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Flawless Page 10

by Evans, Gabrielle

  “Come here,” he ordered, holding his shaft upright by the base.

  Lynk was out of his seat and crawling into Kieran’s lap in the next blink. He didn’t wait for permission or command, either. Straddling Kieran’s thighs, Lynk sank over him, impaling himself until Kieran’s cock was encased to the root inside the tightest, most amazing heat.

  “Oh, fuck,” he groaned, dropping his head back on the seat and thrusting up as he dug his fingers into the naked flesh on Lynk’s hips.

  “That’s the idea.” Lynk mouthed the side of Kieran’s throat as he rose and fell, dropping hard into Kieran’s lap over and over. “Please, sir. More, I need more.” He insinuated a hand between them, reaching for his shaft where it rubbed against Kieran’s abs.

  “No. Hands on the seat behind me.”

  Lynk whimpered, but did as he was told, pressing both palms flat against the seat on either side of Kieran’s shoulders. “I’m all that you need, Lynk. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Kieran snapped his hips, pulling Lynk down on his cock with every forceful plunge. The truck rocked with their movements. The windows fogged with their rapid breathing while an inferno raged though Kieran’s body.

  “I need…I need…” Lynk rested his temple against the side of Kieran’s head and groaned as his whole body shuddered, clearly on the verge of climax.

  “You need me.”

  “Yes,” Lynk hissed. “I need you.”

  Kieran trailed his tongue over the salty skin on his lover’s shoulder. “Then come for me, sugar. Strangle my cock. Make me feel Flawless 97

  it.” He licked again before he struck, sinking his canines into the damp flesh while his arms locked around Lynk’s waist like steel bands.

  His mate screamed loud enough to make his eardrums hurt as he exploded, his cock spurting and his inner walls convulsing around Kieran, massaging his cock, milking him. “Come for me, love,” Lynk rasped, grinding himself against Kieran’s groin.

  The orgasm that rippled through him stole the breath from his lungs and left him momentarily deaf and blind. His growl was loud enough to vibrate the windows as he filled Lynk to the brim, overflowing his snug channel with his seed.

  “Damn, it just keeps getting better,” Kieran said hoarsely when speech finally returned to him. “You okay, sugar?” He skimmed his palm down Lynk’s spine and peppered kisses over the side of his face.

  Lynk snuggled against his chest while his body shuddered with aftershocks. His arms looped around Kieran’s neck, holding on to him tightly. “Better than okay.”

  A movement outside the window caught Kieran’s attention just before a large fist pounded against the glass. “Man, you’re blocking the drive!”

  Wiping away the fog, Kieran kept his other arm around Lynk and smiled up at the man’s brother. “Hi, Torren.” Torren snorted and rolled his eyes. “Get a room. That’s my baby brother, you know. I really don’t need to see this.”

  “Then close your eyes or go away,” Lynk said, making no attempt to remove himself from Kieran’s lap.

  “Just move the damn truck.” Then the eldest Braddock stomped away, presumably to his own vehicle parked right behind them.

  Kieran and Lynk fell together in laughter, and Kieran suddenly felt like a teenager being caught in the backseat of his car by his partner’s father. Instead of being afraid for his life, though, he found the entire situation hilarious.

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  Gods, life with Lynk was so much better than anything he’d experienced on his own. He’d do whatever it took to never lose that feeling. He’d been too young and stupid to hold on to it before, but he wouldn’t let it slip through his hands again.

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  Chapter Twelve

  “What do you mean I can’t go?” Lynk fisted his hands on his hips and snarled at his brother and his mate. For two days he’d been waiting for Bannon to come up with a suitable dream sequence that would allow them to extract the information they needed to save Thane. Now that everything was in place, Torren and Kieran were telling him that he wasn’t going to help.

  “It’s too dangerous,” Kieran said. Lynk was sure he was going for soothing and coaxing, but it wasn’t working.

  “Besides that,” Torren interrupted, “your presence could hurt more than help. All it would take is for Zasha or Leader Tuesday to recognize you, and the whole thing is blown. That’s my final decision, and I’m not backing down from it.”

  “What about disguising us? I thought you said that Bannon could do that.” He jabbed a finger in Kieran’s direction. “And why does he get to go? You don’t think they’ll recognize him?” When neither man had a ready answer, Lynk found his suspicion piqued. They were hiding something from him. More importantly, Kieran was keeping secrets.

  “Lynk, you’re not going,” Kieran insisted, dropping all pretenses of the supportive lover. “I would lose my goddamn mind if anything happened to you. Please don’t argue with me on this one.”

  “We just got you back,” Torren added, his face somber. “I want to rescue Thane as much as you do, but don’t make me choose between the two of you. I won’t sacrifice one brother to save the other. Don’t ask me to do that.”

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  They weren’t playing fair. Lynk wasn’t asking them to sacrifice anything. He might not be the almighty Torren, but he was damn powerful, and he could help. Why didn’t anyone ever believe in him?

  He’d thought Kieran did, but he now understood how wrong he’d been.

  Unless… “What happened?”

  “Nothing,” Kieran answered a little too quickly. He suddenly found a spot on the arm of the sofa to be very interesting.

  “You were in full support of me doing this as long as you could be at my side.” Lynk rose from the armchair and prowled toward his mate. “You didn’t think it was too dangerous or that I was too weak two days ago. Tell me what changed.”

  “I was just trying to pacify you.” Kieran still wouldn’t look at him. “I didn’t want to cause a scene at the meeting.” Lie. Lynk could practically smell the untruth rolling off his lover.

  “Wow, and I thought Torren was a bad liar.”

  “Am not,” Torren mumbled under his breath without a shred of conviction.

  Well, two could play at that game. Or was it three? Whatever.

  “Fine. When is Bannon supposed to be here?”

  “Tomorrow at five,” Kieran answered. “We have to wait for all the vamps to be sleeping for the day. Raven and Varik will be here before the sun comes up and hang out in the basement until it’s time.”

  “And you’re not going to tell me what happened that suddenly changed everything, are you?”


  Well, at least he wasn’t lying anymore. “Okay, well if you really think that it’s too dangerous for me…” Lynk trailed off and shrugged.

  “I’m going to bed. Are you coming?”

  “That’s it? That’s all you’re going to say?” Kieran’s eyebrows drew together, and he sounded incredulous to say the least.

  “What would you like me to say? It’s obvious that I’m not going to budge you on this, so what’s the point in arguing?” Lynk lifted his Flawless 101

  right hand and waved it in front of him. Kieran’s clothes disappeared.

  “I mean what could I possibly do to help?”


  Lynk snapped his fingers, binding Kieran to the sofa so that only his eyes and lips could move. “Obviously I’m far too weak to participate in such a dangerous endeavor.”

  “Lynk Braddock, I swear to everything that is holy, if you don’t—” He snapped his fingers again, effectively cutting off Kieran’s threat. “You’ll do what exactly?” True, he needed Kieran’s strength.

  He melted under the man’s dominance. The silence from his whirlwind of thoughts could only be brought about by what his mate could give him.

  That didn’t
mean that he was going to roll over and expose his belly when people he loved were in danger, though. Kieran might have several inches and nearly forty pounds on him, but when it came down to logistics, Lynk would always win. He wasn’t a child. He wasn’t helpless. And they were going to damn sure stop treating him as such.

  “Lynk, this isn’t going to help,” Torren admonished, though he looked to be having a hard time keeping a straight face.

  Very well then. Lynk waved a hand toward his brother, stripping Torren, and mumbled under his breath. All at once, Torren flew backward, pinned to the wall and splayed out with his hands over his head. “You were saying?”

  “You know I’m stronger than you.” Torren’s muscles bunched as he strained against his invisible bonds.

  “Prove it.”

  His brother smiled wickedly, and the next thing Lynk knew he was curled into a pretzel on the floor with his feet behind his head. So undignified.

  Kieran shook with laughter, though he was still unable to open his lips. His amusement at Lynk’s predicament was less than endearing.

  It was just Lynk’s luck that Aslan chose that moment to walk into the 102 Gabrielle


  room. Torren’s mate stopped dead in his tracks, cocked his head to the side, and arched an eyebrow.

  “What are you doing?” he asked casually, addressing Torren as though nothing unusual was happening.

  “Lynk started it.”

  Aslan snorted. “Right. That’s why he looks like he’s trying to shove his head up his own ass.” He turned his attention to Kieran. “Is he going to be okay? He looks like he’s about to have a stroke.” Lynk wiggled around like a turtle that had been flipped on his shell so that he could get a better look at his lover. That poor guy looked like he was about to burst with his face almost purple from having to hold in his laughter. Deciding to take pity on him, Lynk released his gag spell. Once freed, Kieran roared with laughter, his whole body vibrating with it.

  Still locked in the embarrassing and uncomfortable position, Lynk suddenly found himself levitating off the floor until he hovered two feet or so from the carpet. He only had a second to glare at his brother before he started spinning in circles so fast that he thought he was going to puke as the room whizzed by him in a blur.

  “Okay!” he finally shouted. “I give!” Torren didn’t let up, though. Faster and faster he spun, sometimes even somersaulting in the air until it felt like his brain was going to explode out of the top of his skull and his stomach lodged in his throat. Unfortunately, he knew from past experience that Torren wouldn’t stop until Lynk either vomited or passed out. It had been Torren’s favorite way to torture him when they were kids.

  His mate’s laughter came to abrupt halt, and he was off the sofa and snarling in Torren’s face before Lynk even registered what was happening. “Put him down.”

  Heedless of the warning in Kieran’s tone, Torren chuckled and sent Lynk tumbling through the air around the room. It was in that moment that Kieran did the worst possible thing he could have done.

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  He wrapped his fingers around Torren’s neck and squeezed, breaking the witch’s concentration.

  Lynk stopped spinning and fell onto the coffee table like a ton of bricks, snapping it as though it was made of nothing more than cardboard, and causing him to cry out in pain. Abandoning his hold on Torren, Kieran flew to his side, his hands hovering over Lynk, obviously not sure where or if to touch him.

  “Oh, shit. Lynk, talk to me. Are you okay? Where does it hurt, sugar?”

  “Everywhere.” The room was still spinning, and he felt like the table wasn’t the only thing broken. “This is so your fault.”

  “Yes,” Kieran replied solemnly. “It is. I’m sorry. I’ll tell you anything you want to know. You can come with us into Bannon’s dream. Whatever you want.”

  It wasn’t how he’d planned to gain his mate’s acquiescence.

  Surely there could have been a less painful way. Still, it accomplished what he’d set out to do. Only, he’d wanted to prove he could handle himself, not have Kieran fawn all over him because he’d ended up getting his ass handed to him by his big brother. “You’re naked.” It was so very hard for Lynk to think coherently with his mate hovering over him, gloriously bare and smelling so wonderful.

  “And whose fault is that?” Kieran arched an eyebrow at him, though he was smiling that special, confident smile that always turned Lynk into putty.

  “Oh, right. Revelabit.” Instantly, Kieran’s clothes reappeared, though Lynk was a bit sorry to see all of that smooth, tanned skin go.

  It wasn’t like he didn’t have access to it whenever he wanted, though.

  Kieran would never deny him, always viewing them as equals.

  That thought alone went a long way in soothing his agitation over Kieran’s secret keeping. Whatever his mate was hiding, he did it to protect Lynk, not because he thought Lynk was weak, but because that was what people did when they loved someone. They went to any lengths to protect them—even from themselves.

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  “Can you move?”

  The pain had already begun to subside, and he didn’t feel quite so queasy any longer. Lynk wiggled his toes and fingers experimentally and rocked his head from side to side on his neck. Nothing felt broken. “I’m okay. I’ll probably be a little sore tomorrow, but everything is where it should be.”

  “C’mon, Lynk.” Kieran helped him up and lifted him into his arms. “A nice, hot bath should help, and we’ll see if Elder Jackass can rustle up some pain meds.”

  “Maybe you could release said elder from the wall first,” Torren snapped, still struggling against the fastening spell Lynk had placed on him.

  Aslan looked like he was going to rupture something from laughing so hard. “Will he eventually get free without you?”

  “He could get free now if he was really concentrating on it.” Lynk had no illusions about being more powerful than his brother.

  Snuggled in Kieran’s arms, he wasn’t too fussed about it, either.

  “In that case, go on and have that bath.” Aslan stopped laughing and gave Torren a seductive smirk. “I’ll take good care of him.” Torren stopped struggling, and he stared his mate up and down, practically undressing him with his eyes. “Get out,” he ordered, without even looking in Lynk’s direction.

  The look of lust in his eyes was enough to make Lynk shudder.

  “Let’s go. This is definitely not something that I want to see.”

  “Not to worry.” Kieran dropped a kiss on the top of his head as he carried him out of the room. “We’ll find a little privacy and make our own magic.”

  * * * *

  He’d only wanted to prevent Lynk from getting hurt. Instead, just the opposite had happened. While it had been nothing more than sibling bickering, it could have been so much worse.

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  Placing his lover gently on the bed, Kieran brushed his lips against Lynk’s and smiled. “I’ll start the bath.” Lynk didn’t return his smile, though. “What happened? Are you ever going to tell me?”

  Sighing in resignation, Kieran stretched out on the mattress beside his mate, realizing that a soak in the tub would have to be postponed for less enjoyable pursuits. “Zasha has requested a formal hearing with The Council. He’s protesting our mating, and requesting the right to challenge me.”

  “Challenge you for the right to claim me as a mate?” Lynk shot up so quickly that their foreheads smacked together. Heedless of the injury, Lynk just shook his head as though flinging off water and gaped at Kieran. “You can’t be serious! He can’t do that. Can he do that? You’ve already claimed me. Zasha is not my mate!”

  “Hush now.” Kieran stroked the side of Lynk’s face, tucking his hair back behind his ear. “I know, sugar. I know. Torren doesn’t have a choice but to grant him the hearing, though. Plus, Zasha has Leader Tuesday backing him.”

  “What’s goin
g to happen at this meeting?”

  “I don’t know. If Zasha argues his case convincingly, I assume that The Council will be forced to grant him the right to challenge me.” Kieran wished he had better answers, but in truth, he didn’t know what to expect in the days to come.

  “When is the hearing?”

  Kieran flinched. “Uh, tomorrow evening.”

  “Crackerjacks!” Lynk grumbled a few more pseudo-curses under his breath before regaining control. “So, we only get one shot at this dream thing. If we don’t learn anything useful, we’re screwed at the hearing.”

  “There’s also the chance that we can find out about Thane, but nothing that will help us with Zasha.” 106 Gabrielle


  Kieran chuckled when his mate growled at him. “Thank you so much for the optimistic spin on our predicament. It’s very helpful. Is there anything we can do to circumvent this challenge?”

  “If Bannon can’t help us find out anything useful, then we can try to prove our case.” Kieran was the one to growl this time. He didn’t like the idea at all. It left Lynk too exposed, too vulnerable, and he wouldn’t be close enough to protect him if something happened.

  On the other hand, in his shifted form on the full moon, there was absolutely nothing that would prevent him from getting to his mate.

  No matter where Lynk was, no matter how far away or what obstacles presented themselves in his path, Kieran would find him.

  “Won’t that mean that Zasha will also be able to provide evidence to prove that I’m his mate? How does that work? How do you know for sure with vampires? And why doesn’t anyone care what I want?” They were all good questions, but unfortunately, Kieran didn’t have a response. “I care what you want, Lynk, but I don’t know all the rules. I don’t understand anything about politics, especially vampire politics.” He pushed his lover back to the mattress and pinned him there by his shoulders while he loomed over him. “I promise you this, though. No matter what happens or what those idiots on The Council say, I won’t let anyone take you away from me. You got that?”


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