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Broken Bonds (Valerian's Cove Book 2)

Page 7

by H. C. de Cossy

  “Coffee, please. And do you by any chance have clotted cream? I would love a scone.”

  “Of course. I’ll bring it right out.”

  Rachel entered the kitchen where Declan was setting a tray of fresh currant scones on the counter.

  “Deirdre came through! There is a member of the MacNamara Clan out there ready to help us. Deirdre sent him along first thing this morning. His name is Ciaran.”

  “Beautiful! That’s perfect. I’ll call Theo and Marissa and let them know. We’ll see if we can all get together this evening and see what he can do for them.”

  Wiping his hands on a clean towel, Declan reached for the phone. Rachel put together a plate of scones, jam, butter and clotted cream and headed back out to the seating area. She paused to pour a fresh cup of coffee on the way. Placing the food in front of Ciaran, Rachel sat opposite from him for a moment.

  “Did Deirdre tell you what’s been going on, here?” She asked him.

  “She said that someone has been suppressing a mating Bond so that she can control one of the partners, is that right?”

  “Yes. It looks like she is doing it for a possible financial gain. The young man is her biological son. His grandparent hid him from her after she was responsible for the death of their son. They were afraid she would use the boy to get their money, then kill off the rest of the family. Apparently, she found him eleven years ago, and has been slowly building up control ever since. He was newly Bonded when she found him, and she suppressed the Bond on both ends, almost killing his partner to do so. The only reason she survived is because she had just found out she was pregnant and needed to protect her children. She also comes from an unending line of extremely powerful Witches.”

  “Which line?”


  Ciaran laughed. “This woman thought she could put one over on a Casey Witch? Is she insane?”

  Rachel smiled. “She almost did. Marissa felt as if her Bonded had died and didn’t know to go looking for him. The woman, Clarice, worked for the old Witches Council, and found Theo by accident through them. When they were overthrown a few months ago, Clarice went into hiding, and it seems that she wasn’t able to get close enough to Theo or Marissa to reinforce the suppression of the Bonding. It started wearing off, and then Theo showed up here at the end of his last undercover case for the Council. He wasn’t aware Marissa was here. When he saw her, the suppression apparently broke completely.”

  “So we need to make sure that there is no trace of the suppression left on either of them, no ill side effects, and no way she can get her hooks back into the young man or his partner.”

  “Exactly. They have twin children, too, who need to be protected against compulsion as well.”

  “Well, I can do all of that. I have a particular hate for Mind Mages who use their powers for personal gain at the expense of everyone else. I am happy to help with this case.”

  “We are pleased to have you here, sir,” Rachel told him.

  “Please, call me Ciaran. I am not so old as all that.”

  Rachel nodded.

  “My husband, Declan, Deirdre’s nephew, is calling Theo and Marissa now in the back. They both work as Healers in the clinic here in town. Theo is a Healer and Marissa a Mind Healer. Not a Mind Mage, and too close to the situation to be able to sort this out herself.”

  “Of course. I will go see them at once.” Finishing a last bite of scone, covered in strawberry jam and a huge dollop of clotted cream, Ciaran stood.

  “The clinic won’t be open for a bit, yet,” Rachel told him. “Perhaps I can have them come here?”

  “It would be better to have somewhere more private.”

  Just then Declan came out from the kitchen, phone in hand.

  “Marissa asked if Mr. MacNamara would be comfortable coming to her house? The Casey family all live together on their land here, the ones still in Valerian’s Cove,” he nodded to Ciaran.

  “I would be honored to do so.”

  “Wonderful, I’ll just tell her now.” Declan spoke into the phone, then hung up.

  “The Caseys and Theo will be waiting for you at the Casey residence whenever you are able to get there. Or one of them can pick you up, if you prefer. I can call Marissa back if you would like a ride.”

  “I would prefer to walk. It is a beautiful morning.”

  “Well, take a right out of here and keep going on up the road. You’ll see the sign for Casey’s Nursery and Garden Center. Turn in the drive and follow it to the end. You can’t miss the house.”

  “Let me give you some pastries to take with you,” Rachel put in. She folded a bakery box and filled it with two eclairs, two crullers, two chocolate frosted doughnuts and one pink frosted with sprinkles. She handed Ciaran the box. He bowed to her, then stepped to the door.

  “I will report back before I leave,” Ciaran informed the Murphys before stepping outside. Declan nodded, his arm around Rachel.

  “A MacNamara, hmm?” He said after Ciaran had gone.

  “They are one of the strongest Clans this side of the hills,” Rachel said.

  “Deirdre doesn’t mess around,” Declan agreed.


  Ciaran glanced around at the town as he walked. It was a beautiful morning. Birds were singing and he could hear the waves from the Cove. A fresh breeze blew in off the ocean. Valerian’s Cove was a lovely village. The streets were clean and the shops well cared-for. Flower baskets hung in front of many. Window displays were bright and cheerful. People smiled at him as he passed. Some seemed surprised to see him. It wasn’t often that a member of the Tuatha de Danaan came to town. Everyone was pleasant. Ciaran found it a refreshing change to not have to use a glamour in town. Even though paranormals were out of the closet, so to speak, it was often more practical to don a glamour when out among humans. Going without sometimes caused too much drama or excitement, in one way or another.

  Ciaran was tall, over six feet, and covered the ground quickly. He reached the turnoff for the Casey home and paused, looking at the sign. Ciaran had an interest in herbs and flowering plants and had often wanted to visit the nursery. He had never made them time, and now, here he was. He smiled and walked up the drive. Coming around the bend by the garden center, Ciaran saw the grand old Victorian that was the Casey home. Brendan Casey stood on the front porch, waiting for him.

  “Be welcome to our home,” Brendan said, formally. Ciaran nodded. “I am Brendan Casey. My daughter, Marissa, is one half of the Bonded pair you will be helping.”

  “The Blessing of Danu be upon this House. I am Ciaran MacNamara.” Ciaran replied.

  Brendan smiled. “Welcome, lad. Please come in. My wife Celine can fix you something to eat if you are hungry.”

  “Mrs. Murphy fed me a fine couple of scones and some coffee. I would appreciate a cool glass of water, though.”

  “Of course. Here we go.” Brendan led Ciaran into the house. Celine met them at the kitchen door.

  “Here you go,” she said, handing Ciaran a glass. He smiled at her and handed her the box of pastries from Rachel.

  “This is my wife, Celine.” Brendan said. “Marissa and Theo are out on the back patio. Marissa’s twin, Malia, has just taken the children to school. She will be home soon. Why don’t we join Marissa and Theo outside?”

  Brendan led Ciaran through the kitchen and out to the patio. Marissa and Theo were sitting on one of the loveseats, looking out over the field as they talked. They looked up as Brendan and Ciaran approached.

  “Marissa, Theo, this is Ciaran MacNamara. He’s a Mind Mage, and willing to help us figure this all out. Mr. MacNamara, this is my daughter, Marissa, and her Bonded, Theodore.”

  “Ciaran, please,” Ciaran said with a smile.

  “And please call me Theo,” Theo replied.

  “Rissa, or Rhi,” Rissa smiled.

  Introductions over, Ciaran and Brendan sat. “Tell me, from your point of view, what happened to you,” Ciaran said to Theo.

  “The Council sent C
larice Thorndike to me right after we graduated from Healer’s College,” Theo began. He filled Ciaran in on being taken away from Marissa, not being able to get a message to her, and the weird way a fog seemed to settle over his brain whenever he thought of her. He went on to cover the way that, once the Council had fallen and Clarice no longer came around regularly as his handler, the fog had started to lift, finally disappearing for good when Theo came to Valerian’s Cove and saw Marissa.

  “And for you? Please tell me your story,” Ciaran said to Marissa.

  “When Theo disappeared, I was frantic,” Marissa began. “I couldn’t feel him anymore. I thought he was dead. I didn’t know what to do. I thought that death was the only reason that I wouldn’t be able to feel him anymore. The only reason I am still alive is that I found out I was pregnant. And my mother is a very stubborn Witch. Then, shortly after I came home, I began to question the Bond I thought we had. I wondered if we were truly Bonded, if what we had was real. I thought maybe I had imagined the connection we had, the ability to hear and respond to each other’s thoughts, the closeness, the way our magics blended. Sometimes, the pain would return, and I would feel as if my heart were being ripped to shreds, but then it would go away again, and I would wonder again if it was ever real. Eventually, I became angry, and convinced that Theo had lied, that he had manipulated me in some way. I was angry at him for leaving me. For leaving the children, even though he hadn’t known about them when he left. Then, a few months ago, the pain started to come back again. The anger was still there, but it was fading. I was so desperately sad. I wasn’t as devastated as I had been, but the pain was growing again, like a burning in my heart.”

  Theo hugged Marissa to him, kissing the top of her head. Brendan watched his daughter, concerned. He had not been aware that the pain had been returning. Marissa had hidden it from her family. It had been fairly easy to do with Malia coming home, Tony becoming Alpha of the Valerian’s Cove Pack, and the excitement of the children starting the Academy early.

  Celine, who had followed Brendan and Ciaran outside after cleaning the kitchen, scooted Marissa towards Theo and sat next to her on the loveseat. She kissed Marissa’s forehead.

  “Darling girl. No matter what is going on in our lives, we always have room and time for you. I knew you weren’t completely happy, but I didn’t know why. Please tell us if you are ever that upset. We may not be able to help, but we will always give you all our love and support.”

  Marissa smiled at her mother, her lips trembling.

  “When Theo showed up here in Valerian’s Cove, I was angry at first. I was furious at him for leaving, for not being here for the children. It was like the anger burned away the rest of the fog, and the pain returned. When I saw Theo, I only wanted to be with him. But my heart felt betrayed, and I didn’t know what to do. It’s too painful to stay away. I know we are meant to be together. The Bond is back, but it still hurts. I have been afraid to let Theo in completely, in case he leaves again, even though I know he won’t, at least not buy choice.”

  Ciaran thought for a moment in silence.

  “It sounds as if at first, the Mage involved didn’t realize that Theo and Marissa had actually Bonded. Then when they did, they went back to clean up their mess. I think we are lucky that so far, this Mage has not chosen to commit outright murder. It would have been easier to kill Marissa, that way the Bond would have died and Theo would not have to have been suppressed, only compelled.”

  “We know that she has used her Gift to kill before, though,” Theo said.

  Ciaran raised an eyebrow. Brendan told Ciaran about Hugh Thorndike, and the reason that Theo’s grandparents had sent him away as an infant.

  “It sounds like Marissa was kept alive on purpose, then. There must be a reason. This Mage must have a plan that involves Theo’s entire family.” Ciaran looked at Brendan. “I think it would be wise to include the children in our sessions. If anything were to happen to Theo and Marissa, and the Thorndike money is the end goal here, the children would be vulnerable.”

  Marissa and Theo went white. Celine’s eyes flashed. Never had an Air Witch resembled one of Fire so completely.

  “She will not harm the children. I will not allow it.” Celine declared.

  “I would like to begin as soon as possible,” Ciaran said.

  “Marissa and I are available and ready whenever you are. We have the day off today. If we need more time, we can take it. Marjorie, our lead Healer, is aware of what is happening and understands. She went to school with Clarice and knows what she is like.”

  “I would like to speak with Marjorie. She might be able to provide valuable insight into Clarice’s character and motivation,” Ciaran stated.

  “I will arrange it,” Brendan replied.

  “The children will be home from school around three thirty this afternoon,” Marissa said.

  “Then let’s begin with you. We will get as much done as we can before they arrive. Once they are here, I will examine them. You realize, that if she has been close enough to suppress and implant emotions in Marissa all this time, she may have also meddled with the children already?”

  Marissa looked sharply at Theo.

  “Oh, gods,” Theo whispered.

  “I think that it would also be an excellent idea to ask Mr. and Mrs. Thorndike Senior to come out here. I think it would be a good idea to examine them as well. And this Rose person. Clarice has been around all of them. We need to make sure that their thoughts and actions are truly their own.”

  “If she was controlling them, surely they would be dead by now, and Clarice would already have their money?” Celine asked.

  “I think it is wise to be sure. Also, they may have relevant information to share. Can we get in touch with them, do you think?”

  “Rose is in contact with them. I will ask her to have them come here.” Celine went inside to grab the phone. She returned a few minutes later.

  “Rose says they are already on their way. They had decided they had handled this all wrongly and lost too much time with Theo. They will be here this afternoon. I will make up rooms for them here at the house.”

  “Perhaps, love, they should stay at the B & B in town, until we are sure that Clarice is not controlling them in some way?” Brendan said gently. Celine paused, then nodded. She went back inside to call Lauren Shay, the owner of the Valerian’s Cove Bed and Breakfast.

  “Have you somewhere to stay here in town, Ciaran, or will you be returning home in between sessions?” Brendan asked.

  “I think it would be most beneficial if I were able to stay in town. This is turning out to be more involved than was first thought. I would like to make sure that everyone is safe before I leave.” Ciaran frowned. “I would also like to be here when Clarice Thorndike is caught. I want to make sure that her hold is completely broken, and that she is never able to use Mind Mage powers again. It is within my ability and my right to do so.”

  Brendan tilted his head, regarding Ciaran.

  “Deirdre sent me because I am one of the strongest Fae Mind Mages of the time, and also, because I work for a branch of the Supernatural Oversight Council that is tasked with apprehending and containing Beings that have used their Gifts unethically. A powerful Mind Mage, especially one that is not registered, using their talents the way she has, is subject to immediate containment and removal of their Mind Mage Gift.”

  Brendan nodded. “Well, all right then. You can stay with us. Celine will be happy to have you. Though, she will probably try to feed you up. She is an excellent Kitchen Witch.”

  “I would be honored. I would also very much enjoy talking with you about your gardens. I have an interest in medicinal and magical herbs. My sister is a Healer with a focus on Herbalism and Potions. She would very much like to discuss certain plants with you.”

  Brendan smiled widely. “I’d be happy to! Any time. Let me know when is good for you. And I would be delighted to talk with your sister as well. My niece is studying the same field. In fact sh
e did a residency here, and may work here after graduation as well, or at our center in Seattle.”

  “We will talk, then. I will have time between sessions, as Theo and Marissa will need to rest. If you don’t mind, I would like to ask my sister and her partner to join us. He is also a strong Mind Mage, working for the SOC. It would be good to have a second opinion-I am not so egotistical as to think that I am perfect in everything-even though, really, I am,” Ciaran joked.

  “That’s fine. Will they need one bedroom or two?”

  “One is fine. They are Bonded. I will tell them.” Ciaran turned to Marissa and Theo. “I will talk with my sister, then we will begin. Let’s do this here, shall we? Working outside, in Nature, will only enhance what we do. And maybe the Goddess will lend a hand.” Marissa and Theo nodded. Marissa got up to get a blanket. Ciaran walked out into the field a way.

  Siofra he called, mind-to-mind.

  I am here.

  We have need of yourself and Nathaniel. A Casey Witch and her Bonded have been attacked by an unregistered Mind Mage. Their Bond was suppressed, and both have been compelled for eleven years. Also, their children may have been compromised. Will you and Nathaniel come?

  Coming at once.

  Ciaran sent his sister a burst of love, then turned back to the patio.

  “My sister and her Bonded will be here shortly,” he told Theo and Brendan. Brendan nodded. Theo was distant, staring over the field. He was happy to be here, to have found Marissa and his children. Yet, he couldn’t help feeling that this was all somehow his fault. He knew it wasn’t, that he hadn’t known any of this, hadn’t known who Clarice was, when he met Marissa in college so many years ago. Still, this felt like it was all because of him. Guilt weighed down on Theo’s shoulders like solid rock.

  Brendan looked at his son-in-law closely. He had come to like Theo and had great compassion for everything that Theo had been through. He also knew that Marissa loved Theo, and Brendan would do anything to keep his daughter from being hurt again.


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