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Aiden & Ariel

Page 11

by Ellie Masters



  “Well, I just assumed…”

  “I like the direction of your thoughts, and while I’d love to explore your body, and learn all about your scars, I’ve had a long day. If the shit hits the fan with Julian, I’d rather face it with a couple of hours of sleep under my belt.”

  “You’re nothing like I expected.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Most men wouldn’t want to sleep. They’d be pushing for sex.”

  He took both her hands in his. “Never think for a minute I don’t want that because I can’t wait to sink into your wet heat, or discover if your pussy tastes as good as I’ve been imagining all night. I fully intend to have you screaming my name.”

  “Wow!” His words had her heart pounding. “That’s more like what I expected.”

  “Well, we have plenty of time for all of that.”

  “Do we?”

  “We have all the time in the world, luv. I have no intention of ever letting you go.”

  The profoundness of his words spun in her head. It was as if she’d found a way home. Her entire life had been standing up for herself, reaching for impossible goals, shattering them, and then looking left and right for someone to share them with. In those moments, she always stood alone. That was the way of the world for a woman who sought the kind of dreams she chased. To think she found a man who was not only not intimidated by her career choice, but embraced it, was a dream. Was it possible a woman like her could find her happily ever after? Could an ex-Army helicopter pilot also be the princess saved by her prince?

  She’d never been a romantic. Had never played into those dreams. But Aiden made her believe she could have everything.

  And that scared her silly.

  Chapter 14


  Not taking Ariel to bed was the hardest decision Aiden ever made in his life. His entire body screamed to slake his lust and satisfy his thirst for the pleasures she promised. Stunningly beautiful, courageous and fierce, he'd never met a woman who hit all his buttons.

  Samantha had been different. She'd been sweet and soft, yielding and resilient, the perfect complement to his take charge attitude. Ariel was everything Samantha wasn't, and yet perfect in many of the same ways.

  Making a promise he never intended to keep had been the hardest thing he'd done. It felt like breaking a vow. Lying to Samantha gutted him on the deepest level, but she saw something he did not. Her love transcended her time on earth and gave him permission to let her go. That showed her grace and the depths of her love. Samantha always knew how to call his bluff and beat his bullshit.

  She paved the path to his future happiness by making him promise something he couldn't stomach. Always wiser than him, and forceful in her gentle nature, she gave him an impossible gift. How many men would find love, not once, but twice in their lives?

  He thanked her for that wisdom now.

  Things with Ariel moved with the same relentless determination as the storm raging its fury outside. They weren't in control of the events surrounding them, the passion brewing between them, or the eventuality of their fate. Their worlds collided with explosive force, and who knew what would become of them in the aftermath. Irresistible, undeniably amazing, Ariel was something he never expected. That made him cautious, even when his body told him to charge ahead, claim what he wanted, and never let her go.

  Moving too fast, however, could be the worst mistake of his life.

  He held back.

  He did so because his eye was on the bigger prize. A quick fuck might feel good. It would definitely ease the heavy ache in his balls, but he risked losing something precious: a future with an amazing woman, not to mention fulfilling that damn promise he gave to his late wife.

  He saw it now.

  Samantha's love filled him while carving out a place for someone new. Her insight into a future she would never share with him left him speechless and profoundly at peace.

  Every day since her passing, his soul had ached. Some of that pain became muted over the years, but only because life continued without her presence. Their daughter needed to be raised. Groceries didn’t buy themselves, and little girls who wished to feel the undying love of both their parents sometimes needed more from the one they had left. He filled both roles as best he could, making his daughter’s life as full as possible, and with each day, a part of him died inside.

  Samantha had known this would be his future. As her death approached, she hoped for a life he couldn’t imagine, and she did the one thing he never could. She gave him permission not only to live and find love again, but to do so without guilt. He never fully understood the gift she’d given in forcing him to honor her dying wish until now.

  That knowledge rested in his arms. It was present in the tightness of Ariel’s grip as he led her to the Control Room. It echoed in his heart as she called back to base, getting updates on the storm and reporting their status. It was in the warmth of her eyes as she looked at him when she thought he wasn’t looking. It was in the softness of her body when it wrapped around his. And it was in the strength of her mind, her determination to face incredible odds and not only succeed but thrive.

  The woman was fierce, independent, and incredibly resilient. Little had he known when he’d anchored her to him during their walk from the helideck, how prophetic that moment would become. In every way, she was the one he wanted, and he was never letting her go.

  She gave another yawn. “You know, I think it’s time to catch some z’s. If anything happens…”

  “It won’t.” He pulled her deep into his embrace. “Let me show you to your quarters.”

  She looked up at him and blinked with those forever long lashes. “Actually, the idea of sleeping alone is a little spooky. Do you think I could crash with you?”

  That would be the sweetest torture.

  “Do you really expect me to keep my hands to myself?” There would be no way to share a bed with her and not take her the way his body demanded. It wasn't just a bad idea; it was courting disaster.

  “It’s okay if you don’t want to. I just don’t want to sleep alone, but I have to say that I’m not ready for anything else. I've never had a one-night stand, and I would rather not start now.”

  Dear lord, was that what she thought?

  “There's no one night about this. I’d love to hold you in my arms, even if it kills me to do so.”

  Danger. Danger. This was going to be a disaster. He should say no, but he couldn't make her sleep alone, not after she admitted to being scared.

  “Thanks, that means a lot to me.”

  “Come.” He took her hand and led her to his room.

  With her shyly ducking her head, he pulled back the covers of his bed. “It’s a twin bunk, gonna be a tight fit.”

  Her eyes widened at that comment, and then she laughed. “Sorry, it’s just when you said that…”

  “Oh, I know exactly how it sounded, but Scout’s honor. I’ll be a true gentleman.”

  “Since it’s going to be a tight fit,” a sly smile ghosted across her face, “maybe it’s best if I take the edge. I’d hate for you to fall out.”

  He slapped his thigh with that one. “Hun, there’ll be no falling out. I can God-damn-guarantee-that. And I’m a gentleman. I’m totally pinning you to that wall.”

  She gave him a look. “Is that a promise?”

  He couldn't wait to pin her to the wall, bend her over the desk, lay her out on the bed, send her to her knees, and do all manner of nasty things. He gulped with all those images racing in his head.

  “Always,” he said, "but beware of promises."

  "How's that?"

  "Because I tend to keep them." For the first time in years, he could finally say that and have it be true.

  "I hope so. I have a feeling I'm in for an education."

  "You have no idea." He gave a light smack to her ass. "Now, climb in."

  He waited for her to climb into b
ed before turning out the light. They went to bed fully clothed. Not a choice he relished, but it seemed to make her feel more comfortable. There was a second, more important reason. In case of emergency, not that he expected anything to happen, if they had to get up in a hurry, it would be one less thing to worry about.

  There was a little rearranging before they found a position where they were both comfortable. He wrapped his large frame around hers and draped an arm over her waist while she faced to the wall. With his burdens lifted, his heart lighter, and his thoughts a frustrated mess, he finally drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 15


  Morning found Ariel bathed in a gray light peeking through the window and Aiden’s erection poking her in the back. She tried to stretch until she remembered they shared a twin bed. Any movement would press against his very pressing need.

  Had it been wrong telling him she needed to slow down? And really, how slow was it to sleep in a man's bed who she met the day before. Sure, there'd been no sex, but there had been so much more. Things had been said. Scary things. Mentions of forever and love.


  How could she love a man she'd known for less than a day, and he said something similar to her. They were lust drunk. That had to be the explanation. They should have sex, just to get it out of the way. Maybe then, some of the intensity between them would ease up a bit and she could find room to breathe.

  Only, she didn't want more space between them. In his arms, she felt secure, safe, sheltered, and at peace. She felt each of those individually and together. It was a wonderful, welcoming bliss.

  “Hun, don’t you dare move.” His growly voice forced her to stillness.

  "You awake?"

  "Yes, and very hard."

  She giggled. “Problem?”

  Her body was on high alert. Everything about Aiden affected her on a gut level. It was as if her senses were magnified in his presence. The aroma of his sexy musk percolated through the air and deepened her breaths. His electric touch lifted the fine hairs on her arms. His breath whispered in her ears, promising delicious things to come…if she allowed it. And his husky voice destroyed her in the most wonderful way imaginable.

  And wasn’t that exactly what she wanted? Was there any question about whether she wanted to have sex with him? Last night, she’d needed the serenity of being held in his arms; a pause from their sizzling chemistry. Today? She needed something else entirely.

  “It’s only a problem if you intend on teasing me with that fine ass,” he said with a rumble which vibrated through his chest.

  “You want me to stop?” She arched her back and wiggled against his hard length. “You sure about that?”

  He gripped her hip and clenched the skin. “Don’t start something you don’t intend to finish, or I will put you over my knee and redden that pert ass of yours.”

  “Promises, promises,” she teased. But maybe it wasn’t the wisest thing to push Aiden. He might go through with his threats. She'd never been spanked before. It seemed incredibly deviant and insanely exciting.

  She quieted down and didn’t move, even though her entire body thrummed for more.

  He pressed his lips to the side of her neck. The gentle kiss took away her words, silenced her thoughts, and set every sense on high alert. This was happening.

  His hand glided down the curve of her hip and circled around to tickle the back of her knee. Ever so slowly, his fingers moved along the inside of her leg and toward the juncture of her thighs where a needy throb took root. Holding back the low moan escaping from her throat was an impossibility, so she didn’t even try. She was both thankful, and annoyed, they were both fully clothed.

  “I take it that’s a yes? Or, do you want me to stop?”

  “Yes.” Her hips rocked with need.

  “Yes, you want me to stop?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Then yes to what, luv? What is it you want?”

  He was going to make her say it. She flipped around and stared into his amazing eyes, satisfied to find her hunger mirrored in his lustful gaze.

  “You know what I want,” she said.

  “Do I?” He arched a brow. “I wouldn’t want to assume. Maybe you want me to braid your hair. For the record, I'm proficient in all manner of French braiding. I have my certificate from Callie hanging on my wall.”

  "I bet you do," she giggled.

  "But that's not what you want, is it?"


  He stared at her and arched a brow.

  "Are you really going to make me say it?"

  His eyes pinched with mirth. "Oh, you damn well bet I am. If only to see you squirm."

  She was already squirming. The ache between her legs needed attention.

  “I want you.” She traced the line of his jaw and ran her finger over the fullness of his lips. His smile eliminated whatever resistance she had left. Although, to be honest, she’d already made her decision. She wanted him deep inside of her.

  “Now that is music to my ears.” He flicked back the covers and she gasped with surprise. “You’re wearing entirely too much clothing.”

  They had gone to bed fully dressed, a concession he had made when her uncertainty grew to be too much. He rolled out of bed and yanked his shirt over his head, revealing the hard planes and rugged valleys of his muscular physique. Her jaw dropped and she couldn’t help but stare.

  “You need a drool rag?” he teased.

  She snapped her mouth shut and swung her legs to the floor. “Just taking a minute to admire the landscape.”

  “Well, take your shirt off so we can both take a minute together.”

  She stifled a laugh and gripped the fabric of his borrowed shirt. Ever so slowly, she teased him with a slightly sexy, but more of an awkward and gangly, striptease. Her bra was in the wash, which meant Aiden received an unobstructed view of her breasts the moment she pulled the top over her head.

  The hitch in his breath made her smile. Pulling the shirt off, she tossed it to the ground.


  It took everything not to cross her arms over her chest. Now was not the time for her innate shyness to make an appearance, but from the hunger in his gaze, and his open admiration, she found herself standing still. Not a single twitch. She swallowed against the thickness in her throat.

  He tugged at the band of his jeans. “Together?” He arched a brow and she gave a slow nod.

  Together, they slipped out of their clothes. She wore nothing beneath hers and had to wait while he paused in the middle of stepping out of his jeans. A pair of black briefs, tented with his arousal, kept her from seeing the rest of him. He took a step forward, but she held up her palm.

  “Uh-uh, strip.”

  “If you think I’m going to wait…”

  “Strip,” she said, needing to level the playing field.

  He gave her a wink. “Eager to see what I’m packing?”

  “And more,” she teased back.

  He tugged at the waistband of his briefs. His cock bobbed free, the head poking out over the elastic band. In one fluid movement, he removed the briefs and stepped out of them to come at her.

  “I gotta feel you,” he said. And he did exactly that with a gleam in his eyes.

  That glint twisted her insides and hitched her breathing. She tried to take a breath but failed before his lips crushed hers. In the next few minutes, she lost herself in the tangle of limbs which groped and explored, teased and aroused, and drove her mad with need. He was everywhere at once, cupping her breasts, pinching her nipples, licking and sucking her neck, and his fingers moved lower down, delving between her legs to drive her insane with the need for more.

  While he led, she didn’t stand still, taking the opportunity to acquaint herself with the dips and valleys of the muscles girding his frame. As he slipped a finger inside of her pussy, she grabbed his shaft.

  “Fuuuck…” His low groan encouraged her to squeeze and stroke, and she lifted on tipt
oe as he slipped another finger inside and curled both fingers until he hit that spot.

  “Aiden…” Her grip tightened on his hard length and she leaned her head against his shoulder.

  “Goddamn but you’re exquisite.” His voice came in a low growl, vibrating deep in his chest. With a look, he rocked his hips into her hand, unabashedly showing her his need, and mirrored that movement with his fingers which pumped inside of her core.

  She clawed at his shoulders. This was easily the most erotic, and sublime, experience of her life. The awkwardness she’d always known with others never entered the equation. She felt uninhibited, free to explore and feel, knowing Aiden didn’t place any judgment on what happened between them.

  With him, her body came alive. It simply felt, and she didn’t think, or worry, or obsess about anything. He took all decisions away from her, guiding them onto the bed, while sucking and nipping at her hard nipples. His fingers, perfectly slanted to stroke her core, kept up their maddening glide. She was on her back by the time his lips found hers once more. And then, the world drifted away as their bodies glided against each other.

  “I can’t wait to sink inside of you.” He growled against her lips.

  She sucked in a deep breath as he moved her the way he wanted. Her core clenched and trembled with wanton lust as his hands positioned her legs, her hips, and even her arms. After he was satisfied, the tiny rip of a foil packet barely stopped the rhythm of their bodies. He sheathed himself and then aligned with her aching body. Staring down at her, his mesmerizing gaze held her fast.

  “You’re amazing.” With those words, he rocked forward, stretching her in one painful, yet pleasurable thrust. “Don’t think I intend to be gentle. I’m going to fuck you the way you deserve to be fucked. Raw. Hard. Unapologetic. You deserve nothing less than a brutal, soul-cleaving, fuck.”

  Her whimper escaped into the small room, bouncing off the wall as he shifted his weight and braced himself. She wrapped her hands around his neck and hung on for dear life.


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