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F*ck Toy: A Dominatrix Enemies to Lovers Romance

Page 15

by Sybil Swift

  Noah didn’t even look away from the screen. But a second later as her heart was falling into her stomach and her fingers were clenched against the back of the couch, one of his hands slid onto her knee. He sighed with a slight nod.

  “I’m not the most gifted speaker. In fact, I tend to bungle things when I open up my mouth. You’ve been forewarned.”

  “You really have no filter.”

  “It’s true.” He looked her way and eked out a soft smile that brought tingles down to her toes it was so different from anything she’d seen before. Softer, sweeter, full of less pomp and sarcasm. “But if talking will help, I’ll help. What do you want to open the floor with, Chloe?”

  “We’ve already kind of defined our relationship. At least my phobia of one. But…”

  Something loud happened on screen and she flinched, doing her best to speak without thinking too much about it. No backing down now.

  “What we did before? Outside on the porch?”

  “Oh, you don’t need to remind me.” Noah squeezed her knee and shyly looked at the floor. “I was a big fan of that move.”

  “You were?”

  Okay, so maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.

  “Good, because I really want to do something like it again. In fact, I think I prefer being in charge in the bedroom…or…anywhere else. We have a whole lot of house to explore, you know?”

  “So are you asking if that’s okay?”

  Noah brought his eyes up and met her own while his other hand scratched at his slightly stubbly cheek. “Why should there be a problem? Aside from this conversation making me a little hot in the pants, I have no issue with what we did earlier or anything else we’ve done since or I would have made my objections loud and clear.”

  Chloe couldn’t help holding back her laughter at his “hot in the pants” comment, but tried to get herself together for this pseudo-serious conversation. One of them should be serious. And the odds were on her, considering she started it all. Meanwhile she tried to process that Noah wasn’t fighting her view on their sex. The other men she’d been with had been…less than flexible, when it came to their sexual dynamic in the bedroom. So to come to terms with everyone being okay with her in control was a bit eye-opening.

  “What, do you think it makes you a freak or something? It makes perfect sense to me.”

  “I’ve never been given the opportunity to explore it, is all.”

  “Opportunity? I don’t think there’s a perfect opening for this kind of thing. I’m pretty sure you do what you did outside and any red blooded man would fall all over himself to service you any way he could..”

  Chloe crossed her arms beneath her chest and curled her legs under her body.

  “Is there something else? Please don’t make me guess, I hate that game.”

  Noah shifted until his nose pressed against her cheek and he nuzzled up into her hair as she shuddered from the small touch.

  “I promise to obey you in all things, mistress,” he whispered against the bottom lip of her ear easing his tongue along the outer ridge until she lost her breath and ability for thought. “Just tell me what you need and I’ll give it my all.”

  “What do you need, Noah? What do you want?” Her voice was strangled with a quick bolt of need that coiled low in her gut and made her breath choppy.

  “Frankly, I like giving it up to you. It’s s-s-sexy, Chloe.”

  He cleared his throat, pulling slightly away from where he was nuzzling her hair. She cradled his chin in her palm, forcing him to look her in the eye while he struggled for whatever he was going to say next.

  “Look at me. Don’t look away.” The order came out in a thick whisper. But the flash across his face and the darkness in his eyes wasn’t nearly so subtle. “Talk to me, Noah.”

  “It’s like a vacation when you take control.” His face screwed up, little wrinkles of worry popping out everywhere over his brow and mouth. He was too young to look so harried. “I don’t have to think so much about how I present myself, what I’m doing wrong or doing right, it’s a good break from all the macho crap I carry inside me. And the not talking? Bliss. You can fuck me ten ways until Sunday and I don’t have to say a word but accept whatever you’ll do will get me off. It’s freeing and incredibly exciting to drop that mental block where asking for what I want can get me laughed at.”

  “Because of your stutter, when you’re nervous or put under pressure?”

  Noah nodded and licked his lips.

  “Human speech is supposed to be one of the easiest things, once people have the hang of it. But I can say a lot more with my touch or with my tongue against your clit, than I can out loud. It’s…a weaknes-s-s.”

  “But it’s perfectly in line with what you want.” She shifted until her hand cradled the sharp plains of his face. “And it works for me.”

  Without thinking too hard, she pulled him into her for a light, say everything without a word kiss. Their lips pressed and eased together in a barely there caress that made her light headed. The heat of his breath trickled goose bumps all over her body. She dove headfirst into a harder kiss, taking his mouth with all the sexual force she’d held locked inside. While her tongue explored his mouth, her fingers wrapped into the tight curls at the back of his head.

  He hissed from the sharp movement. But she wanted more from him and she was willing to go the distance to get it.

  “Do you like that? Nod in answer.” She asked against his lips letting her words caress him.

  Noah nodded. Her gaze traveled the contours of his face, his neck jerked backward at an awkward angle as his pulse beat like a fist, fast and furious beneath the flesh of his neck. Her teeth captured his bottom lip, tugging until she tasted the sharp penny taste of his blood. A shudder ripped down his body, eyelids fluttering. A twist of intense satisfaction brought the biggest grin she’d felt in ages across her lips. Power rested in the palm of her hand and all she had to do was squeeze until he popped.

  She twisted her fist in his hair until he groaned. With a small sigh she let go of his lip and eased her tongue over the small sore lingering across him until he jerked and his fists went to his lap. Not that it mattered because not only would he not use them, but they were useless to hide his hardening cock inside his pants.

  Where did she want to go with this? The ideas were limitless. And every new one that sprang to mind made her feel that much more sexy. Until all she could think about was mounting him and having her way. With an abrupt jerk backward, she let go of her grip.

  “Strip for me.”

  She watched him as he processed her order. Even from inches away she saw him wrestling with a million questions that flit across his face. His gaze traced her body as if he was drowning. But his hands remained where they should have been, at his side and safely tucked away from sliding down his shaft. Although, she couldn’t argue, the image of him getting off flipped her lid quite nicely. That needed to go on the must-see list. Without question. Which is when she shot Noah a no-nonsense gaze to get his butt in gear. This wasn’t their last stop on the merry-go-round of fun she had planned for the night.

  He swallowed, cracked his knuckles, and awkwardly moved to stand up.

  “Over there.” She motioned toward the middle of the room and shut off the movie they were both ignoring. “I want to be able to see you crystal clear.”

  His fingers fumbled at the hem of his t-shirt before he pulled it over his head with a little twirl. The pure magic of it was when he managed to keep a straight face. Chloe leaned against the sofa, both arms sprawled out enjoying the delicious view of his well-muscled torso. An experimental hip swivel left her fanning herself with a grin. His gaze flickered with enough heat to set the house on fire and she was sure her enjoyment was just as noticeable.

  When his hands eased down the firm lines of his chest to his waistband and the belt she couldn’t wait for him to take off, she let off a loud wolf whistle. No reason to be sedate about it. If she was enjoying the show, she was gonna let
him know about it. With a finger motion she let him know he needed to continue despite the blush suffusing his cheeks. His stare was unshakable while his fingers were no-nonsense with his belt. The clink of the buckle was as loud as a gunshot in the silence.

  All the while he kept pace with the music in his head, working his hips and jerking his upper body in odd beats that were—against all the odds—incredibly sexy. If only for the extreme effort the movements conveyed. His large hands worked over the belt buckle to ease the belt out of the loopholes. That was when her stomach dropped down to her curled toes. There was nothing sexier than watching a man handle his belt knowing that it was the only thing keeping his faded jeans from falling down to expose the naked “V” of flesh that, to most woman, was kryptonite of the best kind.

  And she silently hoped he’d turn around so she could get a bare glimpse and tease of his ass.

  The final snap of his belt shifting through the loops of his jeans brought her breath in her lungs in a sharp whiplash that pressed her back against the couch. When the leather slipped and slithered to the floor, her gaze remained fixed to his abdomen. A divine image of licking up the curves of his hip bones before taking his cock deep in her mouth resonated so deeply in her mind that she was halfway across the room before she knew what hit her.

  “I want to do the rest.” A lame excuse, but one that didn’t seem to bother him much. Not when her fingers hitched through one of the open front belt loops until she could lead him down the stairs into her bedroom. “Stand in front of the bed.”

  He stood, putting both his hands behind his back without being told to do so.

  “Very good.” Chloe smiled and eased up onto her tiptoes to kiss him as a reward. “Now stay still, no matter what I do.”

  Curiosity burned in his stare, but he didn’t so much as shift from foot to foot. So she did what she’d wanted to do since he’d followed her orders.

  “Do you have anything to stand on around here? You may answer me.”

  Noah blinked, shifted, and she could tell he was doing his best to ignore his prominent erection which was begging for attention.

  “The bathroom,” he managed to scrape out, eyes darting everywhere, but his stare never landed on her. She fiddled with the strap on her tank top.

  “Go get it.”

  He winced with every step, but he made it out of the room without accosting her body. Which was more than she could say with the plans that had erupted, fully formed in her dirty, delicious brain. Never in her life had she known the freedom to be so bad. But Noah elicited so many small changes, that it seemed only right that she should let go and hit him with her best sexual shot. There was a line crossed, into freedom that she’d never known—and she was thankful Noah was able to toe the line in order for them to adventure together.

  Now to see what he would do when she pushed him over it.

  His footsteps echoed through the hallway as she shook herself out and prepared for turning his world on its axis. She’d taken charge once, the idea of doing it again was icing on the cake.

  “Don’t think, do,” she muttered before her stare shot from the carpet to the doorway where Noah was carrying a step-stool.

  Without being asked he placed it in front of her and went back to his inhuman stillness with his hands behind his back. She ascended the small stool and met his shifty gaze with an impish grin.

  “Nothing to say to me? No questions?”

  He shook his head.

  “Then let’s begin.”

  Chapter Twelve

  She took a slow step up the stool. Noah’s expression remained neutral through force of will, his every muscle strained past the point of comfort as she ached in sudden sympathy for him. But egging on the ache was so much more fun. Another step. And the last one. Until her pussy was lined up with his face and she was sure he could smell her arousal, slick on her inner thighs. She viewed him from above, unable to deny her smirk. Noah’s cock bobbed beneath his zipper and he winced, gritting his teeth with a long exhale.

  Her fingers traveled down the line of her abdomen until she flicked open the button of her shorts, glided down the zipper, and eased them over her hips into a pool at her feet. With a challenging look, she kicked them off into the corner.

  “Now you can finish what you started. Take off your pants.”

  He blinked, licking his lips while his trembling fingers went to work undoing his pants. She had the idea that he was worked up because of his perfect view of her bare pussy, lined up with his mouth. The thought made her smile grow even wider. When his pants hit the floor, her hands curled at her sides, flexed—but she didn’t touch. No touching yet from either of them. There were other plans in place that were going to make their fun night together a lot more…involved.

  “Touch yourself, Noah. I want to watch you, watch me.”

  When his eyes went dark with lust, a shiver thrilled down her spine leaving goose bumps in its wake. He cleared his throat and slipped his fist around the shaft of his hard cock. Her eyes took on the sight as he remained completely still, nibbling on his lower lip. Would he or wouldn’t he? Maybe speeding things along would help him regain some courage.

  With a steady hand, Chloe eased her fingers between her labia. She slid two digits inside her with a low moan that thrummed through her whole body. Through half-lidded eyes she watched a muscle in his jaw tick before sliding her fingers out of her pussy and easing them back inside in a slow, easy tempo. With her legs slightly parted she sensed every twitch, embraced every sensation.

  “Do it,” she moaned in encouragement. “I want it.”

  Noah shifted, tightened his fist around his cock, and rocked his hips forward into his hand with a slow, sensuous movement. Within seconds they were in sync. While her fingers slipped into her pussy until her inner walls pulsed and fluttered against her invasion, her thumb played in slow circles against her clit. Tiny twitches of movement that echoed all along her body. Until it was hard to stand and she braced her other palm on the handhold. But she never took her gaze away from him—couldn’t look away for a second as his muscles worked with the pleasure etched on his gorgeous face. Neither of them were entirely lost to the pleasure, too connected to each other as their moans swirled in the air.

  His fingers pulsed over the head of his cock before smoothing down the shaft and back up again with a twist. Varied movements that hollowed his cheeks and brought a flush all along his body. Their salty sweet scents mingled while she strained to remain upright, caught in the momentum of bliss that was swirling low in her gut and threatening to explode outward all along her body. Noah looked as if he didn’t have much time left either. His wrist was working quicker, back slightly bowed. Soon his hips pulsed into his tight fist—as if he could no longer stand the varied teasing and only wanted instant gratification with rough, complete consequences.

  Beneath a sheen of sweat, he glistened, teeth smashed together, mouth working on a groan. Not much longer—

  “Stop. Stop!” she commanded, hissing when she had to remove her fingers and deny herself the last twist of ecstasy that would leave them both sated for good. “No. More.” Just to make sure he understood the full power of her order.

  Though he shot her a look that would have dropped anyone dead in an instant, lips pulled back in a grimace, he managed to get a grip on himself. Or, stopped the grip, as it were. His hand fell to his side, cock bobbing against the air. He tightly swallowed. His hands fisted before he pushed both his arms behind his back and stood at perfect attention. Ready and willing for direction. His eyes burned with a fire that Chloe couldn’t wait to have between her legs while her skin still tingled with the promise of pure, unadulterated satisfaction. All she had to do was wait a little bit longer—and it would be worth it. Her brain was already wrecked with the idea.

  As soon as Noah looked like he was going to burst with questions, mouth open, but words silent, Chloe put her finger to her lips. Her skin was so sensitive she nearly lost it from that small touch against he
r mouth. But trailing her finger pad along her lower lip was the sweetest of sins, knowing that her orgasm was one single tease away. All she needed was Noah’s full cooperation and a little patience. Though neither of them were running off much of the latter. Visions of him jerking off to her seconds earlier flitted through her mind leaving her with a small, secretive smile.

  “Come here.” She crooked her finger and licked her lips, anticipation practically palpable on her tongue as if it were candy—sweet and airy.

  A question was written across his face, but he took two awkward steps. His hard-on probably wasn’t a thrilling state, though she liked it just fine—well enough to want him inside her while knowing full well that he would bend to her will for as long as she wanted. His head cocked and she could practically watch the thoughts flow across his face. He landed on an expression of confused pain, lips tight, and his muscles taut with even his toes curled into the carpet for balance. Control was tangible in the palm of her hand. All she had to do was squeeze and they’d both come screaming into oblivion, she only had to time it right.

  “Eat. Me.”

  Within half a second his hands were locked on her inner thighs forcing her legs wider until she had to curl the soles of her feet around the edges of the stool to maintain any kind of balance. His fingers dug into her tender flesh until she hissed and shuddered. And yet his tongue didn’t do a damn thing to find its mark. Only his breath trailed along her flesh, a hot tease that made her tremble and yank back his head by his hair. The sharp action etched surprise across his face, but his wicked smile soon replaced anything else while one finger smoothed in circles along her right leg. So, so close to where she wanted him most—and yet nowhere near where she needed him.

  “What did I say?” she challenged, tightening her grip on his scalp until his eyes burned with an anger that faded into something…heavier, deeper, that tugged low in her gut. “Obey me.”

  She let her grip go quick enough that his head snapped forward and he grunted before he lowered his head between her legs. On a five count, if he hadn’t started, he was getting punished. A million and one interesting ways to do the deed rushed up at her—but she’d barely picked one among many when a flick of his tongue made her lose everything. He traced the seam of her labia, as if he had all the time in the world before swiftly circling her clit and repeating the motion downward. Until she had to use a grip on the top of his head to keep herself together. When a hand moved to her ass, she gasped, and tensed when he squeezed a large handful.


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