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Fated Volition: The Sapphire Star Saga

Page 14

by A.L. Meinhold

  Chapter Thirteen

  Waiting Game

  Trees and houses stretched out before her. Alex couldn’t really tell if the houses were made of trees, or if the trees were made of the houses. It was strange and beautiful. She had never seen anything like it. To her right a line of tree houses went on down the path as far as she could see. There was barely any space between them and they all seemed to grow together.

  They formed a wall of sorts and though they looked like small individual houses smashed right up next to each other, she wondered if they connected on the inside as well. She pictured herself starting at one end, walking through house after house, and reaching the other side.

  The houses did not look like pieces of wood nailed together. They looked as if they grew right out of the ground that way. Another row of tree houses sat above the ones on the ground and looked the same. Quite a few feet separated the buildings, connected only by the staircases between them.

  Alex saw many elves coming and going, the greeted her warmly enough, but she could sense that they were not entirely pleased about something. Whether it was their presence or something else, she could not be sure. She looked to her left and was in awe once again. Instead of homes, there were workshops and buildings, each one different and unique in its own way.

  Some of them grew out of the trees to form simple open stall like structures with three walls and a roof. Some were grand buildings with windows and doors. She noted a manor of things sold, or rather bartered, such as vegetables, meats, weapons, clothing, etc. There was even a small pub. It had more space around it than any of the other buildings did.

  She supposed that was because many people probably visited the establishment at once. They walked on for what seemed like at least a mile when they finally approached a building that sat across the path they were walking. Where the rest of the houses and buildings had flowed alongside the path, it sat the opposite way and was the last stop along the path.

  It was very large and beautiful. She could only see the front entrance. The first thing she noticed was the large ornate door. It stood twice as tall as she did and was decoratively carved with different plants and animals as well as what must have been elfin ruins. The entire front of the building that surrounded the door seemed to be weaved of dark leafy vines.

  Two massive trees formed the sides and came together at the top, twisting in a way that she had never seen before, as if they were dancing together and froze in time. It reminded her of the way the plants moved underwater. The dirt path turned to stone as they approached the door.

  No one had spoken as they traveled through the city, so it startled her a bit when Alta spoke right next to her.

  “This is the Great Hall of our Clans. It is where we feast in celebration and mourn those we have lost. It is where we keep record of things that are known and all that has been forgotten. You have been invited into our city as our guest. Tonight we will have a feast in your honor, for it is great work that you do, even if you do not know it yet. For now you will be taken to the guest rooms to rest and freshen yourselves.”

  Another elf came forward and introduced himself as Fello.

  He took them to a building that was to the right of the Great Hall and smiled as he showed them to their rooms. They were small and interconnected. Decorative fabric draped across the doorway for privacy. Evangeline and Ryhan stayed the same house as her but they took Thad off somewhere else.

  When the three of them were alone Ryhan was the first to speak, “This place is so strange.”

  “I think it wonderful. Mysterious would be more accurate than strange.” Alex responded.

  Evangeline looked at both of them gravely, “Do Not let their hospitality fool you. They have many customs and laws that are unknown to us. They are honest, but can be tricky when they want to be. Keep your guard up and please do not go off alone.”

  Alex understood about trickery. Many creatures of the sea got their pleasure from tricking innocent humans. Still, she would enjoy the time they were there. She had so many questions about the way they lived. She found a washroom at the far side of the house. The tub was empty. Longing for a hot bath, she gasped as the tub filled with steamy water.

  Sometimes things like that happened on accident. For the most part, she had her power under control, but every now and then if she desired something badly enough it would happen even if she did not will it. No use in letting it go to waste, Alex thought and peeled off her dirty clothes. As soon as she stepped in to the tub, she felt rejuvenated.

  The water was of the sea, salty and refreshing. She sunk down to her chin and felt the ache in her tired muscles disappear. There were several scented soaps on a stand next to the tub and she sniffed them all finally choosing one that was sweet and floral smelling with a hint of citrus. Lathering the soap, she took great pleasure in scrubbing the grime off her body and out of her hair and then submerged herself completely under the water.


  Someone whispered her name. Startled she came up out of the water quickly, splashing large puddles on the floor as she did. She looked around and waited for Ryhan or Evangeline to call for her but neither did.


  There is was again, that time it sounded as if they were right next to her.

  She felt hot breath on the side of her face and in her ear as someone whispered her name again.

  Alexandra, you are mine.

  Jumping out of the tub quickly, she pulled on a robe that was set out and ran to the next room. Evangeline and Ryhan were sitting at a table drinking tea.

  “Alex, are you okay?” Evangeline asked with concern and a bit of shock.

  Alex did not answer just looked around frantically, waiting to hear that voice again. She jumped as someone put their hands on her shoulders. Evangeline backed away and gave her some space. Alex looked at the concern on her face and then down at herself. The robe was soaked through and she was dripping water all over the floor. She could only imagine what they must be thinking.

  “Um, I’m sorry.” It was all she could get out before she broke down in tears.

  She downed three cups of tea before she could get out what happened. They looked at her unsure of what to say.

  Ryhan started to say, “We are all tired-”

  “Don’t do that. You of all people should understand.” Alex interrupted.

  “Fine.” Ryhan replied as she crossed her arms and sat quietly.

  Looking at Evangeline, Alex said, “It was Adaro. I know it was.”

  “How do you know?” Ryhan asked as her face went white.

  “Because I know his voice.” Alex said.

  Evangeline looked worried, “You know Adaro?”

  “Unfortunately. I had a run in with him a while back. Ever since then he likes to torment me on occasion.” Alex said.

  “Why?” Ryhan asked.

  “He offered me something I needed, to help a friend. However, I was not willing to give him what he wanted in exchange. So now, I don’t know, I have become some sort of challenge for him or something.” Alex explained.

  Evangeline asked, “What was it he wanted?”

  “My Heart.” Alex said somberly.

  The others said nothing, just looked at each other, and contemplated the events. Ryhan left the room in a hurry and Alex started after her but Evangeline just shook her head and said to let her be. She could not stand to be in her sopping robe any longer and went in search of some dry clothes.

  She found a chest filled with several dresses as well as a few shirts and pants. Pulling out a long lavender dress, she held it against her. Wishing she had a mirror as she pulled it on. It was a thin material, cool to the touch, but soft and comfortable. It hugged her tightly at the top of her waist and fell loosely to the ground.

  Modestly cut and embellished with tiny white needlepoint flowers, the sleeves stopped just above her elbow and a sheer fabric flowed down on either side of her arm. She felt lovely, in a different way than normal. It was
no secret to her the desire she created in others. She became aware of her hold over men at a very early age.

  That dress made her feel beautiful, not sexy. It was a nice change. She showed Evangeline and Ryhan where they could find clothes and helped them draw hot water for baths. After a while, the three of them sat together waiting for Fello to come and escort them to dinner. Evangeline had chosen a gorgeous dark blue dress that made her skin and hair seem like it was shining from under it.

  Ryhan was wearing an emerald green dress with a beaded bodice that looked stunning. Alex had offered to do her hair and Ryhan let her reluctantly. She braided and twisted it in places so that it was out of her face, but fell down her back beautifully. The green in the dress really brought out her red hair.

  When Fello finally arrived, he was wearing a simple brown tunic and Alex was afraid that perhaps they might be overdressed. The elf murmured something about how lovely they looked and motioned for them to follow him. Her worries were set at ease once they stepped outside. Elegantly attired elves of all ages made their way toward the Great Hall. She stopped to admire the city at night.

  Small lanterns hung from posts down the path, and hundreds more seemed to illuminate the trees above her. They swayed gently with the trees in the wind as if the lights were floating on water. The wind carried the scent of wild flowers and warm food past her and her mouth watered instantly. She did not realize how hungry she was.

  “It smells absolutely divine!” She exclaimed and took Evangeline’s hand in hers.

  They walked in step behind the others and she tried to put food out of her mind, until they entered the door to the Great Hall. It was enormous. Row after row of tables stretched out before her. Every table filled with soups, breads, meats, fruits and vegetables. More food than she could probably eat in her whole life.

  Fello lead them to a long table at the head of the room. It was higher than the rest of the tables and Alex realized that it was set on a small platform. He motioned for them to sit and Alta joined them a few moments later. Once the majority of the seats filled, Alta stood and said something in another language that Alex did not understand.

  Everyone in the room raised their glass to them, and even though she wasn’t sure what Alta said she smiled and joined the toast. Once Alta sat down, Alex leaned over and asked what she said.

  “I blessed our food and gave thanks for your presence.” Alta said, and then smiled, “Well that is the just of it. It is difficult to translate from our language to yours.”

  Then she motioned for them to eat. Everything was so delicious that she had seconds of everything she could fit on her plate. Feeling overly full, she grew tired. When the feast was over Fello escorted them back to the guesthouse.

  “Fello, you don’t say much.” Alex said teasingly.

  He laughed a little, “Aye ma’am, I believe there is a time for everything that needs to be said.”

  She thought about that for a moment.

  Interrupting her thoughts he asked, “Perhaps you would like to join me for a tour tomorrow? It might make waiting for Lillian‘s return a bit easier.

  She smiled and replied excitedly, “I’d love to!”

  She bid him goodnight and fell asleep quickly looking forward to seeing more of the city the next day.


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