
Home > Other > Intuition > Page 54
Intuition Page 54

by Jennis Slaughter

  “Rae?” Del asked, after a few minutes of silence. “Are you hurt?”

  “No, I’m fine thank you.” The witch smiled at the blonde. “I have a question for you.”

  Sprawling back out in the grass Del gave Raelin’s fingers a squeeze and flashed her a smile. “One of many, I’m sure. Go ahead, I might have an answer.”

  Raelin whispered, “Can you feel me?”

  “Yes. You are always right here,” Del replied softly, her free hand pressing against her chest. “Also, thanks to empathy I didn’t know I had until I met you, I feel you up here sometimes too.” She grinned, tapping her head.

  Smirking, Raelin asked, “Is your link open right now or are you shielding it?”

  “I’m shielding. I can handle a lot of things Raelin, but being unable to feel your love isn’t one of them. I threw them up when I realized you don’t remember me, after I felt your confusion and that you don’t know who I am,” the blonde replied sadly.

  “Open them.”

  Confused, Del slowly let her link open the shields weakening as she let them down. She waited a second, adjusting to the new emotions and then her eyes went wide. “You remember?” she breathed.

  Instead of talking, Raelin let her kiss be the answer to the question. She laid her body atop of her wife’s, moaning at the perfect fit and deepened the kiss.

  Del felt Raelin’s love crash over her the instant their lips touched and she wrapped her arms around her wife, happy tears leaking out of her eyes as she felt Raelin deepen the kiss. She pressed Raelin impossibly closer, rolling them over so she hovered over the witch. “You do remember.” She smiled. “I missed you so much.”

  Reaching up, the witch caressed her wife’s face. “Are you alright? They didn’t hurt you too badly, did they? I honestly got you out as quickly as I could.” Tears flowed down Raelin’s face. “I couldn’t feel you when you were taken, and I hurt so bad, and I’m sorry that I put you through the same thing, but I had to save you and Ariel.”

  “Whoa, slow down. One question at a time Witchy Woman.” Del chuckled, brushing a few stray locks of hair off of Raelin’s face. “First of all, I’m all right. You completely healed my lip, cheek and wrists and put a pretty good dent in the cut above my eye before I pulled away from you. It should be fine in a few days. Secondly, I understand your decision and I don’t hold it against you.” She kissed a few of the tears away before continuing, “You once again saved my life, and Ariel’s. I can never thank you enough for that.”

  Whispering past the lump in her throat, Raelin stated, “I love you more than anything else in the world, and as long as you are in it, I will always do anything and everything I have to do to protect you.”

  “I know. I’d do the same for you. I probably would have made the same choice if our roles were reversed.” She took a deep breath inhaling the tang of sweet grass mixed with the scent of Raelin’s skin. “It’s so good to feel you again.” She smiled brightly.

  “You call this feeling?” Raelin let her hands slide up underneath Delaney’s shirt to cup her breasts. “This is what I call feeling, and yes it is very good to feel you again.” The witch surged up to capture the blonde’s lips in a kiss.

  Pressing into the contact Del let her weight settle over Raelin’s lithe body, one hand sinking into Raelin’s thick hair the other trailing over the witch’s side. Del pulled away when she needed to breathe, her tongue running teasingly over her lower lip. She pulled away suddenly, a concerned look on her face. “Oh, your lip. How come you didn’t heal yourself?”

  “I couldn’ doesn’t work without you,” the witch admitted. “I need your energy to heal myself.”

  “Well, I’m here now so let’s take care of it. I want to kiss you some more and I can’t without worrying about hurting you.” She grinned, kissing the corner of Raelin’s mouth.

  “Touch it with your finger Delaney. You are the only person who can heal me.” Raelin laid perfectly still, prepared to let her wife explore her newer talents.

  Carefully Del let her finger run over the split in the lower lip of her wife, watching curiously as it closed. She felt her hand tingling and looked down at Raelin in wonder. “Since when can I heal anyone? This was always your department.”

  “You can heal as long as I am touching you. I am your source of power so to speak. I know that you may not like it, but you are becoming more,” Raelin stated.

  “Why? I don’t need anything more.” Del pouted childishly, running her fingers over Raelin’s cheek to mend the bruising.

  “But someone else may need what you can give them. Everything must balance.” Raelin closed her eyes at the warm touch.

  “I don’t think I’ll be able to keep up with all this magic.” Del chuckled, kissing a gentle trail across Raelin’s jaw. “So, you remember everything right?”

  “I remember everything that is I am madly in love with you,” the brunette grinned up at her wife.

  Del grinned and dipped down for a teasing kiss before pulling away again, green eyes bright with mischief. “So you remember what happened the first time I ever found you here?” she asked, her hand trailing, teasing down the buttons on Raelin’s shirt.

  Reaching between their bodies, Raelin unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it open. “I gave myself to you then as I am giving myself to you now. I am yours Delaney. I always have been and always will be.”

  Green eyes trailed over bronze skin, then meandered up to lock with Raelin’s brown. She let her hand brush across the flushed skin, tracing the contours of the lace bra her wife wore. “It’s the middle of the morning, in broad daylight. Anyone could come looking for us,” Del breathed, her lips running a trail down Raelin’s neck.

  “What if I could promise that no one would see us? Do you really want to stop?” The witch turned her head, offering the blonde better access.

  “I never want to stop. I just don’t want poor Ariel to stumble across something she really doesn’t need to see. We torment her with enough growly monsters as it is,” Del murmured, pausing to suck lightly at the thundering pulse in Raelin’s neck. Her hand cupped a perfect breast and she let her thumb brush across a hard nipple covered by the lace of her bra.

  Muttering underneath her breath, Raelin threw a glamour spell so that anyone that looked at the glen would just see swaying grass, and nothing else. Once again reaching between their bodies, she flicked open the front hook of her bra, exposing her breasts. “Then don’t stop.”

  Smiling Del moved her mouth lower, her fingers brushing away the lace to stroke heated skin. She moved to kiss over Raelin’s heart, pausing to lay her ear against Raelin’s chest and took comfort in the steady beat she heard. “Your heart stopped, you know. Kasey and Jenny had to do CPR, and I wasn’t in any shape to help. There was nothing I could do but watch,” Del whispered, turning her head to continue pressing kisses to her skin.

  Raelin gasped, for she hadn’t known. She couldn’t stop the tears as they ran from her eyes. “I would have found a way to come back to you. Somehow, I would have.”

  “Let’s not think about it. You are here, right now and I just want to enjoy it. Just you and me, in the place I first made love to you and then promised myself to you for the rest of our lives,” Del whispered, brushing the tears off Raelin’s face.

  “Make love to me me why we were made for each other.” Raelin pulled her wife down for a searing kiss.

  She took control of the kiss, pressing Raelin into the grass as she let her hands explore once more. She broke away with a gasp, her lips moving down over Raelin’s neck this time not stopping until she had closed her lips around the sensitive peak of Raelin’s breast. Her leg settled between Raelin’s thigh and she smiled at the whimper it pulled out of Raelin’s mouth.

  The witch rolled her center against Delaney’s leg trying to find some relief to the slow burn that she had in the pit of her stomach. She started to snatch at the button down shirt that the blonde wore but was scared that she w
as going to tear it. “Take this damn thing off before I shred it,” she growled.

  Straddling Raelin’s thigh, Del sat up with a slow grin. She started at the bottom, slowly undoing each button she came across.

  Grabbing hold of Delaney’s hips, Raelin rolled them so that she was hovering over the blonde, and quickly unbuttoned the shirt and pushed up the black lace bra. She growled as she leaned down to suckle on a sensitive nub while one hand slid past the waistband of the blonde’s jeans and into slick warmth.

  She rolled her hips trying to get more contact, even as her own hand slid past the hem of her shorts, finding silken heat and entering swiftly. Her free hand moved to Raelin’s head holding her in place as they moved together.

  Moving in time with the blonde’s thrusts, the witch growled as she rushed headlong towards her release bringing the blonde along with her. Staring downing into dark green eyes Raelin panted and bit her bottom lip. “You are mine...”

  “Yes,” Del panted, curling her fingers. “And you’re mine. Now, let go for me Raelin. Show me what I do to you,” she whispered, whimpering when Raelin hit a particularly sensitive spot as she curled her fingers.

  “Oh Goddess...” Raelin shuddered her release as she continued to curl her fingers against the tiny ridges that sent the blonde over the edge along with her. She felt herself tighten around her wife’s fingers and the feeling was heaven on earth. There was nothing that could ever replace what Delaney did for her...With her...To her.

  Seeing Raelin trembling above her and tightening around her only intensified her own release and she felt her toes curl as the pleasure tore through her. Her free hand cupped around the back of Raelin’s neck, keeping the blonde grounded as spots danced across her vision.

  Raelin couldn’t help herself as she roared her release and somewhere in the back of her mind, she realized that she should have thrown a silence spell because she was sure that she was heard up at the house. Rocking against Delaney’s hand she leaned down to give the blonde a passionate kiss.

  Holding the kiss until she had to break away for air, Del could hardly hear anything over the thundering of her pulse in her ears. She tried to catch her breath as she felt Raelin’s body start to relax, and wrapped her arms around the taller woman to hold her close. “I love you so much, Raelin Delacroix. Don’t you ever scare me like that again,” she whispered into Raelin’s neck, where she was pressing gentle kisses.

  Raelin was barely able to keep herself over the blonde, so she gently gave Delaney’s clit a final swipe before she pulled out and collapsed on the sweet grass beside her. “I love you too Delaney and I won’t. I promise.”

  The blonde pulled her fingers away from Raelin moaning at the taste as she cleaned her fingers off. She rolled to curl up at Raelin’s side, her fingers drawing abstract patterns on Raelin’s bare tummy. She enjoyed the quiet for a short moment before smiling and pressing her lips to the shell of her wife’s ear. “Abigail, because Abby is a cute nickname.”

  Raelin looked at her wife for a moment before asking. “How soon do you want children?”

  “As soon as the time is right for us both. If that means waiting a bit, than that’s fine with me.” Del smiled, crossing her arms over Raelin’s chest and resting her chin on her arms.

  “I know we've been talking about it here and there, but I think I would like to start discussing it a little more seriously. Life is too tenuous as it is, and I would love to have another mini you running around.” Raelin reached up to brush golden hair away from Delaney’s face.

  “So, you telling me we're ready to start considering starting a family?” Del asked with a wide smile.

  Smiling at her wife, the witch nodded her head. “Yeah, we’re as ready as we’re ever gonna be.”

  Del laughed and pressed a quick, but intense kiss to her wife’s lips. “I can’t wait,” she paused a minute and then a serious look crossed her face. “I apologize in advance for any hormonal fits or tantrums I may throw when I do eventually get pregnant.”

  “You’re forgiven in advance. Now we had better get back to the house. I’m sure that Jessie wants to get home and you have to get to town to see the Mayor.” Raelin once more leaned to kiss the blonde. “I do love you so.”

  “Oh, right. Jacobs said they found the leak in the Justice department. Turns out Collin’s worked in a firm with Bisanti’s lawyer who worked in the police department that the cop who arrested me worked in. Evidently he felt I didn’t get what I deserved and decided to take matters into his own hands. It was a little late, but it got me out of the way for a bit,” Del explained as she sat up and started buttoning her shirt back together. “It was nice of you to offer her that property up the road.” Del smiled, as she finished her own shirt and started on Raelin’s.

  “Everyone needs something unexpected every once in a while, and she’s helped us out so much so it was the least that I could do. Did they get enough to put Bisanti and everyone away?”

  “They got more than enough. Turns out, they were also involved in the slave ring. Trey, the little weasel was there to avenge his father and just like his father, he sold everyone out and told the FBI everything they wanted to know. I guess that would make you by default now the sole owner of the casino,” Del said thoughtfully as she pulled Raelin to her feet.

  “Uh, not really...I sold half of my shares to you a few months back and then put the money in our joint account, so even if I had given Bisanti what he wanted, he wouldn’t have been able to do anything with them. So that means that we’re partners.” The brunette waited for her wife’s reaction.

  It took a moment for those words to sink in, and Del just stood there looking blankly at her wife. “Raelin, that’s a multi-million dollar operation. When exactly did you plan to tell me this?”

  “You don’t have to have anything to do with the day to day running of the operation. I’m going to talk with Jessie in a week or so and figure out what we need to do in regards to the management. It would only be your responsibility if something happened to me. I wasn’t trying to keep it from you, but you know that I consider us equal partners in everything,” Raelin explained.

  “Okay, okay. I just, I wouldn’t have any idea what to do with it,” Del said sheepishly. “I’m lucky to keep the police department from descending into chaos most days.” She chuckled as she started meandering towards the house. “I’m not mad; you just caught me by surprise.”

  “Well, I figured that since we had the number one, I have no memory of you surprise, then number two, I now remember you and I want to make love, and let us not forget the number three surprise, I’m ready for a baby, I kinda figured that we could go for broke and have number four, you’re a multimillionaire surprise.” Raelin chuckled.

  “Please tell me that unless the number five surprise is a big bag of jujubes, there are no more surprises. I’ve had about all I can take for one day.” Del laughed.

  “No, there are no more surprises.” Raelin swung the blonde around and kissed her hard. “Except that one.”

  “Well, that’s an acceptable surprise.” Del grinned, wrapping her arms around the taller woman’s neck and pulling her down for another.

  “Del, what did you tell Ariel? She’s saying the growly monsters were back. Have you been telling her ghost stories again?” Jessie asked, stepping onto the back porch.

  “I only did that the once,” Del grumbled.

  “She was two Del. It took me two weeks to get her to sleep in her own bed again,” Jessie grumbled.

  Raelin covered her mouth and had to take a deep breath before she asked. “When did she say that she heard the growly monsters?”

  “Just now. She said she heard them a couple nights ago too. Last time she heard monsters was when she caught...” Jessie paused her face going red when she saw the smug satisfied grin on Del’s face. “Right, never mind. I take it you two sorted out the memory problem then?”

  “I think it’s safe to say she won’t be forgetting me again anytime soon,” Del dr
awled as she came up the stairs of the porch with a swagger.

  “Excuse me...” Raelin stood at the bottom of the stairs with her arms crossed. She was trying hard not to smile, but her eyes gave her away. “You are discussing our love life with Jessie?”

  Del stopped dead at the top of the stairs. “What? No, I was kidding,” she said with a forced chuckle. She turned and saw the mischievous twinkle in her wife’s eyes and rolled her eyes. “That was so not fair. Besides, even if I was, it would totally only be to brag.”

  “You’re bragging about our love life? Keep it up Delacroix, you’re gonna be sleeping on the sofa.” Raelin walked up the stairs and smacked the blonde on her butt as she winked at her attorney. “Did Nancy finish talking to Ariel?”

  Laughing at the couples antics, Jessie nodded. “Yeah, she finished up a little bit ago. Ariel managed to get her coloring with crayons. You should have seen the look on Nancy’s face when Ariel crawled up into her lap.”

  “Your daughter is a cuddler. Jessie, I wanted to apologize for my earlier misstep in regards to Ariel. I am truly sorry.” Raelin walked over to the attorney and wanted to give her a hug, but was unsure on how their friendship was with everything that had transpired.

  Jessie gave her a sad smile. “It’s alright. You weren’t exactly yourself. Thank you for the apology,” she reached out and hugged the witch. “It’s good to have you back.”

  “Does Nancy feel that there will be a trial or that with everything that was recorded and whatever Delaney can tell her, will be enough for them to plead guilty?” The witch asked as she went inside the kitchen to pour a glass of juice.

  “Well, if it were me prosecuting, I’d be fairly confident that I’d be able to get the defense to plead them out. The evidence against them is overwhelming. As a prosecutor, this would be a dream case. Open and shut.” Jessie said as she looked over the statement Ariel had given.

  “Well, once Delaney has given hers, maybe they will just give in. You and I have a lot of work in the know, if you wanted, you could give up prosecuting, and just be our lawyer. Remember that you are looking at the sole owners of the casino and lots of other businesses,” Raelin suggested.


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