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Black: MM Kitty Play Romance

Page 9

by Quin Perin


  “Are you sulking?” I tried to smother my laughter but mostly ended up giggling.

  “No.” He sulked.

  “Totally are.”

  Tony mumbled something under his breath, and I followed his footsteps. He was rummaging, moving my furniture. A flash of worry hit me. I pictured him moving everything, making it all slightly off so that I ran into it every time I tried to move around my house. “Uhm,” I started, stepping forward and biting my lower lip. I wanted his help, but I didn’t want him making things harder for me.

  “I’m putting everything back where it was. Exactly where it was.” He clasped my shoulder and squeezed. “Don’t worry.”

  A smile and I reached up and squeezed his wrist. “Thank you.” Maybe Tony had some redeeming qualities. Other than a nice dick I wanted to get my hands on.

  He didn’t pull away, and for a moment I thought he was going to kiss me. I heard him breathe, felt the muscles shifting beneath my fingers. I wanted it. I really did. My hand slid up his forearm to his biceps. He felt strong, yet he shivered at my touch. I wanted to make him melt. Wanted to drive him crazy and break him. Last night he’d been edging toward being rough with me, and I’d eaten it up. I wanted him rougher. Wanted his fingers to decorate my skin with bruises. Wanted to feel him long after he was gone...

  “Let’s find your wallet,” he whispered. Tony brought his other hand up, grabbing mine and pulling it away from him. “And then we about everything. Okay?”

  “Talk?” I snorted and turned away from him. “You talk a lot, don’t you?”

  He didn’t respond. I didn’t want to talk, and we both knew that. There was nothing to discuss. He’d had a chance, and I was giving him another one. Hopefully, he didn’t mess it up this time.

  Keeping my back to him, I sunk to my knees in front of the couch and started to search it. My wallet could have fallen out of my pocket when I sat down. The couch was always a good place to look. Which was why it was one of the first places I’d checked when I couldn’t find it in the bowl. I dragged my hand underneath the cushions, along the sides, into the crevasses while Tony moved around the living room, humming to himself.

  He moved my coffee table, checked, and then moved it back. I heard him in the kitchen, rifling through the debris on the counters. And then he came back and stood nearby, floor creaking under his weight. Closing my eyes, I rested my cheek against the soft fabric of the couch. Nothing.

  “Any luck?” he asked.

  “Uh-uh. You?”

  “I found some cookies…” he said.

  “Did you eat my cookies?” I sat up and gaped in his general direction. “Those cost money, you know? They’re for work.”

  “I had...two.”

  “Mm, naughty,” I purred. “You ate your dessert too early. You’re supposed to wait.”

  “I worked up quite an appetite helping you out.” He chuckled. “Wanna try the bedroom? Maybe they’re in the pants you wore last night.”

  I smirked and dropped onto my hands. The wood floor, worn smooth from countless feet walking over it, was cold on my palms. The apartment was small, so I didn’t bother getting to my feet. Plus, why not give Tony a show?

  I crawled toward the bedroom door. Back arched, shoulders low, and ass in the air. It was one of my best features. I was presenting it to him, showing him what he could have if he were willing to take it. “You want to get in my pants,” I teased, slinking along.

  A low growl erupted from Tony. He wasn’t following me, but he watched. I knew that much. Must have been. Hard enough I felt his gaze on my ass.


  There was a warning in his voice. I didn’t respond, flashing a sweet smile back toward him as I disappeared into the bedroom. It was neat, and if my wallet was there, it should be easy to find. My living room was cold, stark, and the bedroom wasn’t much different. Dark bedding on a large mattress held up by a dark wood bed frame with an ornate headboard my ex had picked out. Dirty clothes in the hamper in the closet. Clean clothes hanging in the closet or in the dresser. I did have a few books, Braille, that I’d tortured myself trying to read. I’d managed to learn it as well as I could, but I wasn’t sure I would ever find the joy in reading books like that. It was so hard to master. On top of a neat stack of the books was my camera. I should have sold it. Could have sold it. A bit on the older side now, it was still worth quite a bit of money, but I hadn’t been able to part from it.

  It took a moment, but Tony did come after me. I was in front of my closet, bent over the basket and searching through my pants pockets. Wood creaked as he stood behind me. He didn’t say anything. His breathing was loud; I wondered if he was getting hard again. I bet he was. Rolling my hips, I heard him sigh out. I wanted to make it as hard as possible for him to ignore me. “Tony,” I murmured, “are you going to help me? It’s kind of hard to find stuff in the closet.”

  The floor shook faintly when he lowered his heavy body onto it. He knelt next to me, his shoulder bumping against mine. Side by side. Easy enough to reach and grab him again. The hamper shifted under my fingers as he moved it out of the way, searching.

  “I see it,” he said. “It must have fallen out of your pants.”

  “Where’s it?” I asked.

  He moved, leaning to grab it off of the floor. I reached down to give his ass a pinch. His hips jerked, and he laughed loudly. “Hey!”

  “Sorry. Curious.” Pretty solid ass in addition to a nice cock. Score.

  Tony scoffed, his hand grabbing mine. I thought to make sure I couldn’t grope him again, but instead, he pressed my wallet into my hand. He didn’t let go though, my fingers digging into the soft leather. It felt like he faced me now, and I turned to mirror him. The two of us knelt in front of my closet and stared at each other. Or at least, I figured he was looking at me, and my eyes were turned in his general direction.

  “Here,” he whispered, “you should put that back where it goes.”

  “Do you still want to talk?” I asked, letting the wallet slip from my fingers. It dropped between our knees. I knew where it was now, so I’d be able to find it again.

  Tony laced his fingers with my now free ones. “Yes,” he breathed.

  “Why?” I leaned up, smelling the cookies on his breath; I knew he’d taste of sugar.

  “I want to take it slow,” he repeated, but I knew this time he didn’t mean it.

  “Slow? Really? You keep saying that but…” Our hands stayed entwined, which left me one to work with. I moved it along his thick, muscled thigh and up to grab his cock again. He was hard. And likely had been for some time. “Doesn’t seem like it. In fact, seems like you’re very eager to get going.”

  His inhale was shaky, but he didn’t push my hand away. I traced along the outline of his cock before folding my fingers around his clothed shaft. My squeeze made a quiet moan fall from him. “You want it,” I murmured.


  “Jesus.” My heart beat a mile a minute. This slender figure kneeling in front of me, those fingers stroking my hard-on, it had me at the edge of sanity. I moaned again when he cupped my balls through my jogging pants, squeezing. One by one, my brain cells shut off, and my breathing turned shallow, vision hazy. Dima pushed out his bottom lip while he played with my dick.

  Christ, he was sin incarnate. With those dark eyes and pale skin. Dima gave out a quiet but oh-so-needy whimper. Like he couldn’t get enough of touching me like that. Of making my cock strain against my briefs, bulging inside my pants. I watched him, the way he moved, the way he displayed himself, trying to seduce me. My resistance hung on one single string, ready to snap. And then it happened.

  Those plump lips parted, his fingers closing around my girth to measure its thickness. OhmyfuckingGod. My vision blazed red. Dima breathed out a soft “Oh,” and that was that.

  My hand engulfed the back of his neck before I yanked him forward, forcing my mouth on his. His fingers twisted in my hoodie, and when I lowered him onto
the ground, I opened his thighs, never disconnecting my lips from his. He was writhing and gasping, and...smirking. That cheeky fuck.

  Towering over him, I grabbed his right leg and hooked it around my lower back. I feasted on his lips like he was the most delicious meal I’d ever tasted. And he was. Dima bucked his hips up, and when his hand slid down between us, I snatched it and pinned it against the floor. No.

  Dima drew in a breath, our lips parted, overheating bodies entwined. He swallowed air, then tugged me back down to resume the kiss. I deepened it instantly, tongues dancing, dueling, fighting over who had the upper hand. Physically, it was me. But...really it was him, had been him from the moment we met. Heat clawed at my neck and chest before I tore myself from him, sat back, and pulled him with me in the process.

  Dima laugh-yelped in surprise, a bright grin on his face. It was so damn easy to move him around—he was light as a feather. As he straddled my lap with the offending erection throbbing between us, I shed my hoodie. Dima got the hint when the fabric brushed against him, and helped. As soon as my chest was bare, his nails scratched across my skin. Really scratched. Clawing like an animal. Underneath my chest hair, he left white marks that turned a dark shade of red.

  “Mmm, you’re so manly, hard muscle and all.”

  His words made me hum. I really was the opposite of him. His hands gripped my hair, and I steeled myself for another heady make-out session. But instead, he simply rubbed his chin across my beard and hummed. I don’t think I’d ever been so still. That sound calmed the raging storm inside me. Time paused. It was less an mmmh but more like...purring?

  Dima rutted his crotch against me, ghosting his lips over mine. My hands were on the outside of his thighs, holding him against me. His legs were as svelte as the rest of him. The beauty and the beast, in one way or another. I let him set the pace, mesmerized by him. His fingers continued to roam through my hair until he scratched them across my jawline, rubbing my beard.

  My chest rose and fell with each thrum of desire pulsing through me. My limits were stretched. My cock was fucking aching, so were my balls. And just like that, I hoisted him up and moved to my feet. Dima squirmed and scratched my neck, digging his nails into my shoulders for purchase.

  I placed him on his bed, the setting sun tinging the entire room in orange and yellow. His eyes were closed, but there wasn’t one hint of insecurity in the way he positioned himself for me. I was a stranger after all. I could do anything to him. Flip him over and fuck him into the mattress. Jesus. He wasn’t exactly strong, and he was blind. What a fool...a fucking beautiful fool, but a fool nonetheless. But who was I to complain?

  I kicked off my shoes and socks before hooking my fingers in the sides of his jeans. Bending down, I unzipped them with my teeth. Dima lifted his hips as I dragged his jeans over his long legs, exposing his black briefs and the hard-on he sported. Fuck. Dima swiftly pulled off his sweater and placed it next to him. His nipples were stiff, upper body thin, no, lean. I could snap him in half if I wanted to. I pulled his jeans off completely and threw them aside.

  Like a predator eyeing its prey, I climbed on top of him. Dima, who’d leaned up on his elbows, lay back, responding to the added weight on the bed. Once more, I slanted our mouths together, tongues delving, twisting while a low groan escaped my throat. I grabbed my raging boner, adding the pressure I so desperately needed. Dima’s fingers were quick to brush along my chest, resting at one of my pierced nipples. I shivered at his touch, my cock flexing. And fucking leaking at the tip.

  “Let me take care of you,” Dima whispered breathlessly before he sucked on my bottom lip and pulled it toward him, casually letting go a second later.

  “No,” I growled gruffly and rose from him again. The light around us dimmed with each passing minute. I had to take in his sight now. Who knew if I’d ever see him again? Like this. Smooth white skin, hairless chest, slim waist, no tattoos, no piercings. He was fucking flawless. And oh-so-beautiful.

  “Fuck,” I hissed out in admiration, then slid my finger under the waistband of his briefs. His cock jolted in its confines, making him inhale sharply. With my lips tracing along his chest, I placed kisses on his burning skin, tasting him, smelling him.

  Pulling his briefs off, I licked him right below his navel. “Oh, fuck,” was all he let out, back arching, fingers in my hair. His cock sprang free as soon as I let it—curved and cut, arching in the air. I watched it sink to his lower stomach, a droplet of precum forming at the tip. His pubes were dark, a stark contrast to his light skin.

  “My God, you’re perfect,” I muttered, sucking and biting down on his lower stomach before my lips latched on to the tip of his cock. I swirled my tongue around it, lapping up his precum. Yes.


  “Oh, fuck.”

  My breath caught in my throat, thoughts stuttering at the feel of his lips around my shaft. And then his tongue dragged along the tip, twisting. Warm and wet. Making my thighs tremble. My cock twitched with excitement. My heart pounded in my ears. Blood rushed like raging rivers through my body. All racing south, pumping my erection to a fullness that made me want to cry out in need of relief. It had been a long time since I was this horny. But then, it had been a long time since there’d been a man who so thoroughly enraptured me. Letting Tony back into my house after he’d rejected me the evening before was proof enough he’d worked some kind of spell over me. I wasn’t the kind to give second chances often.

  His hums and murmured moans were loud in the air. My brain turned static as I grasped for him. Sought out something to ground me to reality while I struggled to draw air into my too tight lungs. My fingers landed in the infamous man bun. It was almost like a doorknob, a handle to hold on to. I pulled hard at the captured strands, body arching upward toward his mouth. I wanted more. Needed to push into his mouth. Seek out that damp heat he teased me with.

  I managed to sink maybe an inch, probably less, more into his mouth before he placed his heavy hand on my lower stomach. “Uh-uh,” he mumbled around my cock, voice muffled as he forced me back down against the bed. He didn’t even put any effort into it. A shove—a light one to him more than likely—and I was sealed against the bed and unable to push back up.

  Tony treated me as if I weighed nothing. Moving me around so easily. Picking me up. Pushing me down. He could make me do anything he wanted, and God, that turned me on more than anything. I was under his command, ready to be bent to his will. I wanted him to take everything. There’d been a lot of push and pull between the two of us to get to this point, and I hoped sex with him involved even more.

  Yanking at his hair, I wiggled my hips as best I could. I deserved to be teased. I hadn’t exactly been a good boy when it came to him. That didn’t mean my frustration and impatience weren’t bubbling to the surface. It didn’t take much teasing before I was willing to plead my case. I’d beg all pretty if it got Tony to go down on me and make my body tremble with pleasure. “Please,” I breathed, eyes closed. “Want it.”

  Tony’s chuckle vibrated down my shaft and made the muscles in my stomach clench. He used his free hand to grab my thigh, nearly engulfing it with his large fingers. Hauling my leg over his shoulder, he popped off of my cock. His breath was like a delicate feather tickling my skin.

  “You’re impatient,” he murmured.

  He turned his head sideways, hair brushing along the inside of my thigh. That velvety, tantalizing tongue dragged from the tip of my cock to the base. And then lower, grazing my balls.

  My heel dug into the spot between his shoulder blades and tried to pull him onto me. “Tony,” I moaned. “God, please. I need it.”

  He used the tip of his tongue to press right beneath the head of my cock, then flicked it upward.

  “So beautiful.”

  He growled, fucking growled, against my shaft, and I nearly came right then and there.

  Tony dragged his nails lightly across my lower stomach, but before I could complain about how gentle he was, he took me back into his m
outh. I sighed, angling my head back against the blankets. “Ooooh.” I moaned toward the ceiling and slid my fingers from his hair, down to his neck where I dug in and tried to pull him onto me again.

  This time he let me, taking my cock in halfway. He sucked, and I shook, whole body on fire. My muscles were wound up so tight I felt like I would snap at any moment. He snaked his hand between me and the mattress, pressing into my lower back. This time he guided me up. My shoulders dug into the blankets, head slamming down. My leg quivered around his shoulder, toes curling.

  He held me. One hand on the side of my ass, the other underneath me. And then he devoured me in one fell swoop that made fireworks go off in my brain. Pops and sparks shot through my senses. Tony swallowed around me with ease, the tip of my cock hitting the back of his contracting throat while he encouraged me to thrust up, his hand pushing up against my lower back. The man was full of surprises. Finding new ways to steal my breath and drive me crazy.

  Saliva leaked around my cock, mixed with precum as Tony sped up. My stomach coiled and squirmed. It felt like a vise had twisted itself around my insides. I raked my fingers back up through his hair, pulling it free from the bun. I kicked out, and my foot slammed into his back. “T-Tony!” A stammered plea for mercy that didn’t come.

  My stomach twitched, and my balls drew up. All at once my orgasm crashed into me, tearing me apart before putting me back together. Come rocketed from my cock, pumping into his mouth. And he drank it up. Fucking moaned like it was the best thing he’d ever tasted. A puff of air came from his nostrils as his nose brushed across my lower stomach. My body buzzed as if it was made of bees. All synapses firing and then...stillness.

  I loosened, muscles relaxing and the bed embracing me as I fell back into it. Cold air hit my cock, making me wince and shiver the moment Tony pulled away. He was breathing hard. Panting against me while he placed another kiss to my stomach, then trailed more kisses up. Each one making another shock flick through me.


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