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Grandmother Elsie

Page 8

by Martha Finley


  "A man's heart deviseth his way; but the Lord directeth his steps."--_Prov._ 16:9.

  The boys were greatly disappointed on learning from the talk at thedinner-table that Cousin Donald's furlough was so short that he could givebut two days to his Ion friends.

  There were many expressions of regret. Then Mr. Dinsmore said, "If youmust leave us so soon we must make good use of our time, by taking you atonce to see relatives, friends, and places of interest in theneighborhood. If you and the captain are not too weary to enjoy a ride ordrive, we will go to Roselands for a call this afternoon, then on to theOaks to take tea with my son Horace and his family."

  "You can assure us of a welcome at both places?" Donald said inquiringlyand with a slight smile.

  "You need not have the slightest fear on that score," was the quick,earnest rejoinder.

  "I for one," remarked the captain, "am not in the least fatigued, and ifthe ladies are to be of the party, accept with pleasure and thanks."

  "I also," said Donald, with a look at Violet which seemed to express ahope that she was not intending to remain behind.

  Mrs. Dinsmore and Mrs. Travilla excused themselves from going on the pleaof fatigue from recent nursing of the sick and the long drive of themorning, Elsie adding that her little convalescents ought hardly to bedeprived of mamma all day.

  "Then we will take Vi," said Mr. Dinsmore, looking affectionately at her;"she has shut herself up with those same convalescents all the morning andneeds air and exercise."

  "Yes, papa," her mother said, "and I know she would enjoy a gallop on herfavorite pony. Cousin," turning to Donald, "we have both riding andcarriage horses at your and the captain's service; please do not hesitateto express your preference."

  They thanked her, and after a little more discussion it was arranged thatthe whole party, including Harold and Herbert, should ride.

  The horses were ordered at once and they set out very shortly afterleaving the table. Mr. Dinsmore and the captain headed the cavalcade,Donald and Violet came next, riding side by side, and the two lads broughtup the rear.

  Donald was well satisfied with the arrangement, and he and Vi found agood deal of enjoyment in recalling the scenes, doings, and happenings ofthe past summer; particularly of the weeks spent together on the NewJersey coast.

  Also Vi rehearsed to him Edward's account of Elsie's wedding and hisdescription of the suite of apartments he had had fitted up for their use.Edward expected to spend the winter there, she said.

  It was all very interesting to Donald. He thought Lester Leland a man tobe envied, yet perhaps less so than he who should secure for his own thefair, sweet maiden riding by his side.

  They passed a pleasant hour at Roselands, seeing all the family except theinvalid, then rode on to the Oaks, where they found a warm welcome andmost delightful and hospitable entertainment.

  Then the return to Ion by moonlight was very enjoyable.

  It was still early when they arrived; the two older ladies awaited them inthe parlor, and some time was spent in pleasant converse before retiringfor the night.

  "I have not yet had the pleasure of seeing my little favorites, Rosie andWalter, Cousin Elsie," remarked Donald.

  "No," she said, "and they are very eager for an interview with you. Theyare in bed now, but I hope they will be well enough to join us atbreakfast to-morrow."

  "They have been quite sick?"

  "Yes, were dangerously ill for a time, and though about again, still needconstant care lest they should take cold."

  The guests given adjoining rooms, opened the door of communication betweenand had a little private chat together before seeking their pillows.

  "These relatives of yours, Keith, are extremely nice people," remarked thecaptain.

  "Of course they are," returned Donald, "relatives to be proud of."

  "I never saw a more beautiful woman than Mrs. Travilla," pursued thecaptain. "I think I may say never one so beautiful; and the most charmingpart of it is beauty that will last; beauty of heart and intellect. Canshe be Miss Violet's own mother? There is a resemblance, though theirstyles of beauty are quite different, but there does not seem to besufficient difference in age."

  "She _is_ own mother, though, and not only to Violet, but to two olderones--a son and daughter."

  The captain expressed great surprise. "But youthful looks must be a familycharacteristic," he added meditatively. "Mr. and Mrs. Dinsmore lookextremely young to be the grandparents of the family."

  Donald explained that Mr. Dinsmore was really only eighteen years olderthan his daughter, and Rose, a second wife, but half as many.

  "And what think you of Violet's beauty?" he asked.

  "Absolutely faultless! She has an angelic face! If I were a young fellowlike you, Keith, I'd certainly not look elsewhere while I could see a rayof hope in that direction. But there's the relationship in the way."

  "It's too distant to stand in the way," returned Donald a trifle shortly,"I look upon her prospective wealth as a far greater obstacle, having nofancy for playing the role of fortune-hunter, or laying myself open to thesuspicion of being such."

  "Then you've no intention of trying for her?"

  "I haven't said so, have I? Well, good-night, it's getting late."

  "What do you think of Captain Raymond?" Rose was asking her husband. "Youhave had by far the best opportunity to cultivate his acquaintance."

  "He impresses me very favorably as both a man and a Christian," was theemphatic reply.

  "Ah! I am glad Donald has so nice a friend," was her pleased comment.

  "Yes, there seems a warm friendship existing between them, though thecaptain must be the older by several years. Married too, for he mentionedhis children incidentally."

  On coming down to the parlor the next morning the guests found Mr.Dinsmore there fondling his little grandchildren--Rosie on one knee,Walter on the other.

  Cousin Donald's entrance was hailed with delight, Walter presentlytransferred to his knee.

  Then the captain coaxed Rosie to his, saying, "Your dark eyes and hairremind me of my little Lulu's."

  "Have you a little girl of your own, sir?" Rosie asked with a look ofinterest.

  "Yes, my dear, two of them. Lulu is a year or two younger than I take youto be, and Gracie is only seven."

  "Have you any boys?" inquired Walter.

  "Yes, my little man; I have one. We call him Max. He is two years olderthan Lulu."

  "About as old as I am?" said Rosie half inquiringly.

  "Yes; if you are eleven, as I suppose."

  "Yes, sir, I'm eleven and Walter's five."

  "If they're good children we'd like 'em to come here and play with us,"remarked Walter.

  "I am afraid they are not always good," the captain said with a smile anda half sigh. "I am not with them enough to give them the teaching andtraining that doubtless you enjoy."

  "But why doesn't their mamma do it? Our mamma teaches us;" and the child'seyes turned lovingly upon her as at that moment she entered the room.

  The usual morning greetings were exchanged, and Walter's question remainedunanswered.

  The gentlemen were out nearly all day, riding or driving; the ladies withthem a part of the time. The evening was enlivened with music andconversation, and all retired to rest at a seasonable hour; the two guestsexpecting to take leave of their hospitable entertainers the next morning.

  Darkness and silence reigned for some hours, then the shining of a brightlight into Donald's eyes awoke him.

  He sprang from his bed, rushed to the window, saw that a cottage not faraway, which he had noticed in riding by, was in flames. The next moment hehad snatched up a few articles of clothing and was at the captain's sideshaking him vigorously.

  "Up, Raymond! up, man! There's a fire and we'll be needed to help put itout."

  "What is it? breakers ahead, do you say?'" muttered the captain, only halfawake.

  "Fire! fire!" repeated Keith.

; "Fire? where?" and the captain sprang up, now wide awake, and beganhurrying on his clothes.

  "That cottage down the road."

  "That's bad indeed; but not quite so bad as a vessel foundering or burningat sea. Anybody else in the house awake?"

  "I don't know. Yes, there! I hear steps and voices."

  They hurried into the hall and down the stairs. Mr. Dinsmore was in thelower hall giving directions to the men-servants, who were all collectedthere.

  "Haste! Solon, Tom, Dick--all of you!" he was saying, "gather up all thelarge buckets about the house, ropes too and ladders, and follow me asfast as you can. Ah, captain! and Donald too! You have seen the fire, Isuppose? Will you come with me? There'll be work enough for us all nodoubt. We've no engine in this neighborhood."

  "Certainly, sir!"

  "That's the port we are bound for." And each catching up a bucket they allthree set off at full speed in the direction of the burning house, severalof the negroes following close at their heels.

  They found a crowd already gathered there--men and women, black and white.Some were carrying out furniture from the lower rooms, some bringingwater in buckets from a spring near by, others contenting themselves withlooking on and giving orders which nobody obeyed.

  "I see the house will have to go," Mr. Dinsmore said. "Are the family allout of it?"

  "All but an old colored woman," some one replied, "old Aunt Betsy. Nobodythought of her in time, and now it's too late, for the stairs are burnedaway. Hark!" as a crash was heard, "there's the last of them."

  "What! will you leave a helpless old woman to be burnt alive?" criedCaptain Raymond. "Where is she?"

  "Yonder!" cried several voices; "see, she's at the window! and she'sscreaming for help!" as a wild shriek rent the air, a black face full ofterror and despair showing itself at an upper window, where the fire'slurid light fell full upon it.

  "Oh, ain't dar nobody to help ole Aunt Betsy?" she screamed, stretchingout her wrinkled arms and toil-worn hands in passionate entreaty; "willyou ebery one ob you leave de po' ole woman to burn up in dis awful fiah?Isn't ye got no pity in yo' souls! Oh, somebody come an' help de po' olewoman to git down 'fore she burn all up!"

  "A rope!" shouted the captain, "quick! quick! a rope!"

  "Heah, massa cap'n!" answered Solon close it hand. "Ise brung it jus' intime."

  "What can you do with a rope, Raymond?" asked Donald.

  "Make an effort to save her with the help of that lightning-rod."

  "You risk your own life, and it is worth far more than hers," Donald saidentreatingly.

  "Stay a moment, captain," said Mr. Dinsmore, "they are bringing a ladder."

  "But there's no time to lose; see! the flames are already bursting outfrom the next window."

  "Yes, but here it is," as the negroes halted with it close beside them."It is to be used to reach that window, boys," he said, turning to themand pointing upward. "Set it up there."

  "Can't do it, sah! 'Mos' as much as a man's life is wuth to go so near defire."

  "Then give it to me!" cried the captain, taking hold of it, Mr. Dinsmoreand Donald giving their assistance.

  It was the work of a moment to set it up against the wall; in another thecaptain was ascending it, while the other two held it firmly in place.

  He gained the window and sprang in.

  "Bress you, massa! bress you!" exclaimed the old negress, "you's gwine tosave me I knows."

  "Get out here on to the ladder and climb down as fast as you can," he saidhurriedly, taking hold of her arm to help her.

  But she drew back shuddering. "I can't, massa! I'se ole and stiff. I can'tno how 'tall."

  There was not a moment to lose. The captain stepped back on to the topround of the ladder, took her in his arms, and began as rapid a descent aswas possible so burdened.

  The ladder shook beneath their weight, for both were heavy, and Aunt Betsystruggled in his grasp, screaming with fright; then a tongue of flameshooting out from below caught her cotton gown, and in her frantic terrorshe gave a sudden spring that threw her preserver and herself to theground.

  Mr. Dinsmore and Donald seized the captain and dragged him out of harm'sWay, other hands doing a like service for the woman.

  She was shrieking and groaning, but her rescuer neither spoke nor moved.

  They took him up, carried him out of the crowd, and laid him gently downupon a sofa; one of the articles of furniture saved from the fire.

  "Poor fellow!" sighed Donald with emotion. "I'm afraid he has paid dearfor his kindness of heart!"

  "Solon," said Mr. Dinsmore, "mount the fastest horse here and ride toRoselands for Dr. Arthur. Tell him we don't know how seriously thisgentleman is hurt. Hurry! make all possible haste!"

  Solon was turning to obey, but stopped, exclaiming, "Why, sho' anuff,dar's de doctah hisself just lightin' off his hoss ober yondah!"

  "Then run and bring him here."

  Arthur obeyed the summons with all speed. The alarm of the fire hadreached Roselands, and he had hastened to the spot to give aid inextinguishing it, or to any who might be injured.

  He found the captain showing signs of life; he moved his head, then openedhis eyes.

  "Where are you hurt, sir?" asked the doctor.

  "Not very seriously anywhere, I trust," replied the captain, trying torise. "Ah!" as he fell back again, "both back and ankle seem to have had awrench. But, friends, are you not needed over there at the fire? Myinjuries can wait."

  "Little or nothing more can be done there, and there are people enough onthe ground now to leave us free to attend to you," said Mr. Dinsmore.

  The doctor was speaking aside to Donald and Solon.

  Coming back, "We will have a litter ready in a few moments," he said,"and carry you over to Ion."

  "By all means," said Mr. Dinsmore. "You accompany us, of course, Arthur?"

  "Certainly, sir."

  "How is she--the old negress? Was she much injured by the fall?" CaptainRaymond asked.

  No one could tell him, and he begged the doctor to attend to her while thelitter was preparing.

  Arthur went in search of her, and presently returned, saying she hadescaped without any broken bones, though apparently a good deal shaken upand bruised.


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