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Rise (New Haven Book 3)

Page 25

by Sara Jo Cluff

  I shook my head. “It’s not important. But we’re in a hurry and it would be nice to have some backup.”

  Thunder Thighs pointed her thumb at Skinny. “You sure you want her coming? She doesn’t even know how to use a gun.”

  Skinny opened her mouth to protest, but I snatched her handgun away from her and she looked at me surprised. She held her jaw open as she watched me while I checked how many bullets were in it and then tucked the gun in the pocket of Courtney's coat. The outfit was not suitable for war.

  I looked at Joshua. “We need two knives. One for me and one for Angela.”

  He glanced around until his eyes settled on two New Haven warriors walking by. “Hey, I need your knives.”

  One of them stopped walking. “Why?”

  Joshua held out his hand. “I just do. Hand them over.”

  They both looked at me, waiting for my approval. When I nodded, they pulled them out and handed them to Joshua.

  “Thank you,” Joshua said. “And please don’t tell anyone about this.” He handed a knife to me and Skinny. “We need to go.” He glanced up and down the street and when he was satisfied, he nodded for us to follow. We kept a close line and walked as quickly as we could to the front door to the medical building.

  I kept the knife in my hand as we moved. A knife was a lot less noisy than a gun and we didn’t want to risk being caught. But it also meant you had to be close to the source to use it, which I certainly didn’t care for.

  As soon as we opened the door to the medical building, smoke wafted out. The aftermath of the explosions lingered in the air. Joshua led us down the hall without any hesitation. Making a right at the end of the hall, he led us toward a hatch on the ground. He lifted it, revealing a staircase leading into darkness. I felt my pockets and cursed myself. I’d forgotten to take my supplies out of my pants when I switched to clothes. I always kept a small flashlight with me.

  Joshua and Thunder Thighs pulled theirs out of their pockets, giving me at least some relief. Joshua went down first, followed by me, Skinny, and then Thunder Thighs at the rear.

  We continued in silence in the underground tunnels. Now and then, we’d hear the fluttering of wings. Skinny shuddered behind me and I knew she was thinking of our challenge we went through during Recruitment. We were going down a pitch-black hallway at the time when we were suddenly attacked by a swarm of bats. It was a memory I’d been trying to forget ever since it happened, but I had a feeling I never would.

  After fifteen minutes, Skinny’s voice sliced through the air. “How much longer?”

  “Not too far,” Joshua said. His voice was calm and filled with confidence, which penetrated to me.

  “It’s freezing down here,” Skinny said.

  I’d been too busy concentrating on the sounds around me that I hadn’t even noticed the temperature. As soon as she mentioned it, I felt the cold all over me. My nose and fingers were starting to go numb.

  I pulled Courtney’s coat tighter around me. “Where will this take us?”

  “East end of Headquarters,” Joshua said. He had let go of my hand back on the streets and I missed the warmth and comfort it brought me. I wanted to reach out and take his hand, but he had his knife in one and the flashlight in the other.

  “What are we going to do when we get inside?” I asked.

  He was silent for at least thirty seconds. “I’m not sure yet.”

  Thunder Thighs huffed. “I’m sure glad you all know what you’re doing.” She let out a long grunt. “I better not die in there. Otherwise, I’m going to be pretty pissed off.”

  “You’ll be dead, so who cares?” Skinny said.

  I smiled to myself.

  Three minutes of blissful silence lapsed until Joshua came to stop in front of a ladder. He shined his light up to reveal a hatch on the ceiling. “This is it.” He went up the ladder first and slowly lifted the hatch so only his eyes could peer through. He waited twenty seconds before he pushed it opened all the way and called down to us. “Come on up. Be quiet.”

  I went up first, reaching my hand out to Joshua when I got to the top. When my feet hit the floor in Headquarters, I gripped my knife and pointed it in front of me. I really wanted my handgun, but that was back at Nick and Carla’s house. I had the handgun from Skinny, but I knew my gun inside and out. It fit the curve of my hand perfectly. But I reminded myself that the knife would be quiet and best if we wanted our presence to remain silent.

  After Skinny and Thunder Thighs were through the hatch, Joshua started forward down the empty hallway. He stopped at a T in the hall, turning his head around the corner. “Empty.”

  Once we rounded the corner, though, it wasn’t empty. Dean Johnson walked straight toward us, stopping in the middle of the hall when he saw us.

  “I was wondering where everyone was,” Joshua said. He walked up to Dean and patted him on the shoulder. “Good to see you. Where’s Austin?”

  “He’s waiting for Emmie at the entrance,” Dean said, his eyes full of hatred as he stared at me.

  Joshua shrugged. “Oh, we took a different way.” Dean moved toward me, but Joshua held out his hand to stop him. “Nice try, Dean. She’s my find, not yours. I get to take her to Austin.” He ripped the knife from my hand and took the gun from my pocket.

  His grip around my arm was tight as he dragged me down the hall. I stared at him, shocked.

  When Joshua looked at me, no sorrow sat in his eyes. “Sorry, sis, but always remember one thing: You can never trust a Randall.”

  Anger boiled over, searing every inch of me. Swinging my free arm around, I whacked Joshua in the face and twisted my body, freeing myself of his grip. I turned my body away, reached into my blouse, and flipped on the communicator I always kept in a secret pocket on the outside of my bra. I'd always hoped I wouldn't have to use it, but Joshua had brought up a great point. Although, it wasn't just Randalls I couldn't trust. It was everyone.

  It took only seconds for Joshua and Dean to wrestle me back into their grip, keeping me from doing anything more.

  When I’d turned around, Dean held onto Skinny and Thunder Thighs, his grip around their arms so tight I thought they might pop off. Fear sat in their eyes. It was the first time in my life I’d ever seen Thunder Thighs truly scared. I was sure the look on my face doubled theirs. There was still a chance that they could live. Austin and Amber wouldn't let me leave the building alive.

  Joshua didn’t hold back his smile when we rounded the corner that led to the entrance of Headquarters. Austin and Amber were both waiting for us near the door.

  Joshua released his grip on me when Austin came to him. They embraced in a brotherly hug, patting each other on the back and saying how good it was to see each other again. Amber yanked off my jacket and forced my hands behind me to cuff them. I was completely frozen in place as I watched Joshua and Austin. Two men I’d trusted with all my heart betraying me. Joshua’s betrayal was much worse than Austin’s. I’d given him two chances and he’d stabbed me in the back. I felt so foolish and naïve.

  “How’d you get here?” Austin asked.

  “Underground tunnels,” Joshua said. “I had to make her trust me.”

  Austin laughed as he looked at me. “She’s always been too trusting.”

  “She’s an idiot,” Amber said. “I think we’ve all known this for years.”

  “She’s not an idiot.” Those words coming from Thunder Thighs caught us all off guard. “She’s smarter than the four of you morons combined. She’s done more good for humankind in just the past year than any of you have done in your pathetic lifetimes.”

  Skinny nodded toward Thunder Thighs. “Yeah. What she said.”

  Amber stood close, keeping a firm grip on my arm. Her long fingernails dug into my skin and I had to do my best to keep my mouth closed.

  Austin came in front of me, looking down at me with piercing eyes. When I tore my gaze away from him, he took hold of my chin and pulled my head toward his, making me stand on my tiptoes. Amber
helped to push me up.

  “I’ve waited for this day a long time,” Austin said. “We have some catching up to do.”

  I smirked. “Yes, we do. I want to hear all about how you became a lying, selfish, arrogant loser.”

  He squeezed my chin hard. “You need to be careful with your words, Emelia. You have four people surrounding you who want nothing more than to see you dead.”

  “And two that don’t,” I said. Not that it mattered. They were both being detained by Dean and I was pretty sure he’d taken their weapons.

  “Three.” When I heard Rosie’s voice, I tried to turn my head so I could see her, but Austin’s grasp on me made it impossible.

  “You don’t count,” Austin said, not moving his eyes away from mine.

  Rosie stomped her foot. “I do, too!”

  Austin let me go and walked away from us. Amber pulled me along as we walked down a hall and into a holding room. Besides from one chair in the middle of the room, there was nothing else in it.

  Amber threw me down in the chair and bound my feet to the front legs of the chair. Before she stepped away from me, she punched me in the jaw. Rosie went to her, pounding her fists on her back and screaming out that she was a brat. Amber responded by pushing Rosie down on the ground, not being the slightest bit gentle.

  “Wow, Amber,” I said. “Your dad must be proud to see his little girl picking on children.” I smiled. “Although, she's closer to your height than anyone else in the room.”

  That at least made Rosie giggle. She sat next to Skinny and Thunder Thighs, who had been placed on the floor up against a wall. Rosie wasn't restrained, but the other two had their hands and feet bound. Dean stood next to them with his arms folded and his face free of any emotion. It was one of the first times I’d seen him without a smirk or a scowl.

  Joshua tapped Austin on the arm. “I have to go see someone. I’ll be right back.”

  “Who do you have to see?” Amber asked.

  “A close friend of mine.” Joshua winked at me. “You know her. Tiffy. One of the girls you and your friends tried to beat up last year.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Yes, and if I remember correctly, we did beat them up. Tiffy got a tooth knocked out.”

  Joshua shrugged. “She got a replacement not long after. Anyway, I told her I’d contact her as soon as I got back.”

  “Can it wait?” Austin asked.

  “Come on,” Joshua said. “I’ve been gone for a year. I think I’ve waited long enough. I’ll be back soon.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Just a brief visit to … catch up.”

  Austin smirked. “I understand. Ten minutes and then be back in here.”

  “Thanks.” Joshua opened the door but looked back in before he left. “Have fun in here, kids.”

  When he slammed the door behind him, I tried not to think about how much he’d hurt me. I had more important things to focus on, like getting me, Rosie, Skinny, and Thunder Thighs out of there alive and fully intact.

  Austin clasped his hands in front of him as he stood tall. “Now, Emmie, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. I want to end the battle outside. I want my city back.”

  “I’m tied up to a chair, Austin,” I said. “Not much I can do from here.”

  He bent down so his eyes were level with mine. “All you need to do is tell your side to surrender. Then this will be over.”

  “I highly doubt that,” I said.

  Austin nodded at Amber and she punched me in the face twice. The first landed on my left cheekbone, the other on my nose. I sat up straight, pretending like the blows had no effect, even though they were stinging like no other.

  He held out a communication device, putting it right next to my lips. “Tell Derek to send out a message for your side to surrender.”

  “Never.” I clenched my jaw, ready for the hits. They came, one to my left eye, one to the jaw, one to my nose. If my nose broke again, my fury would rain down on them.

  “It’s a simple sentence. Just say it.” Austin pressed the button down.

  “Derek?” I said. Surprise crossed over Austin’s face, but he let it go just as quick.

  “Emmie?” Derek’s voice rang through. “What’s going on? Are you okay?”

  “Wonderful,” I said. “I have a message for you.”

  “Uh, okay …” Derek said.

  I stared at Austin as I spoke. “Kill every single person in Austin’s territory.”

  Four punches that time. One to the lip and one to the jaw from Amber. Dean’s punches were the worst. Both in the stomach, both terribly close to my stitches. I struggled to breathe after his hits.

  Austin looked at Amber. “What do you think, sweetie? Should we use tools on Emmie? Or do we hurt her friends?”

  Amber jumped up and down, squealing. “Emmie!” She ran out of the room without another word. I had no idea how Austin could date a psychopath. But then again, maybe he was one, too.

  “When she gets back,” Austin said, “this is going to turn ugly. Call off your troops and you won’t have to feel any more pain.” He nodded at Rosie, who had started crying. “And she won’t have to witness anything grotesque.”

  I turned to Rosie, my heart melting at her beautiful face. She wiped her tears away and sat up tall. “Don’t do it, Emmie. You’re tough. Don’t call off the troops. They can’t win.”

  Tears came to my eyes. She was ten. She shouldn’t have to witness anything that horrible. She also shouldn’t have been put in a position where she knew our sacrifices were worth the lives of all our family and friends.

  “Listen to her,” Thunder Thighs said. “They can do what they want with us. Don’t surrender.”

  Skinny’s whole body shook. I barely heard her words when they left her mouth. “Don’t surrender.”

  Amber skipped back in with a bag. She set it on the floor next to me, pulling out pliers, files, a hammer, a screwdriver, and knives of different sizes.

  She smiled at Austin. “What can I start with?”

  Austin took a step back. “Your choice, darling.”

  Amber clapped her hands and then eyed all her choices. Her hand floated over them, moving back and forth until it hovered over the screwdriver. She picked it up and ran her finger along it. “I’ve always wondered what I could do with this.”

  Amber stood, hatred and giddiness flashing across her face. I closed my eyes and hoped the girls sitting along the wall did the same. Pain erupted in my right leg. My eyes ripped open as I screamed out. Blood oozed out where the screwdriver was lodged in my leg. She twisted it back and forth a few times and then pulled it out.

  Austin put the communication device back in front of my face. “Surrender.” Again, he pressed the button.

  My chest heaved in and out as tears flowed down my cheeks. I could taste the salt from them on my lips. “Screw you.” The corner of my mouth turned up at the pun.

  I tried to hold back the scream when she drove the screwdriver into my left leg, but there was no way to keep it in. My mouth opened to tell them it was useless, but Dean’s two punches to my face stopped me. Blood dripped down my nose and I knew it was broken again. I would make him regret it.

  “Surrender!” Austin’s scream echoed in the room.

  “No!” I wanted to yell louder than I did, but it came out hoarse.

  Amber had the hammer in her hand, and she went to strike, but Austin pushed her out of the way. He went at me, looking like every single ounce of aggression that he’d held inside his whole life was now pouring out onto me. His punches came so fast, I could barely keep track of where they landed. Left eye, cheek, eye, jaw, nose, jaw, cheek, eye. They kept coming. When he stopped, I was surprised I was still conscious.

  Rosie’s sobs filled the room, tearing at my heart. I glanced at her and was at least glad to see that she had covered her eyes. Skinny had moved her body up next to her and Rosie leaned into her. Both Thunder Thighs and Skinny had their eyes closed. I hoped it was just my screams that made her cry and not becaus
e she’d witnessed anything.

  Austin stood in front of me, his fists clenched as blood covered his knuckles. It was probably a mixture of his blood and mine. His eyes were that of a mad man’s. He had snapped. Turning his head toward the ceiling, he screamed at the top of his lungs, an animalistic rage I'd never seen before.

  Amber tried to console him, but he pushed her away. Dean finally dragged him out of the room and Amber followed, taking all the tools with her. The door locked, sealing us in.

  Only two things went through my head after they left. First, I was now terrified of Austin and what he was capable of. Second, his breakdown had bought me more minutes of my life.

  “Are you okay, Emmie?” Skinny spoke in a whisper, a quiver in her voice.

  Blood filled my mouth. One of my teeth on top had been knocked loose. Wiggling it with my tongue, I spat the blood out on the floor. I swallowed, gagging on some blood. I spat again, but that time it dribbled down my chin. “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t look fine,” Thunder Thighs said.

  “Then close your eyes.” Right after I said that, I leaned to the right and threw up. The smell alone made more bile come up my throat, but I swallowed it.

  “I hate that smell,” Thunder Thighs said.

  “Do you know someone who actually likes it?” I asked.

  Thunder Thighs grunted. “No.”

  “Well, I’m sorry.” I wasn’t really, but it felt like it needed to be said. The vomit on the floor wasn’t the only reason I’d said it. “Hopefully this will be over soon, and we can all go home.”

  “We aren’t going home,” Rosie said. Her cries had calmed enough that she could speak.

  I kept my face turned away from her so she wouldn’t have to see me. “Don’t think like that. We need to stay positive.”

  “How can we stay positive?” Skinny’s shrill voice made me miss her whisper. “We’re going to die in here! Tortured to death!”

  Rosie’s cries started again, making me swear. “Knock it off, Angela.”

  “How can I stay calm?” Skinny asked.

  “You have to,” I said. My chin fell against my chest and I left it there. I didn’t have the energy to lift my head back up. Something on the floor caught my eye. “Rosie, sweetie, I need you to come here.”


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