
Home > Other > Intuition > Page 19
Intuition Page 19

by Jennis Slaughter

  Del had fallen asleep but came to when she felt the pull of the lines surge. “What did you do babe? The lines surged for a while,” she managed to get out barely awake. She turned her head and was able to open her eyes enough to spy Raelin slumped in a chair. “Raelin?”

  “I’m okay...just give me a minute and I’ll be right there,” Raelin whispered. She was trying to slowly pull in enough energy for her to get up and make it over to the bed.

  “You sure?” Del asked, managing to push herself to her elbows. “I didn’t mean to exhaust you.”

  The witch smiled at her wife. “But I love it when you exhaust me.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Be that as it may, I watched you do this for Jenny. You didn’t get this tired after you did it for her, and her injuries were far worse,” Del replied concerned.

  Slowly sitting up, Raelin started to explain. “I saw something when I was healing you and it took more out of me than Jenny’s healing, or just helping you with your headache.”

  Furrowing her eyebrows together, Del tried to get out of the bed to help her wife. “What do you mean you saw something?”

  “You had a bone fragment from where Sumners hit you and it was pressing against your brain. I backtracked to where it was from and basically put a mental band-aide over it to help it heal. That should take care of your headaches.”

  Del let those words sink in for a few minutes. It wasn’t a minor injury in fact, it could have killed her. Shaking her head she swung her legs over the side of the bed and carefully rose to help Raelin over to the bed. “You shouldn’t interfere with nature so much, but thank you.” She smiled, and then she noticed the lack of light in the room. “Raelin, how long was I out? It’s after sunset.”

  Standing with her wife’s help, Raelin answered, “A couple of hours, and if I hadn’t done anything it would have kept on moving, and maybe something worse would have happened.”

  “Maybe, that’s for your Goddess to decide Darlin’. Let’s get you tucked into bed. Do you want some pj’s?” Del asked, helping Raelin sit on the edge of the bed.

  “Yeah, and maybe the Goddess gave me the power to help you. Did you think of that?” Raelin playfully shot back.

  “I just think you can’t help yourself.” Del smiled, retrieving a men’s button up from the dresser. “This okay?”

  “Well, if you see something that is wrong, you should fix it. Yeah, that’s fine.” Raelin pulled off her shirt, and unclasped her bra.

  Sucking in a deep breath, Del let her eyes wander over tempting bronze skin. While she felt pretty much good as new, she knew her wife was exhausted. “Umm, let’s get you dressed,” she stuttered. She wanted so badly to feel all of Raelin, especially now that they had let their shields back down.

  “Of course.” Del smiled, kissing the top of Raelin’s head as she held the shirt open so Raelin could slide her arms into the sleeves. “You know, I could always just love you? You wouldn’t have to do a thing, but lay back and enjoy yourself,” she replied wiggling her eyebrows.

  The witch looked at her wife for a moment before flopping back with her arms spread wide. “I’m yours.”

  “Lucky me.” Del grinned, crawling onto the bed and planting a knee on either side of her wife’s hips. “Any last requests?” she asked, trailing her fingertips over the smooth skin of Raelin’s chest.

  “Make me scream.”

  “Don’t I always?” was all Del said before leaning down to kiss a trail across Raelin’s collar bone her fingers teasing her breasts before her lips and mouth took over.

  Arching up, Raelin threaded the fingers of one hand with one of Del’s. She wanted to keep a hold of the blonde. She understood that she was being touched, but she needed to hold on too.

  The blonde understood Raelin’s need to hang on, she felt the same and she gave the fingers entwined with hers a gentle squeeze as her mouth continued to explore. She knew Raelin was tired and probably not up for a whole lot of teasing as she ran the fingers of her free hand across the waist of the slacks she was wearing, undoing the button, and pulling down the fly.

  Briefly unlocking their fingers, the witch picked up her hips and helped Del remove her slacks, before she grabbed at her hand again.

  Pushing the soon to be forgotten pants and the underwear she’d grabbed with them to the floor, Del resumed her work, keeping a tight hold on Raelin’s hand. She felt her wife as clear as anything in her mind and she moaned against the skin of Raelin’s tummy as she felt arousal and more deep love reverberating over their link. “I love you so much,” Del whispered into Raelin’s flat stomach.

  Raelin almost cried at the emotions that were coming through their link, and she mentally kicked herself for denying them both this ability. Trembling slightly as the blonde ran her tongue over a sensitive spot on her hip, Raelin let out a shuddering breath. “I love you too.”

  With one hand still clutched in Raelin’s and the other teasing the sensitive skin on the inside of her thigh, Del trailed her kisses away from the mark she’d just left on her wife’s hip down to nose damp curls. She took in the familiar smell of her wife’s arousal, letting it and their open connection soothe her, as she poked her tongue out for a taste.

  “Aw fuck.” Raelin had a hard time restraining her swearing when Delaney made love to her. The blonde had once joked that somewhere in her psyche; there was a sailor who could swear with the best. “Babe, yesss...Right there.”

  It always thrilled Delaney when Raelin let loose some swear words, probably because she never, ever said them unless it was under Del’s hands and tongue. She whimpered into Raelin’s skin, adding her fingers and pushing her wife closer to the edge.

  Rolling her hips to bring more of the blonde inside the brunette fisted the sheet with her free hand, pulling it from the mattress. She wanted more. “Come on Del...please...” It was as if she needed to be possessed by her wife to atone for her misdeeds. “Do whatever you want...just do it now.”

  Rising from her place Del hovered over her wife curling her fingers, and swiping her thumb across Raelin’s clit. She tossed her long hair over one shoulder peering down to watch the emotions play over the brunette’s face as they moved together. She felt Raelin hovering on the edge and with a gentle squeeze to Raelin’s hand; she leaned down and captured Raelin in a rough kiss, curling her fingers once more, and pressing down with her thumb.

  Releasing the sheet Raelin held Delaney against her, loving how the blonde put her hips behind her hand to thrust even harder and she screamed her release into the blonde’s kiss. Only pulling away when she needed to breathe the witch gently bit down on her wife’s bottom lip and sucked it into her mouth. She opened her lips and kissed Del again.

  Del didn’t slow her pace until she felt Raelin’s body start to relax and the hungry kiss they’d been sharing turned lazy. She pulled away slightly, smiling into the skin of Raelin’s cheek as she brought Raelin down. “Time to get you to bed.” Del chuckled, feeling the weight of Raelin’s boneless arm around her waist.

  “Hmm, I am in bed.” She finally released Del’s hand and instead wrapped both arms and legs around the blonde. “I love the way that you feel against me,” she tilted her head to look up at the blonde.

  “The feeling is mutual, I can assure you.” Del grinned, kissing along Raelin’s jaw and temple. She tried wiggling out of Raelin’s grasp in an attempt to get the witch under the sheets, but was held in place. “It looks like I’m trapped.”

  Something in those words brought a dream to Raelin’s mind and her eyes went wide for a moment as she fought the impulse to instantly release the blonde. “For only as long as you want to be Darlin’.”

  Del pulled back to look at her wife, feeling a quick flash of anxiety before it was gone. “Being trapped by you isn’t much of a hardship. Everything okay?”

  Smiling up at the blonde, Raelin nodded her head. “Yeah, just had a flash of something. I think that it was a dream from a few nights ago,” she let go of her wife, letting her finge
r’s caress Del’s lips. “I do love to watch you talk.”

  “What was the dream about?” Del asked softly. She wasn’t sure if Raelin was up to answering tonight, given how exhausted they both were, but she at least wanted Raelin to know her ears where open.

  “Can we talk about it tomorrow? I don’t want the evening to end on a sour note,” the witch asked. “Let’s just have a good night sleep, and we’ll go over everything later.”

  “Sure Darlin’. Just as long as you know I’m not going to let it slide,” she whispered, kissing her witch softly. She shifted off Raelin reaching up and turning down the bed sheets. “In you go Witchy Woman,” she teased.

  Getting underneath the top sheet, Raelin quipped back, “The only think I want to slide is either you into me or me into you...And they can be done at that the same time, just not right now.”

  “You are a shameless tease. You just relax here for a minute; I’m going to take those dishes downstairs, unless you want to finish it off?” Del asked circling the mattress to her own side of the bed, and picking up the tray.

  "No, I don't want anything, but it's your turn to fix breakfast in the morning, so I'll be right here waiting for breakfast in bed.” The brunette snuggled down into her pillow.

  “Good enough.” Del smiled kissing her witch’s forehead before taking the tray to the kitchen to clean up. Once she was finished, she leaned back against the counter smiling. She knew they still had a lot to talk about, but at least she’d gotten her wife back. She glanced into the living room and offered a goodnight to the two cats cuddled on the couch, reminding Tasha about her vet appointment on Monday, and then headed for the stairs and back to her wife.

  Raelin’s eyes were already closed as Del came back into the room. Opening her arms, she murmured, “Welcome back Darlin’, I missed you.”

  Smiling the blonde turned off the lights and slipped into the arms of her wife sighing as she melted into Raelin’s warmth. “All is right again,” she whispered, turning her head to kiss Raelin’s chin.

  “Yes it is. I love you Del.” Raelin closed her eyes and was soon sound asleep.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Del was suddenly aware of the copper tang of blood drifting through the dank air around her and she whipped her head around to try to figure out where she was. The air was stale and damp telling her she was somewhere underground. Distantly she heard a child crying and saw the dim outline of a doorway where light was coming through the cracks. Just as she was about to move forward she heard the sound of someone being struck followed by a moan, she took a step forward and felt her foot slip in something soft. Leaning down she ran her fingers through it and brought it up to her nose. The deep copper tang to it told her it was blood. She tried to rush forward but was frozen in place, and she cried out Raelin’s name as she heard the distinct sounds of a woman being beaten somewhere nearby.

  The room was darker than usual; also this time there was some heavy breathing and some scuffling. The smell was just as bad as Raelin remembered it from the night before and the sounds coming through the door made her heart ache. She reached for the power, but couldn’t find it. There was something here that was blocking her once again, and she couldn’t figure out what it was.

  Del heard something shifting and turned quickly toward the sound. “Who’s there?” she whispered loudly, not wanting to draw the attention of whomever it was laying a pounding on the woman through the door.

  “Del?” Raelin whispered back. “What...How are you here?” The witch reached out, trying to find her wife.

  “Raelin?” Del reached her hand out and felt a shoulder and she quickly wrapped her arms around the form of the taller woman. She ran her hands over every part of her wife, checking for any sign of a wound. “Thank God. The sounds, I thought it was you out there. What’s going on?”

  “You can’t be here...You need to wake up.” Raelin ran her hands over her wife’s face making sure that she was alright.

  “I’m fine, no one has touched me. Wait, is this one of the nightmare’s you’ve been having?” Del asked pressing closer.

  “Yes...You can’t be here. I don’t know what will happen if you’re here.” Tears were on Raelin’s face, splashing against the blonde’s. She didn’t know how to tell Delaney that the woman that she was hearing getting the beating was herself.

  “Well I’m here for a reason; you know we don’t share dreams unless it’s important. Do you know who’s out there? We need to figure it out, maybe they need our help. There’s a child crying too,” Del whispered back, trying to soothe her lover by rubbing her back. She reached up with one hand and wiped at Raelin’s face, brushing away some of the moisture.

  “No, you can’t help...I’ve tried. That’s you...They are beating you, and I can’t stop them. I can’t feel the power here...I don’t know how to bring it with me to save either of you,” the witch clung to her wife, needing to keep her away from the room.

  “Me? Are you serious? Then who’s the child crying?” Del asked, trying to move to the door and steal a look through the door.

  Keeping a hold of the blonde’s hand, Raelin whispered, “It’s Ariel...don’t worry, they haven’t hurt her. They’re using her to get you to call me to get me there.”

  “Ari! Raelin let me go, I need to get her out of here,” Del whispered desperately, forgetting it was a dream and beyond her control.

  Keeping a hold of Delaney’s arm Raelin whirled her around and wrapped her arms around her holding her tight. “NO! I don’t know what will happen if you walk in there...Or if you can even walk in there. I can’t seem to do anything here. It’s like I’m observing but not really here. I think that it’s the future, but I’m not sure.”

  “It’s not the future Raelin, I won’t let it. Nothing is going to happen to me. I’m going to be just fine. Do you know who the person doing the...beating is?” Del asked hesitantly.

  “No...he looks familiar, but I can’t remember where I’ve seen him before. I saw him when I was awake the day of the opening. He was there in the crowd, but he disappeared.”

  Del was about to respond when they heard another voice join the already disturbing noises from the other room. This time she knew it immediately. It was Raelin’s voice, begging and pleading for them to let both Ari and Del go.

  Raelin heard herself say. “Let Delaney quiet the child. Just let them be together and I’ll do everything that you want.”

  Del listened as they heard shifting and heard a gruff voice agree to those terms. Ariel’s terrified voice floated through the cracks in the door as she said Delaney’s name over and over again. She heard her own weak voice attempting to soothe the child and by the way they talked, Del could tell that Ari was likely clinging to what would be her own injured body.

  Raelin’s voice drifted through. “Del, I want you to picture in your mind where you go when you need to relax, and Ari, I want you to whisper what I told you to Delly...NOW!”

  There was a sparking sound and a flash of pale purple light that came through the doorway, followed by men shouting and of someone being hit and falling to the floor.

  The witch stood in the dark holding onto her wife, and through her tears, she smiled. There was a way to get them out of there; she just had to find it.

  Del stood silently her body trembling in Raelin’s arms. “What just happened? What did you do Rae?” She froze as she heard a pained groan as someone taunted and beat whoever was left.

  Shaking her head, Raelin whispered, “I don’t know...I have no idea, but you need to wake up. Wake up Del, before they find you.”

  “I can’t leave you here alone,” Del whispered back.

  “It’s a dream Del...they don’t touch me. I can only observe. You were here first so I think that you need to leave first. This is all new to me, and I’m learning as I go. So wake up, and I’ll follow as soon as I can. The dream won’t let me wake until it shows me something that I need to know,” the witch breathed.

  “Wait, Raelin!” Del tried to
keep from waking but to no avail as she sat up abruptly, gasping for air. She looked frantically around and found herself back in the bedroom she shared with her wife. She checked the bed beside her and found Raelin still deeply asleep, a troubled look on her face. She turned and gave Raelin’s cheek a pat. “Raelin, wake up, you’re having a nightmare.” Getting no response, she tried again taking a hold of the witch’s shoulders and shaking her lightly, calling her name all the while.

  Raelin breathed a sigh of relief when Delaney disappeared from her side, now maybe she would be able to find out what she needed to do. Striding forward she walked through the door and looked at herself on the ground.

  Her eye was shut and lip split, but she was glaring defiantly at the men. “You won’t get anything now. They’re safe, and now they’ll be ready for you. Delaney will bring all of this down around you, and you will rot in jail for the rest of your lives.”

  One of the men drew back his leg and kicked the witch hard in the abdomen causing her to lose her breath and curl in a fetal position. “Well then, I just guess that we’ll have our fun with you. You’ll bring a pretty penny where you’re going.”

  He motioned to the mystery man to pick her up and toss her into a storage closet. Raelin then noticed that her double was wearing a satchel across one of her shoulders and it hung down over her opposite hip.

  Del was desperately trying to wake her witch when she felt Raelin’s body jerk and curl up as if she’d been kicked in the stomach. Seeing the pained look on her wife’s face she doubled her efforts, shaking the witch as hard as she could. “Wake up! Come on babe, come back to me here. It’s just a dream Raelin. Wake on up for me.”

  “Enjoy your luxury suite while you can witch. Where you’re going, that’s gonna seem like heaven,” the man taunted.


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