”

  “Otis, do you use condoms?” Noah suddenly asked, fixing his brother with a stupefied expression.


  “That night we were at Buzzy’s cousins, I know I watched you go through at least three or four different women, and I remember wondering then if you were being safe,” Noah said, like he was talking to a headstrong teenager. “Do you use condoms?”

  “Man, don’t talk to me like I’m a fucking kid,” he practically shouted. “Of course, I use condoms! Yes, I put them on correctly.”

  “Guys, guys,” Mike shouted, getting their attention. “Can we calm down, please?”

  They glared at one another for a brief moment, and then they each looked away, feeling foolish. They both knew this was not the time for their petty sibling shit, but Otis couldn’t stop those old feelings of inferiority from bubbling to the surface.

  “Go ahead and say it, hot shot,” Otis demanded, and Noah frowned at him. “You’ve
been dying to tell me how stupid I am since this whole thing began, so go ahead. Let me have it!”

  “I don’t think you’re stupid, Otis,” Noah said quietly. Then he snorted and shook his head. “But you know what? For a smart guy, you sure do some stupid shit sometimes!”

  Otis rolled his eyes at his comment. Then he took a deep breath and sighed heavily.

  “Look, Otis,” Mike said. “Ultimately, I believe this is still about money. But before we move on, I need to know if you think this child could be yours.”

  He hesitated a moment as he thought. “Mike … all I can tell you is that I used condoms that night. Every single time. Watch the video. You’ll clearly see me putting one on every time. Man, I have watched that tape forwards and backwards, trying to find anything that might look like I forced her to do something she didn’t want to do. Looking for anything that might convince me that she wasn’t in control of the entire situation. There is nothing,” he stated, growing suddenly emotional. “I didn’t do anything wrong that night! Except chose the wrong girl.”

  “Okay,” Mike said, nodding at him and looking him in the eye. And for the first time since this all began, Otis felt like Mike believed him. “Well, like I said … I still believe that this is about money. And I say that because Ms. Hall’s lawyer informed me that they want medical expenses.”

  “I want a DNA test,” Otis said without hesitation, meeting his gaze.

  Mike smiled. “I’m way ahead of you. I informed Ms. Hall’s attorney that we demand a DNA test before any money changes hands. The current law is in your favor anyway because it states that until and unless a pregnancy actually produces a child, any costs associated with the pregnancy is regarded as the mother’s responsibility. But he says his client is prepared to make a big ugly mess out of this thing if you don’t play her game.”

  “She couldn’t possibly do any worse than she already has,” Otis stated with a disgusted scowl.

  “Well, he did say that his client is unwilling to get a DNA test because it could pose a risk to the fetus. They’re asking for medical expenses until the birth of the child when a DNA test can be performed.”

  Otis stared at him blankly, taking that information in.

  “Well, is that true?” Noah asked, sounding disbelieving.

  “I’m afraid so. It’s well documented that the procedure carries the risk miscarriage,” Mike answered. Then he looked back at Otis. “This is your call, Otis. If this girl really is pregnant and there’s a possibility that it’s your child … then this decision has to be all yours.”

  Otis slumped back in his chair, shaking his head. And for some reason that he didn’t understand, Bobby sprang to mind.

  “You are actually crazy about that kid, aren’t you?”

  Noah’s words from Buzzy’s wedding came back to him as he mulled things over in his mind. He was crazy about Buz’s son. Bobby made him think about fatherhood and what that might actually be like. He wanted that someday. Hell, he wouldn’t mind that now. Not that he wanted marriage necessarily, or even a relationship. But fatherhood? That would be cool with him. And now this girl … this crazed fan who was trying to make his life hell might be pregnant with his kid.


  “She’s not getting a dime from me until I get proof this kid’s mine,” he said softly, wondering if he were making the right decision. If this kid was his, he would do the right thing without question. But he wasn’t completely stupid. If this kid wasn’t his, he would be giving this girl entrance into his life. Giving her permission to attach herself to him.

  “Is that your final decision?” Mike asked, almost sounding like a game show host.

  “You think it’s the wrong one?” Otis asked, looking him in the eye.

  Mike shook his head, trying not to influence him in any way. “I didn’t say that.”

  Otis looked at Noah, who was watching him closely. “You?”

  Noah shrugged his shoulders, saying nothing.

  “I want your opinion, Noah,” he said sincerely.

  They stared at each other for a long minute, each studying the other’s eyes.

  “I think you’re doing the right thing,” Noah said finally. And he could see the tension in O’s eyes ease up a little.

  “Well, I told them we’d get back to them tomorrow with a decision,” Mike stated. “So, you have some time to think about this if you need it. I’ll call you in the morning.”

  “Thanks, Mike,” Otis said, taking a deep breath as they all stood up. “I know I’m gonna drink alone, but … you want to go grab a beer with me?” he said, looking at Noah.

  Noah smiled at him. “If you’re going to a bar, no. But I will sit with you in Cory’s kitchen while you guys drink a beer.”

  “Deal,” Otis smiled.


  Brooke stayed after her last class let out to talk to Cleo a little bit more. And she had finally gotten the woman to tell her that her heart was deteriorating faster than her doctors would like. Brooke had to fight back the tears as she rode the bus home, holding her flowers on her lap. Cleo had been like a force of nature on the stage when she danced. And the idea that within a year she might not be in any condition to even teach anymore just didn’t seem right.

  Knowing that Shelly was still at work, Brooke let herself into the house and went straight to the kitchen, depositing the roses on the table in the living room on the way. Then she opened up the freezer and pulled out a frozen healthy entree and put it into the microwave. While she waited for it to cook, she ran up to her room and stripped out of her ballet clothes and into a comfy pair of sweats. Then she ventured back downstairs to retrieve her dinner. She grabbed a fork from the drawer, thinking about how this meal came nowhere near the rich deliciousness of the lobster mac and cheese she’d had with Otis the night before.

  She carried her food to the couch and propped her feet up on the table as she ate. She had a few hours to kill before she had to leave to head to Sparkles. Normally, she would never leave an entire hour before she had to be there. But she had to take the bus tonight since she was still without her car and Shell wouldn’t be home in time to take her. God, she hated the bus! She was rolling her eyes at her predicament when her cellphone beeped at her, and she reached for it. She smiled when she saw it was a text from Otis.

  Hey, Feisty.

  How’s your day going?

  She couldn’t believe the level of happiness she felt just from reading his words on the screen. And that thought made her roll her eyes once more.


  But the beautiful roses helped.

  Thank you.

  Otis smiled as he read her response. He was seated at the island in Cory’s kitchen while he listened to Cory and Noah talk about how they were both eager to get back to preproduction work on the next album once Buzzy’s official honeymoon time was over. He and Noah had come straight to Cory’s from Mike’s office for the promised beer, and he was glad that they had started talking about the album because he was sick of talking about his troubles. He texted Brooke back as he half listened to them.

  That’s what sugar daddies are for, right?

  He smirked to himself as he hit the Send button. He could almost hear her voice calling him an arrogant jerk, or saying something sassy.

  You are such a jerk.


  He laughed out loud at her response, and Noah and Cory both looked up at him with puzzled smiles.

  “Did we say something funny, O?” Cory asked.

  “Nah, man. He’s not paying any attention to us, brother,” Noah spoke up. “Is that her?”

  “Her?” Cory asked. “Oh, the dancer. How’s that going, man?”

  “From the looks of that smile, I’d say it was going better than planned,” Noah said as they watched Otis trying to ignore them. “You’re starting to like this chick, aren’t you?”

  “Would you two knuckleheads talk amongst yourselves and leave me alone, please,” he smiled. “I’m trying to have a convers
ation here.”

  He turned back to his phone as he felt their eyes on him.

  Well, this jerk could really use seeing

  your smile right about now.

  Are you free for dinner?

  It didn’t take long for her to respond.

  Unfortunately no.

  I have to work tonight.

  He actually felt his spirits fall as he read her reply. He really did want to see her tonight. He wasn’t sure how or why, but he realized that she somehow kept his mind from obsessing over the whole Kinky Kiki sex tape thing. He had barely thought about it all weekend, and he knew that he could use some of that right now.

  Maybe I’ll come by the club later.

  Would that be alright?

  Brooke froze when she read the question. Would it be alright if he came to the club and watched her dance? Watched her strip and touch herself and dance on a poll for a room full of horny men? She wasn’t certain why, but that thought filled her with so much dread. She didn’t want Otis to watch her strip. Not unless it was a private dance in the privacy of his personal, private bedroom. She wasn’t sure why it mattered. She only knew that it did. But could she tell him that? Would he understand if she told him that?

  As she was busy trying to figure it all out, the cellphone rang in her hands and she jumped. It was Otis.


  “Hey, it’s me,” he said softly, glancing at Noah and Cory anxiously. He didn’t really want them to hear this conversation, and he stood up and walked over to the french doors, opening them and stepping out onto Cory’s large patio.

  “Hi,” she said timidly.

  “You didn’t respond, so … I figured that meant it was not okay to come by,” he said.


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