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Fated Volition: The Sapphire Star Saga

Page 24

by A.L. Meinhold

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Reaching an End

  Returning to the small hut was not her favorite idea, but they needed to rest and to regroup. Victoria volunteered to take the first watch. Dawn would approach in a few hours. Watching the sunrise from the top of the mountain was her favorite part of the day. She was not on top of a mountain and she could not see much of the sky through the trees, but it was a ritual of sorts for her and gave her time to clear her thoughts. It was not long before Evangeline came to join her.

  “Can’t sleep?” Victoria asked.

  Evangeline shook her head, smiled weakly, and sat down on the top step of the porch.

  “Feel like talking?” Victoria asked.

  Evangeline waited a moment, took a deep breath, and then shook her head again.

  “That’s okay, silence is good.” Victoria commented.

  Evangeline laughed a little, “Really? From the way you chatter I would think it makes you uncomfortable.”

  Sitting down next to her Victoria retorted, “Not at all. Well around people yes, I am never sure what to say so sometimes I ramble. However, when I am in the air with the dragons and phoenix, there is no need for words. Everything is instinctual. Silence is comforting then.”

  Evangeline seemed as though she liked that thought and rested her arms across her knees before blurting out, “I think he’s my father.”

  Caught off guard, Victoria had to take a moment to process what she was telling her. Ayden, she must have been talking about Ayden. Yikes, she could not imagine coming to that conclusion. Time had really done a number on the gruff man inside, and that was probably the last person she would want for a father.

  “It’s okay. I know you must think I am crazy. But his eyes Victoria. I’ve only ever seen one other person, besides myself, with eyes like that and that was my brother Gavin.” Evangeline explained.

  “I believe you. Are you going to say anything to him?” Victoria asked trying to be supportive.

  “I don’t know. I mean that man is nothing like the tales told about him. Maybe I should just take some time to get to know him.” Evangeline said.

  Victoria nodded in agreement and let the silence fill the air once more. When the sun was well over the trees, Ryhan came to relieve her, and she had never been more ready for sleep. The hut was tiny and they had accommodated everyone by moving the table outside. That had not offered much room, they were practically laying on top of one another, but they made due.

  Ayden slept in his cot and Lillian and Alex lay on the floor. The spot behind Alex was open and Victoria laid down next to her, wrapping her arm over her waist, gently as not to wake her. Alex took hold of her hand and pulled her closer. Within seconds she was out, and dreaming.

  Uneasiness filled her. It wasn’t her dream and she could feel that something was not right. She was in a sleeping chamber. Romantic decorations littered the room. Lush blankets and a mountain of pillows lay on the bed. Silky fabrics draped the wall and candles flickered their dim light, casting strange shadows across the ceiling. She walked over to the only door in the room.

  Trying to open it was like trying to move a tree. It would not budge. Hearing voices outside, she pressed her back against the wall just as the door swung open. Thankfully, she stayed hidden from view, blocked by the door she had just tried opening, which apparently was not so hard to do.

  Reminding herself that it could be charmed, she concentrated on the people conversing.

  “He can’t keep me here. I have to wake up some time.” Alex said frantically.

  “We’ll see.” A rough voice responded before slamming the door.

  Victoria watched as Alex ran over and flopped onto the bed, screaming into one of the pillows.

  “Do you feel better now?” Victoria asked, trying to make light of the situation.

  Startled at first, Alex moved away from her, and then ran into her arms sobbing, “This talisman was supposed to protect me, but it doesn’t work. At least not the way it’s supposed to.”

  It was not the first time Victoria had notice the necklace that hung around Alex’s neck. She kept it tucked under her shirt most of the time, so Victoria had never gotten a good look at it. Adaro was not a secret. Alex had shared everything with her. Well, as much as she could in the short time they had known each other. She had not realize how serious it was, Alex didn’t put much weight in her story, perhaps it was to keep her from worrying.

  “Tell me how it’s supposed to work.” Victoria said.

  “It is supposed to keep him from doing this.” She said exasperated, motioning to the room around them.

  Raising her eyebrow, Victoria asked for a better explanation.

  “It is supposed to stop him from coming into my dreams, or bringing me into his. Still, here I am, every night.”

  “Does he come to you? Do you see him or talk to him?” Victoria asked curiously.

  “No. That guard brings me here, but I do not see Adaro. I think he is torturing me, or trying to drive me crazy.” Alex cried.

  “Or…he can’t come. Maybe the talisman is working, and he’s just trying to find a way around it.” Victoria thought it was clever. Sick, but clever.

  “So what do I do?” Alex asked and looked at her as if she could save her. A look made her feel confident and afraid at the same time.

  “Just ride it out until we can find his hydari or whatever it was that you called that thing.” Victoria told her.

  With a bit of a laugh Alex responded, “Hydria. An item holds his soul. I do not really understand it much myself, but we have to find it. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”

  They sat down on the bed and Victoria put her arms around Alex. She should have been scared or sad for her. However, in that moment Victoria’s desire for Alex was overwhelming. It was impossible to hide her feelings from Alex because her power of intuition was incredible. Intuition aside their connection went beyond the physical and Alex could often tell what she was thinking or feeling before she ever had the chance to say it.

  Clearly sensing her desires, Alex pulled away. Victoria felt slightly embarrassed at the thought that she made Alex feel uncomfortable. Before she could apologize, Alex pushed her onto her back and straddled her. Confused by her actions, Victoria started to protest, but a wave a desire washed over her again when Alex leaned down and kissed her. Unlike their first kiss, there was nothing slow about it. Heat flushed her skin and the feel of Alex’s body against hers overpowered everything else.

  The only thing she could think of, or want, was to be closer and to feel more of her.

  Shifting her weight, she rolled their entwined bodies and lay on top of Alex. Pieces of clothing came off one by one and they were both nearly naked when a nagging thought crossed her mind. Victoria wanted to wait to have sex. Her first time was important to her. The sudden urgency to throw away her convictions seemed strange.

  She stopped for a moment and Alex sat up quickly and asked, “What’s wrong?”

  The thought left just as quickly as it had come and she looked at Alex, more beautiful than she had ever seen her, leaning back on her elbows and waiting for Victoria.

  “Nothing. I had a thought, but it must have been nothing.” She said.

  Wanting to finish what they had started, she leaned back down and kissed Alex’s neck. The tiny gasps of pleasure that escaped Alex’s mouth fueled her desire. Something was not right. The craving was real and she wanted her, but it was as if they could not control themselves.

  She stopped, “Does something feel off to you?”

  Alex looked hurt, “What do you mean?”

  Grabbing her face between her palms Victoria looked her in the eye, “Not with you. That is not what I meant. I want you, believe me I want you.”

  “I want you too.” Alex said pulling Victoria closer.

  Giving in, she melted into Alex before pushing her away again, “No, think about it. What if this room is enchanted? On the other hand, maybe it is just the be
d. Stand up.”

  “What do you mean?” Alex asked, while giving her a smoldering look.

  Victoria jumped off the bed quickly, pulling Alex with her. Immediately she felt different. The desire was still there, but it did not overwhelm her senses. Reaching for their clothes, they stood apart from each other, unsure of what had just happened and afraid that touching might start it all over again.

  “Whoa.” Victoria could not manage to say anything else.

  Alex just nodded in agreement.

  She waited for her breathing to return to normal and her heart to slow before saying, “So it was definitely the bed.”

  “At least now I know how he planned to seduce me. Do you think it would have worked?” Alex asked.

  “I don’t know, it seemed to only intensify the desire I have for you, not create it.” Victoria answered.

  Alex smiled shyly.

  Victoria added, “If he ever does show up, just stay off the bed to be sure.”

  Alex opened her mouth to say something, but no sound came out. Victoria closed her eyes and shook her head. When she opened them, she was in the small hut and everyone was awake chatting quietly. Alex still laid next to her and she smiled at her warmly. Smiling back, she sat up and stretched her sore limbs. An ache that felt nice.

  “You two slept a long time. We were just about to wake you.” Evangeline said.

  Victoria looked at Alex just as she blushed. Fortunately, she was the only one who noticed. Ayden had made a pot of oats and tore off a piece of bread from his last loaf for each of them. It was bland, but it was food.

  They packed up what little they had and left the small hut behind shortly after they finished eating. According to Ayden, there were only flat plains in the distance between Bastrioph and the entrance to Bastriean. Their journey was relatively easy, aside from stopping at a stream for water and to wash away what grime they could, they reached the mountains of Bastriean before nightfall.

  The closer they got to their destination the antsier Ayden became. When they reached the base of the mountains he declared that he had done his duty by helping them that far and that he was returning to his hut. Ryhan glared at him and looked like she was about to spew a string of insults his way when Evangeline pulled him aside and spoke to him softly. Victoria could not hear what she said, but whatever it was seemed to calm him.

  “So how do we get in?” She asked.

  Three small mountain ranges that formed an almost perfect triangle, kept Bastriean safely hidden from the outside world. It offered great protection, but difficulty traveling there. They stood just outside where two of the ranges met.

  “There should be a passage somewhere. We just have to find it.” Ayden replied.

  Ryhan looked annoyed, “Oh that’s it huh? I thought you’d been here before your highness.”

  “It was years ago, before my brother took over and when my father was still alive, and it was the only time.” Ayden replied angrily.

  “Geez Ryhan, cut him some slack.” Alex said.

  “Now I get to hear it from you? Nice, make my day why don’t you?” Ryhan said sarcastically.

  “Oh give it a rest. Just because you are miserable, doesn’t mean you have to take it out on everyone else.” Alex snapped.

  Victoria was surprised at her, Alex was usually more mindful of the feelings of others. Ryhan had seemed rather annoyed when Victoria and Alex were around each other, and often kept her distance. Alex had confided that it was because Ryhan longed for someone she missed terribly.

  Evangeline had done her best to keep everyone in the loop, and had briefly touched on the relationship between Gavin and Ryhan, but left out most of the details out of respect for Ryhan. Stepping between Alex, Ryhan, and Ayden, Victoria looked back and forth between them.

  “That is enough. Look how far we have come, how far the two of you have come. We are almost there, can you please keep in mind what our task is and not worry so much about the other stuff.” She pleaded.

  They both agreed and Victoria accepted a silent thank you from Evangeline before adding, “Lillian, do you think you can sense where the entrance is?”

  “I can try,” She replied.

  They all waited patiently while she walked around the large hills of rock and dirt. Lillian stopped in front of a small patch of blue and grey stone.

  “It’s here.” She said. “It requires sacrifice. Does anyone have a knife?”

  Ayden handed her a long serrated blade and she thanked him. Pricking the tip of her finger, Lillian smeared the blood on the wall and stepped back. It surprised Victoria to see the same symbol they created on the jogard, painted on the stone in Lillian’s blood. Moments later the symbol started to glow, faintly at first and then more brightly.

  Finally, the symbol flashed brilliantly then faded and the stones crumbled and fell in small pieces to the ground.

  “Nice work.” Victoria exclaimed as they headed into the dark tunnel that lay before them.

  It was not the first time she had to feel her way through a dark tunnel and it probably would not be her last. Navigating was not even that difficult. It stretched out fairly straight at a slight incline. Minutes later, they were out in fresh air and looking pleased with each other.

  “Drop your weapons and kneel.” Someone shouted.

  Thinking it must be a joke Victoria looked around curiously.

  “I said kneel.” The voice demanded again.

  “Great. Just great.” Ryhan muttered as she knelt on the ground.

  Victoria followed her, as did the rest of them. A dashing man stood before them. He carried a long sword on his hip and a crossbow in his hands. Confidence exuded from him and he held himself with a seriousness that dared any of them to challenge him.

  Victoria wasn’t surprised when Ryhan smarted off. “This is crap. Do you have any idea what we have been through to get here?”

  “Do you have any idea who you are talking to?” He asked forcefully.

  “Do YOU?” Ryhan replied angrily.

  The man hardly looked fazed at her sarcastic banter and was about to reply when another voice sounded behind him, “That’s enough, Lord Byron.”

  “Yes my lady.” He said and bowed slightly.

  Victoria did not even think she could describe the woman if someone had asked her to. She was mesmerizing. Smiling warmly at them all, the woman focused her gaze on Ayden.

  Her voice was melodious when she spoke, “Ayden, it is good to know you are well. We have all worried for you.”

  He replied, “My lady Ava, I did not mean for you to fret. I did what I had to.”

  “Hush. What is past is past. Let us start anew.” She said, and then added, “You are all weary from your travels. Come, warm your bones, and fill your bellies, for we have much to discuss.”

  No one said a word and followed her willingly. Victoria was not sure how it had escaped her notice before, but a large castle loomed ahead of them. It was massive and would take days. Weeks even, to explore all the rooms it had to offer. As they approached the entrance, Victoria felt a little hesitant. Thoughts of turning back and returning to her mother crossed her mind.

  Glancing at Ayden she thought of how he had lived his life over the past years and she decided that she would rather be brave and face what was coming with them, then hide out alone. She took Alex’s hand and ventured into the castle, reassured by the connection and power she felt between them.


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