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His Marriage Demand

Page 9

by Fiona Murphy

  “They fit your dress don’t they?”

  Nodding, I don’t look up, he’s such a know it all.

  “These earring are a yes. Do you have a matching necklace or something close to them?” While Michael picks up the phone to request other pieces from the front, Drake turns to me. “Put them on now, I want to see how they look. I’m going to want your hair back for the photos, there will be someone to do your makeup and hair for you.”

  I spot pretty bright earrings in the corner. “Drake, what about those for Latisha?”

  “Sweetheart, we like Latisha, right? We can’t get her those, she’ll be mugged the first time she tries to wear them out. Knowing Latisha, she won’t give them up easily and bad things could happen. Since you like them, you’ll get them. Michael, we need a gift for a maid of honor. Earrings, something understated with a little shine.”

  “May I suggest stud diamond earrings, sir?”

  Drake looks to me and I nod, “She’d love something like that and since so many women wear fake ones, who’s to say if hers are real or not?”

  With a nod, Michael lifts the phone, requesting a selection of diamond stud earrings be brought to the back. I look up to see Drake doing more pointing and sigh. I finish the champagne and don’t even attempt to stop Michael from refilling it. Every piece he picks is perfect, even though it feels very wrong, not one of them do I desire to have go back in the case.

  Another employee arrives with two trays of diamond studs. I pick out diamond studs at a half carat. The bigger they got, the clearer it was they were very fine diamonds. A half carat total was as big as I dared to go.

  I’m handed rings to try on. The ones I can’t help showing I like are put to the side, some of them need to be resized. A stunning chocolate and pearl ring has me not wanting to remove it, even if it is a bit large. Drake’s eyes go down to it, seeing me hesitating and toying with it.

  “Michael, can you get something that will keep that on her finger for the day? We have a photo session I want her to wear it to. I’ll have it sent back to be resized tomorrow.”

  Blushing, I look down at it. “Drake, I now have enough jewelry to wear until I’m ninety. Can we please go now?”

  “Not yet, I want the necklace that matches those earrings. You’ll wear them all for the announcement photograph and then for our wedding.” Drake gives Michael a stern look and the poor man nods. A minute later he disappears. Drake finishes his own flute of champagne and tops off my own half-filled second one.

  Michael comes back and opens a case. The necklace is a match for the earrings. I know they will both work perfectly with the dress, I don’t even hesitate, I nod.

  With satisfaction, Drake takes the small rubber piece to wrap around the ring and slides the ring off my finger. Deftly, he slides the piece around the ring then puts the ring back on. His hand lingers and I feel the heat as I meet his eyes. His hunger matches mine and I sway into his heat. Sapphire dark in an instant, he presses firm lips on mine. It’s not nearly enough, I’m moaning as he pulls away. A slight thud has me turning to see Michael putting the lid on the cases. Blushing like mad, I bury my face in his chest.

  “I hope for once I’m wrong and this need of yours won’t wane soon. This day isn’t even half over and already I’m dying to be inside you again.”

  Words won’t come, I’m too embarrassed and in agreement. Drake chuckles, taking the two bags handed to him. He’s calling Norman, and I pull away as he pulls out his wallet and slides his card across the case. Michael takes the card and disappears. Only minutes later he’s handing the card back while thanking Drake.

  Norman is holding the back door open. Drake hands him the bags as he gets in after me. The trunk goes up, and Norman stows the bags.

  The shopping for clothes is as bad as I feared it would be. It feels endless, I have never owned as many clothes in my life as Drake picks out. Then he starts getting cranky, he’s not seeing anything good enough for the photo shoot for the announcement. A few he really likes, he sets to the side. The photo shoot won’t be just for the announcement, he wants pictures of both Justin and me for our home and if he ever decides to get an office. Snapping at the assistant for the second time has her running away in tears.

  “Drake, that’s enough. I don’t care why you’re cranky. You don’t get to be an asshole to some poor girl just because she’s not making what you want appear from thin air.”

  “Damn it, I told them what I wanted. My instructions were very clear. Not a single dress in the whole damned pile comes close. The photos have to be taken today, I want this to look perfect. You deserve this and people seeing the photos are going to expect it.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about what anyone thinks and I have exactly what I want and deserve. Now, you are going to go and apologize to the poor girl right now or I swear I’m wearing nothing but white cotton underwear until the wedding.”

  His laughter as he pulls me close fills me with happiness. “Perfect for me, absolutely perfect for me. Okay, I’ll go find the girl and apologize.”

  He’s turning and we find the girl is waiting for us. She’s wiping her eyes and holding a dress in a black carrier bag. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Hawthorne. I found a dress, only it’s a size too small and the other store doesn’t have one close to her size six.”

  “I apologize, I shouldn’t have taken my frustration out on you. My fiancée was right. That was uncalled for.” Drake takes the dress and looks down at me. “Well, was that a good enough apology?” With a sigh, I nod. “Good, then you get to go try the dress on.”

  “But it’s a size too small. What if I split it or something?”

  “You won’t split it, if you do I’ll pay for it. Some of the designers are unforgiving, not all of them. I want to see what you look like in this, please.”

  With a shrug I take the dress. The assistant follows me into the changing room. I undress again, watching as she unzips the dress. I sigh in annoyance. It’s gorgeous and I will die if I can’t wear it. It is a close match to my wedding dress and the negligee I had worn. The only difference is it has a high collar and a deep v down the front. It’s also made of pure white lace at the top, no crystals or pearls are anywhere. Shockingly, it’s going over my hips, I’m praying it will zip up. It does, barely. Breathing deep isn’t something I dare do.

  “Mr. Hawthorne really can be a dragon. He’s also as brilliant as they say he is. Those earrings match perfectly and you look stunning. You look like this could be your wedding dress. Other people have used it as one in the past, knowing him, your wedding dress is even better.” She’s sighing as she looks at me. I meet her eyes and exhale a yes.

  She opens the door, I walk out and there is the tiniest of movements allowed. I know without a doubt I can’t sit in it. Drake is on his phone, when he looks up and sees me, he stops talking. He swallows so hard I can see his throat working and his eyes meet mine and I nod. I know what he’s feeling. I’m feeling it too, so I don’t dare move closer.

  “We’ll take it.” His voice is hoarse and thick. The assistant looks at him for a long minute and I know she’s forgiven him, and so have I.

  Chapter Nine

  We meet Justin, dropped off at Pizzeria Duo by Enrico. I want to kill Drake for making me pick a dress I can’t sit down in. I refuse to eat, even though I’m starving. I don’t dare before the pictures. Chugging water, I watch Drake and Justin eat. Normally, I would be very cranky at the lack of food, I know it will be worth an afternoon of discomfort for the pictures. Justin has brought clothes he and Drake went shopping for yesterday. Drake had been right to not have him wear them as he’s now wearing his lunch.

  Justin is in the front seat, Drake and I are in the back on the way to the studio. Norman finds parking and helps lug up bags of clothing. Justin is annoyed to find out he’ll be following me into the makeup chair, until he sees how pretty the makeup artist is. The woman introduces herself as Carla and goes to work. I watch in wonderment as I go from pretty to stunning under her
hands. I can hear Drake on the phone outside. I’m excited for him to see me, only the reaction is nothing like I expect.

  “Jesus, Carla what the hell? You’ve covered up her beautiful skin and her eyes are too dramatic. This isn’t for the cover of a fashion magazine.”

  “Drake, she has beautiful skin, the bright lights will wash her out. Yes, her eyes are gorgeous, I’m highlighting them. I know what I’m doing. If you want to bring her back for family photographs we can lighten the makeup. For the announcement, this is what’s going to come out best. Trust me, you know how to make money, I know how to make women beautiful.”

  “Fuck, fine.” He mutters as he walks out.

  “You look gorgeous, makeup or no makeup. He’s right, you have beautiful skin but the announcement photos are going to be in black and white. This will look great. People won’t be able to take in flawless skin in black and white.”

  She helps me into the dress and puts the necklace on before pushing me out the door. I’m directed toward the studio and can hear Drake talking with Graham. Graham had been polite, reserved, and obviously gay. The man only had eyes for Drake. When I walk through the door Drake turns and sees me. Just like when I walked out of the dressing room, his eyes go dark.

  He’s across the room in an instant. “We should have had these taken last.” His hand runs along my ear. “I can’t touch you the way I want. This is maddening.”

  “I know. Have I mentioned today how much I love you? This day has worn me out and when we leave here I’m going to need food, then a very early night to recoup?”

  “So fucking perfect for me.” He whispers in my ear. “Damn it, here comes Justin. Just don’t look at me or touch me and I might get through this without embarrassing myself.”

  I laugh at his instructions and turn to focus on Justin.

  Graham is polite as he moves Drake and me into a few poses. Drake is growling one of them had to be good enough. I’m pretty sure Graham puts us through a few more to make Drake pay. Finally, he says he’s pleased and Justin is ushered in and I’m ushered out to change. Changing into the least glaringly expensive of the outfits that Drake had picked, Carla is quick to lighten the makeup. I like it even more when she’s done. She tones down my eyes and lips. Drake is nodding with approval when she’s done.

  Justin and I pose for a few together, then with Drake. I’m ordered into another dress. We do a few more before Drake is satisfied, Justin groans with relief and goes to change. But I stop Drake from following him. “Drake?”

  His eyebrow goes up at the way I say his name. “What?”

  “How much do you love me?” I whisper as I run a hand down his chest. Loving the way his muscles flex in reaction to my touch.

  “Out with it before I embarrass the both of us.”

  “You got pictures of me, I want pictures of you.”

  “I did take some pictures, while Justin and I were waiting for you.”

  “Yes, but,” I take a shaky breath and I move my hand farther down. “I want pictures of you without your shirt on.”

  His goes hand goes around my wrist, it’s almost painful. He closes his eyes and lets out a sigh, “You want me to pose without my shirt on?” The words come out of him tight.

  “I was hoping you would agree to just your boxers, only I’m not sure if Graham could take it. Also, the more we talk about it the wetter I’m getting and now I don’t know.”

  “You are fucking killing me here. This is what other women would have done in the jewelry store. You’re doing it for pictures of me in my boxers. I swear, you are fucking killing me. You know when we get home I’m going to fuck you so long and hard you can’t move for days?”

  “Yes, please.”

  His inhales hard, “Tit for tat. You in? Your bra and panties are sheer, Graham won’t care.”

  I don’t even hesitate, just nod.

  “Get the hell out of here, send Justin down to the car with Norman. We should be done by the time you get back. I want you clean of all makeup, your hair down, looking like you just rolled out of bed, our bed.”

  Nodding, I turn, practically running for the door. I get Justin down to the car and hand him my phone to play with. Norman nods at babysitting for a little while. My walk back up is slower, I’m praying Graham takes advantage of his time with Drake.

  Carla cleans me up and is chuckling as I blush as she takes my hair down. “I knew the minute Drake called me and told me I had to drop everything in New York to do your makeup that you were special. I’ve never seen him like this before. You two are a good fit.”

  Thanking her with a blush, I look up in the mirror to see Drake waiting against the door. He’s dressed and his eyes are roaming. I get up and he takes my hand as he walks me into the studio. Graham has gone from polite to downright chipper while he moves lights around a futon set up in all white sheets and pillows. Knowing Drake has been lying in it for his pictures for me has me trembling. Drake’s hands go up to the back of my dress, slowly, he pulls the zipper down. The dress falls, I step out without embarrassment. The underwear is all sheer white, with light touches of lace at the edges. His eyes run over me as if they were his hands. “Stop it, you’re making wet. I don’t want it to come out in the pictures.”

  He doesn’t stop, I’m aching with need. Graham calls to me and we disconnect. Turning towards Graham, I breathe deeply and follow his instructions. Lying down on the futon, the smell of Drake’s cologne on the sheets is torture while I go through ten agonizing minutes of poses until Drake calls a halt.

  Drakes settles the dress over me as he and Graham confirm a time for the pictures to be picked up the next day. All of the pictures were done digitally. I let Drake pick out the announcement photos and am left at the other computer picking out pictures with a click. It’s pretty simple, I just check the box next to the picture I want then pick the size and number I want. I love several, for once I don’t think of the cost as I click on picture after picture of Justin and me and then almost all of me and Drake. When it comes to Drake’s pictures, I’m bright red and I click on every single one. I’m picking several different sizes when Drake comes to my side.

  His mouth moves along my neck. “Do the same for me sweetheart and start developing a headache.”

  I do as he orders, blushing as I pick out the ones of me. I’m surprised they look even better than I had hoped. It was a small, very easy price to pay to have the pictures of Drake.

  We finish and Drake carries the bags of clothes to the car, and I settle into the back seat. We stop for food for me, and I eat during the drive home, which feels like it’s taking forever. I don’t dare look at Drake.

  I don’t have to say anything. His arm goes around me and he walks me into the house. Justin helps him bring the bags up and I’m on the bed. Kicking off the heels Justin asks if I’m okay and he’s going to go watch a movie. I murmur I’ll be fine after a nap. Drake is coming back with the second set of bags as Justin walks out. He hangs them up and I’m shimmying out of my dress as he comes back toward me, his clothes coming off with each step.

  Need is strong and there are no words, not the first time or even the second time he takes me hard and fast.

  A long time later, I’m lying on his chest and can finally think. “Drake?”


  “If I’m replacing us making love with holding hands and snuggling on the couch together then we are never ever holding hands.”

  His laughter is a shout as he rolls me under him. “I love you so much, Ria.”

  “I love you too. Thank you for my pictures. I wasn’t sure you would do it. I almost chickened out, I’m glad I didn’t. I’m sure Graham is, too.”

  “Yes, he enjoyed it. Knowing I was doing it for you had me enjoying it too.”

  “Hmm, do you think that we could, you know, do that thing we did last night?” I push my hips invitingly and his eyes go dark as he nods.

  Chapter Ten

  When I wake up the next morning I find out I’m not pregnan
t. Even though I had been pretty sure it wasn’t likely to happen, I’m in tears at the revelation. It’s how Drake finds me. His arms are quick to go around me and I feel foolish for my tears. When he finally gets out of me why I’m crying he goes still.

  “Well, hell,” He leans against the vanity and looks stunned. “I didn’t think I was going to feel this disappointed.”

  I look up to see he looks as surprised as I felt when I found out. “Right? I mean we should be a little relieved. Not going to lie, I was hoping for maybe six to eight months for just us but now...” I trail off.

  “Yeah, but now.” Drakes kiss is soft and deep. “Next time, because it sure won’t be from lack of trying or desire. At first, I thought of a baby as another means of tying you to me. Then at the oddest moments of the day I’ve been imagining a baby girl with your smile and soft brown eyes.”

  “A baby girl, huh? What if both are baby girls and we don’t have a boy?” My thoughts had been tortured with that scenario, as the signs of his long lived name and lineage were on stark display. Even Justin had felt it, wondering if he should be going to Harvard instead of MIT, I had assured him Drake was proud of him going to MIT and was more concerned about Justin’s happiness then another Hawthorne going to Harvard. It had been a hundred percent truth, Drake had said as much when I had studied the two diplomas and wondered aloud if our children would be able to get in. Drake assured me money made our children getting in wherever they wanted to go a given, and if they wanted to go Harvard that was nice, but he didn’t care if they went there or the University of Illinois, all he cared about was they were happy. He’d seen and felt what the expectations of a family could do to someone, and he didn’t want to weigh our children down with it.


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