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Flawless Page 9

by Evans, Gabrielle

  It wasn’t so long ago that he’d been scared of his own shadow and couldn’t even talk to his mate, Stavion, without practically wetting himself. Now he had a seat on The Council, providing representation for the demons. All the changes that had taken place in Haven in the last year were a little surreal.

  Scanning the crowd, Kieran found Stavion sitting in the front row, beaming up at Jory like he was the first rays of sunlight after a lifetime of darkness. Just beside him, Aslan was gazing at Torren in a similar fashion. All around the meeting room, different sets of mates were touching with a subtle intimacy or making goo-goo eyes at each other.

  Three days ago, Kieran would have rolled his eyes and gagged at their lovesick actions. Now, looking down at his hand resting lightly on the inside of Lynk’s thigh, the way they were leaning together, the simple fact that he couldn’t stop sneaking looks at his mate, he had a feeling he had become the very thing he’d once mocked. Surprisingly, he couldn’t bring himself to care.

  He was happy, truly happy for the first time in his life. It wasn’t faked or forced. He didn’t have to plaster a smile on his face and play Flawless 87

  at being content. The feelings came easily, naturally now. It actually kind of scared the hell out of him considering how short a time he’d known Lynk, but then again, they had a very long history together.

  “This…” Torren trailed off as he shuffled through some papers in front of him. “Zasha Gershwin. Has anyone heard a complaint from him? If I thought my mate was being kept from me, I’d be beating down someone’s door and demanding to know why.”

  “No, love,” Aslan said with a chuckle. “You’d be removing heads from shoulders.”

  “Same thing,” Torren answered with an unconcerned wave of his hand. “My point is that it seems suspicious that he was so vehement in his claim to Lynk, yet he hasn’t pursued him further.” When no one said anything else, Kieran squeezed Lynk’s leg and stood. “We think it was a ploy to hold Lynk inside Snake River so they could question him about certain types of magic.” He kept his response vague, unsure of how many in attendance knew about the Book of the Banished, or that Thane Braddock was being held in the coven.

  Torren knew all of this, of course, but perhaps other members of The Council would have some further insight. If Zasha was truly mated to Thane as they had theorized, it was going to cause more problems than it solved, but at least it would help Kieran to rest easier. Just thinking about how the asshole had bitten Lynk made him want to run all the way to Snake River and rip the vampire’s heart out with his bare hands. Probably not the best move for interspecies relations, but it would make him feel a hell of a lot better about the entire ordeal.

  “Thank you for your discretion, Kieran, but I think everyone here knows about the Book of the Banished.” Elder Layke Winters shifted in his chair and pushed his long, silver-blond hair behind his shoulder.

  “I’m not sure that I agree, however. Before you arrived, did Leader Tuesday have any indication that you would be bringing Lynk Braddock with you?”

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  Kieran looked across the aisle to Demos and Varik for answers.

  Since he’d kind of just tagged along instead of being invited, he had no idea what arrangements had been made.

  “No,” Varik answered with a frown. “I spoke with Zasha personally and informed him that Demos and I would be visiting with guests. I never said who those guests were.”

  “There you have it.” Elder Camdin Maywater nodded slowly as he rubbed at his chin. It was his first Council meeting since being named representative to the fae. Kieran had never actually met him before, but he would have imagined a faerie to be small and petite like his friend, Kendall.

  Camdin was easily the largest man in the room, and the place was crawling with big, brawny Enforcers. His voice was soft and musical, though, not the deep baritone Kieran had expected. The man was a complete mystery to him, and judging by the looks of confusion on most everyone else’s faces, he wasn’t alone.

  “There would not have been sufficient time for Leader Tuesday to devise such an elaborate plan. I think Mr. Gershwin does believe Lynk to be his mate, so the question is why.” Camdin cocked his head to the side and considered Lynk for a long time before he spoke again.

  “Whatever Leader Tuesday is planning—if anything—I don’t believe Zasha Gershwin is in on it.”

  “So, what do we do?” Stavion wanted to know.

  Torren looked down the row at his fellow elders and sighed. “We double the number of Enforcers patrolling the grounds. Raven will get in touch with whoever this Gideon person is, and Varik, I’m going to ask you to try and contact Zasha again.”

  “Someone should speak directly with Leader Tuesday.” Kieran groaned and settled back into his seat. He respected Stavion as a leader and a person, but he just didn’t get why the man always felt the need to talk. Sometimes it was easier to get results by blowing shit up or kicking it to the ground. This seemed like one of those situations.

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  “Are you volunteering?” Jory asked with an arched eyebrow. He obviously didn’t like the idea, but it was clear that he wouldn’t argue or diminish Stavion’s authority in front of the rest of The Council. He really was the perfect mate for the uptight vampire leader.

  “I was thinking of someone unfamiliar to him and unassuming.

  Someone who won’t intimidate or pose a threat to him.”

  “I’ll do it.”

  Kieran chuckled under his breath when Galen rose to his feet. No way in hell was Bannon going to let him do something so foolish.

  “No, ya bloody well won’t!” Bannon shouted right on cue as he grabbed Galen around the waist and wrestled him back into his seat.

  “Wait,” Jory called and held up both hands. “He might be on to something.” He rolled his eyes when Bannon growled at him. “I don’t mean we’re going to send him to Snake River by himself. What about the dreamwalking, though? Can you create a dreamscape where Leader Tuesday will feel relaxed enough that Galen can probe his thoughts? Maybe pull in Zasha, Gideon, and this other Enforcer, Axton, as well.”

  “That’s actually a good idea,” Torren agreed. “He won’t be expecting it.”

  “Could we pull Thane into this dream, too?” Lynk stood and rested his hands on the bench in front of him. “If that’s possible, I think I should go as well. I have the strongest connection to him.”

  “Well, if he’s going, so am I.” It was a good idea, and Kieran could admit that. He wouldn’t stop Lynk from trying to help his brother, but he wanted to be there to watch over his mate in case things went wrong.

  “It’s the best way for Varik and Raven to contact their friends,” Stavion added. “It would be much safer than a phone call.” All eyes turned to Bannon and Galen. “Can you do it?” Torren asked.

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  Bannon dipped his head. “It’ll be a complicated dream world, but I can do it. I’ll be needin’ a day or two so I can work out the logistics.”

  The relief at finally having a workable plan was obvious in the faces of those in the room. Kieran was just happy that they wouldn’t have to physically confront their enemies without having more information about them first.

  “Thank you.”

  Kieran arched an eyebrow in question when Lynk settled down beside him on the bench. “Why are you thanking me?” And would this gratitude extend to them being naked? He wouldn’t say that part out loud, though.

  Lynk laughed quietly. “You are incorrigible. Thank you for not treating me like I’m weak or helpless.” He paused and his grin turned wicked. “I’ll thank you properly when we get home.” Kieran jumped up, grabbed Lynk’s wrist, and pulled him toward the double doors at the back of the room. As far as he was concerned, the meeting was over.

  “You were talking about the naked part, right?” He probably should have clarified that before dragging his mate along behind him like a Neande
rthal, but most of his brain cells were now located in his dick.

  Lynk’s eyes lit up, and his nod was measured. “Yes, sir.”

  “How far is it back to the house?”

  “I don’t know. Six or seven minutes, maybe?” Kieran grabbed Lynk around the waist, lifted him off his feet, and pressed his back against the wall in the long corridor. Then he crushed their mouths together while he slid his hand under the hem of his lover’s shirt.

  As hard as his dick was throbbing, that was entirely too long to wait.

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  Chapter Eleven

  Lynk figured he should probably feel mortified at being mauled in such a public place, but all he could think was yes, yes, yes! Really, how was he supposed to think anything different with his mate’s hands on him?

  All during the meeting he’d been hit with wave after wave of Kieran’s desire and bombarded with the man’s lustful thoughts. His cock had been hard and his balls aching since they’d first stepped into the room. Every little touch or casual smile from his lover had only served to intensify everything that he was already feeling.

  Kieran’s tongue tangled with his, twisting, sliding, and caressing.

  His hands were everywhere, leaving Lynk’s skin burning where he stroked or groped him. While Kieran had seemingly lost his mind, Lynk was in heaven—living in his every fantasy.

  A strong alpha male had him pinned against the wall and wasn’t shy about taking what he wanted. He was completely at Kieran’s mercy, being dominated by a man who couldn’t even wait through a car ride home before he had to have him. While some small voice worried about being caught, the larger, hedonistic part of him found that it made the episode all the more erotic.

  Though Kieran was forceful and aggressive, he was still in control. What might appear as frenzied or frantic movements to others, Lynk knew each touch, each kiss, and every swivel of Kieran’s hips was purposeful and calculated, designed to bring him as much pleasure as possible.

  “Hands over your head.” Kieran’s voice was hoarse and rasping, dripping with arousal.

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  Lynk complied immediately, straightening his arms over his head and pressing his knuckles against the wall. Nimble fingers had the button of his jeans undone and his zipper down in record time, freeing his straining erection from its confinement.

  Hissing in a breath through clenched teeth, Lynk closed his eyes and dropped his head forward when Kieran palmed his length and began to jerk him in a fast, steady rhythm. Lynk could have helped them along with a little magic. He could have removed their clothing.

  He could have slicked and stretched his hole, readying himself for Kieran’s thick cock.

  In the short time they’d been together, he’d discovered that his mate was adamantly against such things, though. They’d found their way together twice during the night, and each time Kieran had refused to let Lynk use his magic. Apparently he enjoyed the journey as much as he did the end prize, which was more than fine with Lynk. It made him feel special instead of like he was just a willing partner Kieran was using to get his kinks off.

  In short order, Kieran had his own cock out, lining it up with Lynk’s and fisting both in one hand. Lynk could feel Kieran’s dick pulse, watched as a drop of pre-cum dripped down the side of the crown. He was enthralled, utterly fascinated by the single tear of clear moisture that smeared between their cocks as Kieran began to stroke them both at once.

  The arm around his waist held him firmly in place, not allowing for even the tiniest of thrusts on his part. Not much was required of him but to sit back and enjoy the ride, so that was exactly what he did.

  His eyelids drifted closed again, and his head fell back against the sheetrock. The friction gliding up and down his shaft sent electrical waves up his spine and caused his skin to break out in gooseflesh.

  Kieran grunted and panted against the side of his neck, his warm breath and soft lips creating a chain reaction in Lynk’s body. His shoulders jerked, his muscles tensed, and his balls rolled inside his Flawless 93

  tight sac. His dick swelled inside Kieran’s fist, and heat infused his cheeks while tingles raced out to his extremities.

  “Please, sir,” he begged as his lower abs clenched with his impending climax.

  “Open your eyes, Lynk.”

  His eyelids snapped open, and he lifted his head to look at his lover.

  “Put your arms around my neck.”

  Lynk shivered as he hurried to obey, his body burning with desire at the authority in Kieran’s voice. Their foreheads rested together, their noses almost touched, and mere centimeters separated their mouths, but Kieran didn’t kiss him like he’d expected.

  “Tell me who you belong to, sugar.”

  “You, sir,” Lynk panted, struggling to hold back his orgasm as Kieran jerked him harder and faster.

  “You need me.”

  “Yes, sir.” More than you know.

  “More importantly, you want to need me.” He’d never really thought of it that way, but he couldn’t deny the truth in the words. “Yes, sir.”

  Kieran closed his eyes and groaned as his hips jerked and his rhythm faltered. “Beg me, Lynk. Beg for what you want.”

  “Please, sir. I need to come. Please, can I come?” Kieran groaned again, and his fist clenched around their shafts.

  “Then come for me, Lynk. Now.” He twisted his wrist so that his fingers rubbed just under the ridge of Lynk’s crown, and he slammed their mouths together in a demanding kiss that curled Lynk’s toes right there inside his boots.

  Music to his ears, the words released him from his self-imposed restraint, and Lynk erupted like a geyser, spraying heated seed from his slit and making a mess of both their shirts. Kieran followed swiftly, moaning into Lynk’s mouth as cum blasted from his cock to swirl and mingle with Lynk’s.

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  While he doubted he’d ever come so hard from a hand job, Lynk wanted more. His ass clenched greedily, wanting to be stretched and filled. His dick was still hard, still aching, needing more of Kieran’s attention. The intense climax had done little to curb his craving for his lover. It might have even made the need stronger.

  Kieran pulled his T-shirt off over his head and made a half-hearted attempt to clean them up. Multitasking obviously wasn’t something he excelled at, however. Or maybe he was just much more interested in his exploration of Lynk’s mouth. Whichever it was, by the time Kieran ended the kiss, neither of them was very clean, and Lynk was whimpering in frustration as his dick continued to throb.

  “Six or seven minutes?” Kieran mumbled against his swollen lips.

  “Give or take,” Lynk returned, excitement flowing through him at the implications of the question.

  Kieran dropped him to his feet and held him steady as he tried in vain to put their clothes back to rights. He finally gave up and just pulled Lynk along toward the exit with a growl. “I can make it in four.”

  * * * *

  “Lean back against the door and push your pants off your hips.” Kieran kept most of his attention of the road but snuck glances at Lynk out of the corner of his eye. Grabbing the travel-size bottle of lube from the cupholder, he tossed it at his mate, smirking when Lynk’s eyes rounded and he clutched the tube like it was made of gold.

  He hadn’t been sure if he’d wanted to beat his brothers senseless or sing their praises when he’d found his pickup in the parking lot along with the bottle of lube and a note on the driver’s seat telling him to enjoy his gift. Watching Lynk strip out of his boots and jeans then spread his legs so that one draped over the seatback, he was leaning toward the latter.

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  “Stroke your cock and finger your hole, but don’t come.” He fumbled with the button on his jeans so he could free his own straining dick and give it room to breathe before he caused himself serious damage.

  “Yes, sir.” Lynk slicked his fingers and wasted no time inserting
two into his quivering entrance. His eyes locked on Kieran’s weeping cock as he fisted his own shaft and pumped his hips up, sliding his rigid length through his tight grasp.

  “See something you like?” Keeping a tight grip on the steering wheel and slowing his speed, Kieran slid two fingers under his cock and lifted it for Lynk’s viewing pleasure.

  Lynk sucked his bottom lip between his teeth and nodded.

  “I can’t hear you, sugar.”

  “Yes, sir. I like it very much.” Both hands moved in tandem, plunging into his hole and flying over his cock. Perspiration beaded across his forehead, dampening his ebony hair so that it clung to his face, and his breathing came in great, panting gasps.

  Lynk’s feelings of lust slammed into Kieran like a tsunami while the cab of the pickup was permeated with the tantalizing scent of sex and carnal surrender. “Add another finger, sugar.” His mate extracted both fingers, added a third, and pushed all three into his clenching channel. The strain on his handsome face was evident as his eyes squeezed closed and the cords in his neck strained—his mouth open in a silent scream. Liberal amounts of pre-cum leaked from the tip of his cock, covering the crown so that it glistened in the moonlight filtering through the windows.

  Lynk’s back bowed, his hips bucked upward, and Kieran could see his heart pulsing in the vein in his throat. He’d barely even touched himself, and already Kieran felt his orgasm building just from watching his lover pleasure himself. Crap, why weren’t they there yet? Had he missed a turn somewhere?

  “Just past that row of trees.” Lynk answered his unspoken question through strangled moans.

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  As promised, the long driveway appeared on the left within seconds. Pulling onto the drive just so he was off the main road, Kieran slammed on the brake and threw the pickup into park. Shoving the seat back as far as it would go, he snatched the lube up from the seat where Lynk had abandoned the bottle and used it to slick his aching cock.


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