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Perfect Kisses

Page 42

by Maine, Miley



  I couldn’t believe it.

  That actually happened. We had sex. I had sex with my boss, with Tony Caplan, and it was the most amazing night of my life.

  All of the passion I’d felt for him, the desire, the brutal lust I’d been harboring for the past few weeks had finally come to life between us. It was there and it was like some volcanic eruption of intensity. After it was over, I couldn’t wait to get back and to do it again. I needed it. I craved it.

  We laid there on the floor together most of the night, the two of us asleep half in and out of our fancy clothes covered in the sweet oils and scent of sex. And when I woke up, I didn’t want to get up. I wanted to stay right there with him. I loved the way he held me, the way he looked deeply into my eyes and let me know that he saw the real me. I couldn’t hide from him. As far as he was concerned, I was totally transparent. I was an open book, and I was fine with that. I wanted him to see right through me, to read me, and to know exactly who I was and what I needed. I had never wanted that from anyone before.

  What was happening in my head? It was all so confusing, but in a beautiful way.

  The past few weeks had been a whirlwind. Seeing Tony in the hallways, him often going out of his way to speak with me, finding out little nuggets about each other, and seeing that sparkle in the eye growing and growing with every new experience. I couldn’t wait to get to work each day just to see him.

  And so far, he was very pleased with my work. He’d personally told me that several times. And I knew that he was being honest about it. I didn’t get a vibe from Tony that he was messing around. I didn’t feel like this was just a good time to him, or that he even did this thing regularly. Barb confirmed it for me. She seemed jealous that Tony had taken that kind of interest in me.

  At the party when he had approached me, I felt a bit guarded. I wasn’t sure what the others might be thinking when they saw how much fun I was having with Tony. But as he started to talk with me, that all faded. And then Tony basically told me that he had feelings for me. This little game we were playing, this pretending that we were not attracted to each other, that our little conversations were not hiding our true feelings—all of that was gone in a moment. I found my whole body getting warm. I yearned for his touch. I wanted him to do so many wonderful things to me.

  And then when we got back to my place, it was on. The second we walked through the door, it was on and it was not stopping. And now that it had happened, I wasn’t sure I ever wanted it to stop. No one had ever taken me that way. I’d never felt this way physically or otherwise. I wasn’t sure how I could actually feel that much pleasure. How did that happen? Tony and I had something different. I knew that. But what was going to happen now?

  I woke up before he did and went to the bathroom. I took a hot shower and when I was done, I put on a bathrobe before wandering into the kitchen to make some breakfast. I’d worked up a solid appetite. And luckily, I had not drunk nearly enough to get a hangover. I was just very damn hungry.

  I found the pancake mix and I got to work preparing a nice little feast. It was a Sunday morning, so I didn’t have to worry about going into the office. I was relieved. I was tired. My body felt worn out, but my mind was exhilarated.

  I was halfway through making the first batch of pancakes when Tony stirred from his resting place on the floor. He stood up and stretched his back. His face seemed as if he was as bit groggy still. He wiped his eyes and staggered around for a moment as if he was momentarily confused about where he was. Then he saw me standing in the kitchen and a big smile spread across his handsome face.

  “Hey, there,” Tony said. “What are you up to?”

  “Pancakes,” I said. “You want some.”

  “Yes, I do,” he replied. “I’m going to take a quick shower first, though.”

  “Help yourself. There is another robe in there.”

  Tony removed his clothes right where he stood and gave me a sexy look. I was taken aback at the sight of his beautiful, muscular body. And that rigid, hard cock, which was already up this morning. Wow, did he ever not get aroused? His sleek, hard abs spoke to me. They were telling me to drop the pancakes and follow him into the shower for a quickie, but I decided I would show some restraint this morning.

  I finished making the pancakes and sat down to wait for Tony. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sipped it slowly. While waiting, my phone buzzed. It was Lizzy. “Hey,” I said.

  “Hey. What are you doing later? Nellie is here and we were all thinking about going to play some miniature golf. Apparently, she has never actually done that and she wants to try it out. How lame is that? I think everyone has played mini golf, right?”

  “Shut up,” I heard Nellie say. I could just envision that she was elbowing Lizzy in the ribs. It sounded like fun.

  “Um, it might depend on what time,” I said. “I’m busy this morning.”

  “Doing what?” Nellie asked.

  “Her boss,” Lizzy answered for me.

  I heard the two of them giggling over their joke.

  “You guys are terrible,” I said.

  “Then tell us why you can’t hang out now?” Nellie asked.

  “I can hang this afternoon. Right now, I have something else going on.”

  “This robe is a bit small, but it covers the important areas I guess.” The voice came from behind me. “Ah, sorry. Didn’t know you were on the phone.”

  Tony was standing behind me playing a joke by wearing the smallest robe hanging in the bathroom.

  The noise on the phone stopped a moment. Then Lizzy began going off. “Oh, my God! You do have a guy there! Yes! Is it your boss? Is it him?”

  Nellie was chiming in now, as well. I tried to keep Tony from overhearing the noise on my phone as the two went crazy.

  “What? She is doing her boss. That rich guy?” Nellie asked confused.

  I tried not to laugh, but my friends were hysterical when they got together. They were always going on gossiping to me about each other, but when they got together, they really got going on random topics.

  “Yes,” I answered them. I knew it was the only way they would get the least bit calmed down. I gestured to the plate on the opposite end of my small table that I had prepared for Tony. His eyes lit up when he saw the stack of pancakes and syrup. He poured himself a cup of coffee and then he sat down to eat.

  “Thanks. This looks amazing,” Tony said.

  “You actually did it?” Lizzie asked me. “For real? You aren’t messing with me?”

  “Guys, I have to go,” I said to Lizzy and Nellie. Before they answered with protest, I ended the call.

  “You didn’t have to end the call on my account,” Tony said. He stuffed a wad of pancakes in his mouth. I smiled at him.

  “It’s no problem,” I said.

  “So, do you want to talk about last night?” Tony asked.

  I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, so I nodded and said, “Sure.” I felt my heart sink. Was he going to tell me it was a mistake? Was he going to say that he really didn’t want this to become a thing? Had I blown this up in my head to be way more than it was? I had a tendency to do that stuff, but I wanted to let go of that so badly.

  “I don’t think we should really tell people at work, yet” Tony said. “I mean, I was thinking about some of your reservations about this and you are right. You are in the company and you have to work one on one with a lot of people and I don’t want you to constantly be wondering if they think I’m giving you special treatment or something. If I see anyone mistreating you or any employee then they would absolutely be gone. But I probably won’t see or hear a lot of the gossip going on since I’m kind of removed from it. And I don’t want you to have to deal with that shit.”

  “I’m a big girl; I can handle myself,” I reminded him.

  “Oh, I realize that” he replied. “But I just think it will be easier for you to get work done, to get the support you need from the others as you are just g
etting your feet wet in the company, to keep this on the down low for now. Unless you really want to just tell everyone for any particular reason.”

  His eyes were looking at me questioningly now. I shrugged. I didn’t really have a good answer for that. “Um, no. I don’t. I just want you to know that I’m fine with whatever you are most comfortable with. But don’t worry about me. I’m just fine.”

  “Ok,” he said. “Then we will tell people when we are both ready.”

  I agreed. I wasn’t sure exactly what reasons he had for wanting to keep this a secret, but if he was just worried about me, then he didn’t need to be. I was tougher than he probably realized. I’d had to be in my life.

  * * *

  “That looks amazing,” Barb said.

  I looked at the necklace around my neck. It was gorgeous. It was also more expensive than anything I would ever be able to afford. And Barb probably felt the same way which was why she was now asking about it when I was deep in thought about something else. I stroked the necklace remembering a few nights ago when Tony had presented it to me after dinner. He was so sweet. It was a wonderful gift, but I did tell him I wasn’t comfortable with him buying me anything. It made me feel weird. I’d always paid my own way and it just made me feel somehow odd to have a man buying me things.

  And I’d forgotten to take it off. Or did I just love wearing it so much that I never wanted to take it off? Yeah. Probably that one. But I had forgotten to tuck it back into my shirt. That was my fault. And now I had Barb asking me a question about it. My brain searched frantically for a lie.

  “Oh, my parents bought it for me as a gift for my birthday this year,” I said.

  “Ah, that’s nice. It’s beautiful,” she said. “For a moment I thought you had some sugar daddy.”

  That remark filled me with rage. Barb probably didn’t mean anything by it, or did she? Was she just saying that she didn’t believe me? Did she think that Tony bought it for me as my Christmas gift? Or just because we were now an item? I wanted to tell everyone and make sure they all understood that Tony and I were together and that it would not affect my work or the job I performed in any way. I would not allow Tony to play favorites with me even if he wanted to, which I doubted.

  But I kept my mouth shut. It was kind of fun to keep these secrets. It was nice having something that was just to myself. Whenever I was with the employees and if they said something about Tony that they didn’t like, or about how they all wanted to fuck him six ways from yesterday, I could just play along and keep quiet. When this did come out eventually, they would all be shocked and probably hate me for lying to them. But that could be fun, too. I was not there to make friends. And on the way to doing great things, I was prepared to make some enemies. It was the nature of the beast. That was one of the biggest things that Tony and I had in common. We were both so competitive.

  It had been a few weeks since our night together after the Christmas party, and things had been going amazing. The sex was only getting more extreme, which I didn’t know was even possible. Tony had so many different kinky things he liked to play around with and explore and as soon as I thought we’d tried everything, that sexy bastard would think up something else. It was so exciting, like a never-ending wheel of pleasure. I was up for anything and he was, too. Watching that fire in his eyes when he suggested something new to try in bed was so much fun to watch. It turned me on and when we got into it the entire world just stopped.

  And afterwards, we would hold each other and talk for hours in bed. We had so much in common, so many things about our lives were so parallel. We had the same values, the same things in life we were both striving for, and I knew I was falling in love with him. I hoped he felt the same about me. I thought he did. But I wasn’t sure.

  Tony would go back and forth about his feelings. He was vocal one moment and then a mystery the next. It was a bit frustrating at times to deal with that, but I did my best. And that was exciting, too. The wondering… the wondering if he was really in this for the long haul as I was. That was what kept me going on a day-to-day basis anymore. I woke up each morning in a rush to get to work and then when I wasn’t at work, I was with Tony which gave me a rush of a different kind. I felt like I was living in some kind of dream.

  “By the way,” Barb said as she came back past my desk with a new cup of coffee. “I loved that pitch you gave in this morning’s meeting. I wasn’t sure if you were going to go for it, Mr. Anson loved it. I think that Tony loved it too. I could see him giving you that special eye of approval. But be careful that eye doesn’t become too attached to you.”

  I wanted to thank Barb for her compliment, but the last thing she said stuck with me. “Why? What’s going to happen?”

  It was a bit bold of me to ask. I was almost toying with her now, even though I didn’t really mean to. I didn’t want to rub it in her face that I was with Tony, the man that she couldn’t have. But it felt good. I wasn’t sure why, but it somehow made me feel so special. Out of all the beautiful, sexy women that Tony came into contact with every single day, he’d chosen me to be with.

  It felt invigorating.

  “It’s all too easy to get drawn into it with him,” she said “And when you are in there with him, he lets go. You are left devastated. I’ve seen it happen.”

  I nodded and pretended to heed her warning, but it kind of pissed me off. I was fairly certain her jealousy was coming into play here. As she spoke with me, I could see a few other women looking at me as they walked past. They smiled and nodded, but they were not as enthusiastic with me as when I first started. Was it my imagination, or could people tell I was getting very close to Tony? Was Barb spreading rumors based on her own suspicions? And did I really give a shit anyway?

  I laughed it off and went back to work. I was just getting right into some new notes for a presentation I was going to do for the team tomorrow when I got a message on the office Instant Messenger to come to Tony’s office.

  I wondered what was going on. Was I in trouble for something? Maybe I’d been bad, and he’d have to teach me a lesson… Oh, maybe he would do it right then and there. We hadn’t had sex in his office yet…oh, that could be so damn fun.

  When I arrived at Tony’s office, he was sitting behind his desk having a drink. It was late afternoon, so I guessed he was entitled. Not that Tony gave a damn about convention anyway.

  Just the sight of him was enough to make me wet as could be. My knees were a bit weak, but I held myself together and tried to act natural. I didn’t want him to think that I had no self-control. We were at work after all.

  “Hey, honey,” Tony said.

  “Hey,” I replied as I sat down in one of the comfortable chairs across from him.

  “I know you’re busy, so I won’t keep you,” he said. “How well do you like Mexican food?”

  “What?” I did not expect him to call me from my desk to ask my taste in Mexican food.

  “Yeah, Mexican. Yay or nay?”

  “Um, yay. I love it. Why?”

  “I was hoping you would do me the honor of having dinner with me tomorrow night as Los Agaves. Have you been? It’s a fine Mexican restaurant. Very swank and fancy, beautiful mariachi music with real musicians, a great area for dancing, and the service is outstanding. My friend Luis is the chef there. The guy is an artist. He will make a fajita that tastes so good, it is just so orgasmic in your mouth.”

  I smiled. He knew where my head was at. “That sounds good,” I replied.

  “Fantastic,” he said. “Alright, so tomorrow at six? I’ll pick you up and we will make a great night of it. I was thinking after dinner we could take in a show. Dane and Thames are in town.”

  “What is Dane and Thames.”

  He appeared shocked. “Wow, you have to get out more. Dane and Thames are two of the most amazing magicians in the world. They also do extreme stunts like sword swallowing, fire swallowing, glass swallowing—basically they swallow a lot of awful shit. It’s very entertaining.”

  I laughed. “Ok. That sounds great.”

  “That’s all I needed,” he said.

  I got up to leave his office. I glanced back as I reached for the door and Tony was watching me with a sexy smile on his face.

  I couldn’t wait until work was over.




  I watched the disc fly up into the air and I tracked it quickly in my sights. I took a deep breath and squeezed the trigger. The rifle fired and the disk smashed in half as I hit it dead on. I loved that feeling. It was an adrenaline rush like no other.

  “Whoo! Man, that is five in a row for you,” Quinton said.

  I smiled at my work. I sat the rifle down and grabbed another beer from the cooler. I enjoyed these lazy days off. Weekends were usually filled with work, too, but today Quinton and I decided that we would just not worry about it. Time to drink some beer and shoot some discs. Skeet shooting had been something I’d done since I was nine years old. One of the few memories I had of hanging out with my dad was the once-a-month thing when I could drag him out to the field, and we would shoot clays for a while.

  “Yeah, I’m on fire today,” I said.

  “I got to tell you man, this is fun, but nothing compared to the white-water rafting. That was insane. I thought we were going to die about six times.”

  Quinton was laughing hysterically. He was on his seventh beer I believed. Yep, he was tanked. The guy was only five feet six and about a hundred and forty pounds. He just couldn’t hold his liquor like the big boys.

  “I told you, man. It will change your life. I’m surprised Sophie isn’t out here with us.”

  “Nah, she hates guns.”

  “Ok. To each their own.”

  I watched Quinton get his gun ready. Then he yelled out, “Pull!”

  The disc flew up in the air and he took a shot. He missed by a few inches. “Damn!”


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