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Intuition Page 31

by Jennis Slaughter

  After depositing the items in the bedroom, Kasey turned to go back downstairs when Jenny caught her and pressed her against the door with her own body. “You be careful today and take care of yourself. I expect you home tonight to finish up what we started this morning.”

  “I thought I had finished what we started. More than once even.” Kasey smiled, wrapping her arms around Jenny’s waist. “I’ll be careful though.”

  “Just call me when you want me to pick you up then.” Rising up on her tiptoes, Jenny kissed her fiancée hungrily before she pulled away. “And all you did was to wet my appetite Darlin’.”

  “Keep that up and I’m going to be too distracted to protect Raelin and Jessie all day,” Kasey answered, nuzzling into Jenny’s neck. “I can’t afford to let her down like that again.”

  “I do wish that you would get it through your thick skull that you did not let Raelin or Del down. There was no way that you could have stopped Raelin from getting to Delaney...none. Neither one of them blame you so I wish that you would quit.” The red head stared up at her lover.

  Kasey smiled, knowing her lover wasn’t being harsh to be cruel but simply to make sure she got the message. “You are right, it wasn’t my fault, but I’d really rather not have a repeat. Thank you for loving me enough to be brutally honest with me.” She chuckled.

  Reaching up to run her fingertips over Kasey’s lips, Jenny murmured, “I do expect the same from you. Now let’s get this show on the road, because the faster you leave the faster you get back home.”

  “Now that is something to look forward to. Now give me a kiss to remember you by so we don’t have to traumatize the kids before I go.” Kasey smiled, holding Jenny’s face in her hands.

  Leaning into Kasey’s body Jenny wrapped one of her legs around the taller woman’s and kissed her with a hungry growl.

  Returning the demanding kiss Kasey held Jenny tight against her until they had to break away for air. Sucking in a deep breath, she smiled at her fiancée. “Yeah, that will do,” she joked.

  She led Jenny out the door and down the stairs, rejoining the group that now seemed ready to go.

  Seeing the two women rejoin the group, the toddler decided to introduce herself. Puffing up her chest and hitching on her pants, the toddler sauntered up to the deputy and held out a hand. “Deputy, I’m Officer Ariel. Pweasure to be working with you,” Ariel said seriously.

  Jessie and Delaney both had to struggle to keep the chuckles in as Ariel stuck her hand out.

  Kasey, for her part just looked between the toddler and the adults, unsure quite what to make of this little person in a police outfit. “Um, you too,” she answered, taking the little girl’s hand in her own.

  Raelin bit her bottom lip trying not to laugh at the look on Kasey’s face. “And how are you today, Miss Ariel?” she asked while taking a stuffed dragon from Jessie.

  Turning, Ariel grinned up at her Aunt. “I’s good. Mommy said Aunty Delly and I was going to make the bad guys go aways.”

  “No, what I said was that you had to go with her to work.” Jessie sighed, rolling her eyes.

  “Okay baby girl, you be good for your Aunts while you’re here, okay?” Jessie smiled, holding the toddler close.

  “Okay mommies. See you tonight for tuckies?” Ariel asked.

  “Sorry sweetie, you’ll have to settle with your Aunt’s for tuckies,” Jessie said softly, pressing gentle kisses across fine blonde curls.

  “But Mommy, who is going to reads me Nancy Drew?” Ariel asked.

  Kneeling down so that she was eye level with the little blonde. “If you want, Ariel, I’ll read you Nancy Drew. She’s one of my favorites,” the witch offered.

  Sniffling a little, Ariel clutched at her mother’s pant legs a little tighter. “You promises? No forgeties?”

  “I promise that I will read to you every night while you’re with me and Aunt Delly.” The witch reached out to tweak the little girl’s nose.

  Finally, smiling Ariel nodded. “Okays. Deal. Loves you Mommy, see you tomorrows when you comes to gets me,” she reached up for a hug.

  Squeezing her daughter tight, Jessie breathed in the baby shampoo and whispered her love into Ariel’s ear. “See ya later, Officer.”

  Standing up, Raelin grabbed her purse and briefcase before kissing her wife. “I’ll call you when we get there. Have fun with your new Deputy.”

  Grabbing Raelin’s shirt and pulling her closer she stole another longer deeper kiss before Ariel’s cries of gross pulled them apart. “Remember what I told you. Be safe. I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you too,” Raelin murmured against the blonde’s lips.

  Turning away, Raelin tossed the keys to the Audi to Kasey. “Would you mind driving while Jessie and I go over some paperwork?”

  “Yeah, I sure can.” Kasey smiled, heading out to get the car started.

  “Okay Munchkin, let’s get rolling. We got a beat to patrol Officer.” Delaney scooped the toddler up in one arm and grabbed her car seat with the other heading out to the Jeep to get her buckled in.

  Jessie followed watching with a smile as her daughter chattered away.

  “You gonna be alright?” Raelin quietly asked.

  “Yeah, it’s just going to be hard to be away from her for so long,” she watched a few moments longer as Delaney joked and played with the girl. “She’s going to be a good mother someday.”

  “Yeah, she will.” Raelin turned and opened the back passenger door. “There’s plenty of leg room,” she waited until the attorney got in before she went around to the other side. Getting in, she buckled up as Kasey pulled away from the house.

  Del watched the car pull away with a smile before turning to Jenny who was standing next to her. “They’ll be fine, Kasey won’t let anything happen.”

  “I know...You have fun with your newest Deputy.” Jenny waved at Ariel before she turned to get into her truck to head over to the Foundation.

  Del hopped into the front seat of the Jeep, glancing in the rearview mirror to where Ariel was strapped into her car seat. Smiling she slid on a pair of dark sunglasses that matched Ariel’s. “Okay Deputy, let’s roll.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “It says here that a couple of the security guards were arrested for assault, but the charges were dropped or the witnesses disappeared.” Raelin looked down the list.

  Kasey looked briefly into the rearview mirror. “That tells me that these guys are used to getting what they want. When they don’t, they don’t play nice. Those witnesses were probably intimidated or threatened. We’ll need to tread lightly with these guys.”

  “I agree. We’ll just go in and tell them you don’t want to sell and get out,” Jessie added.

  Raelin twirled her wedding ring and closed her eyes concentrating. She drew in a bit of power that the ring stored to try to get a feeling towards their destination. The feeling that she was getting was dark and goose bumps sprang up along her arms. She was glad that Jessie didn’t notice.

  Pulling into the parking lot of the casino Kasey pulled up to the valet and turned to look at the women in the backseat. “Remember, I’m going to keep an eye out for things, so you two just do your thing. Raelin, I know Delaney told you what to look out for so if something feels off we leave. Mrs. Delacroix, Mrs. Bell. I’m sure you’ll find my services up to your standards.” Kasey pulled on a pair of dark sunglasses and stepped out of the car handing the keys to the valet and opening the door for Raelin.

  “This is Mrs. Delacroix’s car. They are expecting us please inform them of our arrival,” Kasey said to the valet.

  “Right away ma’am,” he bowed before handing them a ticket to pick the car back up.

  Raelin got out of the car and went around to the sidewalk looking around the entranceway. Valets and bellhops were bustling back and forth, filling up and emptying cars of people, luggage, and soon their money. The employees were courteous and polite while herding people where they needed to go.

Mrs. Delacroix, it’s best to head inside and not linger,” Kasey suggested leading the two women through the main doors. As soon as she pulled the doors open they were hit by the sounds of a lively casino in full swing. The clinks of coins and sounds of machines drifted over the large busy game floor. It was crowded but not overly so and waitress and dealers alike seemed genuinely happy to be working here. Every now and then the loud cheers and bells of a jackpot burst over the murmur of the crowd and more often the boos and groans of someone losing. Flashing lights and bright signs directed visitors to various games but they didn’t have time to linger.

  Kasey kept a sharp eye out keeping track of the layout of the gaming floor. Eventually they were greeted by a large man in a suit who smiled warmly at them in greeting. “Ms. Delacroix, we were told of your arrival. Mr. Bisanti is most excited to meet you finally. If you would follow me, I will take you to his offices upstairs.”

  Raelin didn’t budge. “Excuse me, but who exactly are you?”

  “My apologies, I am Gino. I am Mr. Bisanti’s assistant here at the Casino. It is a pleasure, Miss,” he said through a thick Italian accent

  “Gino, it’s nice to meet you. Now shall we go upstairs, and it’s Mrs. Delacroix,” Raelin corrected the Italian.

  “Oh, excuse my assumption. Now Mrs. Delacroix, if you would follow me I will take you to Mr. Bisanti’s private office upstairs,” he led the women to the elevators allowing them step in first before he joined them and pressed the button for the third floor.

  Raelin and Jessie stood to the back of the elevator with Kasey standing in front of both of them angled to the Italian and to the door.

  “Gino, how long have you worked for Mr. Bisanti?” Raelin asked as the music in the elevator began to grate on her nerves.

  “I grew up with Mr. Bisanti. Our fathers were friends back in the old country. When he got into this casino, he needed a friend someone he could trust by his side.” Gino smiled as the doors opened and he led them down the richly appointed hallway and into what seemed to be a plush study. Large bookcases filled with rare and antique books stood on every wall, and two leather couches sat facing each other in front of a marble fireplace. He offered all three women a seat on the sofas Kasey choosing to stand closely at Raelin’s left side.

  Raelin looked over at Kasey and winked where Gino couldn’t see before she turned back to the man. “Is Mr. Bisanti going to be long? There are some things that I need to be doing at my Foundation.”

  “Of course, he should be along shortly.” Gino smiled. As he finished, the double doors at the far end of the room opened, and a stately looking man with dark hair, sharp eyes, and a thick beard entered the room, two large men on either side of him. He dismissed one and motioned for the other to set some papers on the table in front Raelin.

  “Mrs. Delacroix, congratulations on both the successful opening of your foundation and your recent marriage. I wish you a long and happy life together. I am Mr. Bisanti, it is a pleasure to finally meet you,” he stepped forward and moved to kiss Raelin’s cheek as she had risen when he’d walked in, but stopped when Kasey stepped forward her face serious.

  “Mr. Bisanti, you must excuse my girl here. My wife takes my safety very serious. It is a pleasure to meet you, also. I’m sorry that it has taken us this long to have this little talk.” Motioning to Jessie, Raelin continued. “You of course, have talked with my lawyer, Mrs. Jessie Bell.”

  “Oh, that is quite alright. My boy Gino is much the same. Mrs. Bell, it is nice to speak with you in person. First, let me just say how saddened we are by the loss of your father. He was a good man with a head for business and respect for every man, woman, and child he crossed paths with. His passing is a great loss to us all,” he said sincerely. He had been fond of Arthur Senior.

  “Thank you for that. Now shall we get to the business at hand?” The brunette smiled at the man, feeling the honesty of the statement roll off the man.

  “Yes, of course. Allow me to introduce my attorney Mr. Andrews; he’s much better at the legalities of all of this.” Mr. Bisanti smiled.

  Raelin nodded her head and waited.

  “Mr. Andrews, I’ve gotten several of your messages. We believe you’ve invited us here to make an offer for my client’s shares,” Jessie piped up, keeping her tone professional.

  “I have looked over your offers Mr. Bisanti, but I would like to know why you think I should sell you my shares.” The witch leaned forward like she was interested in what the man was about to say.

  “Well, your father was simply a silent partner. He had almost no dealings in the running of this casino. We feel it would be in the best interest of the casino for us to finally have full control, to better run our facilities,” Mr. Bisanti explained.

  Raelin stood up and walked towards the Italian. “I have gone over the paperwork that you have sent me, but before I give you my answer, I would like a tour of the facility.”

  “Oh, of course. We would not think it fair for you to make a decision without seeing the facilities,” he agreed rising and nodding to both Gino and Mr. Andrews.

  Over the next few hours, Mr. Bisanti, Mr. Andrews, and Gino attempted to charm Raelin and Jessie, while Kasey kept an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. The kitchens, employee lounges, and the rest of the behind the scenes all were clean, well lit, and orderly. The public areas were clean; the music was muted so that the sounds of the slot machines filled the air. Pretty girls carried around trays filled with drinks and shouts were heard from time to time from the winners, while the losers groaned.

  “As you can see we run our casino with the utmost care and attention to detail. Our employees all have medical benefits and earn vacation, and overtime is voluntary. Your father’s legacy is in good hands, Mrs. Delacroix, and you will always be a welcome guest here. I am hoping you will consider our offer,” Mr. Bisanti said as they walked back to the private study.

  “Mr. Bisanti, my father gave me the shares to the casino for a reason. Now I don’t know the reason for it, but I have to believe that he wanted me to hang on to them so I have to turn down your offer.” Raelin stood next to the picture window that was beside the Italian’s desk.

  The older gentleman straightened the jacket of his three-piece suit taking the glass of scotch that Gino handed him. “Come now, Mrs. Delacroix. You’re newly married; you’ve just opened a bookstore and a foundation to help city kids. Surely, you don’t want to add casino to that list. You should be enjoying the time you have with your wife. Surely, that’s what your father would want yes? If the figure is too low, I’m willing to discuss perhaps different numbers.”

  Raelin shook her head and walked over to stand next to Kasey. “There is nothing to discuss. Until I can figure out why my father left me these shares, I’m afraid that they will stay right where they are.”

  Bisanti knew there would be no changing this woman’s mind and he decided to let it slide, for now. “I am disappointed of course, but that is the nature of business as I’m sure you know. How about you go and enjoy yourself on the floor? On the house?” he asked.

  “Thank you, but no. I am expected back home as I have other things to attend to. I thank you gentlemen for your time.” Raelin nodded her head as she reached down for her briefcase and turned for the door. Jessie was right beside her as Kasey brought up the rear.

  Kasey put a hand on Raelin’s back subtly as they left making it clear that she didn’t want them to linger. They all were silent in the ride down the elevator since the former FBI Agent was sure that they were being recorded, and once upon exiting they were moving quickly across the game floor towards the exit.

  They were about halfway out when she felt Raelin start suddenly, and Kasey put a hand on her elbow to steady her. “We don’t have time to stop; Bisanti was more upset about your rejection than he let on. I could see it in his posture and his smile never once reached his eyes,” she paused as a group of drunken business men stumbled in front of them, nearly knocking Kasey over. “What did yo
u see?”

  Raelin shook her head. “Nothing for you to worry about. Let’s just get out of here.”

  They picked up the car from the valet and Kasey opened the door keeping her serious security detail personality until everyone was in car and they’d pulled away. Kasey kept a close eye on the road around them and she only dropped her serious look on her face when she was sure they hadn’t been followed. “Holy Christ, I’m not sure I’ve ever held such a serious face for that long in my life.”

  Jessie reached back to pull her hair out of the severe ponytail, and ran her fingers through it, scratching her scalp. “I don’t know about you Raelin but I didn’t like the feeling I got from any of those gentlemen.”

  Raelin leaned her head back against the headrest and closed her eyes. Twirling the ring again she tried to keep from shaking. When she had tripped inside it was because she had caught a glimpse of one of the men in her dreams.

  “I’d have to agree. Honestly Raelin, I don’t think this will be the end of them. Oh hey, looks like we’ll be back to Leroy earlier than I thought. We could surprise Delaney and Ariel at the station if you wanted Raelin,” Kasey suggested.

  Raelin waved her hand. “Sure, that sounds good.”

  “Raelin, what’s wrong?” Jessie reached over, and touched the witch on her hand and was alarmed to feel how cold her skin was.

  Breathing through her nose, Raelin nodded her head. “Yeah, I just need to see Delaney.”

  “Are you sure Raelin? You can tell us if something is off,” Kasey said concerned as they pulled onto the road that would soon turn into the main drag of Leroy.

  “I know how this is going to sound, but I thought I saw someone that was in one of my dreams.” The witch shook her head and took a deep breath.

  The rest of the drive was silent until Kasey was just about to pull up in front of the station. “Oh shit, I forgot to call Delaney when we got there. She’s gonna kill me.”

  Kasey parked the car in front of the station, and turned in her seat to look at Raelin. “Oh God, she’s probably worried sick.”


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