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Jade (The Kings of Guardian Book 9)

Page 13

by Kris Michaels

  Nic opened it seconds later and walked out pushing her back two steps. Dark circles under his eyes and the wrinkled suit he wore gave her every indication that he hadn't slept last night, either. "We are not telling my mother anything about us. Are we clear?"

  "Well good morning to you, too." Jade narrowed her eyes at the man. He obviously was in an ugly ass mood. Awesome.

  "Are we clear?" Nic growled in a low voice.

  "As crystal." The alpha male audacity of the man tripped a claymore in her mind, and all kinds of wicked images exploded across her imagination. Not that she'd use any of the ideas, but hey, fuck you very much, DeMarco. No, 'Good morning, thanks for helping me protect my family, sorry this event cut short your only time off in over a year.' Nope, momma's boy did not want to upset the applecart. Got it. Jade put her hands on her hips and stared the man dead in the eye.

  He glared at her as if trying to read any ulterior motive in her answer or her expression. Finally, he nodded and opened the front door. Jade shifted into work mode immediately. She assessed the deadbolt and noted the balanced magnetic switches that activated the home's alarm system attached to the top of the door. The BMS switching system was effective but easily defeated. If she had a lock pick and magnet, she'd be in the house without tripping the alarm. An upgraded system run on fiber optics was a priority. She took out her phone and sent off a text. The windows toward the front of the street had BMS sensors and had ample lighting from the street. She needed the measurements of all the windows to order temporary ballistic shielding. Expensive as fuck, but necessary when the threat was from an organization like the Triad. She'd check the rest of the home while Judge DeMarco was at the courthouse. Jade followed Nic, taking in the flow of the home, the entrances to each room, and any possible exits that existed beyond the main entrance.

  The smell of bacon and coffee beckoned her toward the kitchen. She paused in the doorway and examined the big bay window that overlooked a surprisingly long and lushly landscaped yard behind the home. There were rose bushes under the bay window. Crime prevention through environmental design. She'd taken several classes on using nature and manipulated design techniques to make a home or business an unlikely mark for criminals. Unfortunately, there were too many available entrances and exits to consider the beautiful old home safe. It would take a small army and cost a fortune, but by the time Judge DeMarco got home tonight, the house would be secure, and nobody would be pinning any epithets to the stoop. Motion activated cameras and pressure sensors plates on the stairs, under the windows and doors, and on the roof would ensure an immediate alert if anyone or anything decided to get close to the residence.

  "Coffee?" Nic asked as they entered.

  "No." Jade continued to work, taking in the back area of the residence, mentally ticking off things she needed to do and areas she needed to ensure were fortified, all while monitoring the Judge and mitigating any issues the woman's schedule brought into the situation.

  Jade felt the thrill of the case running through her veins. She lived for this shit. It felt amazing to focus on her primary job. The undercover gig had been a life experience, but she'd decided she'd decline any further such assignments. At least for the near future. Her mind clicked through a series of checklists as she moved toward the back door followed by Nic who greeted a mid-aged woman in the long hallway.

  "Jade King, this is my mother, Bettina DeMarco. Ma, Jade has been assigned as your Personal Security Officer."

  Jade finished her scan of the far corners of the yard. She turned around at the introduction, extending her hand. "Your Honor. It is a pleasure to meet you. I took the liberty of asking Nic for your schedule, and I understand you'll need to leave soon. Once I have you securely ensconced in your chambers and have talked to the U.S. Marshals assigned to you at the courthouse, your son and I will be meeting with the Marshals' directors, the FBI, and NYPD representatives, to go over a few precautionary plans."

  She saw the respect grow in Judge DeMarco's eyes as she spoke. Yeah, she got that a lot. Professionalism, knowledge, and skill overcame the instant assumption that a woman who looked like she did couldn't do this job. No, she didn't look like a bodyguard, but she was damn good at her job. It used to piss her off that she had to prove that fact repeatedly, but it didn't anymore.

  "Well, alright. It is nice to meet you in person. I believe we talked last week? You answered my son's office phone?"

  Jade let a smile crack through the professional veneer she'd plastered into place. "Yes, ma'am. He had an issue with one of his temps. I was able to help him out."

  "I see." The judge's eyes flipped from her to Nic. He had his nose buried in his tablet and was taking a sip of his coffee. "Nicolas, did I raise you to have such poor manners? Offer this lady a cup of coffee and some breakfast."

  Nic slowly raised his eyes from his tablet and motioned toward the coffee pot. "Jade is a big girl, Ma, and she isn't a guest. She's working. I offered her coffee, but if she wants something, I assure you she'll take it. She's pretty damn good at that actually."

  Jade nodded her head and laughed. Nic spouting a double entendre that his mother wouldn't understand was too funny. "Damn straight I will. I'm not bashful ma'am, but I have had coffee and breakfast already this morning."

  The judge gave her a sideways look before a sly smile spread across her face. Jade wasn't quite sure what brought the expression about, but she didn't really care. "Just let me know when you are ready to go. I'll leave first and check the vehicle to make sure nobody has messed with it. Nic will come out with you when I open the back door. That will be your signal to leave the house. Never, ever leave the building unless I open the back door of the vehicle. It has to be the back door facing the building where you are waiting for me. If I open any other door, that is a duress signal, and you are to get away from any doors or windows and lock yourself away. I don't care if it is a janitor's closet or a random office, just do it and do it without asking questions or wasting time, okay?"

  "I got it. Back passenger door opens, I come out-anything else, I take cover and wait. Believe me, I'm not a hero, and I won't play with my security. Not after what has happened. I'll follow your instructions to the 't'. Let me get my jacket and briefcase, and I'll be ready to go."

  Jade watched her make her way down the long hall and turn at the stairs. She spun on her heel and crossed the room before she took Nic's coffee cup from him and placed it on the counter. She placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned in for a kiss. "Good morning and thank you for the interesting phone call last night. Sometime in the next twenty four hours, I would like to have that orgasm you keep promising me." Jade stepped back and picked up his coffee mug taking a sip. "Uggg. Should have known someone with a soft center would like it sweet." She sat the cup down and turned to head down the hall.

  Nic caught Jade's arm and spun her. His lips crushed against hers in a punishing kiss as his arms pinned hers against her sides. The kiss, or rather oral assault, was over before she'd been able to decide whether she enjoyed it or not.

  "When it comes to the people I love, there is absolutely no give in me. Take your shots, but never doubt I would kill to protect those I love." Nic brushed past her and headed down the hall.

  Jade wondered where the fuck that outburst came from and why Nic felt the need to drop it on her like a bomb. She shook her head and followed him down the hall. Damn good thing he was pretty, because he was harder than hell to understand.

  The strain of the day was beginning to catch up to her. She'd had the alarm system revamped and put in a camera system that had a fiber optic, 360 degree surveillance, of the residence. The Marshals and NYPD had upped security at the courthouse due to the threat and the notoriety of the case. The FBI had been in on the briefings because everyone believed the threat was Triad based and the case was their collar. All the major networks were already requesting in-court cover
age of the trial. Judge DeMarco had rejected all requests and had issued her intent to close the courtroom to the public. The woman was hell on wheels according to all accounts, and for that, Jade thanked her lucky stars. The judge had a spine and listened to directions. A combination she appreciated. It worked in their favor.

  Jade had seen Nic twice after they returned to the residence. He'd locked himself in his mother's office and had been out of her way while she coordinated the work of Guardian's vetted contractors. She had over an hour before she needed to return to the courthouse to retrieve Nic's mom. Judge DeMarco typically worked until seven every evening unless she was presiding over a case and then by all accounts, it could go much later. The breakdown of responsibilities between the agencies involved dictated Jade was responsible for the judge when she wasn't at the courthouse. The Marshals and Guardian had drawn specific lines to ensure there was no confusion as to who was on duty to ensure the judge's safety. Jade made another circuit of the house and consulted her phone, mentally ticking "completed" by each item on the extensive list of mandatory tasks she needed to finish today.

  "You've managed a few miracles."

  Nic's voice behind her shouldn't have startled her, but it did. She'd been lost in the minutiae of setting up security for his mother. "Yeah, Guardian has a great network in New York. I was able to pull in resources and contractors that I wouldn't have access to elsewhere."

  "Are you done for the day?" Nic stepped further into the room. Exhaustion painted his face with dual black smudges under his eyes and deep furrows of his brow.

  "Yeah, I still have several items that need to be addressed, but this house is now as safe, if not safer than the courthouse." Jade peeked at the time on her phone. "I need to leave in an hour to get to the courthouse to pick up my primary."

  "You mean my mother." Nic dropped onto one of the chairs in the living room.

  "I mean my primary. She is my responsibility and my job." Jade sauntered over to him and straddled his lap putting her hands on his chest. "You still owe me an orgasm."

  The man blinked at her as if she was speaking Greek. He looked around the room before he asked, "Now?" Nic's hands went to her waist and held her.

  "I heard through the grapevine you were working here until this case is settled."

  "True, what does that have to do with anything?" His hand ran up her side underneath the cheap, ill-fitting blazer she'd been wearing all day. Thank God Jewell was overnighting her clothes from Alexandria.

  "Well, in case you didn't get the memo, I'm here for the duration." She leaned in and ran her nose along his neck to his jaw. God, the scent of him and his cologne, it did crazy things to her unsated lust for the man. She nipped his earlobe softly.

  He ran his hand up her back and held her there. "I did get that memo." His hips lifted, pushing their bodies together.

  She could feel his hard length beneath her. His other hand ran lower and cupped her ass, moving her hips down onto him. She inhaled a shuddering breath and whispered, "Your mom's security is in the hands of the U.S. Marshals Service once I get her to her office, and they'll watch over her until I pick her up. I wonder what I'll do with all that time off."

  He pulled her away from his ear and found her lips. The delectable warmth and delicious taste of the man performed magic on her again. That special thing that disintegrated her brain's functions enough that she let him take charge and guide her even though that wasn't her normal response during a sexual situation. She could count on one hand the times she didn't take control of an intimate encounter. There had been three occasions; one while she was introducing herself to the BDSM scene-she enjoyed the experience but not enough to pursue the lifestyle-and the other two had been with this man Jade melted against him letting him take what he wanted. Why did the man affect her like this? Better question, why did she care?

  He pulled away, nipping at her bottom lip, allowing them to catch their breath and inhale a little sanity, too. Jade shrugged off her blazer exposing her shoulder holster, handcuffs, her utility knife, and shield. She let her hands travel under his suit jacket to where the exact same equipment lodged against his body. Contrary to her aggressive moves on Nic, she rarely hooked up with cops or fellow Guardian operatives. However, knowing that this man was her equal in every way melted her panties. Yep, she felt them ignite, boom, poof, sexual combustion at a cellular level. What was it about Nicolas Fucking DeMarco? Jade lifted away from him and slipped the knot of his tie loose as his hooded eyes watched her. She drew it out of his collar. "What would be wrong with a mutually beneficial arrangement? I come back from dropping her off in the morning, we have some mind-blowing sex, then I go to sleep for the day. You go to work, and everyone is happy. I bring her home, stand guard all night, take her to work in the morning, and we wash, rinse and repeat."

  "You don't think it is a little unprofessional to be fucking my mom's security detail?" Nic tugged on the tie she held in her hands.

  Jade stopped the slide of the silk through her fingers and shook her head. "I think it would be irresponsible to deny ourselves the opportunity. Your mom will be safe at work. You can schedule your appointments and virtual meetings around our time. Block it as gym time on your calendar. I promise I'll do my best to make sure you get all the cardio you can handle." She released the tie from her grip and started working the top button of his shirt.

  His hand grabbed both of hers. Jade stilled her fingers and lifted her eyes to meet his. His gray gaze held hers unblinking. "That sounds awfully close to a relationship." He threaded the silk necktie around both of her wrists. Jade's heartbeat sped up when he made a half hitch securing her wrists, tying her hands.

  "No, an arrangement for sex only." She watched his hands wrap the necktie around her wrists again and feed the long tail between them.

  "I believe that is how most relationships start. It is an arrangement between people who are attracted to each other… for sex." He lifted off the chair throwing her off balance. Her hands bound together gave her no way to grasp onto his shoulders or anchor herself. His massive arms surrounded her and held her against him. Her legs dropped to the floor and she stood enfolded within the confines of his body. Nic nudged her making her look up. He lowered his lips to hers and took possession of her. Jade sighed into the deep, probing kiss, allowing him the dominion he demanded. She felt the tie pull her hands down and to her side.

  Nic lifted away from her. When he spoke, his words were low, intense and absolute. "If we do this, it will be sex on my terms. When I say and how I say. No exceptions." He tugged the tie lifting her arms slightly, putting a small amount of pressure on her right shoulder. Just enough that she knew he was serious.

  Jade bent away from him and squinted at him as she processed what he'd stipulated. This wasn't what she'd envisioned. Every instinct inside her warned her to say no, to turn off whatever her lust for the man was inciting between them. He drew her back toward him and kissed her again. The arguments she'd been forming softened, and like mist, diffused. To allow someone to lead her in a dance she didn't know the steps to no longer seemed impossible-as long as that someone was Nic. My terms. The words echoed in her mind even as his lips continued their assault.

  "When this is over, you walk can away, but until then, you agree to my terms." His fingers trailed from her jaw to her neck, down the side of her breast, brushing past her weapon and moving down her waist. His hand hovered there playing along the edge of her waistband. "Say yes."

  His lips pressed against that spot again and she shivered. Saying yes wasn't what she wanted or needed. Was it? Jade focused on the movement of his lips against her neck. That talented tongue played her sensitive spots like Eddie Van Halen played the guitar. Too damn good. He sucked her earlobe into his mouth. His breath did crazy stupid things to her mind. She groaned against the assault as he left her ear and traveled down her neck again.

nbsp; "Yes, damn it to hell and back, yes." She felt his lips spread in a smile against the column of her neck.

  "First and most important term. Nobody but me. You are exclusive until this mission is done." Nick's velvet timbered voice whispered against her flesh.

  Jade nodded. Hell, she wouldn't have time to go out and hook up while on assignment anyway. Right? His hands traced her ribs. What did he say… exclusive? Yeah, okay. She could do that. "What else?" Jade damn near groaned the words as his hand traveled south and cupped her sex. She pushed into his hand, helping herself to the pressure she desperately needed.

  "I'll tell you when I'm ready for you to know." He released his grasp on the tie that bound her hands and reached down, grabbing both her thighs, lifting her up. Jade looped her fastened hands over his neck and let him carry her to the office. It was one of the few rooms in the house without windows. He sat her down on the desk and laid her back while removing her arms from around his neck. The tie slithered from around her hands. He trailed The silk up her chest and pooled it at her neck. "We don't have time to make this last today. I'm going to take you hard and fast. Give you that orgasm you've been demanding."

  Jade ran her hands up his muscled arms and grasped his shoulders as he unfastened her jeans and unceremoniously pulled them and her underwear down past her knees. He lifted and spun her face down over the desk grabbing her hair and pulling her up in an arch to kiss him. She grabbed the edges of the desk for support, scattering the items on the desktop onto the hardwood floor. Jade heard him unzip and felt his hot cock brand her ass cheek. His hand remained tangled in her hair, pulling it enough to keep her back curved.

  He leaned over her. "You can have this," He slapped her ass with his cock, "if you are on birth control, because baby, I don't have a condom."

  Jade moaned. She hadn't been on birth control for over a year. Her undercover operation wasn't conducive to her getting to a pharmacy to refill her prescription, and she hadn't made it to the doctors yet.Fuck, fuck, fuck! "No, I'm not on anything."


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