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Black: MM Kitty Play Romance

Page 11

by Quin Perin

  Dima was in the kitchen, feeling around to get a sense for which items were still on the counter when I approached him from behind. I moved my arm around his chest and pulled him back against me. Dima squirmed until I pinned his hips against the edge of the counter and my hard-on rubbed over his lower back. His fingers fell, head dropping forward. I pressed my lips against the side of his head and ground against him, dry fucking him. Whenever he moved to get out of my grasp, I thrust against him, making him gasp.

  “Tony, fuck, quit teasing me already, will you?”

  I grinned against his hair and brought my hand down to release my hard cock from my briefs. Dima sucked in a breath as I positioned my hot shaft against the small of his back.

  “Fuck you,” Dima ground out when I tapped my cock against his warm skin, smacking it before I caught the tip of his ear between my lips. We’d done all sorts of dirty things last night, speeding down a kinky highway, so I was fairly confident he wouldn’t mind me taking some liberties with him.

  “Someone’s grumpy today, mh?” I snickered, giving him a few teasing rubs until he tried to reach back. I clasped his hands with both of mine, towering over him and holding him against the counter. He arched his back away from me, still standing up. But his hands were trapped. “You just wait”—I nuzzled my nose in his hair, then continued in a hushed voice—“I’ll make you beg for it.”

  I left Dima’s apartment once he was all revved up and ready to scratch me raw. He had gotten so frustrated he’d started insulting me. It made me laugh. He was so damn cute when he got agitated.

  Plucking out my cigarettes, I strolled down the empty street. It wasn’t even eight o’clock, and I had left Dima alone so he could get ready for work. I was determined to see him again though. Tonight. Or sooner.

  I checked the missed messages on my phone, but there wasn’t anything awfully important, so I pocketed it and took a long drag on my cigarette. The cafés and shops were getting ready to open. An old lady put up little tables in front of her shop to show off the items she sold. Normally, I would keep walking, but this time, my steps slowed. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips until it spread into a full-on grin. There was something. Something that called out to me. Something I had to get for Dima. I headed over, pulled it out of the other bits and pieces, and rubbed my fingers over the soft fabric. Perfect. He could feel it, trace its outlines, and take a guess at what I’d gotten for him.



  Locking the door behind me, I decided it was a bread kind of day. Not my favorite thing to make, it took a lot of muscle and a lot of time, but I needed something I could beat up. Tony had left me frustrated. Horny and desperate. It felt like months since I last came, even if it was actually down his throat the evening before.

  I didn’t understand him. I was beginning to think he was some kind of sadist who got off on not getting me off. I wondered if keeping me frustrated was a way to make me want to see him again and again. It seemed like it. And the whole taking it slow thing mixed up with hints of what I really wanted drove me crazy. And more frustratingly, it was working.

  Tony had stayed the night.

  I never let someone stay the night. Ever.

  Sure, I might let a hookup stick around after the main event if I thought I’d want more again later. That was the extent of it though. Strangers, one-night stands, all of them were out of my apartment before I went to bed. I didn’t like people around while I slept. Especially someone I didn’t know very well. They could steal all my shit, and I wouldn’t even know. It was too vulnerable. The recent exception had been Tim, which probably led him to think I was open to more. And now Tony had weaseled his way into spending the night by denying me what I wanted.

  Sneaky fucker.

  As I pushed opened the door to the café, I had made up my mind. No matter how much I wanted to experience all the pleasures of Tony’s amazing cock, he was not allowed back in my apartment. If I kept giving him what he wanted, the satisfaction of having power over me, then he would think he could do whatever he wanted.

  “You look lost in thought,” Jan commented. “Is everything okay?”

  I brushed my fingers across the counter, stopping about where his voice had come from. “I am lost in thought, and it’s going to be okay. I’ve made some decisions,” I informed him.

  “Oh? What about?”


  “Oh, no, did he do something wrong or say something rude?” he groaned. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have encouraged him to take you out for lunch yesterday.”

  “He spent the night.” I cut him off, resisting the urge to laugh at Jan’s frustration. He must have known Tony hadn’t come home last night. He was staying with him and Sara after all.


  Now Jan sounded uncomfortable, feet scuffing over the linoleum as he shifted. I was very tempted to overshare, to test how far I could go.

  “Right, well…”

  “He’s not doing it again.” Firm words conveyed how I felt about Tony. Perhaps too firm, considering I’d just made up my mind.

  “Uh, okay. That’s your choice,” he said. “Do you need me to tell him or something?”

  “No. You don’t have to tell him. Just wanted you to know.” I was stubborn and not too worried about holding out against Tony. I wanted Jan to know though. It was like a contract. Saying it aloud, letting someone else know, it meant I had to hold myself to it.

  “Don’t even think about sitting down next to me.” It was a pleasantly cool day, and I sat on the bench with my sweater on my lap when I heard footsteps approaching. Spending the morning beating bread had solidified my resolve. I didn’t want another go on whatever sort of ride Tony was.

  I knew it was Tony coming closer. I was certain of it. But Tony didn’t listen. He chuckled, the bench shifting as he settled his weight next to me, the scent of his shampoo wafting over me and confirming my knowledge. He had a very particular way of walking, and he had a very particular scent.

  “You’re in an awfully cheery mood today,” he hummed. Reaching over, he slid his fingers under my sweater and against my thigh. “Frustrated, maybe?”

  That arrogant fucker.

  I batted his hand away and crossed my arms over my chest. “Get off my bench.” I hoped I looked tough, set in my resolve instead of sulky. I was pretty sure I looked sulky though because I was sulky. I hadn’t gotten what I wanted, and I didn’t like that.

  “Hm, I’m not up on all the laws of the Netherlands, but I’m pretty sure this is a free country,” Tony said. His hand went right back to where it was before, squeezing firmly. I wondered what it would feel like against my throat. Damn him. He was doing quite a good job of distracting me. Of weakening me.

  “Free country, yes, but that doesn’t mean I have to acknowledge you.”

  He shifted closer, body now pressed to my side before his warm breath tickled over my ear, giving me a second of warning. Then his teeth sunk into the delicate skin of my earlobe, and I practically melted into him. Fuck. One move and my cock was already stirring to life. “Stop touching me.” My voice breathier than intended, eyes shut tight.

  “Dima,” he muttered. His lips trailed down my jaw, hand slipping to the outside of my thigh as he pulled me into him. “Don’t be such a baby. I’ve got you a surprise.”

  “Surprise? What kind of surprise?” He’d gotten me something? I hoped it was sexual and involved his dick.

  I crumbled like a sand castle at high tide. Already ignoring the promise I’d made to myself. Then again, I’d said I wouldn’t let him into my apartment. I knew from experience that there were plenty of places nearby secluded enough to have a little fun.


  “Mm. It’s for tonight,” Tony went on. He hovered over me, rubbing his lips to mine but not quite kissing me. “I was thinking I could stop by your place. Bring dinner. Bring your surprise.”

  “Or we could go over there, and you could give it to me. Right. Now.” I pu
rred and kissed him. My hand went to the back of his neck, pulling him down against my lips.

  He returned the kiss, eager tongue forcing its way into my mouth. My nails scraped along the back of his neck as his hand slid between the bench and me. He grabbed my ass firmly. If I’d had any sense of who was around, I would have gone for his cock right now. Good and proper. Not caring if we were in public. But not being able to spot nosy eyes didn’t quite work out anymore.

  The kiss broke, burning lungs demanding air. “Surprise now?” I asked, leaning back against the bench.

  He dug his fingers into my ass cheek, massaging it. “I’ll see you around seven,” he murmured.

  “Fine.” I sighed.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  I didn’t know why he had this kind of power of me, why I couldn’t do anything about it, but I let it happen anyway.



  “You are in an awfully good mood today,” Sara commented as I entered the apartment with grocery bags in hand. I’d gone shopping for her while she took care of Leslie, who still had a cold, sniffling and coughing all morning.

  I laughed and inhaled deeply, setting down the bags with a thud. “Yes, I am,” I replied with a grin and ran a hand through my hair. I needed to pull it back or trim it. Maybe cut it? Nah. Not yet. Dima seemed to like it.

  “Tell me!” Sara poked my side before she closed the front door behind me.

  “I don’t kiss and tell,” I teased and heaved the bags up again. Sara followed me into the kitchen and nudged my side with her elbow, smiling.

  “I’m going to ask one more time: where did you spend the night?”

  I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with tap water.

  “Oh, you’d love to know, wouldn’t you?” I took a swig, emptying it. Once again, I filled it. She’d been nagging me all morning and didn’t let it go until I took her grocery order and left to see Dima at the beach.

  “I have an idea…” she hummed as she unpacked the veggies first.

  “Oh, shush.” I chuckled and splashed some water at her. She screeched and hopped back. That’s how it went the rest of the afternoon, her trying to get information and me dodging her interrogation. She knew, of course. It was written all over my face, but it still felt like my own little secret. Dima was messing with my head, my body, my everything. Based on how he’d behaved earlier, I was almost sure he was equally crazy about this thing. This weird flame between us.

  After I’d showered and scrubbed myself clean, Leslie made me play a game with her; I happily obliged. She was still coughing, but Sara decided she could use a distraction, which came in handy because otherwise I would have roamed around the house in waiting anticipation. All I did was check my phone every ten minutes to see hardly any time had passed. Time draaagged. Leslie won the games we played, mostly because she cheated. At least that’s what I claimed. It was good fun to spend the afternoon with her, but now I was excited like a kid for Christmas to head over to Dima’s. I couldn’t wait to see his reaction to what I’d gotten him. I pulled on some decent clothes, grabbed the gift wrapped in the paper bag, and then told the guys goodbye.

  “Shall we wait up for you?” Jan teased, lighting a cigarette by the window. I shook my head and winked. Sara snorted, waving me off as she combed Leslie’s hair carefully. The girl sat between her legs on the couch, playing with her doll, sniffing.

  The way to Dima’s apartment was a familiar one by now. It was nearly 7 PM, the sun still up but setting in the next hour or so when I took a last drag on my cigarette. Butterflies swarmed my stomach, fluttering up my throat, almost making me choke as I stood in front of his door. The cigarette fell. I put it out with the heel of my foot and rang the doorbell. Mere seconds later, he buzzed me in.

  For the third time in three days, I climbed the stairs to his apartment. The door was ajar, so I walked right in. Dima waited for me with his arms crossed, an eyebrow arched. I grinned and clicked the door shut. I toed my shoes off and hung my jacket by the door. Then I walked up to him and removed his gift from the bag I’d brought.

  “So?” he rumbled, not budging from his spot. I positioned myself in front of him and unfolded his arms to place the present in between his fingers. For a moment he looked like he would object, but then he eased into my touch.

  “Here,” I whispered, looking down between us. At how my hand engulfed his thin wrist. At how his fingers traced along the soft bits of the present, exploring it. “My entire chest is scattered with scratch it reminded me of you.”


  Something soft and fuzzy pressed into my hands; I crinkled my nose. Definitely not what I’d been expecting when he said he had a surprise. It felt like some kind of stuffed animal but not quite. It took me a moment to put my finger on it. Soft bits that seemed to have some kind of stuffing in it and then a hard, C-shaped bit of plastic. When it hit me, I burst into laughter.

  “You got me animal ears?!” Holy shit, he was the most ridiculous man I had ever fucking met. My cheeks hurt from trying to hide my grin.

  “Not animal ears,” he scoffed, taking them from my hands. “Cat ears!”

  The headband slid into my hair, and he adjusted it carefully. I reached up, squeezing the tip of one of the ears between my fingers. Kinky. Admittedly, he wasn’t wrong. Even if I couldn’t see it, I knew I’d scratched him up quite a bit. I liked marking up my partners. Making sure they would remember me, even after they’d left. If he wanted to play this game, I could definitely play.

  Reaching out, I splayed my fingers across his chest and looked up toward him. “Do you want me to be your kitty cat?” I asked, a purr vibrating in my voice. “Hm? Want me to use you as a scratching post?” My nails caught on his shirt as I pulled him down, promising so much more. The idea wasn’t unappealing, blood pumping downward at the prospect.

  Tony hummed, the sound tickling the tips of my fingers. His hand moved beneath my chin, angling my head up toward him. Then his thumb brushed over my lip, and he leaned in. “Yes,” he breathed, kissing me. “Be my little kitty, and I’ll make you purr so sweetly.”

  Oh. Well.

  Thanks to Tony I was finding out about a new fetish. It had been a long time since that had happened. Internet porn had pretty much killed most of the mystery of sex. I wasn’t going to complain though. My pants were tight over my erection, full strength in no time. If Tony wanted a wild kitty to play with, I’d certainly give him one.

  Without warning, I sunk my teeth into his lower lip. Hard enough to taste the copper of his blood on my tongue. Make or break. He’d either love it, or he’d end the evening right there because I’d played too rough. Wouldn’t have been the first time. Not everyone liked my nails in them either.

  Tony did though.

  His hips crashed into mine, and he let out a groan so loud I was sure all my neighbors heard. He dropped his hands to my ass, trying to pull me closer.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  He tried to kiss me again, but when his breath snaked over my lips, I turned my head from him.


  I slid my hands underneath his shirt and then jerked it upward, the material bunching up. He took the hint and pulled it off, leaving me with the entire canvas of his chest to work with. Leaning forward, I rubbed my cheek into his chest hair and let my eyes fall shut. I liked it tickling against my cheek. Mmmh. I ran my nails down his sides and over to his lower stomach, feeling the muscles twitch.

  Tony’s breathing was rough in my ear, hoarse. Parting our bodies, I rubbed the back of my hand across his crotch. He shifted toward the touch, thrusting his erection against me. Like a fucking rock. I had the same effect on him that he had on me. Made me feel good. I wasn’t the only one getting off on this. One of the few negatives about not doing relationships was that it was hard to find someone to be kinky with. Most things like that were built over time together, conversations. With Tony though, everything evolved naturally.

  Hooking my fingers into the waist
band of his pants, I walked him back toward the couch while I turned my attention to one of those delicious piercings of his. My tongue lapped out over his nipple, the bud hardening instantly. My teeth latched on, tongue rolling across the tip. He moved his hand to the back of my head, arching forward. When his legs hit the back of the couch and his body stilled, I smirked against him.

  A shove and he fell into a seated position. His hands were all over me. Squeezing at my thighs, brushing my shirt up. Stepping back, away from him, I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head. I draped it over the coffee table and worked on my pants next. Kitties didn’t wear clothes after all. If I was going to be a kitty, I was going to be a good one.

  Naked, body free in the cool air of my apartment, I lifted my arms above my head and stretched out. Flaunting. I wanted him to touch my cock. Heated, it swayed with each of my movements, begging for attention. That was for later though. Now we played.

  Dropping to my knees, I turned my face toward him and inclined my head to the side. Hands hit the floor, and I crawled toward him. Strutted as best I could. It was like the evening before when I’d tried to seduce him. Except I’d already succeeded in my goal this time. Now it was all icing on top.

  I crawled up to him, hands going to his knees. “Dima,” he murmured, reaching for my hair. He laced his fingers through, but I jerked my head away from him.

  With a hiss, I narrowed my eyes. It made him laugh, but he didn’t touch me again. If he wanted me to get into character, we would do this properly. I wanted to be something different, and he was going to have to deal with that.


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