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Page 21

by Jennis Slaughter

  “A penny for your thoughts Darlin’?” Raelin asked her wife. Her voice floated on the air and caressed Del’s ears causing her to swallow hard.

  “I’m thinking about how badly I’ve always wanted to take you on my desk. Sadly, I’m not sure it would help our case any. His lawyer will probably cry conflict of interest and we don’t need to fuel the fire so to speak.” Del grinned, her eyes lingering over Raelin’s curves.

  “Well, you could just sit there and watch while I get off,” Raelin teased. “Get off the desk I mean. Or not.”

  Feeling heat flood through her and settling firmly between her thighs Del nearly dropped the pen she was holding. “I, well um. We should go. You know, since the county will have to pay me over time and all. Don’t want to waste money. You know how it is,” she stuttered.

  Reaching up, the witch unbuttoned the first two buttons of her shirt. “So I take it that it’s a no then. Too bad.”

  “Oh by all means, if you want to, go ahead. I just assumed you’d have more fun if I could play too.” Del smirked, nibbling on the end of her pen.

  “Okay, well let’s go someplace where we can both have fun, though I would really like it if you could take me on the desk.” Raelin stood up and straightened her shirt, but only buttoned one button.

  “Oh, I will have you bent over one of these days. That I promise you. Today just isn’t that day.” Del smiled giving Raelin’s bottom a discrete pinch as she walked ahead of her. “Now, what do you want to do with the rest of our day?”

  Sighing, Raelin opened the door. “How about a road trip? Let’s go to New Orleans to see Jessie and Ari. I know that it will make you feel better.”

  “Oh, that’s actually a pretty good idea,” Del said smiling. “Okay well, I want to head to the house first and check on Rori and Tasha, and while I’m at it, let Kasey know I’m going to be out of town. We can stay the night at the apartment.”

  Raelin walked out towards the bullpen, and waved good-bye to the Deputies. “I think that you’re just excited that Tasha is going to have kittens. You’re just a big pussy yourself,” she teased.

  “Maybe, but you like me that way. I just want her to be healthy and have whatever she needs to deliver a safe and healthy litter,” Del replied as she turned to her Deputies. “I’m heading to New Orleans for the night. Spaulding is going to be in charge, you know the drill. Keep me in the know with Collins.” Getting nods from both men, she led Raelin to the door, holding it open as the witch passed through.

  “Yes I do. Hey! Do you want to stop by Jenn and Kasey’s place on the way to the house? That was you can tell her we’re leaving and ask her to contact Will at the same time.” Raelin got into the Jeep and buckled up her seat belt.

  “Oh yeah. That would probably work out pretty good.” Del smiled. “I knew there was a reason I kept you around,” she teased, doing up her own belt, starting the engine and pulling away from the curb.

  Letting her fingers run up her wife’s thigh, Raelin just grinned. “I think that there are one or two other reasons that you might keep me around.”

  “You’d be right in that thinking.” Del laughed, pulling onto Jenny and Kasey’s street. “Your Shepard’s Pie is the best I’ve ever had.”

  The brunette turned and looked at the blonde. “Oh really! You’re gonna pay for that one.”

  “Gladly,” Del purred, pulling to a stop at the younger couple’s house. She hopped out of the Jeep, hooking her thumbs into the pocket of her jeans as she walked to the front door, a deliberate sway in her hips.

  ‘I do love her in black, and she has a great ass.’ Raelin thought to herself. ‘And the things I can do to it.’ Licking her lips she got out and made her way to stand next to the blonde.

  Feeling Raelin’s emotions clear as day she flashed a wide smile over her shoulder as the other woman approached. She reached out and pressed the doorbell waiting patiently for the door to be answered, “How much you want to bet we are interrupting something and poor Kasey will be voted to answer the door.”

  “How much you wanna bet that Kasey is doing laundry, Jenny is on the piano, and yes, Kasey will answer the door.” Raelin dug into her pocket and pulled out a twenty.

  “I’ll see that bet.” Del grinned, pulling out her own bill.

  Del heard the locks being turned and grinned when a flushed looking Kasey opened the door. She took in the improperly buttoned shirt and shorts that had obviously been thrown on in a hurry, dark hair falling messily over her shoulder. She held out a hand to her wife when Kasey greeted them, her voice rough from whatever activities she’d been engaged in. “Looks like you’re enjoying your day off,” she smirked at her deputy.

  Raelin slapped the twenty into her wife’s hand as Kasey answered, “Umm, yeah. We decided to stay in bed for a while. What’s up?”

  “Oh we just thought we’d let you know that we’re heading to New Orleans’s for the night. You’re in charge until I get back. I already talked with the boys so they won’t give you any trouble. That and I have a favor to ask you.” Del explained. “Is it alright if we come in or am I going to get an eyeful of something I don’t need to see?” she teased.

  “Del,” her wife slapped her arm. “Sorry Kasey, I’ve tried to teach her manners, but it’s a work in progress.”

  Looking back over her shoulder Kasey watched as Jenny disappeared up the stairs wrapped in a sheet. Sighing, she stepped aside. “No, come on in.”

  Seeing the tail end of Jenny’s sheet, Del laughed as she stepped inside. “Might want to fix your buttons Tonto.” Del grinned, poking her Deputy on the chest as she walked past and into the kitchen. “Still keep in touch with Will much?” she asked, grabbing an apple off the counter and buffing it on her shirt.

  Grabbing the apple, Kasey took a bite. “Yeah, we talk every once in a while. I even talk to Director Jacobs about once a month. She always wants to see how things are going here.”

  “Think you might be able to get him to run a picture through a recognition program for me?” she asked, snatching the apple back playfully, taking her own bite.

  “Sure, I can do that. Who is it?” The taller woman grabbed a banana, peeled it, and took a bite.

  Raelin watched as the two women talked. Shaking her head, the witch looked around the room. The two women had combined their interest and had made the house into a home. Kasey’s favorite rugby jersey was hanging on one wall, while Jenny had some of her charcoal drawings on either side. Those shouldn’t go together, but they actually did.

  “You know that guy I brought in yesterday? Collins? Well, turns out he was only a Collins since five years or so ago. There’s no birth certificate, no nothing on him before that. He’s looking for something, and he’s hiding something and I’m hoping we can figure out who he was before. I’m going to try and trace his lawyer’s clients, maybe that will give me an idea, but if Will could do this on the down low, it would be a huge help,” Del explained, tossing her apple core into the garbage.

  “Sure, I’ll send him the photo this afternoon.” Kasey tossed the banana peel away also. “Is there anything else?” The dark haired woman was anxious to get upstairs.

  Seeing her Deputy’s less than subtle glance towards the stairs, Del stretched and leaned back against the counter. “Oh sorry, are we keeping you from something?” she teased.

  Reaching out, Raelin grabbed her wife by the collar and tugged her towards the front door. “Thanks for your help Kase. We’ll let you know when we get back. Bye,” she opened the door and pushed the blonde outside. “Delaney, you need to remember that paybacks are a bitch.”

  “Hey now, no reason to manhandle me. At least while I’m clothed anyway,” she chuckled, brushing non-existent dirt off her shoulder.

  Quickly looking around to make sure that no one was looking, Raelin pinned the blonde against the front of the Jeep and her body. “You wanna be manhandled Darlin’? I can take you right here, right now and you’ll love it.” The witch wanted nothing more than to do exactly that

  “I’d happily let you. The only thing stopping us is the trauma it would cause Mrs. O’Leary next door,” Del purred, running a single fingertip down the center of Raelin’s chest.

  “Mrs. O’Leary is in Chicago visiting her brand new granddaughter.” Raelin turned and walked to the passenger side to get into the Jeep. Wiping her hand over her eyes the witch tried to get the thoughts out of her head. She and Delaney had a very healthy sex life, but since they re-established their link, it was all that Raelin wanted to do.

  Jumping into the driver’s side, Del waited for Raelin to get in beside her. Once they were both buckled in, she pulled away and headed toward the house. “I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’m having a hard time keeping my hands to myself,” Del admitted as she drove. “I know that’s nothing new, but I mean, since last night, it’s been especially bad.”

  “I know...I don’t know what’s happening. I think I need to read the journal. There has got to be something in there that can explain this.” The witch actually sat on her hands to keep from touching the blonde.

  “You seem to have found a lot of interesting tidbits in that thing,” Del replied, keeping both hands firmly on the steering wheel as she turned onto the road that would take them home.

  “Yeah I have. Would you mind if I take it with us to New Orleans? I can read it on the way.” Raelin started bouncing her knee.

  “Yeah no problem. It’s a long drive. You want to take your truck or stick with the Jeep?” she asked, pulling into their driveway.

  “You’re choice. Hey! Tasha is on the porch,” the witch pointed out.

  “Oh, I hope everything’s okay,” Del breathed, getting out of the Jeep. She walked quickly over to the feline and squatted down in front of her. Giving her ears a loving rub. “Everything okay?” she asked.

  “Yes, I just wanted to get out of the sun while Rori was doing his patrols. I wanted to ask you a question. There were some very strange noises coming from the upstairs this morning. Do you have any idea what they were?” The cat teased.

  Choking on her sigh of relief, Del looked down at the cat. “You are spending too much time with Rori,” she teased back. “Considering your current state, I’d say you have a pretty good idea already,” she chuckled.

  “Yes I do. So what are our favorite humans doing today?” The cat walked into the kitchen as Raelin opened the door.

  “Actually that’s why we stopped by. Raelin and I are going to head to New Orleans for the night. We wanted make sure you would be okay here for the night,” Del answered, following them into the kitchen.

  “You do not have to ask our permission if you want a night on the town Delaney. We are quite capable of taking care of ourselves, but I do thank you for your concern.” The cat jumped up on the bench and patted the Chief’s leg.

  “I know you can take care of yourself. Is there anything you would like us to get for you before we go? A bed? Special food?” Del asked.

  “Thank you, but no. If you could leave out enough food, that would be helpful.”

  “Sure thing. I’m not sure we can leave out tuna. It will have to be dry food,” Del replied, opening a nearby cupboard to check what they had for dry food. “Rae, is this dry food going to be okay for her you think?”

  Raelin called down from upstairs. “Yeah, I made something special for Tasha in the pantry in the blue canister, Rori’s is in the green.”

  “Thanks Darlin’!” she called back with a smile. Pulling both canisters out from the pantry, she turned back to Tasha, grabbing a second little dish on the way. “Raelin made this so it’s good for you. She’s pretty good with these things.” Del smiled, pouring Tasha’s food into the blue dish she’d grabbed. “I’m putting yours in this blue dish, okay?”

  “If you will just put that one on the right, it will be perfect. Now you had better go pack or whatever it is you humans do.” The cat walked over to the bowl, smelled the food before taking a tentative bite. “Please tell Raelin that this is very good, and I thank her.”

  “I will. Go to Jenny and Kasey’s place if you need anything.” Del smiled, running her hand down the felines back. She filled Rori’s own dish and set it on the left before heading up the stairs and into the bedroom. “Tasha says that the food you made for her is very good and says thank you.”

  Folding a shirt and putting it into an overnight bag, Raelin smiled. “I put some vitamins and minerals that should help her to have very healthy kittens. I’m glad that it tastes good to her. Have you called Jess yet?”

  “Nope, I’ll do that now. Make sure you pack some clothes to go out in, I have plans for you,” the blonde smiled, flipping open her phone and punching in Jessie’s number.

  Coming up behind the blonde before she went into the bathroom, Raelin whispered in Del’s ear, “And I have plans for you.” Then the witch sucked on her wife’s earlobe before she scurried off.

  “Damn you woman,” Del muttered, feeling heat spread through her body just as Jessie answered the phone.

  “Damn you too Delly,” was Jessie’s laughing reply.

  “What? No sorry, not you. Umm, what are you up to today?” Del asked leaning back a little to watch as Raelin bent over to grab something under the sink.

  “I am actually taking the week-end off. The trial is over, we won by the way and I am doing absolutely nothing other than playing with my daughter and watching television. You?” Ariel could be heard in the background laughing.

  “Congratulations on the win counselor. Raelin and I were actually wondering if you guys were up for a visit. We were heading into New Orleans for the night so we’d like to stop by,” Del explained smiling at Ari’s giggles in the background. “Mike must be away on another business trip if it’s just you and Ari then huh?”

  “Yeah, we never can seem to coordinate my wins with his time at home to celebrate, and we would love to see you and Rae. You are more than welcome to stay here if you want....Ari, your Aunts Delly and Rae are coming for a visit,” the lawyer called to her daughter.

  Del laughed outright when she heard the little one’s squeals and what sounded like a struggle for the phone. “You know, she doesn’t sound excited at all,” Delaney remarked dryly.

  “No Ari, you’re wet from playing in the sprinkler...You can’t have the phone...Fine, I’ll hold it for you.” Jessie’s sigh was heard before Ariel’s voice came on. “Aunt Delly, can you bring Rori with you?”

  “Sorry baby, he’s going to be a daddy soon so he needs to stay here and take care of his girl,” Del replied affectionately.

  “Are you going to give me a kitty?”

  “Uh well, I don’t know Hun. We’ll have to see what happens.” Honestly, Del didn’t know what would happen when the kittens came. Most cats wouldn’t keep the kittens after they got big enough to take care of themselves. Rori and Tasha weren’t normal cats. “The kittens won’t be here for a little while. Why don’t you give me back to your Mommy? We’ll see you in a few hours okay?”

  “Kay...Here Mommy,” the sound of the phone hitting the floor and Jessie laughing reverberated from the speaker. “Sorry about that so we’ll see you in a few. Did you want to stay here or at your apartment? Oh, and Dawn is in town.”

  “Oh Jesus,” Del muttered, rubbing her forehead. “We’ll stay at the loft. Has she been hanging around your place a lot?”

  “No, actually she hasn’t. I think that she’s come home for good. She lost her last job in Los Angeles, and decided to come back closer to home. We’ll see you when you get here then. Drive careful.”

  “Yeah see you in a bit. Thanks for the warning.” She chuckled and hung up. “Jessie’s up for a visit. She won the trial, but Mike’s out of town. Just her and the munchkin all weekend.”

  Coming back into the bedroom, the witch plopped down and lay back on the bed. “Good, I can’t wait to see Ari. I’m packed and waiting on you.”

  “She sounded pretty excited when Jessie told her we were coming. She asked if we could bring Rori and I tol
d her he had to stay here because he’s going to be a daddy. Now she wants one of the kittens.” Del chuckled pulling out her own bag and grabbing her favorite pair of jeans. “I know most cats let the kittens go after a certain amount of time, but ours aren’t most cats.” She chuckled.

  Stretching her arms over her head, Raelin agreed. “Yeah, I don’t know how Tasha will feel about giving away her kittens. We’ll have to tread very carefully when that time arrives.”

  “You’ve got that right. Rori probably won’t be too happy about it either,” Del replied, throwing a couple of shirts and socks and underwear into the bag. She headed for the bathroom to grab her toothbrush, and once she was safely in the other room, she called out casually. “Dawn’s in town. Just thought I’d warn you.”

  Silence for a few moments. “Okay, but we don’t have to see her, do we?”

  “Not at all. Jessie said she hasn’t been hanging around the house much.” Del breathed a sigh of relief as she walked back out to the bedroom throwing the last of her things into the go bag. “Okay, I’m ready to go. So you don’t mind if we take the Jeep?”

  “Nope, whichever you want to take is good with me. What do you think about buying a car? I know that we have the truck and the Jeep, but I’m thinking that there will be time when we’ll have to look somewhat professional, and it would be better is we showed up in a car.” Raelin rose up to lean on her elbows.

  Del knew Raelin was right, but she had a pretty tight bond with her Jeep. She furrowed her eyebrows as she thought. “Well, what kind of car are you thinking?”

  Feeling her wife’s anxiety, Raelin stood up to hug the blonde. “I’m not saying that we should give up the Jeep or the truck, just get a car, and I don’t know. I’ll let you decide.”

  “Three vehicles? My, aren’t we indulging, but yeah we can get a car if you want. Sorry, my Jeep and I have been through a lot together,” she chuckled, giving her witch a squeeze.


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