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Page 36

by Jennis Slaughter

  Grabbing the baggies once more, Del stared at the knife, turning it over in her hands. “No, I need to run this to the department. I can try to lift some prints. While I’m at it, I should get a team to dust our porch too. Oh, maybe whoever it was dropped something, I should go check it out,” she mumbled distractedly, her mind already running through possibilities and theories.

  Scooting out from under the sheet, Raelin went to stand in front of the blonde, nude. “I’m asking you to take it in the morning. Please don’t leave us tonight. Stay,” she held out her hand to her wife.

  Having been deep into her work mentally, Delaney had to stop short when she nearly bulldozed a very naked Raelin in front of her. Gaping a little, Del’s eyes traveled the length of her wife’s form before snapping up to deep brown eyes. “Uh stay, yeah, I can probably take care of this tomorrow,” she said softly, taking Raelin’s hand in her own and squeezing the fingers softly.

  “I would say that I’m sorry for using underhandedness to get you to stay, but I really don’t want to be here alone.” The witch stepped closer to her wife. “Since Ariel is asleep, we should take advantage of the quiet time, you know?”

  Stepping into Raelin’s personal space, Del flashed a crooked smile that was all mischief. “I like how you think,” she husked, teasing Raelin’s lips with her own.

  “And what exactly did you have in mind Mrs. Delacroix?” The brunette murmured against the blonde’s lips.

  “Mmm, how about you, me, the bed and no clothes?” Del grinned, trailing down Raelin’s neck and nipping and sucking at the sensitive spot behind the witch’s ear. “Besides, if I remember correctly, we were pretty rudely interrupted earlier.”

  “If you will bathe first, you can have me anyway you want.” Raelin began to back towards the bed.

  “I think I can arrange that, I don’t think I want our bed smelling like a smoke house anyway.” Del grinned stealing a quick kiss before heading for the bathroom. “You stay right there and I’ll be right out.”

  “Should I stay right here, or is it alright if I get into bed?” The witch smirked.

  Thinking for a moment, Del rose from where she’d lock her guns up and paused at the bathroom doorway. “Hmm, that’s a tough choice. You know, this time you can get in the bed. Next time, you won’t be so lucky,” she joked and stepped into the bathroom to wash the smell of Ivan’s off her skin. It didn’t take her long; a quick shower was all she was willing to do before she stepped back into the bedroom without a stitch of clothing on. “There, now I feel a bit more human,” she crawled onto the bed and straddled Raelin’s thighs. “Now, where were we again?”

  Rolling her hips, Raelin gasped and reached up to let her hands cover Delaney’s breasts. “Ah, I think you were right there...”

  Leaning down, Delaney crashed their lips together, demanding entrance and moaning when it was freely given. Her hands started wandering of their own accord, mapping trails across bronze skin even as she was pressing into her wife’s touch.

  Lightly scratching her nails up the blonde’s back the witch moaned at the onslaught of her wife’s lips.

  Breaking away for air she whimpered as she felt Raelin’s nails running over her back. Del moved lower, running her tongue and lips across Raelin’s collarbone and then finally to one breast. One hand teased its twin as the other teased the skin of the witch’s waist and stomach.

  Opening their link Raelin let her need flow through. She replayed the taking of her wife in the back of the car the day before letting the blonde know how much she liked being in charge but then letting her know that she liked to be taken.

  The blonde gasped as she felt everything crash into her over the link they shared. She pulled back and looked into Raelin’s eyes now lightened to a gold color. She let her fingers tangle with the short curls at the apex of Raelin’s thighs damp with her arousal and then slowly trailed her fingers lower through slick heat. She kept up the intense gaze between them, watching Raelin’s face as she entered her wife with two fingers adding a third after only a few short strokes.

  “Yesss Delaney...” the witch hissed out, loving how her wife was laying claim to her body and soul.

  Grinning down at the helpless woman underneath her, Delaney moved her hand at a slow pace watching every twitch and tick on her witches face, her own eyes darkening as she watched the scene underneath her. She saw Raelin’s hands start moving to wrap around her and she gathered both of the woman’s wrists in her free hand, pressing them to the bed above the witch’s head. “Be good Darlin’, you wouldn’t want me to stop now would you?” she growled.

  “You stop now and I’ll tease you so much over the next month that you’ll cum at a single word,” the witch threatened her wife.

  Del was so wrapped up in Raelin that she didn’t notice Ari walking into the bedroom until the small child was poking her head into the room and called out her Aunt’s name. She froze at the sound, looking down at Raelin in a panic, eyes wide in disbelief.

  Instantly, Raelin threw the sheet over them while she pulled Delaney’s hand from her in one movement. “Ariel...Are you alright?”

  Finally getting her brain in gear, Delaney rolled off Raelin and looked down at the little blonde standing next to the bed with her blankie in one hand and Dudley in the other. She held the sheet up to her chest and waited for the little one to speak.

  “The monsters is comin’. I coulds hears thems. They was making growly and moany noises,” Ariel whimpered, rubbing at her eyes with the hand clutching her blankie.

  “Umm, I’m sure that there are no monsters Sweetie.” Raelin barely kept the laughter from her voice. “Aunt Delly and I will protect you, I promise.”

  “Raelin’s right baby. There aren’t any monsters here. This is a monster free zone,” Delaney agreed, watching as Ariel sniffed a little and looked up at them from Raelin’s side of the bed.

  “I don’t wants to sleeps alone. I wants to sleep with yous.” Ariel sniffled.

  “Well, that is fine, but why don’t you leave Dudley here and run back to your room for your pillow? That way we can each have our own,” Raelin quickly suggested.

  Nodding quickly the toddler padded out of the bedroom after depositing the stuffed dragon on the bed. Once Ariel was safely out of the room, both Delaney and Raelin scrambled out of the bed and covered themselves with t-shirts and panties. Del whispered, “I’m so sorry, I was so wrapped up in the moment that I didn’t even feel her walking in. She was so quiet that I didn’t hear her on the monitor either.”

  Tugging a t-shirt over her head, Raelin chuckled. “It’s not your fault, I didn’t hear her either, but she definitely heard us. We’ve gotta be quiet next time.”

  Delaney laughed softly as she tugged Raelin back to the bed. “Are you capable of keeping quiet?” she asked teasingly.

  “I don’t know, but it should make for an interesting time.” Raelin landed on top of the blonde and kissed her as Ariel was coming back into the room, dragging her pillow.

  Del regretfully pulled away from the kiss to smile down at the bleary toddler standing at the edge of the bed. “Come on Munchkin,” she said petting the empty space next to her.

  Ariel chucked the pillow onto the bed, whacking Delaney in the face in the process and hauled herself into the bed. She crawled on top of both women, indicating she wanted them each to scoot over so she could slide between them.

  Scooting over Raelin held up the sheet and covered herself and the smaller blonde while she was smiling at her wife. “You think that sleeping between the two of us will keep the monsters away?”

  “Daddy says it keeps the growly and moany ones aways. Mommy got mad at hims, but I don’t knows why. Keeping the monsters away is good,” Ariel explained, cuddling into Raelin’s front and sighing sleepily when she felt Delaney press kisses to the back of her head.

  Coughing softly, Raelin had to ask, “Were the moany and growly’s the same ones that you hear at your house?”

  “Yeps. I think they’s foll
owing me,” Ariel huffed.

  Delaney chuckled into the little girl’s hair, smiling over the tiny head at her wife. “It’s okay baby, there won’t be any more monsters around tonight. Right Rae?” She grinned roguishly.

  “I bet they will be very quiet from now on,” the witch licked her bottom lip.

  “Guaranteed,” Del agreed, watching Raelin’s tongue as it teased her bottom lip. “Now it’s time for a certain little girl to go to sleep,” Del whispered, running her fingers through the fine blonde curls of the toddler.

  “Night Ariel, you sleep sweet.” Raelin kissed the little girl’s head before she smiled at her wife. “Night Darlin’.”

  Seeing that Ariel had already drifted off Del leaned across the toddler and gave her wife a slow kiss. “To be continued? Again?” She chuckled, rolling her eyes.

  “Yes, again. I do believe that this is going to be a very long week,” the brunette caressed Delaney’s face.

  “Yes, very, very long,” the blonde sighed, nipping at Raelin’s fingertips. “But I’m sure we’ll have some fun with it.”

  “I’m sure that we will.” Raelin concentrated on the wards, making sure that they were up and fully charged. Opening her eyes, she smiled at her wife. “Sleep sweet Babe.”

  “You too. Love you,” the blonde yawned in reply, settling into the bed with her two favorite girls.

  ~ Chapter 13 ~

  The sun cut a swath across the bed, waking Raelin up first the next morning, and allowing her to gaze at her wife and her smaller double in silence.

  Sometime in the night, the youngest blonde had rolled to her back sprawling out and managing to take up the most room. Her mouth hung open and she snored ever so gently as she breathed her blankie clutched tightly in both hands. Delaney had curled up close to Ariel her face buried in the fine blonde hair of the toddler and Dudley had somehow found his way into Delaney’s arms as she held the stuffed animal tight against her chest.

  Carefully getting out of bed, Raelin headed to the bathroom to start her morning routine before she made her way downstairs for start breakfast. Grits, bacon, and scrambled eggs were soon ready and about to be plated.

  Delaney padded into the kitchen with Ariel following much the same behind her. They both stood in the doorway blinking bleary eyed as they tried to wake up enough to enjoy the smell of breakfast as it wafted through the house. “Morning Darlin’, sleep okay?” Delaney asked. It had been a late night and she was still tired.

  “It was okay...Ariel, are you ready for some breakfast?” The witch went over to pick up the little girl and put her in her chair.

  “Yeps. Aunt Delly, when is we going to get more baddies?” she asked swinging her feet, covered in the little footie’s of her pajamas.

  “Sorry babe, you are going to be hanging out with Raelin today. She’s got a place she wants you to see.” Delaney smiled, moving to the coffee maker and kissing the heads of both Ariel and Raelin on her way by.

  “Yeah, I thought that we would go to the Foundation and see some other kids. I need to do some work and you can play in the art room. I’m sure that Kai will show you how to draw some really cool pictures.” Raelin poured a cup of juice for the little girl.

  “With crayons?” she asked hopefully, smiling as she sipped from the SpongeBob sippy cup.

  Smiling, Raelin nodded her head. “I’m sure that she will have crayons, colored pencils, and all sort of things to draw with.”

  Ariel gave a happy cheer and dug into the plate of food Delaney had sat in front of her. Turning to Raelin, Del leaned against the counter. “I need to head right to work and get those things I found last night looked at. I can meet you at the Foundation if you call me to let me know when you’re heading in.” She smiled sipping at her coffee, needing the jolt it was bound to give her.

  Glancing at Ariel and seeing that she was concentrating on her food, Raelin turned to her wife, motioned for her to put her cup down before she pulled her into her embrace. “I have something that will give you a jolt,” she murmured before she leaned down and gave the blonde her morning kiss.

  Returning the kiss in spades Del wrapped her arms around Raelin’s neck holding her close. “Yeah, that did the trick.” She grinned.

  “Worked for me too Darlin’. Now sit down and eat your breakfast.” Raelin patted the blonde’s butt.

  Simply smiling as she sat down, Del dug into the plate with relish. “So, besides the foundation what else do you have going on today?” Del asked around a bite of bacon.

  “I need to go over some paperwork from both the casino, and the Foundation, but other than that, nothing. I need to spend some time at the Nook. I was thinking about having a story time in the afternoon so that moms could come in, and have a place to relax while their kids are being entertained.” Raelin sat down and started on her own meal.

  “Oh, that’s neat. You going to make it a weekly thing?” Delaney asked, genuinely interested in her wife’s work. “I’m sure there are a few moms, or dads for that matter, that would enjoy the break,” she chuckled.

  Swallowing a bite of eggs, the witch nodded. “Actually, I was thinking maybe Tuesdays and Thursdays. Do you think that it’s too much?”

  Del thought over the current schedule at the Nook. “I don’t think so. Jenny plays the tea room on Thursdays so it would be kind cool for the parents to relax to Jenny’s music while the kids enjoy a good story.”

  “That’s what I was thinking. How long do you think that it will take you at the department?” Raelin reached over to wipe Ariel’s mouth. The little girl was wearing her grits.

  “Ari, it tastes better when it goes in your mouth.” She chuckled watching as the toddler dove back into her bowl. “Shouldn’t be too long. Just need to drop the knife and note off to our forensics guy. We only have the one anyways,” she laughed, cleaning her plate.

  The witch couldn’t help the shiver that ran up her spine. “I hope that you find out who it was. I won’t feel really safe until you’ve got them behind bars.”

  Wrapping her arms around Raelin’s shoulders from behind, she kissed the top of her head resting her chin there. “I know Darlin’, but I’ll figure it out. I won’t let anything happen to you or Ari, if I can help it.”

  Leaning back so that she could look into her wife eyes, the witch let her faith in her wife show through. “I know that Delaney, and I love you all the more for it.”

  The blonde smiled, give her witch a playful upside down kiss. “I’m going to go upstairs and get ready. You’ve got the munchkin under control?”

  “What do you mean by under control, Aunt Delly? I’s not under anything. I’m sitting in my chair,” the little girl looked at the blonde with a puzzled look upon her face.

  With a playful growl, Delaney grabbed the toddler and hoisted her into the air, blowing a raspberry into her tummy and pretending to eat her tummy. “I’ve got you now squirt. You’ll never escape!” she cackled, loving the giggles and squeals she was pulling out of the toddler.

  “Aunt Rae! Saves me, Aunt Delly’s gonna to eats me!” Ariel yelled around her giggles, struggling against Delaney’s hold.

  Shaking her head and laughing, Raelin declined, “No, no. If I try and save you, she might eat me instead.” She waited for the look she knew that was coming from her wife.

  “Your aunty wishes I would eat her up.” Del grinned over the top of Ariel’s head. She grabbed a napkin and wiped the rest of the little girl’s breakfast off her face and then motioned for Raelin to take her. “I really need to go get showered and ready.”

  Taking the little girl Raelin laughed. “Go on then. We will be just fine, won’t we Sweet Pea?”

  “Yeps. I’m a big girls.” Ariel nodded firmly, sticking her thumb into her mouth.

  Delaney laughed and kissed Ariel on the cheek then gave Raelin a loving kiss of her own. “I’ll be down in a bit,” she said and headed for the stairs a silly smirk plastered across her face.

  Setting the little girl down on the floor, Raelin t
urned to the dishes. “Would you mind reaching into the fridge and getting the blue box marked Rori? I need to fix him and Tasha their breakfast,” she wanted to give Ariel some responsibility while she was there in case she was able to take home one of the kittens.

  “Kays,” the little girl agreed. She stretched to pull the heavy fridge door open and grinned victoriously when she spotted the right one. Pulling it off the shelf, she turned and carefully carried it to Raelin as she’d been asked, “Here, Aunty Rae.”

  Opening the container, Raelin placed it on their cat’s bench. “Do you want to break that up and put it in Rori’s bowl?”

  Nodding, Ariel grabbed a chunk of the food in her fingers a looked at it. “Wif my fingers?” she asked.

  “Yes sweetie, with your fingers. I bet that Rori might even lick them,” the witch smiled at the little girl.

  Ariel carefully broke the chunk up with her fingers, placing the bits into the bowl and smiling up at Raelin when she was done. “All done?” she asked victoriously.

  “Yup, all you need to do now is to no talkies to Rori and Tasha, if you can, and ask them to come to breakfast.” Raelin reached into the fridge herself to pull out the container of Tasha food and placed it in her bowl before setting it close to Rori’s.

  Ariel nodded and scrunched her nose as she thought. “Rori, foods is ready!” She tried to yell in her head. She looked up at Raelin. “Did it works?”

  “Yes Miss Ariel, it worked. And how are you this lovely morning?” Rori walked into the kitchen with Tasha by his side. He rubbed against the little girl before jumping up on his bench.

  Ariel looked at the female cat and squealed. “Aunty Rae, you gots another kitty!” she said reaching out for Tasha.

  Tasha backed away not really in the mood to be handled just then. Ariel tried to follow, but Tasha let out a mew in warning.

  Reaching out a hand to stop her, Raelin thought to the little blonde. “No Ariel. Tasha doesn’t want to be picked up right now. She is going to have kittens and you must be very careful with her. I bet that if you ask her nicely, she might let you pet her.’


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