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Page 10

by Jennis Slaughter

  “Chicken...” Punching the speed dial, Jenny again waited for Delaney to pick up.

  “Not a chicken, just trying to drive,” she muttered back.

  Doing up her suspenders, Del grabbed her phone and flipped it open to answer without glancing at the ID. “Delacroix.”

  “Hey Del, this is Jenny. We’re running a bit late. Can we say six fifteen instead?”

  “That’s fine. Get distracted did you?” she asked slyly, holding her phone between her ear and shoulder so she could roll her sleeves up neatly to her elbows.

  “No more that you did. Missing anything Delaney?” Jenny shot back.

  Pausing, Del had to think about it. “Oh shit, you found them didn’t you?” she muttered.

  “Yes chief, we did. Don’t worry. Kasey won’t return them to you at work. See you in a few.” Jenny was grinning as she closed the phone.

  Pulling into their driveway, Kasey parked the truck and moved to grab the cooler. “Wow, you haven’t even seen her yet, and you’re already tormenting her,” she laughed.

  Getting out of the truck Jenny jogged ahead to unlock the door. “No more than she would and you know it. Just leave everything there, and I’ll put things away when we get home.”

  Nodding, Kasey dumped the things in the kitchen and they both bolted up the stairs to change.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Finally arriving at Milamodo, Kasey straightened the non-existent wrinkles in her button up shirt, wiping her palms on her thighs. The restaurant was nice, she could see its intimate atmosphere through the front window and it looked surprisingly busy. She spotted Delaney and Raelin already seated in an out of the way booth at the back. Raelin was laughing, no doubt over some crack Del would have made, and they looked very much together and happy. She knew her hands were getting clammy and she once again wiped them on her slacks.

  Reaching out Jenny grabbed her hand. “They’re our friends. This is gonna be easy.”

  “I know. They’re family, but Raelin is very protective of you. Del too. I know Raelin was really wary of me at first,” Kasey replied quietly holding the door open for Jenny.

  Squeezing Kasey’s hand Jenny turned back to her lover and said. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”

  “Says the tiny piano player.” She smiled, placing her hand gently on Jenny’s back as they moved towards their friends. She let Jenny slide into the booth first and slid in next to her. “Hey guys, thanks for coming. Jenny was right we hadn’t been out in a while so it’s good that we can do this. Good that we both got off early today huh,” Kasey rattled, plastering a bright smile on her face.

  Raelin nudged her wife at Kasey’s babbling. “Kasey, take a deep breath. It’s just a girl’s night out.”

  “My God Jenny, what did you do to her at that spring?” Del laughed quirking an eyebrow.

  “I said yes.”

  Kasey froze at the words, eyes wide as she watched her friends sitting across from her.

  “You said yes?” Del repeated slowly. She watched both women’s behavior a moment before her own eyes widened. “Holy shit,” she breathed in realization.

  “Let’s see the ring.” Raelin was straight faced, holding out her hand.

  “I love her, I promise Raelin. I’m not going to hurt her or anything,” Kasey blurted out.

  “The ring Jenny,” Del said, playing along with her wife, making her Deputy squirm.

  Slowly Jenny brought out her hand and held it for bother women to see. The smile had disappeared from her face and her knee started jumping underneath the table.

  Looking at the beautiful ring, Raelin could tell how much time Kasey had taken picking it out as it was perfect for Jenny’s hand and her piano playing. “Let me see your hand Kasey.”

  Her spine going ramrod straight Kasey did as she was asked, free hand twitching nervously as it rested on her fiancée’s bouncing thigh.

  Placing her hand atop both of the women’s, Raelin smiled for the first time. “May you have a long life together, may your days be filled with sunlight and roses, while your nights be filled with shooting stars and fireworks. Congratulations. I hope that you will be as happy as we are.”

  Del waived over the waitress and ordered a bottle of nice wine. Turning back to her friends, she nodded her agreement. “Raelin said it best, but congratulations. I know you will respect, trust, and comfort each other. That is good enough for me.”

  Growling at her boss and friend, Kasey offered a nasty glare. “You ass, you scared the shit out of me.”

  “Forget Del, I was scared to death of Raelin. Maybe now my knee will quit bouncing.” Jenny laughed.

  Raelin smiled back. “As long as you are happy Jenny, I’m happy for you.”

  “Jenny’s right. I’m the least of your worries. She’s right though. I am happy for you guys, although I’m a little surprised. Kasey, you seem so old fashioned that I figured you’d wait a few years before you popped the question,” she paused as the waiter returned and filled their glasses, leaving the bottle at the table.

  “Evening Ladies, welcome to our establishment. Are you ready to order?” he asked flashing a particularly charming smile Kasey’s way.

  Del watched with a quirked eye, eager to see how long it would take Jenny to choke him.

  Seeing how Kasey was staring blankly at her menu and Jenny was simply glaring at the young man, Del spoke up first.

  “We’ll start by sharing an order of Sunomono and Yakitori. Then Raelin will have an order of Unagi Maki and Chicken Soba. I’d like a set of Spicy Salmon Maki and Beef Udon. If you could please bring a glass of water for us each that would be great.” She smiled politely. She turned to Raelin. “That okay? I figure we share pretty much anything anyway.”

  Raelin nodded with a smile taking a small sip of her wine.

  Seeing that Kasey looked more than a little lost as she looked over the menu Jenny gave her thigh a squeeze and looked at the waiter. “We’ll have an order of gyoza and two of the yakitori please. I’ll have a Milamodo Maki plate followed by an order of Katsu-Don,” she paused here, giving the waiter a pointed look and resting her left hand on the table over Kasey’s, her ring in plain sight. “My fiancée will have Oyaku-don and a Yasai Maki set.”

  Looking away in embarrassment the waiter nodded. “I’ll be right back with water for everyone.”

  “Thank you,” Kasey said with a smile oblivious to the look he’d been previously giving her. He blushed and scurried off to the kitchen and Jenny just scowled. “Thanks Jenn,” she stopped when she noticed the disapproving look on her face. “What?”

  “You shouldn’t encourage him,” Jenny replied.

  Del laughed at Kasey’s confused look. “You’re completely oblivious, you know that?”

  “Umm, the waiter finds you quite attractive, Kasey,” Raelin quietly informed her friend. The witch was relieved to see that the younger woman had no idea how other people saw her and that she only had eyes for her niece.

  “Why would you think that? Especially when I’m sitting with you three,” she joked with a laugh, but quickly stopped when she saw Jenny’s unimpressed look. “Even if he did Jenn, he’s not you. Makes him kinda doomed from the start, wouldn’t you think?” she said squeezing the fingers still resting on her own.

  Jenny didn’t care who was watching as she leaned over to kiss her girlfriend. “I love you Kasey.”

  “I love you too, even when you’re being irrationally jealous.” She smiled in reply.

  “God, please tell me we aren’t that mushy,” Del stage whispered to her wife with a smirk.

  Turning to look deep into jade green eyes, Raelin let her eyes go to a honey shade. “We can if you want to be, my love,” she whispered.

  “True, but I don’t share with others well. Jenny isn’t the only one,” Del whispered, her fingers playing with the inside seam on Raelin’s slacks.

  “So, are you guys nervous about tomorrow?” Kasey asked, turning her attention back to her friends. She stopped short when she saw
the light shade of Raelin’s eyes. “Whoa, you okay? Your eyes are different.”

  Closing her eyes, Raelin willed them back to her normal shade. Opening them back up, she smiled at her friends. “Yes, I’m fine. Was just reminding my wife of something. On the other hand, yes, I am very nervous about tomorrow.”

  “There’s going to be a lot of media attention, and as much as I hate it, they are going to want the dirt on our private life just as much as our professional,” Del answered shaking her head. “I have always hated any media attention I got when it was just me let alone now that I have Raelin.”

  Approaching the table with a large tray, the waiter shyly interrupted, “Here is your water, along with your appetizers. Everything else should be out soon,” he said as he set the orders in front of the proper woman. He paused smiling shyly at Kasey knowing he had no chance; she was still a beautiful woman. “Can I get you anything else?”

  Jenny started to say something, but Kasey squeezed her hand bringing the woman’s attention to her, while Raelin thanked him. “No, but if you wouldn’t mind, would you please ask the chef to take his time in preparing the rest of our order. Oh, yes. Do you have a rubber band please?”

  He gave her a curious look. “Yes, one moment I’ll get one for you.”

  He headed towards his station and returned a few moments later after giving the requested directions to the cooking staff. He held out his hand with the rubber band. “Here you are. Anything else?”

  “No, thank you.” Raelin smiled up at him and waited for him to walk away. Reaching across the table, the witch picked up Kasey’s pair of chopsticks that were in their paper sleeve and removed them. Taking the sleeve she folded it in half and then repeated the maneuver until it was about a quarter inch thick. Picking up the chop sticks she broke them apart, placed the paper between them, and then wrapped the rubber band around the end of the sticks and the paper. Handing them back to Kasey she quietly said, “No one should try and use chopsticks in public their first time with a nice dress shirt on. This way they are like tweezers and it will be easier for you to pick things up.” She smiled at the Deputy and turned to her own food.

  Looking at the chopsticks in her hand Kasey gave the witch a smile. “How did you know?”

  “I have many skills,” Raelin said with a smile.

  “Thanks Rae,” Jenny said, knowing that it was Raelin’s way of trying to make her fiancée feel more comfortable. She was letting them know she approved in her own way and that made Jenny’s already amazing day, better.

  Knowing what her wife had done and the real reason behind it, Del simply smiled and gave her thigh a pat before continuing to munch on the salad between them.

  “Well I appreciate it. I’ve done a lot of things, but eating in a real sushi place is sadly not one of them,” Kasey said gratefully.

  With a devilish gleam in her eye Raelin leaned forward to ask the raven-haired woman. “Have you ever eaten sushi before?”

  Del damn near choked on the sip of wine she was taking when Kasey replied with an earnest no. Jenny’s chuckles soon followed.

  “Rae, be gentle. She’s a sushi virgin.” Del admonished with a grin, only adding to Jenny’s laughter and Kasey’s confusion.

  “Jenn, what’s so damned funny,” Kasey asked frustrated.

  “Ignore them Kasey. May I be frank?” the witch asked.

  “You always have been. No reason to change that now.” Kasey smiled at the witch, but glared mildly at her fiancée.

  Motioning the woman to lean closer, Raelin whispered, “If you enjoy the way that umm...Jenny tastes, then you can eat you understand what I’m saying?” Her eyebrows rose in anticipation.

  Kasey felt the red spread right up to her ears as she got the gist of what Raelin was saying. “Yeah, I get it,” she stuttered taking a large gulp of her wine.

  Del’s chuckles once again broke free and both she and Jenny had a hard time keeping it down to a dull roar. “Oh, I’m sorry Kasey you just make it so easy.”

  “I wasn’t trying to embarrass you Kasey. I hope that you know that.” Raelin smiled at the younger woman.

  “I know. It’s okay,” she said quietly, draining the last sip of wine. “You have nothing to laugh at. Might want to remember to grab everything next time you have a picnic,” Kasey growled at her boss.

  Raelin’s face went red as she looked over at her wife. “You didn’t?”

  “Why do you automatically assume it was mine that were left behind?” Del muttered a slight blush splashed across her own cheeks.

  “Because I put mine back on as I got dressed,” the witch whispered shaking her head.

  “Damn it,” she sighed. “Look Spaulding, I want those back. They’re my favorite pair.”

  Kasey chortled. “Like I would be able to fit into those...eww, yuck, yuck. Bad visual, bad visual.”

  Del let out a disgusted eww and rubbed at her eyes. “My God, Kasey, I’m trying to eat.”

  Raelin just looked at Jenny. “And just think, they are ours.” Shaking her head she let out a small laugh as she took a sip of wine.

  “Yeah and just think these are the clowns in charge of the law and order around here. Whose idea was that anyway?” Jenny joked, nibbling on the last of her Yakitori.

  “Hey! I resemble that remark.” Kasey bumped her shoulder against her fiancée’s. She smiled down into shining hazel eyes and lost herself for a moment. “I’ll always be here for you,” she whispered.

  Rolling her eyes, Jenny leaned over and captured her fiancée in another kiss. “Okay...okay, can we get through this meal already?”

  Soon enough the entrees were served and the four friends enjoyed a laugh filled meal. The food was delicious and the company better. Both Del and Rae toasted the younger couple wishing them the best of luck. Eventually they finished and after an amusing fight between Raelin and Jenny Rae came out the victor and picked up the tab leaving a generous tip for the waiter. The four friends parted with hugs, each heading home to take advantage of the rest of the night.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Raelin was unable to get a restful sleep as her mind was racing through mental list of things that might go wrong the next day. She kept her hands running through Delaney’s hair hoping to allow her wife to sleep through the night because she was going to have stressful enough day as it was.

  Del stirred, a very obvious sense of stress and nerves pulling her out of a deep sleep. She felt fingers running through her hair and lifted her head slightly. Raelin was leaning against the headboard absently playing with her hair. “Rae? What time is it?” she murmured sleepily. “Why aren’t you sleeping?”

  “I just have a lot of things on my mind. Things that might go wrong, left undone or still have to do. Go to sleep my love.” The witch smiled down at her wife.

  “I’m not the only one of us who needs sleep. It’s going to be a long day Darlin’, you need to rest too.” Del yawned dropping her arm over Raelin’s waist fingers drawing random patterns over the fabric of her shirt. “Trust me; everything’s going to be fine. I know you; you wouldn’t have left anything to chance. It’s going to go perfectly.”

  “This is my father’s legacy and I want nothing to mar his name any more than the rest of the Kingsley’s already have.” Raelin stared out the window at the twinkling stars.

  “Oh darlin’.” Del shifted, sitting cross-legged next to her wife. “You could never dishonor him. Not with something that’s going to help so many kids who need it. You’re making a difference and giving those kids a chance. Kids who probably wouldn’t get one any other way.”

  Sighing, the brunette shook her head. “There so much more that I can do, I just don’t know where to start. I know that I’m lucky that I don’t have long lost cousins or something coming out of the woodwork wanting money.”

  “Baby, you are quite possibly the most selfless person I have ever met. If there’s anything more you can do I’m sure you’ll figure it out and get it done. So, how about for one moment y
ou think of yourself for a bit, hmm?” Del moved so she was against the headboard and gave a tug on Raelin’s shoulder. “Lie down in my lap here and relax some. Even if you don’t sleep, I want you to rest just a bit.”

  “Let’s compromise and you hold me until I fall asleep. I don’t want you to have a crick in your neck.” Raelin scooted down and waited.

  “Deal.” Del yawned stretching out and holding her arms open in invitation.

  Positioning herself so that her head was on Del’s shoulder Raelin sighed as her wife’s arms surrounded her and began rubbing her back. “I love sleeping with you.”

  “Me too Darlin’, now hush and get some shut eye,” Del whispered into dark hair. She continued rubbing circles on Raelin’s back relieved when she felt some of the tension drain out of her muscles. “Love you Raelin, so very much.”

  The witch closed her eyes and tried to imagine a peaceful scene so that her mind would calm down, and she had almost succeeded when a picture flashed through her mind that made her gasp. It was of a young man that looked familiar, but he had a look of hatred on his face and he was holding a knife to Ariel’s throat. Breathing deeply through her nose Raelin fought to calm her now racing heart and tried to make sense of what she saw, but couldn’t.

  “Rae? What is it?” Del had thought she’d finally managed to get Raelin to sleep when the witch had gone rigid.

  “Nothing...just remembered something that I forgot to do. Go to sleep,” Raelin whispered back.

  “If you’re sure.” Tilting Raelin’s chin up with her fingertips, she pressed a loving kiss to her lips pouring as much love and comfort into it as she could. She’d felt Raelin’s anxiety but chalked it up to pre-opening jitters and trusted that Raelin would tell her if something was seriously wrong.

  Keeping her mind as blank as she could, the witch laid there listening to her wife’s breathing as it evened out and became deeper. Only then did she close her own eyes and try to sleep.

  ~ Chapter 4 ~

  Del stood in the downstairs hallway staring at herself in the full-length mirror. She pulled at the collar and cuffs of her dress uniform yanking at her tie every so often. The blonde scowled as she looked herself over, picking at buttons and adjusting her belt. She rolled her shoulder feeling it ache as she got more and more anxious. “Why can’t I wear a suit? I look absurd in this damned penguin suit,” she muttered to herself, once again straightening her cuffs and adjusting her tie. She stood there pouting in a decent impersonation of Ariel muttering under her breath all the while.


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