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Page 26

by Jennis Slaughter

  “We’ll take it.” Raelin called out to Dan.

  “If you wouldn’t mind stepping this way Mrs. Delacroix, I have just a few pieces of paperwork that you need to sign and then you’ll be on your way.” Dan escorted the women back into his office and laid the paperwork on his desk.

  “I’ll call my insurance company and have them give you a call tomorrow. Like I stated before, I need it to be delivered on Tuesday evening. You can take it to the Leroy Police Department, and I’ll pick it up there. Here’s my number so you can call with the arrival time.” Raelin handed over the necessary information.

  Del took a look over one of the papers and her face drained of all of its color when she saw the final price. “Jesus,” she breathed under her breath.

  “What’s the matter Hun?” Raelin reached out to grasp her wife’s hand. “Are you alright?”

  “Yeah fine. Just, wow, that’s a lot of money Raelin,” Del muttered.

  “Dan, would you excuse us for a moment?” Raelin didn’t even turn to look at the man. He quietly got to his feet and left his office.

  “Del, I know that us having money is something that we’re going to have to get used to, but it’s not like we’re buying things left and right. I used it for the Foundation, for the Trusts I set up and I bought a tub. Let’s splurge just a little.” Raelin held her wife’s hands in hers.

  “Raelin it’s fine, really. It’s your money and I’m not going to tell you how to spend it. Sometimes I forget that you have money. You’re right, you don’t spend your money irresponsibly, and it’s not a crime to want to buy nice things for yourself,” Del said quietly. “I just need to get used to not having to worry about finances all the time.”

  Raelin sat back. “This isn’t my money, Delaney, it’s ours. I thought that you understood that. What is mine is yours.”

  “I know, I’m sorry. I forget that sometimes. It’s hard when you go from living paycheck to paycheck to buying an Audi. I’ll get the hang of it eventually,” Del promised, leaning forward to kiss Raelin’s cheek, doing her best impression of Ariel’s puppy dog pout. “Forgive me?”

  “That puppy dog look should be against the law Chief,” Raelin joked before she called Dan back in to finish signing the papers.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The rest of the day had gone pretty smoothly, they had signed the papers and arranged to have the car delivered Tuesday, as Raelin wanted. They’d run a few other errands before they headed back to the house so Raelin and Delaney could head back to Leroy. They’d packed the Jeep and were just trying to get out the door but Ariel was determined not to let them go.

  “Ariel, I need to go back home. Aunt Raelin and I have to work and take care of Rori and the town,” Del pleaded with a sobbing Ariel.

  “No, you needs to stay here with me. Don’t goes,” she cried, giving up on Delaney and wrapping her arms around Raelin’s legs. “Aunty Raedin, tells Aunt Delly that yous gonna stay!”

  Kneeling down so that she was level with the little girl Raelin wiped the tears from her eyes. “We have to go home Little One, and you have to be a big girl and let us, but how about maybe you can come down sometime and stay with us. Rori would love to see you and help you with the no talkies. He is a very smart cat and he will be so proud of you. And you can meet his girlfriend.”

  “But I misses you. I wants my Aunties with me. Mommy misses yous guys too.” Ari sniffled, holding Raelin’s face between her hands and giving her most intense puppy dog look to date. “Pwease stay. You can get Rori and his girl kitty and bring him here. Then I can have the kittens. Stays.”

  Del’s heart broke at the look on the blonde’s face. Jessie sighed from her place leaning against the doorway.

  “Would you like to come home with us?” The witch winced mentally as she asked the question, knowing that she should have asked Jessie first, but she honestly didn’t know how to say no to the little girl in this situation.

  “Yes! I go too, Mommy please!” she begged, tugging on her mother’s sleeve.

  “I don’t have anything against it, but Raelin, we’d need a couple days to baby proof the house.” Del spoke up.

  Turning back to the little girl, the witch asked, “Can you wait a couple of days so that Aunt Delly and I can get the house ready for you? We need to make sure that it’s safe and that you can have a fun time while you are there. We will practice our no talkies.”

  “I don’t have a problem with it as long as your Aunts don’t mind taking you.” Jessie smiled.

  “You promise not to forgets me,” the toddler asked, her eyes wide and her nose runny.

  “We won’t forget you. We’ll get the place all fixed up and when you get there, we’ll have a great time. So you be a good girl, okay?” Raelin smiled at the tiny blonde.

  “I can bring her up on Wednesday before the meeting if that’s okay,” Jessie offered.

  “I’m okay with that. I have to work, but Ariel can hang out with me at the office, if it’s alright with you? I can send the boys or Kasey to do anything out on the street,” Delaney replied.

  “So, we will see you bright and early Wednesday morning, all right?” Raelin wiggled her eyebrows at the little girl.

  “Yay! How many sleeps is that Mommy?” Ariel asked eagerly holding her arms out to her mother.

  “That’s three sleeps baby, and only if you are a good girl though.” Jessie smiled once the toddler was settled in her arms. “Now give your Aunts a hug so they can get home. It’s a long drive for them after all.”

  “Okays,” she held out her arms for hugs.

  Raelin stood up and hugged the little girl while thinking to her. “I can’t wait to have you spend the night with us. It will be fun.”

  “Yes, it will be funs. Make sure Delly gets sleeps, so she isn’t a cranky pants.” The little girl thought back, recognizing that Raelin had been thinking to her as she squeezed Raelin’s neck.

  Raelin barely contained a chuckle, but thought back. “Hate to tell you kiddo, but she’s almost always a cranky pants until she gets her morning coffee.”

  “I hads ta try. Loves you Aunty Rae,” the little girl said aloud, forgetting to think it back to the witch.

  Raelin had to hug the little girl once more. “Aw, and I love you Ariel. So very much.” Pulling away, she let her hand caress the tiny cheek.

  Smiling broadly, the little one turned her attention to Delaney, tugging on her hair to get her close enough to hug. “Loves you too Aunty Delly.” Ariel giggled, giving the taller blonde a big sloppy kiss.

  “Love you too baby. We’ll be waiting for you on Wednesday morning okay?” Del replied, her own throat tightening.

  “Kays,” the toddler simply replied.

  “We’ll see you then too, Jessie. Thanks for letting us stay.” Del smiled, giving the taller woman a quick kiss.

  “Oh, you know you don’t have to thank me. Family is always welcome here. I had a good time, and so did the munchkin.” She smiled back.

  “Okay then, we shall see you both Wednesday morning. Thanks again.” Leaning forward, Raelin pressed a gentle kiss against Ariel’s lips and hugged her mom.

  Knowing if she didn’t leave now that she would be hard pressed to at all, Delaney turned and headed for the Jeep swallowing the lump in her throat and sitting in the driver’s side while she waited for Raelin to join her so they could head home.

  “See ya Raelin, and I meant what I said about if you ever need to talk. Take care of our Chief for us, and try to keep her out of trouble.” Jessie chuckled, returning Raelin’s embrace.

  “I will, and thank you.” Raelin turned and walked to the Jeep. She was already missing the little girl and it was hard not to turn around and stay. Quietly she got into the vehicle, buckled up and nodded her head. “Let’s go home.”

  Nodding slowly Del started up the Jeep, beeping the horn a couple times as she pulled away. She reached over and grabbed Raelin’s hand squeezing it for comfort as she drove. “Gabrielle,” she whispered, her voice cracking

  “I am so not saying Xena,” Raelin joked back. “But I will say Renee.”

  Laughing at that Del took a deep breath swiping quickly at her eyes with her free hand. “Matthew?”

  “I actually like the Italian form of that name, Mateo.” The witch turned so that she was facing her wife. “Do you want children now, Delaney?”

  Glancing quickly at Raelin before turning her eyes to the road, Del thought about her answer for a moment. “I would, but is it realistic right now? I’ve only been at the Chief’s office six or seven months now. I would get maternity leave and I trust Kasey to run things well enough, but I’m not the only one who needs to be in a good place. Are you ready for kids?”

  Bowing her head for a moment, the witch took a deep breath before she raised it to look at the blonde. “Would you think less of me if I say that I want more time for just you and me? I’m not ready to share you just yet.”

  “I would never think less of you for being honest. I respect that and I agree to a certain extent. Things are still getting settled in town and it’s probably a good idea to wait a little longer anyway,” Delaney reassured her wife.

  Bringing up Delaney’s hand so that she could brush her lips against the knuckles, Raelin whispered, “I do love you so, Delaney.”

  “I love you too, Raelin. Let’s get ourselves home, maybe I can show you how much.” Delaney smirked, brushing her fingertips over Raelin’s lips.

  “Ooo, I don’t know if I can wait that long,” Raelin murmured,

  “You and me both, but I would really rather I didn’t tweak my shoulder trying to squeeze us both into the backseat of this Jeep.” Del chuckled. “Man, that makes me feel old.”

  Raelin leaned forward, giving her wife a chance to look down her shirt. “Just think of it this way, you can have me Tuesday night in the back of the Audi.”

  Glancing sideways and directly down the front of her wife’s shirt Del felt heat flood her and she snapped her eyes back to the road pressing down on the accelerator just a bit firmer. “Oh I can’t wait.”

  ~ Chapter 10 ~

  Del pulled into her driveway with a smile on her face. She’d been in a fantastic mood all day, despite it being a Monday and not having gotten much sleep last night. She’d spent the morning doing paperwork; gearing up for Collin’s lawyer’s arrival and finally taken off when it was time for her to pick up Tasha for her vet appointment. She stepped through the back door closing her eyes at the familiar feel of the home she shared with her wife. “Raelin?” she called.

  “Yeah, I’m in the living room,” Raelin’s voice came through the house where she was putting childproof latches on the closet.

  Stalking into the living room, Delaney set down the bag she’d carried in and quickly turned Raelin so she was facing her pressing her against the closet door with her kiss.

  Moaning, the witch lifted a leg and wrapped it around her wife’s waist drawing her close.

  Pressing closer Del demanded entrance to her wife’s mouth, her hands running over Raelin’s chest palming the sensitive peaks through the fabric of her shirt.

  Reaching between their bodies Raelin grabbed her shirt and yanked it apart, scattering buttons everywhere and undoing the front clasp of her bra.

  Whimpering at the site of bronze flesh Del ripped herself away long enough to trail kisses down Raelin’s throat, lingering over the thundering pulse point before moving lower. Her fingers made quick work of Raelin’s slacks, her hands slipping inside to toy with damp curls.

  “Fuck me Delaney...I need you now?” the brunette groaned. They had arrived home too late the night before and had woken up too late this morning to do anything at all. Raelin had been on a slow burn all day.

  Del had been thinking about her plans for her lunch break all day and was more than happy to give Raelin exactly what she wanted, what they both wanted. Slipping lower she sank three fingers deep into her wife, her teeth nipping at the flesh of one breast while her fingers worked its twin. She set a fast pace to match their need, pressing close and throwing her hips into each thrust.

  Throwing her head back against the door Raelin paid no heed to the pain as she was watching fireworks go off behind her eyelids. “Harder Darlin’...Come on.”

  Panting into Raelin’s neck Del growled at the demand and thrust harder and faster. She added her thumb, pressing down on Raelin’s clit between teasing swipes. “You’ve been thinking about this all day haven’t you? About me coming home and taking you against a wall somewhere,” Del groaned, nipping at Raelin’s skin with her teeth marking her where she knew it would be covered.

  “Shit yes...Or bent over the kitchen table.” Raelin could feel herself balancing on the edge of release and loved the feeling.

  “I can keep you hanging right here for as long I want. You know that don’t you?” Del panted, backing off ever so slightly until Raelin whimpered and she resumed her pace. “What do you need Raelin, tell me and it’s yours.”

  “Just let me cum Del...please, I’ll do anything that you want,” the witch pleaded. “Aw...please.”

  Curling her fingers as she pressed against Raelin’s clit, Del stole her wife’s breath with a demanding kiss. “Cum Raelin, go ahead. Fall apart for me.”

  Screaming out her wife’s name Raelin clawed at Delaney’s back as she shuddered her release, tightening around the blonde’s fingers.

  She wrapped her free arm around Raelin’s waist, steadying her as her body trembled. She felt Raelin’s emotions, the love and pleasure reverberating in her chest and mind moaning as she felt Raelin’s fingers digging into her back.

  Leaning her head against the blonde’s shoulder Raelin continued to roll her hip against Delaney’s hand, tiny tremors still flowing through her. Turning her head, she placed a kiss against her wife’s neck. “Thank you.”

  “No thank you. I’ve been thinking about you all day. I missed you.” Del smiled, taking as much of Raelin’s weight as she could. She kept her fingers right where they were drawing every ounce of pleasure she could out of her wife.

  “Then why have you stopped...” the heat was pooling deep in Raelin’s tummy and her need rose up again. “Your lunch hour isn’t over yet.”

  “Oh, I love how you think. Now walk,” Del demanded turning Raelin around so she could back her into the kitchen and towards the table. Pulling out just enough so Raelin could walk; Del curled her fingers teasing her witch as she marched them backwards into the kitchen. Once she’d pressed Raelin against the kitchen table she pulled away, only long enough to turn Raelin around and bend her over the kitchen table. She yanked down the witch’s pants and buried three fingers deep into her wife’s core from behind. She leaned over her prone wife nibbling on her ear. “This what you were imagining?”

  Pushing back against Delaney’s thrust Raelin growled her pleasure. “Yesss, all morning long,” she turned her head so that she could see the blonde.

  Lifting one of Raelin’s legs she used a foot to pull over a chair and rested Raelin’s foot on it, giving her more access and more room to play. The blonde straightened up using her free hand to press down on the small of her back as she thrust. She caught Raelin’s bright honey eyes with her own smoldering green, her gaze never wavering as she moved against her wife, long blonde hair tossed over one shoulder as she looked down at Raelin sprawled on the table breathing labored as she worked to keep up her frantic pace.

  Raelin couldn’t keep her gaze on Delaney as her orgasm was fast approaching once more, this one felt like a tidal wave rushing towards the shore and she fought to share it with the blonde wanting her to experience it also. Arching her back she clawed at the table fighting to push back against the blonde.

  “That’s it Darlin’. Let it all out, everything that’s been building up all day, while you thought about this moment about what I would do to you when I walked through that door,” Del breathed, sweat building on her skin underneath the heavy fabric of her uniform. She felt her own insides clenching in need as she w
atched Raelin squirming on the tabletop sweat glistening on her bronze skin, their gaze never wavering.

  Screaming out Delaney’s name once more, Raelin placed her head against the table trying to catch her breath while still rolling her hips.

  Hearing her name shouted to the heaven’s sent a shiver up Delaney’s spine. She kept up her pace not slowing until she felt Raelin’s body starting to relax. Bending over the prone form of her wife she kissed the damp skin of Raelin’s lower back exposed where her shirt had ridden up. She rested her forehead against Raelin’s back panting from the effort to keep up the frantic pace they’d kept.

  “I love you,” Raelin whispered her throat raw from screaming but loving the weight of the blonde against her. She reached behind her to bring Del’s free hand up and under to hold onto her breast.

  “Oh baby, I love you too,” Del breathed, pressing calming kisses to her wife’s skin, loving the feel of Raelin’s heart beating under her fingertips.

  Raelin loved the mixed sensations of Delaney palming her breast and being thrust into. Pressing back against the blonde Raelin headed for the precipice of release once more.

  “Shhh, relax. You know I won’t leave you wanting so slow down and enjoy it,” Del whispered, keeping a slow but deliberate pace. She reached up and brushed Raelin’s hair away from her face so she could watch her face, taking in her light honey eyes and ragged breathing.

  “Yesss, you feel so good,” the witch breathed out, sweat was pouring off her body, but she never felt more beautiful as she did when Delaney looked at her the way that she was now.

  “Are you close baby?” Del asked softly, curling her fingers and smiling down at her wife. She knew Raelin was close, she could tell in the feel of her body but she always loved when the witch told her how much she was enjoying herself.

  “Please...Let me cum Delaney,” she tried to press back against the blonde, but Delaney was in complete control and Raelin loved it.

  “You know I can’t deny you when you look at me like that.” Del chuckled, twisting her hand and curling her fingers.


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