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Page 15

by Jennis Slaughter

  Rori jumped a few feet to the side. “Hey! That’s not fair. There was a lot of stuff going on, and I just didn’t want to add to the mix, but I understand what you’re saying. I’ll apologize to her in the morning. I promise.”

  “That might be a good idea. I’ll try to soften her up a little, but you know how Raelin is. I’ll see you guys in the morning. Tasha, you heard Raelin, this is your home now so don’t hesitate to ask if you need something,” she gave them each a pat on the head and headed for the bedroom she shared with her wife.

  She entered the room and saw Raelin already curled up under the blankets and left her alone as she brushed her teeth and got ready for bed. Once she was done, she crawled into the bed wrapping her arms around Raelin from behind and kissing her shoulder. “Want to talk about it? You know he didn’t mean that you weren’t his family.”

  “No, I just want to go to sleep and not have strange dreams. He can think or do what he wants.” Raelin knew that she was being childish, but she couldn’t help herself. She felt like there was something just waiting to happen, but she didn’t know what.

  “Okay then.” Del sighed. She knew Raelin would probably be a little sore over the whole thing for a few days but would come around or talk about it when she was ready too. “Is there anything I can do for your dreams?” she asked, her thumb rubbing soothing circles on smooth skin.

  “Just hold me. I’ve got a lavender sachet here and hopefully that will help also.” The witch pressed back against her wife loving the way that they fit together.

  Nodding Del gave Raelin’s waist a gentle squeeze as she pressed loving kisses to the back of her neck. “Okay, if you’re sure. I love you, Raelin.”

  “I love you too, Delaney, so very much.” She placed her hand over Del’s and twined their fingers together.

  The witch fell asleep rather quickly and was dreaming of walking along a beach holding hands with Delaney when someone called her name. Looking around, she spied a wooden building with its door slowly opening. She turned to tell her wife that she would be right back, but the blonde was nowhere to be seen.

  Walking up to the building, she pushed open the door and went inside. The door slammed and locked behind her frightening her a bit because the room was rather dark and the noise echoed off the walls. Peering forward, she could barely make out a chair with a figure in it. Slowly walking up to and around it she noticed that it was someone who was handcuffed and had a hood over their head. As she reached out to remove it, a voice came from behind her. “I demand to have what is rightfully mine. If you will not give it to me, I will take something from you.” A force picked her up and smashed her against the wall, and the figure in the chair screamed.

  Raelin sat up screaming sweat pouring down her chest and her back ached from where she had hit the wall.

  Having been asleep Del was caught off guard by the force of Raelin’s terror as it lashed through her head. She bolted awake the channels in her mind raw from the surge of emotion and found Raelin sitting up next to her, panting and shivering as the cool night air came into contact with her sweaty slick skin. “Raelin, what happened, are you okay?” she asked, her own worry evident in her voice.

  Trying to get her breathing under control, the witch shook her head. “Just a bad dream. I’m sorry that I woke you.” She closed her eyes and tried to calm her racing heart and slowly bring up her shields.

  “Its okay, must have been some kind of dream, you’re trembling,” Del said with a small yawn wrapping the witch in her arms and trying to coax her to lay back down. “You going to tell me about this one?”

  Turning to the blonde, she shook her head. “No, it’s just a dream,” she started to scoot out of Del’s embrace. “I’m going to take a quick shower. You go back to sleep and I’ll be back before you know it,” she placed a quick kiss on Delaney’s lips.

  Del sighed as she watched Raelin head for the bathroom. Raelin didn’t usually require any prodding if she had something on her mind and these recent dreams worried her. Still, she knew Raelin wasn’t about to say anything until she was good and ready, so for now she resigned herself to waiting. With a last glance at the closed bathroom door Del scooted back under the covers and slipped into her own uneasy sleep.

  Stripping off her damp clothes, Raelin got into the shower and turned the water to a comfortable level and let it wash down over her head. She knew that the dream came from seeing the mysterious person earlier that day but couldn’t figure out who it was. She went over everything that she could think of in the past year but couldn’t think of anyone that she had wronged that wasn’t in prison.

  Sighing, she quickly washed, got out, and dried off. Wrapping the towel around her she quietly opened the door and peered into the room.

  Delaney was asleep on her stomach with her hand on the witch’s pillow.

  As quietly as she could she walked out of the bedroom and headed downstairs to her altar room hoping that a cleansing would help rid the negative feelings and help block her emotions from her wife. She couldn’t stand that she was disrupting Delaney’s sleep.

  After the cleansing Raelin made her way into the living room and lay down on the sofa. Covering herself with the quilt that she kept nearby she was soon in a light, but dreamless sleep.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Kasey took a deep breath fidgeting lightly with her utility belt before resigning herself to her fate and stepped through the door to the diner. She saw the back of Kai’s head at a booth near the back and wiped her hands on the tops of her thighs as she joined her sister. She slid into the booth across from the younger Spaulding. “Hey,” she said nervously.

  “Hey!” Kai look over at her big sister. “I was afraid that you weren’t going to show up.” The younger Spaulding had already shredded four napkins.

  Seeing the mess on the table Kasey arched one eyebrow at the younger woman. “Why would you think that? I mean, I know I’ve been busy the last couple of days, but I would never stand you up.” She chuckled.

  Piling the paper in one big pile, Kai grinned. “I don’t know. I just thought that maybe you didn’t want a kid sister around cramping your style.”

  “Hardly. If anything, I’ve missed you.” She reached her arm out and ruffled Kai’s hair playfully. “We have a lot to catch up on it seems.”

  “Hey! So I really like Jenny. She’s alright.” Kai smiled at her sister. “She gave me a couple of ideas about my drawing that I think that I’m going to look into.”

  Kasey felt her face heat up with a blush. “Yeah, she’s pretty amazing. She mentioned you guys talked for a while. What did she say about your art?”

  “She mentioned that police and sheriff departments use sketch artists, and that they are just as important as the officers in bringing down the bad guys. That way I can still follow in Dad and your footsteps.” The young woman grinned.

  “Kai, you know you don’t have to follow in our footsteps. You do whatever makes you happy. That’s all we’ve ever wanted for you,” Kasey said sincerely. “I know Mama put a lot of pressure on you to be more like me, but I didn’t think the same.”

  “I don’t want to be exactly like you, I just want to be able to help people, and I think that with my art, I can do that,” Kai clarified herself.

  “Then I’ll help you as best I can.” She smiled. “Now, a little birdie tells me you think school is overrated.”

  Kai squinted her eyes. “Who have you been talking to? It’s true though. They don’t teach us anything that we can use once we’re out in the world. Any idiot can learn to read and write, but how about balancing a checkbook, or learning how to budget your money. I learned all of that by watching you, not by anything they’re teaching.”

  “I know it’s frustrating as hell but you have to put up with it. You’re almost done Kai, then you can choose to do whatever you want. School is important and you need to at least try,” Kasey gently admonished.

  “Well, this place seems to be honestly trying to bring real world situations in
to the classrooms. So far anyway.” Kai picked up the menu. “Jenny’s been over a few times to teach some of the kid’s piano. She’s really good.”

  “Yeah, she is actually. She’s a workaholic though; I don’t know how many times I’ve woken up in the middle of the night to find her slaving at the piano.” Kasey laughed. “She’s a good teacher too. She tried to show me some things on it, but well, let’s just say I’m even worse at piano than I am at drawing. I’ll tell you what I’ll do, Kai. If you promise to honestly try to get yourself worked out a little, and make an effort to work at things, I’ll see what I can do about having you stay for the winter program. If that’s what you want.”

  “Hell yeah. That sounds great.” The young woman sat up straighter and grinned at her sister.

  “It does, but you need to make an honest effort. That means no skipping lessons and no more breaking curfew. Okay?” Kasey said seriously giving her sister a no nonsense look.

  “Sure thing, I know the drill. If I come through, you’ll come through.” Kai laughed back.

  “That’s right.” Kasey smiled, she was about to say more when she heard her radio come to life. She listened as a simple call came through for a trespasser, but she paused when attempted break in was added. She listened for the address and her eyes went wide as it crackled through. “Shit, Jenny,” Kasey said, scrambling out of the seat.

  The Deputy ran to her truck only noticing Kai when the younger Spaulding jumped into the passenger seat of her truck. “Kai, what are you doing?” she asked, starting the truck and heading for her house. She saw Del’s Jeep ahead of her on the street and kept up with her boss.

  “I’m not going to let my future sister in law be alone. I know that you will have to go to the Department afterwards.” Kai kept an eye on the Jeep in front of them.

  “Just stay out of the way,” Kasey said, concentrating on her driving. Both she and Del pulled to a halt in her front lawn and jumped out guns drawn. Del gave a silent signal to her deputy and they circled around to the back door where they heard shouting.

  “What part of this isn’t your house don’t you get Amelia? All of your belongings are in a storage unit in Canal City. Didn’t you get the notice while you were in prison?” Jenny stood in the back door, refusing to let the older woman enter.

  Kasey lowered and holstered her gun when she saw who it was. She noticed Delaney do the same, climbing the stairs to the porch. She gave Jenny a concerned look, and noticed Kai coming around the corner when Del spoke up.

  “What exactly is going on here? Anyone care to explain?” she asked sternly.

  Jenny pointed to Amelia. “I found her trying to pick the lock and I told her to leave, that this wasn’t her house anymore. It’s mine and Kasey’s.”

  “This is absurd. I’ve lived in this house my entire life. I will not have my daughter ordering me around,” Amelia said harshly. “If she hadn’t changed the locks, I wouldn’t have tried to pick them.”

  “How did you get out of prison?” Kasey asked keeping a concerned eye on Jenny.

  “I was let out on parole. I just want in my home. Chief, you’ve got to do something about this,” Amelia snapped.

  “What do you mean you were let out on parole? They were supposed to let us know.” Jenny turned to her girlfriend and her boss. “Did either one of you get notice?”

  Both Kasey and Del shook their heads. “You know we would have warned you Jenny,” Kasey said quietly.

  “Look, let’s just get this resolved once and for all. Jenny, do you have a copy of the deed handy?” Del asked pinching the bridge of her nose.

  “Don’t let her come in Kasey.” Jenny turned to go inside to go through her desk. After a few minutes, she came back out with an envelope and handed it to the Chief. “This is what the lawyer gave me the day that I signed the papers.”

  Kasey kept a careful eye on the mother of her fiancée not willing to trust her as far as she could throw her, she stepped unconsciously closer when she saw Amelia glaring at her daughter.

  Del carefully opened the manila envelope and pulled out the papers. Taking a look over it, she nodded. “Just what I thought it would say.” She held the paper up so Amelia could see. “This property belongs to Jenny Montrose. Says so right here,” Del answered pointing.

  “What do you mean, Jenny Montrose? That’s not your name. Your name is Jenny Nicole LeBlanc.” Amelia snatched at the deed in the Chief’s hand.

  “I’m afraid that’s not what the deed says Amelia. Jenny’s legal name is now Montrose. I signed the papers as her legal witness,” Kasey said standing protectively in front of her fiancée.

  “My deputy is right Mrs. LeBlanc. I’m afraid you’ll have to leave the property. Unless of course the owner wishes to press charges,” Del said taking back the papers and sliding them back into the envelope

  “If she promises not to come back I won’t press charges, but know this Amelia, you come back again, and I will. I do believe that if you are charged, that would violate your parole and you’ll be back in prison,” Jenny offered her mother one last chance.

  Amelia knew Jenny was right and she couldn’t risk a parole violation. “Fine, I’ll leave. I won’t try coming back here, but I still have rights as your mother.” She turned and gave a warning to Kasey, “I don’t know what it was you did to my daughter, but I won’t let you get away with it.”

  Both Jenny and Kai stepped forward growling. “Don’t you threaten my fiancée...My sister,” they spoke at the same time.

  Amelia looked down at the younger Spaulding. “Oh God, there’s more of you.”

  Kai was getting ready to lunge at the older woman, but was held back when Del stuck an arm out. “Okay, I’ve had just about enough of this nonsense. Amelia, you have no rights to your daughter as she’s now an adult, and you have no legal rights to this land as its Jenny’s name on the deed. If I were you, I’d make take a hike before my headache gets any worse,” the Chief growled.

  Amelia’s mouth moved as if she were going to say something but seeing the hostile looks on the faces around her she said nothing and started walking away. She looked back once and seeing that Jenny hadn’t changed her mind, slung her bag over her shoulder and started up the street heading to the nearest payphone to call a cab.

  Kasey immediately turned to Jenny, worry evident in her voice. “Are you okay Jenn?”

  The young woman stood and leaned her head against the taller woman’s chest. “I’ve had better days.”

  Wanting to comfort her fiancée but knowing she was working, she glanced over to her boss.

  Del gave her a subtle nod and turned her attention to the young woman who was with them.

  Seeing the nod, Kasey wrapped her arms around her fiancée rubbing her back soothingly. “It’s okay. Delaney and I will take care of it.”

  Leaning back to look at her Deputy, Jenny asked, “Can’t you or Del drive her to Canal City? I don’t trust her Kase. I know that she’s going to try something tonight. I just know it.”

  “Jenny, I’m sorry there’s nothing we can do,” Kasey said brushing auburn hair away from Jenny’s face.

  “Kasey’s right. Unless she comes on the property again we have no reason to take her in,” Del said regretfully.

  Staring up into worried dark eyes Jenny reached up and caressed Kasey’s bottom lip. “Why didn’t they let us know that she was out?”

  “I don’t know Babe. Maybe it got backlogged. I don’t want to leave you here alone but I have to get back and write a report. Will you be okay if I leave Kai with you?” she asked softly tilting her head into Jenny’s touch.

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Did you guys get a chance to eat anything?” Jenny knew that they were going to meet at the diner.

  “No, you scared the crap out of me before we even ordered,” she teased gently. “It felt like my stomach had dropped right out of me when I heard our address over the radio.”

  Staying where she was in Kasey’s embrace, Jenny turned to Kai. “Go on inside. I’
ll be there in a minute and we’ll fix something.” Turning to Del she reached inside her jean’s pockets and pulled out a peppermint, and tossed it to the Chief. “Here, this will help your headache. Rae taught me that.”

  Del caught and popped it into her mouth. “Yeah, she usually pumps me full of them too. Thanks Jenn. Kasey, I’ll meet you at the station. You can stay for lunch if you want, but you’ll need to stop by soon to get your paper work done. I’ll see you around Jenny.” Del waved, heading back around to the front of the house.

  Kai walked inside, leaving the two women alone. “Can I interest you in some lunch Deputy Dawg?” Jenny offered. “Or at least a kiss?”

  “I’ll take one of each.” Kasey smiled leaning down to press her lips against the smaller woman’s. She pulled Jenny close, letting the feel of her lover pressed close convince her she really was okay.

  Pulling away, Jenny framed Kasey’s face. “I’m alright. She didn’t touch me...threatened me, but didn’t touch me. I promise.”

  Kasey simply nodded and stole another kiss. “Since Kai’s over, I assume you are no longer on the menu?” she teased, swaying them gently side to side.

  “I’m the after dinner dessert, Deputy.” Jenny grinned.

  “Well, that’s something worth rushing home for. I’ll stick around for a quick snack, then head back to the department. Maybe we can have a nice quiet night together. Some music, dancing, some wine?” she suggested leading Jenny through a few steps of a classic waltz.

  “As long as we do it here, it sounds great. I don’t want to leave the house with Amelia showing back up. Is that okay?”

  “Oh, it’s perfect. Now let’s get Kai fed before you have two hungry Spaulding’s on your hands.” Kasey grinned, waltzing them through the door of the house.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


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